
Hinata 2.0 : Training to climb the...

It didn't take long for Sasuke to come after me and challenge me to a fight after our first day in the academy ended. The cute brat though he had a chance again me might has well take him on to tame him a little, plus i just go a mission to become friend and infiltrate the Uchiha quarter, two rocks with one stone

*Become friend with Sasuke Uchiha tough making him a sparring partner. Bonus make Naruto and Sasuke become friend as well.

*Get invited by Sasuke Uchiha to the Uchiha quarter and meet the clan leader of the Uchiha. Bonus meet Itachi Uchiha and give him a good impression of you.

Well, the second one was way harder than the first. I was not sure to manage this just like that. Not that i could not do it but manipulating some kid just to get some experience point didn't look like it would be worth it. It also bring about some moral ethic that i don't want to mess too much with. On the other hand entering the Uchiha quarter and memorizing the street plan would be nice for when i try to save the clan from it's impending demise.Well it's for the good of the kid so it should be fine to trick him.

-So, you're going to accept my challenge or are you just a little miss too scared to get hurt?

Ok the brat just bought himself a beating no one call me a coward! I turned my eyes to him and gave him a smug face before signaling him to follow me. Naruto came with us too, a little upset about Sasuke challenging me over him but still very happy to be able to see his rival eat the dirt for him to have a good laugh.

-Ok this place should be fine, but let make the rule clear. I'm willing to take you on but you must not complain to me for beating you up when that happen. Second you are not to complain either if i hold back on you it's your own fault if i do it and third winner can make the loser do one thing he want in the measure of the loser ability and moral conduct.

-Fine with me let just start.

-Sure you can come whenever you ready.

Sasuke took a stance, but i didn't take one. It would be like taking a brat as my equal and he was not. Also, it not like i'm being cocky it a fact, even Naruto could not beat me if i didn't give him some form of handicap. So Sasuke didn't stand a chance in a million.

Didn't think he would try to murder me right off the bat thought, that guy is down right walking on the line between good and evil. Seriously if it had been anyone else the same age they would have died. Good thing it was me, i simply moved one step aways and rapidly caught the 3 shurikens he threw at me in my left hand. He didn't stop there and came directly for a close combat fight, must give the guy credit he was not a coward and certainly not that impress at my little display of superiority. Just as he was about to land a hit i moved back a step and threw two shuriken between his toes nailing his feet to the ground. As surprised as he was he didnt lose his balance but he still made the mistake of stopping making eye contact. A single flicker later i was being him having his third shuriken place on his neck.

-You're giving up?

-You! How can you be so fast?

-Easy, I train hard everyday, but more than anything i know how to put my chakra in each and every single of my movement.


-Wait you're an Uchiha and you don't know what chakra is? Color me impress pretty boy.

You could clearly see how he wanted to punch me right a this moment for stating that fact but he had no way to do it now. I was just too strong for him to compete with. Now it was time to cash in on our little bet.

-Since you lost, from now on you must train with me and Naruto and don't go saying it was a fluke. I clearly can beat you with one hand in my back.

-Why though? I lost is there anything you could get out from me training with you?

-Maybe not, but Naruto would get lot of benefits from it and if you train with us you'll become strong too and might be able to hold your own again me in the future. I was looking at him with a curious gaze eager to see if he would take the bait.

-Whatever, you won anyway.

-Since we are going to become sparring partner might as well become friend. I'm Hinata Hyuga. I then pointed at Naruto signaling him to introduce himself.

-Naruto Uzumaki! Said the boy with a clear dislike of the situation.

-Sasuke Uchiha, but you already know.

Surprisingly the cool kid had not nearly as much reluctance in becoming our friend as i thought he would. But his family had not yet been broken apart by Itachi and Obito. If i could prevent the death of this big clan of ninja of the leaf i might change the fate of the world as a whole. Member of the Uchiha clan are rarely weakling to begin with and having some to help in the war effort would make a lot of sense. Although i would need to put an end to the coup plan of the Uchiha since i didn't want to use a double edged knife. Lessening the chance to get cut.

System notification: congratulation to user for having completed a main plot quest making friend with Sasuke Uchiha +50 000 exp + 10 000 system point. Bonus objective Making Naruto and Sasuke become friend achievement rate 65%. User may receive reward or improve on achievement rate before completion of bonus objective.(Just give me the reward) Reward for completion of 60-70% 20 000 exp +5000 system point. + 1000 reputation point toward Konoha and +500 point toward Uchiha clan for having completed main quest line.


