
Hinata 2.0: Resolving the hatred with a bowl of noodle?

It has now been half a year since we started school, me and Naruto have become pretty close with all the student in our grade including Sasuke tough Naruto and him still had a certain level of rivalry. Shikamaru was lazy as can be but he was a reliable friend and i felt less like a child when i had talk with him, Kiba was fun and lively, Shino was… ...Shino i guess, Ino had a major grudge toward me for becoming close to Sasuke before her, Choji was a gluttons with a big bear heart and Sakura Haruno was a shy girl but me and Ino managed to make her open up to herself since the start of school year and now she had some confidence, i even gave her some of my medical ninjutsu material for her to study after she questioned me about them when i was doing self study in class. She got really interested and i gave her the exercise to do for chakra control into which she excelled practically right aways thought she didn't have a big chakra reserve but i gave her some tip to increase it by training her physique and mental by the time we graduate she probably will be 4-5 time stronger than in the original story.

The last time you heard of me i was helping Sasuke will trying to complete a system mission, I helped Sasuke a lot in the past 6 month and met with is father too giving me a lot of new experience point and system point along side it, i did get more lower mission since then but nothing of major importance like that.

Also i awakened the next level of my Byakugan, the Void eyes, at first i wondered what it mean until i used it and saw dimensional gap all over the place moreover if i focused on one i could know the location that the other end opening was. In actuality those gap could have been used by anyone but the chance of entering one was close to 0 because to enter it you need to be directly facing it at and angle of precisely 90 degree with even a 1/1000 of precision about it meaning you needed to see them to use them.

Integrating that in my fighting was hard, i had actually yet to figure a way for it to be more convenient to use but with leveling my new ability it became more precise and easier to use so i figure with time i could probably compensate for it. Plus the skill description clearly stated that at higher level my eye would allow for me to open dimensional gap with my own chakra.

Void eyes: Permit the user to see everything in the same distance the Byakugan would normally allow and close the blind spot of the Byakugan. This eye is one of the second form the Byakugan can take after an user has reached the maximum proficiency in this dojutsu and probably the strongest one. It can permit the user to see dimensional gap and control them with his chakra. With great effort this eye can even permit to pass tough to another realm of existence.

Actually the Void eye didn't only cover for my blind spot when it was active, it also permitted passively to remove it from my natural Byakugan to which i was most thankful since the Void eyes form actually cost a lot of chakra to operate. Making it a really bad option for drag out fight, but a good one for fight i wanted to end quickly.

I was also called by old 3th along with my father to see what was my relation with Naruto he even poke at me to see if i knew about the Kyuubi. I didn't lie to him and told him i knew since i was always with him i had remarked his weird chakra flux and after some research i had concluded he was the child the fourth had used to seal the Nine tailed fox to protect the village. I also told him he should revise his view about secrecy since in that same research i figured he was Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki son. After all the register of the academy graduate was not a secret if you looked tough the year books.

I think i managed to make the poor man depressed about his lack of consciousness but to his discharge probably no one else would have made the connection. I was the only one since i already knew what to look for. He made me promise not to tell Naruto about all of that to which i responded to have already given him a photo of his late mother but that i had keep secret the fact his father was the fourth. The Hokage looked at me and sighed.

-I guess it's better than nothing and giving a bit of warm to Naruto is not a bad thing, I'll forgive that, but keep the rest to yourself for Naruto own good.

-I will, but if you permit me i think in du time you will need to tell him the whole true.

-I know. I have heard you're quite close with him?

-Yes we are friend and sparring partner. I think i have a good influence on him though you'd forgive me for not being able to make it so no incident whatsoever happen.

-It's fine his pranks are if not amusing at less entertaining. Hiashi, could i speak to you alone for a bit.

And that was all i could heard of him, but if i had to guess maybe the Hokage wanted to talk about the tension between the Uchiha and the other clans. My father was after all the leader of one of the most prominent clan in Konoha. I had no hope for this conflict to resolve itself peacefully therefore i had made a point to learn everything i could about medical ninjutsu. If i could not stop Itachi and Obito Maybe i could save the Uchiha by healing them before they breathe their last, after all Sasuke mother and father were not yet death when he came back to see Itachi. Plus i had some other way to save them.


