
Hinata 2.0 Shopping for new cloth.

On our way was now two guy i would rather not have to fight now Deidara and Sasori. The only good thing they were lower level then i had expected Deidara was only in the mid sixty and Sasori just a bit more than him. Being higher level for once did make a change, i was still not going to be careless Sasori poison were quite deathly and Deidara explosion could probably hurt like hell.

I could probably counter the detonation of the bomber clay with my hyoton but for the poison i could only count on my medical expertise and skills. I promptly gave a few sign to Yamato so he would keep the other safe while i advanced toward the two calmly.

-What do the two of you want? If it is to surrender you could have just gone to one of the hidden village our group is busy.

-Ours leader want us to get you to him either dead or alive, possibly alive. Said the puppets master.

Interesting, so Akatsuki want something from me? I could guess it was probably Orochimaru that had leaked information on me. But even his information should not be that accurate that it would interest Nagato san. I wonder who it could be that want me in surely not Obito or Zetsu? That last one might be able to have gotten some information about my true power but i highly doubt it, i have alway keep my guard up from him and the system could pretty much see through disguise.

-Who is your leader exactly do i know him?

-Sasori jiijii let just knock them out and take them back talking like that is too boring i want to practice my art.

-Shut up kid. Our leader is Pain the leader of Akatsuki and he want to propose a job to you.

-As tempting at it soon i don't like being asked a favor when i have yet to met the man. Tell him to come in person if he want me to listen. At that point i had already activated my two dojutsu.

I could see Deidara getting one of his explosive clay bird to send to me. I activated my hyoton affinity and focused it on the bird when he unleashed it. When it was at hand i took it on my palm and looked over the bratty teen who was confused over why is art had not detonated.

-Cute, but i prefer ice sculpture over clay figure.

-You, what did you do to myu art?!

-I froze it before you could send you doton chakra signal to detonate it.

I could see the eye of the blonde pop out, yes i had frozen it but that would not have been enough to stop the explosion. I had also overwritten the jutsu sequence with my own doton chakra and my byakugan and sharingan played a part in it since it helped me analyze the chakra composition inside the clay. I took it in hand then threw it right back at the two man.

I could say with confidence Deidara is the most stupid guy from the member of Akatsuki. When Sasori had jumped away the boy had simply caught his clay bird, probably not thinking i could have played with it. While it was not as grandiose as a normal explosion my hyoton explosion left a big flower looking mess of spikes.

If i had to said the fact we had not been already in the desert part of our trip was good, since the two had to compose with the obstacle that were the tree. The forest of the fire country was also our home base so we could display our skills further. After my hyoton release everyone had already hidden away with the ninken. I had still stayed close to the two S rank criminals in hope of stealing some information.

-Ugh, Sasori jiijii you clearly knew it was a trap why did you not warn me?

-Kid do i look like you mother? You're a ninja you should have known better then to take back that bird. Once a weapon is out of your hand it is not your anymore. Now because of your mess we lost them.

-I could just bomb the whole forest.

-And take the chance to alert every ninja hundred of miles from here? Sure, just wait till i have been gone to launch your kamikaze attack.

Author note: i was going to have Deidara call Hinata cutie, then ask her on a date as a joke and have Makie kill him in a single kunai to the head but that would have been anticlimactic much.

Hinata note: you have the weirdest of imagination author kun…

In the end Akatsuki didn't get a hold of me or anyone in my group on that day. But i will have to make a report of it to the Hokage when we are in Suna. Makie didn't leave my side till we arrived to the hidden village in the sand, that was a bit soothing Sakura and Sana practiced together when were took some break. I feed the ninken and assured myself they would stay healthy, the trip was long until Sunagakure and we ended up pacing ourselves more than i had expected. Yamato was suspicious that the two had still been around trying to ambush us.

I ended up having to assure him that no one could ambush me because i used the byakugan at irregular interval chosen by number i had inside one of my pocket. It had been like that since my anbu days.

****Naruto POV****

My apartment complex had been crush under some debris from the fight a few days ago, when the invasion occurred. i managed to salvage most of my important stuff mainly my cloth and my ninja gears. The first Hokage ended up helping rebuild some home for the one that had lost their and he built a new complex for me, well the apartment complex belonged to me before anyway. Old jiijii Third had given me the deed when i was old enough to live alone. Before that i was living with a woman that the old man alway called Neko, i never knew her name but she was nice unlike the rest of the villager.

If Hinata had bought me out of my misery by accepting me Neko san had been kind enough to tolerate my existence beside her in the days when i was only a toddler. But after receiving my own home i never saw her again, i wish i could see her again some days and thank her for all she had done for me.

I had finally finished moving all my thing in my new freshly sprouted home and was savoring a delightful ramen. Don't go believing what Hinata say, ramen is the food of gods and anyone who dislike it is pure evil. Well Hinata say she like it too but she always nag me to eat other food too, i had to compromise with her to make my own food and only eat ramen so many time a week. Well at less i enjoyed only more my ramens when i could have them.