Hinata Hyuga

lvl 19- 31 150 exp to lvl 20

Hp 3000/3000

Ckr 3000/3000+50 ckr for each attribute point added.50+10





Attribute point:15

System point:52884

Chakra affinity: futon 100%

Bloodline: Hyuga clan :user naturally possess Byakugan and can learn any skill related just by being taught.

Skill set:

soft palm tai lvl 10 max + 15% atk,

substitution nin lvl 10 max,

clone gen lvl 10 max,

body flicker tai lvl 9 68%,

transformation gen lvl 10 max,

Chakra master passive neu lvl 10 max -50% chakra usage,

shadow clone nin lvl 10 max,

mass shadow clone lvl 3 13%,

tree climbing lvl 10 max,

Byakugan blood lvl 10 upgrade to next lvl possible,

strong fist tai lvl 10 max + 10% atk,

analyze none lvl 10 max,

hell vision lvl 7 58% range 20m,

hand sign level 10 max,

High grade item box 150 space,

water walking lvl 10 max,

rasengan lvl 10 max,

futon rasenshuriken lvl 2 10%,

futon chakra blade lvl 8 76%,

talisman creation lvl 10 max,

assembling lvl 10 max,

master blacksmith lvl 6 89%,

futon canon ball lvl 7 89%,

futon hand blade lvl 10 max,

space time travel fuinjutsu seal lvl 8 98%,

sneak 10 max,

healing palm lvl 10 max 100 hp recovery per minute close superficial wound,

total detox palm lvl 4 50%,

chakra scalpel lvl 10 max,

Life regeneration lvl 5 67%recover 100% hp and close any wound on the body,

Divine turn lvl 6 34%,

soft fist 64 strike lvl 10 max render opponent chakra useless for half an hour at less,

soft fist dragon bite lvl 8 97% unique,

Invocation lvl 3 23%, master cook lvl 10 max,

weapon master lvl 10 max,

throwing master lvl 10 max

Title: pack Killer, beast hunter, Konoha beast killer, chakra otaku, skill otaku, master of the hyuga technique, skill creator, master of fuinjutsu, youngest genius of the Hyuga, hoarder, chef, masterchef, perfect accuracy, master of weaponry, good citizen of Konoha.

Reputation with: Konoha exalted max, Uchiha clan good 100/600

Equipement: soft shoe + 4 agl, soft pant + 5 end, soft undershirt+3 end, soft mantle+2 end bonus set+ 10 chakra point, Lucky pendant + 15 luck.

What a nice reward, that what you get for completing main line quest. Now i could totally buy my bloodline upgrade and get some other nice technique. Tsunade punch and the ten gates technique were on my high end list if possible but the ten gates more than Tsunade punch since i figured i could probably gaps the right chakra control on the punch if i actually practiced it . So 40 000 on the upgrade and 10 000 on the ten gates technique well tonight will be the busiest night since a while back. By the way it's not a mistake that i call it the ten gates technique apparently the 8 gates technique is a degraded version of this one.

But before shopping i still need to take care of Sasuke training, and getting myself invited to his home would help complete my second mission. Plus was not his home where he was usually training? How else could i see what he is doing wrong in his training if i don't take a look myself? I'm taking advantage of the brat but it's not like i don't have good intention toward him saving the Uchiha was not going to be done just by wanting it. I actually had to see the current situation for myself and Itachi was one of the two main perpetrator of the future genocide of this clan.

-Ok i'm going to examine you with my byakugan, if you're ok with it. You can decline but seeing your body structure will help choose a training method that suit you well.

-I don't get it but it will help make me stronger? I'm all for it then.

Without further addition i activated my Byakugan to see Sasuke in his most vulnerable state. I was amazed his muscle structure was composed at 43% of white muscle 32% of red muscle and 25% of pink muscle. Can't believe he has reached the 25% just training by himself that must be the Uchiha bloodline that made it easier for him to gain those kind of muscle. In my previous life i had learned the difference between all type of muscles, the ones most athletes were after was pink one since they could help for activity that required endurance as well as activity that required strength burst. People called that the perfect muscle, but that is beside the point developing pink muscle was easier said than done, i had made sure to have a ratio of over 60% myself but it was easier to do it for a kid that had never trained then for an adult over 18 that has already developed his body structure.

Genetic could be really frightening, went i was on my deathbed in those days i read tough many science magazines and medical books. My disease had made me interested in anything involving body and it's science, biologies was my favorite subject if i had been cured i had planned to go get my degree in medicine. Guess that ended up transferring to Hinata since i actually studied medical ninjutsu into an art in this life. With the help of the byakugan i could be the best medic Konoha hospital could have in years to come. Looking at the root of the problem and solving it in a direct approche, i might have become a god in the field if i had not wanted something different.