Hinata Hyuga

lvl -25 47 750 exp to lvl 26

Hp 5500/5500

Ckr 8500/8500+100 ckr for each attribute point added.75+10





Attribute point:55

System point:235 068

Chakra affinity: futon 100%, suiton 32%.

Bloodline: Hyuga clan :user naturally possess Byakugan and can learn any skill related just by being taught. Void Eyes those eyes possess the ability of space itself and completely remove any blindspot from the Byakugan upon awakening User can learn more easily space time jutsu.

Skill set:

soft palm tai lvl 10 max + 15% atk,

substitution nin lvl 10 max,

clone gen lvl 10 max,

body flicker tai lvl 10,

transformation gen lvl 10 max,

Chakra master passive neu lvl 10 max -50% chakra usage,

shadow clone nin lvl 10 max,

mass shadow clone lvl 3 13%,

tree climbing lvl 10 max,

Byakugan blood lvl 10,

Void Eyes blood lvl 2 13%,

strong fist tai lvl 10 max + 10% atk,

analyze none lvl 10 max,

hell vision lvl 7 10% range 20m,

hand sign level 10 max,

High grade item box 200 space,

water walking lvl 10 max,

rasengan lvl 10 max,

futon rasenshuriken lvl 2 10%,

futon chakra blade lvl 10,

talisman creation lvl 10 max,

assembling lvl 10 max,

master blacksmith lvl 8 7%,

futon canon ball lvl 9 2%,

futon hand blade lvl 10 max,

space time travel fuinjutsu seal lvl none,

sneak 10 max, healing palm lvl 10 max 100 hp recovery per minute close superficial wound,

total detox palm lvl 6 78%,

chakra scalpel lvl 10 max,

Life regeneration lvl 7 75% recover 100% hp and close any wound on the body,

divine turn lvl 7 27%,

soft fist 64 strike lvl 10 max render opponent chakra useless for half an hour at less,

soft fist dragon bite lvl 10 unique,

Invocation lvl 5 53%,

master cook lvl 10 max,

weapon master lvl 10 max,

throwing master lvl 10 max,

Ten gate lvl 4 22% can open up to the fourth gate,

pain resistance lvl 6 47%,

poison resistance lvl 3 13%,

Rebirth regeneration lvl 4 59% can bring back from the death a person that had been afflicted with a deadly wound and can regenerate lost limbs( chakra cost 85% of total user chakra can only be used twice a day no chakra reduction is possible with this skill)

suiton water clone lvl 2 14%,

suiton water shot lvl 4 34%,

suiton water wall lvl 6 56% + 300% to defense,

suiton water weapon lvl 5 30% can create a water weapon out of water( the hardness of the weapon is totally dependant on the user control)

Piercing punch lvl 1 70%.

Title: pack Killer, beast hunter, Konoha beast killer, chakra otaku, skill otaku, master of the hyuga technique, skill creator, master of fuinjutsu, youngest genius of the Hyuga, hoarder, chef, master-chef, perfect accuracy, master of weaponry, good citizen of Konoha, Accomplished medic + 10% to all medic skill.

Reputation with: Konoha exalted max, Uchiha clan great 246/2000

Equipment: soft shoe + 4 agl, soft pant + 5 end, soft undershirt+3 end, soft mantle+2 end bonus set+ 10 chakra point, Lucky pendant + 15 luck, black scarf of the wind +5 agl - 10% chk to all wind jutsu.

Also in those six month i had unlocked my second elemental affinity water it seem like you can only unlock one affinity each 10 level but that was good more over the Yuki clan bloodline dropped to half the cost when i learned my second affinity, my guess as to why is because the Yuki clan require water and wind affinity to create Ice also know as hyoton making it easier to learn it since i already had those affinity to begin with but in comparison the mokuton of the senju seemed far away i guess the wood release is harder for some reason maybe because tree are usually living thing and not just inanimate object.