So while i was eating that old perverted frog hermite came to meet me. He had a mission to bring back a certain Tsunade and the Hokage had told him to take me and Sasuke with him to help him on. We were supposed to depart next day but he told me to go see the old man before that.

I was surprised to receive my promotion to chunin, the vest looked cool, but i will have to get new cloth to go with them. My old orange suit will definitely not look good with it. Wait, didn't Hinata give me some new cloth two days ago? I think she was saying it was for me to get a new look. Oh when i opened the box there was some undershirt mesh, a black shirt and some black pant and a mantle in a pastel orange that felt way better than my own. I looked over the note Hinata had left in and apparently, all those cloth had been sew with high resistance material and received some fuinjutsu seal from her personally to enhance the defensive aspect of it.

That was not all in the bottom there was also a short ninjato that was made of chakra conductive metal perfect to use wind chakra blade or raiton chakra blade. I was really moved by all that and once i put everything together with my new ninjato on my back i looked at myself in the mirror and finally felt like a true shinobi.

The next morning i met with the perverted old hermite and Sasuke at the village gate we were going to have to look for Tsunade. Apparently she was hard to find. but he promised the two of us that we would be back in only a few weeks. I should not have gone with him that shity lier.

****End of Naruto POV****

****Sasuke POV****

While the invasion happened some member of the Uchiha clan ended up perishing while defending the leaf. It was the life of the shinobi as we live to protect or village we die also for it. In the end after a few day funeral had been put on and we burned our clansmen body so no one could try to dissect their remain to get our clan secret.

It was a custom of the Uchiha clan the four best friends of the one who had died would use the fire breath jutsu to incinerate their remain. It was something that had been introduced by a clan head when the second shinobi war was raging, on the battlefield the Uchiha that had died would be immediately burned so the sharingan could not be studied by the enemies, now it was used to honor those that died in combat.

I received a notice to go meet the Hokage not too long after the last rite of the funeral had been ended. The message has been handed by an anbu that was on his way for a mission. I wondered what the old Hokage could want with me, maybe a mission? I was half right as i received my promotion and an order of mission to accompany the dope and the sannin Jiraya on their quest to find Tsunade the last of the sannin. I didn't have a very good impression of the three sannin one of them had wanted to brand me after all.

-Sasuke that vest, you have been promoted? We need to celebrate, but before that, I need to buy you some new cloth so let go shopping.

-Mom, i have a mission tomorrow so i can really go celebrate.

-Hm, a mission already could not that old man Hiruzen let my husband and son a little time to breath? Well we will still go buy you some new cloth here come with me. Hikari chan you come to

-Yes mom.

I never knew my mother could be so forceful, or strong. I guess the saying that you should not underestimate a kunoichi is true. I was dragged around all the shopping district so my mom could get me a new ninja ensemble even going to the ninja shop to have them reinforced with seal and so on. We also had gone to granny cat and i received the ninneko invocation scroll. I don't know why i would use them they are pretty weak.

Or so i thought until i saw one drag back a boar that was 5 time is size for granny cat to cook it for them. Did he kill that thing alone? Well maybe i will try summoning one once in a while to see. If they can do that to a giant boar like that they could probably shed to piece a shinobi, the remain of the boar had been slash at the neck probably to cut a big artery resulting in a deadly blood lost that was a rather accurate injury.

On the next day Naruto , Jiraya and me departed while i was wearing my new gears. Jiraya had promised we would only need a few week to find his old friend. I should have knew better then to trust someone who had been friend with that old snake Orochimaru.

****End of Sasuke POV****

I took us a whole week to get to Sunagakure not only because of our carefulness but that stupid Yamato was making us change direction and go back on our track every so often. I know paranoia saved countless shinobi life, but i was a damned sensor for the love of god could he at less trust my judgement. If you add the fact i had been his superior since 5 year ago, even before Kakashi left it, and the squad commander after Kakashi had resigned from it he should have trusted me.

i had only left the anbu 1 year and a half ago plus i did mission for it from time to time anyway. Like that time i had gone to help the rebellion in Mizu no kuni. I know the guy had been a root agent before becoming an anbu but that is still too much. If the Hokage had not expressly said corporal punishment was proscribed i would already had knocked him out and tied him up.

Well at least it was good exercise for the rest of the group to learn what to do when you think you might be followed by some crazy maniac. Would that ever serve them a day? Maybe not, but all knowledge are good knowledge. Or at less i think it is.

We were greeted by shinobi of the wind, Temari was one of them along Kankuro. I didn't see Gaara but that didn't mean he was not near us, but as it would be impolite from me to use my byakugan here i restrained myself. Anyway the jinchuriki of Suna would certainly come to greet me once we had seen his father.

I wonder if it would have been better to actually kill Deidara off with Maki outburst of jealousy?

That would have certainly been hilarious at the very less.

MrKagcreators' thoughts