But i'm digressing, back to Sasuke training plan i had seen everything of his body and some of his bad habit in training could be understood from the mass of white muscle.

-Sasuke, could it be you have a tendency not to pace yourself while you train? I said that because of the high ratio between white muscle to red muscle.

-Pace? What do you mean, would it help me to do that pacing thing?

Yeah figured…

-Pacing yourself help the body accumulating a certain rest and removing the bad acids inside you muscles not that they have become bad. But if you want the most efficient kind of muscle you need a certain stability between training hard and long and training slow but with strength in every movement. Simply speaking you have a body structure mostly composed of white muscle but what you want is pink muscle who although aren't has efficient has either white or red muscle are better in the long run.

-How do i get those?

-First let go see where you are training and how you do it, then i'll adjust your training regime so it fit you. I'm guessing you train mostly at home? Then let go right now, Naruto you're coming too you might learn something from that.

We then proceeded in going to Sasuke home. On our way i examined Sasuke condition and gave him some healing just in case his mother didn't approve of him being friend with people that beat him up. After all it was the reaction i would have if my own flesh and blood got beaten. Reika was not far away from us but she was not going to be with me for much longer since my father had told us that i'd be free from her constant monitoring from next year on.

The Uchiha quarter was not much different from the section of the village the Hyuga clan were allotted to use for their living quarter. If you could pick something on it would me more austere looking will the Hyuga had a more refined kind of building on their compound. I was used to the Hyuga style of life from my last 3 years but the Uchiha quarter came has refreshing in a certain way, as it was prosperous yet a bit rustique. But that beside the point and were are already in front of Sasuke home.

I looked at the two guard in front of the mansion compound and wondered if the Uchiha should not discipline more their security personnel. Yet, i felt it's also helped me spy on them to watch over the clan so i didn't miss the timing to save them if i can. The conflict was easily resolved i'd prioritize the life of the many over a simple security breach.

-They are friends, remember them they probably will come again in the future.

-Yes young master.

How comical even i didn't receive that kind of treatment at home and i was a well know genius of the soke. Maybe if i was more full of myself or had not my bodyguard at my side 24/7 they would give me more respect. Who am i kidding no way in hell those bastard who have a stick up their ass would respect me, the soke is basically a den of the most worthless individual of the Hyuga clan i get more respect from anyone from the bunke then the lowest servant of the soke. As for why it's mainly because i don't respect the clan tradition of not learning major ninjutsus. But that tradition was bullshit to me so be it.

Back on the topic, Sasuke home is kind of majestic in a weird way. It has the same feeling as the old countryside Ryokan from japan i visited when i got my master in my previous life. Yeah, i was a bit of an otaku from America, owned the whole series of manga Naruto and a couple more major collection i loved very much. But unlike the Ryokans this place didn't have a feeling like there was lot of people coming and going. Plus, it was clean as could be.

-Sasuke you're finally back i was going to send your brother to pick you up if you had not come back by now.

-Don't be so worried i'm big enough to go to the academy and the village security is guaranteed by our own clan anyway.

-Are those two your friend?

-It's nice meeting you madame Mikoto.

-Nice meeting you mam.

I gave a formal kind of greeting while Naruto gave me the urge to give him a good bump on the head. There should be a limit to not having any sense of what is proper and the tone to use to say it. Guess it will be up to me to made everything work once again.

-Sasuke you didn't tell me you were bringing a girl over, if i had know i would have prepared a fest to celebrate the happy occasion.

I looked up at Sasuke mom in shock because of what she just said, but immediately i saw her give me a wink. She was playing a prank on her son i guessed. In my previous life i alway took Mrs. Uchiha for a gentle but serious woman, guess i was wrong by a bit but she was indeed Kushina Uzumaki friend. I painted a smile on my face and looked at Sasuke from the side. The boy had become beet red from his mom teasing, guess his legendary opposite sex immunity only started after his great lost.

-Mom! Hinata is just a friend don't get ahead of yourself. Guys come this way the backyard where im training is there.

-Hehehe, he is so cute when he is shy.

-You should not tease him too much Mrs who know he might run away someday.

I gave Mikoto san a wave accompanied by a smile and followed the boy, grabbing Naruto on my way since he looked a bit too curiously at Sasuke mom and a bit in shock from the little prank. Way to get the prankster pranked Mikoto san hehe. While on our way to the backyard we unexpectedly met with someone i had not thought to meet right away since i knew he should have had a mission on this day. Itachi Uchiha one of the two main culprit of the downfall of the Uchiha.

