
Hinata 2.0 System upgrade, matching power.

I was performing a delicate surgery on Lee i had Gai expelled from the observation deck has he was too distracting. Using my chakra scalpel, i replaced every little shard of bones to their designated place. The byakugan was truly shining at his fullest, as not having to open Lee to perform the surgery helped increase the success rate of the operation. I had taken a medic nin as an assistant to monitor his vital.

For now nothing had gone wrong after working on the vertebra's, i stopped the operation for a few minutes using the healing palm i restructured his vertebra's to a perfect stat. Now, i would need to do the same for his right arm and leg, this was even more delicate as they had been practically shattered to piece. In total the surgery lasted 12 hours, i was mentally exhausted. Lee was placed in observation with a full monitoring to see if he didn't get any infection, if everything was alright he should be placed in a room for recuperation a day or two later.

I specially gave Lee a diet list to follow to the letter and written in not to eat anything else or i am personally going to break his two legs off next, just after the ones of his sensei. Certainly like that he would be able to recover fully without ingesting something dubious.

Two more days, and i was now standing in front of the group of selected few i would train with. While naruto was standing on the surface of water trying to create futon rasenshuriken in one hand then dispelling it to create it in his other hand. All the while getting shot with fire senbom from one of my clone so he could practice his real fight dodging. I could see the face of Sana and Sakura becoming paler. Maki on the other hand...

-Huhuhuhuhu, Hinata you always know how to make people work their hardest.

-Oh? You think becoming my girlfriend will spare you from it?

-Damn, i was kind of hoping to get a pass free for once.

-Wait, who's girlfriend and with who? Said Sakura.

-Me with her. I pointed to me them Maki

Sakura had a deadpan expression just before she explode. i could see the fuming from there, that girl some time had weird reactions...

-Whaaaaaat!!!! No way, you and Maki are together now? But when, how?

-We aren't here for gossip, but to train you into a fine kunoichi, now we can always talk about it after my training session is over.

-Hm, Hinata we aren't going to be doing that are we?

-No, that is specially tailored for Naruto so he can learn to use this technique in real time. You are going to walk on water while practicing some techniques, then i'll have you sparring with each others, i while adjust it after that. Here, i am going to share with you this S class technique, it is called the system and can provide accurate data on the user and even help upgrade his or her body and technique further.

-Wait what!? You are joking right? If such a convenient technique existed everyone would use it. Raised Sana with a smirk.

-This technique was developed over the years by countless seal masters, i assure you it has not been an easy feat to complete it for it to work like it do now. It is all new and only in the early stat of test but my team had been using it for a year already.

I then proceeded to allow the system to make Sana and Sakura enter the party as i didn't need to for Maki. Sana browsed through it instantly, but Sakura was observing it like it was a new shiny toy. Like she was thinking `` is it alright if i play with it please say it is?``

-It is fine try to work with it for the next few minute, i will give the two of you some system point to do with it some experimentations.

-Hinata, here it say i could purify and integrate the cursed mark to my body if i used 50 000 system point. Do that mean, i can become stronger and it will not have anymore downside effect on me.

-Hum, first put you information in display mode for me to see.

-Oh here.

-Hum, form what i get from it, you can have the mark become a particular form of bloodline, but i think it will still be painful to use only less then now and Orochimaru should not be able to use it to control you from then on. Here some system point for you, anyway since it is activation based it's worth a try.

I gave Sana 200 000 system point for her to do what she wanted, i also gave Sakura the same amount. Maki didn't need any, i had farmed some with her in the past and also gave her the same amount at the time. Her sharingan next level was now locked behind something, i explained to her what i supposed it was, and she told me she never wanted to have it if it required her to lost anyone dear to herself. Touching, but i thought there was also another possibility, plus clearly the system once used on it would make the mangekyou into a perfect stat similar to the eternal one.

I thought, maybe if a genjutsu could be used to reproduce the trauma of losing someone dear, she could awaken it. I was not too keen on playing that kind of trick on her, but it would prove useful if she did have it. Later, i should ask her if she would be ready to suffer for a moment to awaken the mangekyou. That was just a though, the system was not perfect and it was also affected by physical development as my chakra and hit point pool ratio increased with my age. The meaning would be and i think that it was fairly possible to activate the mangekyou without someone dying.

