
Life, a river of complexities

Aleck, after falling in love, experiences great torture because he faces a lot of obstacles to find her beloved. He is further drawn into the world of problems of solitary, choices, miseries, fantasies, etc. He keeps himself occupied in the search for real solace and happiness. This proves to lead him to a thorny and bumpy road in life. However, he, by the dint of his undefeatable will, succeeds to find peace in the end.

Riaz_Bin_Latif · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Aleck and Estella used to have discourses together regarding their academic assignments and activities regularly. As Estella had requested Aleck to help her and Aleck accepted the plea. They kept having interactions when they found any difficulty.

One day it so happened that Estella did not come to the academy for almost a week. This made Aleck anxious since she had never told him that she would not be coming for a week. Since Aleck did not take her contact number so far, he was unable to know the very reason for her continuous absence. This drove him to visit her hostel where she lived. He went there and asked the manager of the hostel about Estella. The manager replied that he did not know since she had not informed anyone before leaving, not even her roommates. This made him more anxious. He took her contact number from one of her roommates and tried to call her many times, but her phone was switched off. This was rubbing salt to the wounds further.

He left the hostel and started searching for her in its surroundings. He received a call from an unknown number and it was Estella's call. As soon as she said, "I've been kidnapped," some kidnaper snatched a mobile from her which she had secretly taken from the pocket of a kidnaper. Listening to the aforementioned sentence of Estella, Aleck was astounded. Subsequently, he just started thinking about her. He kept wandering in the streets. He went to the police and told them everything. So, they thought to track the mobile number of the kidnapper and started following it. Finally, they reached the main camp where they had hid Estella. As soon as the kidnappers saw the police coming, they just escaped taking Estella with them. The police did not exchange bullets with the kidnapers knowing that Estella's life might be endangered. Thereafter, the kidnapers very effortlessly succeeded in running from the police.

Now, Aleck once again received a call from the kidnappers and they were threatening him with dire consequences. They demanded money from him; otherwise, they would deprive Estella of life forever. Now, Aleck, a poor guy was too worried since he did not have any money to give them. He, then, just traced the location of the kidnappers himself and went after them without money. This was going to be risky; nevertheless, this was only the option for him. He, after hours, reached on the spot. The abductors, holding revolvers in their hands, were walking around Estella—she was tied with rope on the chair. Aleck waited for the snatchers to sleep. When they all slept like a baby because they were sure that Aleck would not dare repeat the same mistake. He, secretly and wisely, tried to save Estella. He entered the room where Estella was placed. He untied the rope so silently so much so that the sleeping kidnappers could not notice anything. Aleck and Estella succeeded to escape and they finally reached Aleck's hostel safely. Estella thanked him wholeheartedly for saving her life at the expense of endangering his own life. Estella quoted, "A true friend is like a shadow that never leaves in the lurch even, indeed." Thereafter, Aleck dropped her at the hostel.

The next day Aleck and Estella went to their academy so as to continue studying. They were learning and growing together. They were so cooperative with each other. Though they very often met at the academy, not usually anywhere else except in some exceptions.

Thenceforth, the date for the examinations was released. Everyone started preparing for the forthcoming examination in the best way possible. Aleck and Estella had set a timetable to follow. So, they usually had discourses about their subjects after the class was over. They discussed for not more than an hour. Such continuous discussions helped them a lot and they had now fully prepared and satisfied. The time was over and the examinations began. They, after taking each paper and coming out of the examination hall, were so happy. The satisfaction on their faces was clear enough to be seen. Well, the examinations came to an end. All the students were given a week off to visit their homes. Aleck and Estella said "goodbye" to each other since they now had turned into best friends.

Everyone left for their homes. Estella and Aleck reached their home safely since they had conversations on mobile phones from now on. They had just been accustomed to talking to each other. Well, Estella and Aleck enjoyed their vacations with their family as much as possible. The families of Aleck and Estella were so delighted to see their children with them after a long time. Their parents were jumping for joy especially. Aleck and Estella were sharing everything with each other while conversing through messages. At last, the seven days passed like a blink of an eye. They, unwilling though, had to leave home for their classes. They, once again, were together in the academy.