-Brother, you're back already? Good you should come too, Hinata there is going to help me improve my way of training.

System notification: + 10% good impression toward Itachi Uchiha

Well i guess it was nice to know he liked the fact i'm helping his younger brother in his training. Then i saw another legendary thing, the forehead poke of Itachi.

-I need to go give my mission report but maybe latter, if your friend and you are still at it.

Wow, no wonder all the kunoichi of his age were crazy about him the guy truly had everything for himself. If you wonder why i know of this, well i investigated the guy secretly, making it look like i was interested in him, almost making me want to roll around on the ground in shame some time, seriously those kunoichi, i'm only a little 6 years old doll. That also when i knew Reika had been one of his teammate at a point in time. She was the one who gave me the most info about the guy saying he was really a great guy with a really positive mind although he had the tendency to worry too much for everyone around him.

We finally arrived on the training ground. To say it plainly it was really old fashioned in my own training ground we had many weight, target, training mannequin and a load of other thing but there it seem like they only have some normal target stuck on normal trees. From the Uchiha head family i was a bit disappointed. But my own training didn't revolve around those except for the weight training and even then i was using a fuinjutsu that made my personal gravity greater. Over time that helped me gain strength and stamina, but i'm digressing. Let give Sasuke some tip about chakra training since his yard is so empty but he still has tree to use for the training and he also has a pond if he manage to learn chakra control rapidly.

-Ok, Sasuke let start with an exercises in chakra control.

-Chakra control you not helping me train?

-That actually me helping you train since once you get how to use chakra you'll have more option in using ninjutsu taijutsu and genjutsu. Plus the technique to learn chakra control is actually good to train stamina and strength you will naturally build Pink muscle with this training.

-What how come?

-Sigh, because all of those require the use of chakra tough taijutsu only use a minimal amount of it to strengthen your movement.

-That like what you said when you told me you beat me because you used chakra in your move?

-Exactly, now let me show you how it's done. First you mix you chakra inside you body, the correct ration is 50% physical energies and 50% spiritual energies, then concentrate it on the sole of your feet.

Like that, i did the exercise before him but he looked skeptical and Naruto was totally bored out of his mind in the background since he already mastered the exercise. But before long he changed his mind since i just started to walk vertically and then upside down on a tree. That when i heard a clapping sound and looked at Mikoto san who had taken some time to get us some cold beverage.

-Wow Hinata chan you're so good at climbing tree with just chakra i don't thing even Itachi at you age was so amazing. Ah if only i could have one of my son bring back home such a cute daughter in law.

Mikoto san please could you stop trying to sell me out to you 6 year old son, we are still only young kid, although we are already walking the path of ninja. I would have loved to scold her like that but i would not, after all i didn't know if i could save her in the future so i could at less leave her have her fun with me for now. But although i had put my resolve in place being embarrassed was another matter and so i became a little red around my cheek.

-Sasuke, let take a little break i'll explain further how exactly chakra is mixed inside you body.

-Sure, i don't get all the stuff you're talking about, but that chakra whatever seem convenient to use.

-Yeah, it super convenient you can even play prank on other and run away without being noticed.

To Naruto defense i was aware he would end up using his skill that way at less until graduation. And i was not again it after all if you could not even defend yourself from a child prank how could you be called a ninja. I just wondered how he escaped all those jounins that were sent after him or maybe the third was being it and asked them only to scare him aways. If that was the case nothing could be done about it.

The 3 of us sat around a table in the backyard alongside Mikoto san. If i had to say Mikoto san iced tea was delicious not too cold and just with the right amount of sugar not to taste bad for a children taste buds. Making me wonder how could such kind woman could have ended up approving her husband rebellions toward Konoha. Guess she didn't have a choice in the matter. In my opinion the manga had been way to sever toward the Uchiha clan after all Itachi should not have the need to kill all Uchiha except Sasuke to end that coup again the village. Killing most of the clan fighting force would have ended any idea of rebellion. But that was only the rational part of me talking, the true was i didn't like the idea that you would need to kill to achieve peace, true peace could not be achieved by spilling the blood of other, true peace was something you shared between party to reach mutual consensus.

I guess what i want to say is i don't want the downfall of the Uchiha to happen it has only been less than an hour and i liked Sasuke mother a lot already. Plus Sasuke was now someone i considered a friend, i could not just abandon a friend in need could i? I seriously should find a way to put a bit of all this weight off my shoulder.