
Hinata 2.0 Senju bloodline is OP !!!

After the whole incident finally was behind us i received a system notification.

System notification: Congratulation to user for having cleared the chunin exam main line quest 5 000 0000 exp and 500 000 system points. User also receive the bonus objective scare away from the Uchiha's the slimy snake 66% completion 10 000 000 exp 1 000 000 system points.

Second bonus objective save the life of the Hokage by dispelling the slimy snake jutsu 100% completion double exp bonus for the full completion 40 000 000 exp 4 000 000 system points and access to sensing natural chakra techniques [Fox tribe technique unlocked natural energies sensing] user can now learn the technique for the cost of two million system point.

Third bonus objective completed save the life of your cousin Reika and capture her captor achievement rate 80% 10 000 000 exp and 1 000 000 system points.

Fourth bonus objective, learn from the second Hokage how to cancel the impure resurrection jutsu for future usage 100% 20 000 000 exp 2 000 000 system points.

Fifth bonus objective cleared Danzo is death as death can be 10 000 000 exp and 1 000 000 system point.

I could now buy the Senju clan bloodline and i had access to senjutsu of the fox tribe, but that was a downer as they had told me the fox tribe didn't have a way to use senjutsu. All of that is rather weird. Well let first buy the senju clan bloodline and we will see later. That bloodline on it's own was amazing it gave my health point and chakra significant boost. Plus it unlock the mokuton affinity for me if i learn to use senjutsu i totally need to learn that since mokuton can help sealing the bijuus chakra. But just wow, i feel so much stronger now, looking at the senjutsu of the fox clan it costed another 2 million system point, but i was not nearly scared of buying it with all my accumulated points.

I also finally unlocked the three tomoe sharingan, since i got the last bit of proficiency from fighting in the invasion. Well now i don't have to worry much about using my doujutsus as i have a bigger reserve and it's regenerate so fast it is like i am not even using them at all.

I wonder if i will unlock the rinnegan later because of it since theoretically Madara had gained his because he had implanted himself with Hashirama Senju cells to gain his. Well maybe it had to do with them being the two reincarnation of Indra and Asura. Still i won't move the possibility away too soon after all they are supposed to descend from the two brother. Did i mention that this bloodline come with an integrated charger? No? Well now you know it recharge my chakra way faster then before i could get max chakra in only minutes with it. I should put some stats in place too since i just gained about ten level in one shot.

**** A couple of days later****

After a few days a small amount of of genin were summoned to the Hokage office, obviously i was part of them. Alongside me were Sakura, Sana, Shikamaru and Maki. I wondered why that kind of match-up was truly uncommon, and i doubted the third wanted to send Sana away on a mission with a team of only genin, at less officially, just in case Orochimaru could send his men after her.

-Good, the five of you are finally there. Let start with the promotions, this will make thing easier, while the invasion happened the lot of you have proven to have the capacity to act in team and as you all were finalist all but one of you will receive the rank of chunin.

-Wait, Hokage sama. Who of us is not going to be promoted chunin exactly? did Sakura say

-Hinata Hyuga.

-Oh, i see. That was Maki

-What do you see, Hinata clearly was the one who helped the most while the invasion was on!!!

-Sakura chan, he only said all but one of us will be promoted chunin he never said anything about Hinata not receiving a promotion.

-Uh? Wait you mean she is to be promoted to jounin!? Is not it too soon? I know in time of war academy graduate could be promoted faster then normal, but we aren't…

-Actually, i think it would be good for you to know about another fact i am actually…

-An anbu member. Finished Shikamaru in my place making me look at him with a smirk.

-Well there you know. I actually have been one since year ago way before my graduation day.

After a few more explaining Sakura and the others finally stopped complaining and we could return to what was at hand. Sarutobi dono gave us our new certificate of promotion and the vest that represented our new grades. He also explained that this year all the genin that were in the final except for Hiruki would be promoted in view of their contribution to the effort in the invasion. After that we finally came to the main subject and he opened an order of mission.

-We are to make a special delivery of ninken to Suna? Questioned Maki perplex.

-Why did you chose us for that would not it have been better to send an Inuzuka? Asked Sakura.

-I am guessing this has to do with diplomatique issues. The Inuzuka are hot tempered guy they would not do. Plus Hinata has all the knowledge to help them learn to care about the ninken. Told Shikamaru to the rest of us.

-I indeed have that, i guess i will need to pack a few books on the subject, but this is not the main purpose of this mission is it?

-No, as you know Orochimaru has attacked Konoha but was badly injured in the process, I have already send a team of three after my last student to have her come back to the leaf. I would like to convince her to take over my seat.

-Still doesn't explain the why you are sending us. Said Sana

-I was going to say it, as you know Sana Uchiha has received a cursed mark by Orochimaru, we are worried he would go after her but also after Maki. So we are sending the two with two anbu level ninja to Suna until further notice, this will also serve you for your future as chunin. This mission is considered B rank but has possibility of becoming A rank if you have to face Orochimaru men.