A function was arranged in order to announce the result of the students. Everyone, while being nervous and delighted, visited there to know about their results. Aleck and Estella reached there too. Finally, the wait was over and the result was about to be announced. Aleck and Estella managed to secure the first and the second position in their class respectively. They received "congratulations" from everyone. They were thrilled to have heard this very soothing news. Their continuous and sincere hard work bore fruit; however, they were well aware of the fact that there was still a long way to go. This was just the beginning of the long journey. Estella and Aleck quoted a couplet, "There is another world beyond stars, there are still many tests to confront."

Having acquired the astounding results, Aleck and Estella started taking classes for the next semester. They were too curious to learn things as compared to their bygone days because their confidence and firm beliefs had been developed now. This truly paved the way for a bright future, nevertheless, obstacles were waiting too. As a poet says, "Shall I compare life to the moon or the sun? for their existence matter, the cold—the heat they give, as in life are essential the ups and downs, barriers and conveniences, and grief and joy. For everything and everyone has a rule to play. Nothing is useless, nothing. For ye is better if ye not compare." They, thus, kept learning passionately.

Their growing friendship was truly tremendous since they were always ready to help each other. One day it so happened that Aleck had fallen so sick that he even could not attend the classes for almost five days. Estella visited Aleck the very next day when he had been experiencing severe temperature and flu. She took him to the doctor. The doctor examined him and injected him. The doctor instructed him to take a rest until Aleck was absolutely fine. They spent the whole day in the hospital. She bought the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. They, then, came back to the hostel. She, a best friend, assisted him in his bad time. Since Aleck did not have anyone there to look after him while he was so ill, his friend was. Thereafter, she left for her hostel. After a few days, Aleck recovered and resumed taking classes with heart and soul.

After a few months, a trip was arranged by the academy faculty. They just had planned to go for five days only. The students were asked to be ready on the scheduled date. They all were ready to leave for the picnic the following day. They, Aleck and Estella, also had joined them. They visited the famous beaches, peaks, parks, and restaurants. They also stayed in distinguished hotels since all the expenditures were paid by the government.

They had delicious feasts while having their dinners and lunches. They played games like chess (A board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's king), Ludo (A simple board game in which players move counters according to the throw of dice), and snooker (A form of pool played with 15 red balls and six balls of other colors and a cue ball). They all enjoyed chess more than any other game since it was known as the game of the mind, ludo—a game of chance, and snooker—a game of practice.

Moreover, they had decorated a beautiful hall and a stage where a few students were to perform as a singer. This tremendously amused everyone. Aleck and Estella sang beautiful songs as well. Almost everybody enjoyed this together. Since they had gone to different cities where they had never been before, in a crowded place Estella lost. This made Aleck and the staff upset. They all, in groups of five people, started searching for her. On the other hand, Estella was also roaming the streets full of people in order to search for their fellows. It had been five hours and still, they were rummaging but they failed to find her. This completely disappointed Aleck to a great extent. Aleck uttered the following lines in sadness, "Oh, thou, my friend, best friend, where thou have lost so suddenly that made me so grieved. Please, come. Thy absence is terrifying rather harrowing."

Estella, having wandered for almost five hours, was conscious, fretted, and heartbroken. She confronted a group of boys who were completely intoxicated and they were so lusty and nasty. She was so scared of them since she was alone in the deep darkness. She changed her direction but they followed her. Now, she was more afraid of them. Her fear was increasing and she was being increasingly depressed. She started running toward the crowded streets in order to save her life. She, fortunately, found Aleck, and then those who were following her seeing him altered their path. Aleck once again saved her life to be spoiled. She, too, thanked her. She was too happy to find a best friend like him. They, thus, were lucky to be each other's friends, best friends indeed. Well, the trip culminated and they all returned to their destinations after five days of delectations.

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