The point is once it is awakened, it won't shut down because the process was done wrongly and the person had not truly lost someone, it would be like one of those games bugs. Maybe if someone had been more intelligent they could have studied the functions of the sharingan more clearly and arrived to the same conclusion as me. After all, in my previous world it has been proven that the mind may affect the body and it is clearly like that that the mangekyou activated, by the mind feeling a sense of hopelessness, anger and a mix of other emotions simply put a trauma who should leave a lasting effect on the person. Bad emotions that could be triggered by a realistic genjutsu, a placebo effect so to speak.

I will need to talk to someone that know more about the mangekyou if i want to know if that would be possible. Maybe Fugaku sama could guide me through my plan to improve the activation rate of the sharingan in a safe enough environment. In the end the ones to benefit the most of discovery such as this would be the Uchiha. Maybe Shisui could also help out, he had a lot of free time since he was permanently on vacation… ...or so he would say each time i called upon him to talk.

Back to the topic at hand, after Sana had upgraded the mark and tried the first stage, the cursed mark would grow a little bit on her body and increase, as a temporary buff, her whole stats and regeneration of chakra ability with the exception of luck. 25% of boost was a nice upgrade to her and the duration was at less 10 minutes, and i guessed the higher her proficiency would be the longer the buff would be. For now she only felt a little sore after using it proof that she was using more of her body muscles then usual over time that would affect her muscle to grow stronger.

My suggestion to her would be to use the mark from time to time why practicing her other technique on the water surface. I still would put a clone who from time to time send her fire senbon to help her react to them. She also upgraded he bloodline sharingan, which was normal considering Uchiha clan relied a lot on their sharingan when fighting stronger opponents. Her level was around the middle of the 30's not bad but not that strong. Sakura was about the same if only a little bit stronger, but the bloodline would make up for that.

Talking about Sakura she looked through the diverse skills and selected a few medical ninjutsu, and also some meditation exercise skill. The last skill she took was one that would improve her chakra pool passively at all time. It was called chakra ocean a skill that cost 100 000 points, in the past i had wanted it, but after reflexion i chose not to I had not fully matured and didn't know how much my chakra pool would increase. Sakura chakra point were low and her conversion rate was about only half mine making her chakra pool rather on the low side, but she was only a second generation shinobi on her father side. Chakra ocean would give her a boost of 10% for each level of proficiency in it, and since it was a passive skill it would slowly level up by just using chakra normally.

On another note, this would be good for her when doing my training. Sakura had a practically near perfection control over her chakra, did i ever say how jealous i was of that? Yes? Well that good then. I didn't give Sakura technique training to do while water walking only the exercises of dodging while doing so.

Only Maki and me were remaining to start our training, i had decided to put a clone on it too. We would spare while dodging my clone attack we could do it easily and Maki had pretty good control too, what she lacked was mostly a larger chakra pool like Sakura but that could be resolved with level up and also she got a new title along with becoming my girlfriend.

Apparently my system had a special option for couples. We could buy wedding rings to officiallize our relation in the system, and Maki had therefore gained full access to all function of it. Thank to that she could now chose how to spend her attribute points how she wanted. She still didn't have access to all the bloodlines, my guess to that is, the system had been specially tailored for me in that sense and my body must have been specially developed with it in mind by whoever made it.

**Author note: actually it is just because her power is gamer body, has such her body is that of a gamer and can gain significant power without reserve. On the other hand other can use it too but what they access is a watered down version that is more along the line of attribute of a gamer. The first one is much stronger as it can work along the body of the user and modify it as needed, while the second work along the material he has at hand to help out the secondary user improve on his base.**

I was rather grateful for this aspect of the system, as i would have ended up worrying a lot more about Maki if not for it. She was granted most of my users right and could access the store to buy high class potion that could regenerate most wound and the convenient soldier pills that would give her back her chakra instantly, rather then at a slow time like before.

While i did all my preparations, poor Naruto had to dodge a lot of fire senbon all the while performing the technique i had taught him. That is until he saw the perverted old man, Jiraya peeking at the women bath before getting hit square in the gut by a fire senbon. The clone stopped what it was doing taking pity on the boy and focused on the old pervert.