-What about Sasuke Uchiha is not he a target too? Maki demanded.

-He is but he is also part of the team to recover Tsunade along Naruto and Jiraya.

-Just to say, but Sana cursed mark has been included in a bloodline because of the system.

-What you only say that to me now? Well that doesn't change anything

-Then i just have one more question who is the second anbu on the team.

Everyone looked at me with surprise, except Shikamaru who looked bored, before remembering Hiruzen previous words. He had said two anbu level ninja would come with our improvised team, if i had to guess who my bet would be on Tenzo or Eagle. Id prefer Eagle or i should call her Reika, but i knew she has not yet been fully up to it and needed to rest, meaning we were stuck with the socially awkward Tenzo. And indeed just as i was thinking that, the man appeared what a disappointment

-Tenzo will take the Name Yamato for this mission and shall be considered a jounin instructor

-Can't we just have Kakashi?

-No, for various reason Kakashi is a bad choice, his deceased father had cause a lot of grief in the camp of Suna in the last war. They might mistook him for his father and think we are not considering their feeling.

-Sigh, diplomatie is a shitty thing i hate it, but i will take care of this. i am at less allowed to admonish him if he do something stupid.

-Limit it to verbal abuses.

-Tsk. At less i will put everyone under the system for this mission so i don't lose track of them.

All the newly appointed chunin but Shikamaru looked at me with question in their eyes. I simply gave them a sign that they will understand when we are in road. I could see Tenzo fake smile from there and it creeped me out. I didn't dislike the guy because of his personality even if it touched a little on it but because of his social incapacity. The man was similar in many point to Sai in the series he has practically been raised in the anbu. And before the anbu, well those files a confidential so let not talk about them.

****third person POV a few hour previously****

-Jiraya, i want you to go find Tsunade and convince her to take the sit of Hokage.

-Old man, with my respect, Have you become senile?

-Sigh, you know like me i can't continue assuming the role of Hokage for much longer i am already too old. If Minato was still there we wouldn't talk about it.

-Fine, but you didn't make me come her just for that did you?

-Yes as a matter of fact i want you to take two new chunin with you. Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

-I can take the brat of the fourth but you know i hate the genius like that Uchiha brat.

-That not why you're taking him with you, Orochimaru might be after him and i don't want more mess to happen in Konoha for now.

-Fair enough but the brat is not the only one my fellow sannin is after.

-That why the other two are going to be send away on a diplomatique mission to Suna along with Hinata Hyuga who i am going to give the rank of Jounin officially.

-Hahaha with that trouble maker around no way Orochimaru will want to deal with her. I only saw the after effect of her training Naruto and i can tell she is really fearsome, i even am scared to think about it.

-That not the only reason i am sending her away from some informant Akatsuki has been taking interest in her recently after the attack. Orochimaru must have spread some informations out and maybe some of the surviving root members.

-I see will she be alright?

-I am sending her away so she can take care of them out of the village if the need arise. I can only imagine what would come out of a battle with Hinata and any S rank threat…

-Will Suna survive it?

-I don't think they will attack Suna directly more likely it would be outside when they go or return.

The two men continued to exchange their impressions for a while longer until it was time for the Hokage to receive the team for the promotions and delegation to Suna. Jiraya was going his own way to get Naruto and Sasuke for the mission of finding Tsunade.

****End of third person POV****

We were going our own way in direction of Suna along with ten ninken specially chosen by the Inuzuka to offer to Suna. It was at the same time a thank you gift and a promise of a better alliance and cooperation between our two villages. In fact i am pretty sure the ninja of Suna didn't need any canine to track around fugitives and missing nin they had many more way like some breed or reptiles that had even better sense of smell than dogs and snakes that could detect one termale signature from hundred of feet away.

I digress but this is fact. The relationship between our two country had always been terrible maybe my action when i was 6 had helped, now that the Kazekage knew it was a shinobi of the hidden leaf that had helped his son. I could always hope for the best, but the pessimist in me always feared the worst.

Normally it should not bring too bad of thing but with my luck we will definitely meet with S rank criminals on our way. I should have shut my mouth, well maybe i should have said keep my thought for myself? Anyway all of that was a big red flag on our road and we ended up meeting with two guy you should not usually mess with. Damned luck attribute, did i ever mention how i hated it ? how much should i raise it for me not encountering all the shit i am?

I definitely had more luck in my previous life, way, i died from an incurable disease at the age of 35 maybe i was not that lucky in the end? Do i have some kind of luck debuff or something for me to alway end in those situations?

Please review, i would like to know a bit the opinion of my readers on my novel. I don't plan to change what the story is, but i might add interesting elements if i find them good.

MrKagcreators' thoughts