-Old man aren't you too old to peek like that over all those young girl? If i were less kind i would yell for them to come rushing.

-Oh that was you being kind. Pointing at the half death Naruto with a brown raised high.

-It sure is, how else he is suppose to learn? By me caressing his hair maybe?

-Fair enough, but if you let me train him i can give you some nice results, how about it?

-Old man do you know who i am?

-Yeah i have some idea about you as an old friend of mine that has a rather fox like tendency told me a bit about you and your proneness. But Naruto need more then skill if he want to live to his full potential. Learning to control his chakra like you do now is good but you should know about his fury problem no?

-I will leave his training to you for the coming month, but if he end up injured because of you… … let just say i have mean to make you life less than pleasant.

-It a deal.

My clone ended up shaking Jiraya hand before this one took over Naruto and jumped out of the hotspring to a better training location.

**** Third person POV****

The unconscious Naruto probably would be most grateful for this time out has he now didn't need to jump around while dodging a rain of fire senbon. As for Jiraya he was probably wondering how Naruto had learned the technique he has been practicing before remembering his teacher warning about little Hinata that was capable of making the impossible possible.

[If that girl was capable to complete Minato technique at such a young age, maybe i should worry more about the Akatsuki then the leaf? Well, training Naruto come first let thing about everything else later.]

Yeah, after all thinking too much about it would not have given Jiraya anything other than nightmares. Old man Hiruzen had already put a few bottles of high alcohol in his office for those time Hinata chan would report about her achievements.

After dropping the boy near a river the sannin took some water and splattered his face with it to wake him up. Naruto jumped to his feet rather surprised to not find Hinata anywhere. In the end i found the old fart that his Jiraya and finally asked.

-Old man who are you and where is Hinata?

-You girlfriend left the next part of your training to me so now let me ask you something. Do you know about a second type of chakra you have inside you body?

-Hinata is not my girlfriend. And old man are you talking about Kurama chakra?

-Uh? Who?

-The nine tailed fox. His name is Kurama, is not it his chakra you are talking about?

Well, Naruto had learned about the Kyuubi chakra from the system and the fact he was a jinchuriki was not new now. Hinata and Kakashi had helped him try to enter in contact with this chakra since the first time he got hold of it performing a B rank mission were a A rank missing nin almost killed him and he ended up using it unconsciously. He was now managing a bit of talking with his new furry friend, but that was about it.

Naruto would end up a few hour later beating the crap of that old man while in a coat of the Kyuubi chakra. Damn, no one throw him up inside a gorge like that other then Hinata and get out of it without getting the crap beaten out of them. As for why Hinata could do it, well she was too strong for him to fight with. Though now with his new found power? Nan, no way would he want to risk it. So he took the old fart back to Konoha hospital and left him there.

For the rest of the month Naruto would practice using the Kyuubi chakra mode to increase his proficiency with it. Those were peaceful time since he didn't have to train with Hinata who would surely give him hell. Finally he managed to get it to the second tail on the last week before the tournament making him fully ready to face Neji. Not that he needed it to beat him actually he was pretty confident he could use his swift release to beat him in moment.

He was still being regretful of the name of his release, after all he had wanted to call it flash release before Hinata butted in to call it swift. While it was more accurate it was less cooler, plus she had clearly told him this release was more on the physical enhancement then the external release. He had doubted her until he tried to use wind chakra alongside lightning chakra causing him to get himself blow away and fainting before he could understand what had happened.

Hinata explained to him that wind chakra was supposedly suppressing lightning chakra so external release was not possible. The only reason it would work to enhance the body was that the body itself would canalize the two chakra and retain their propriety. It actually made sense since in her previous life she had learned the conductivities of the surrounding air that composed wind elemental release was way less conductible then other might think. Thunderstorms were likely only existing because a great deal of electricity was build over time by the constant friction of atoms in the clouds, as once too much energies was in a place that place would not be able to contain it anymore, that would be when lightning bolt would form.

That was simple physic in Hinata previous world but an hard to gasp concept in this one.

****End of third person POV****