My water control had a long way to go before becoming useful on a bigger scale but it was one of the most adaptable affinity i planned to recreate my divine shield by incorporating water release alongside it in an extreme twisting motion, but it was just an idea for now i didn't have the way to do it until i had fully mastered my affinity. On the other hand i had learned the Ten gate and that jutsu gave a great boost to atk and chakra inside the body but the longer you user the more hp you tend to lose while using it for the first minute at the fourth gate i only lose 10 hp every 3 seconds, but after the one minute mark it become 50 hp which is actually less than my recovery rate since i recover 200 hp every 10 seconds and each minute more it increase by a rapport of five plus the pain generated by the skill is actually unbearable over the two minutes mark. I even got a pain resistance from it. After getting that i simply bought the poison resistance skill since i tough it might be useful too plus the poison immunity was way too costly and i had a skill to treat that anyway.

Anyway in those six month I've perfected most of my skill to the peak and the newly acquired one were on their way also it seem i grow one of my peak of development since my chakra suddenly spiked to 100 point for each point invested in it, my guess is when a child grow up their capacity to store chakra get bigger and the system reflect that in reality.

What surprised me the most was that the system didn't seem to have any requirement for learning technique but since the system directly integrated technique inside the system stats screen, i only had to use them to make them progress and get a feel from them. I think this has also to do with Hinata or should i say my good brain in my previous life i never was such a smart ass and had to work hard to achieve result.

I have been stockpiling on my attribute point, for when my attributes become harder to get. As a matter of fact, the system told me that if i trained like i did i would accumulate system gratification from daily exercises and so on. Plus, i would get a minimum of 300 system points a day for attending the Academy, 750 for each test who happened weekly and the midterm examination had given me a reward of 50 000 for getting first place in all subject. I've finally beaten Sakura in theoretical knowledge, but i had to work more on it then i have ever done to do so.

I also worked on the punch of Tsunade and frankly i just tough of buying it after learning the piercing punch that looked to have power in the same branch as the chidori. Ratter then giving a damaging impact it would just pierce right through everything in it way, it was not a bad technique but it was clearly not what i had tried to obtain from my training. Plus with the great number of point i had i could spare some for it anyway.

I had already bought a lot of healing pill and rejuvenation potion from it some had really strong effect, the rejuvenation potion could instantly help someone who was dying to recover and even regrow a lost limb. I had not tested it if you want to know it the description of the system and i'm tempted to believe it. After all i didn't have Orochimaru tendency to use living test subject and even to normal animal it seemed too cruel to injure them just to test it out. I know i'm still killing all the pest animal that are around Konoha up to 2-3 miles aways but this and that are different matter, plus most of those animal die from a single of my attack anyway. I also bought soldier pill of all quality recovering chakra from 10%, 25%,40%, 50%, 75% and 3% per second for 1 minute. Thought the normal pill had a cooldown time for me to use effectively, if i used one and then another less than 10 seconds from the last one i would only get 50% of the original effectiveness of the pill except the overtime recovery who could be used at the same time without losing in quality.

But let get back into track today we are having a cross grade bout with the second year student, you certainly know that my cousin Neji is part of the second grade. A team of three was to be nominated to fight again one from the next grade Neji and Lee where on that team and another girl i never heard about who was called Maki Uchiha. I guess Sasuke was not the only child of the Uchiha clan at the time of the slaughter of his clan, i need to take notice of that.

-Today student we have a mini fight between team from different grade in the hope of helping develop your sense of rivalry and camaraderie.

-The fight will be in 4 part 3 single fight each valuing 1 point each and the team fight valuing 3 point at once. For the single match fight each fighter will be randomly chosen.

The 3 match had already been decided from the get go Naruto ended again Maki Sasuke again Lee and me again Neji. Yeah, life's a bitch some time, but i'm not planning to complain about it. Neji and i need to resolve that different one way or another, maybe if i resolve his hatred for the soke i could help him improve in the future.

Naruto gone on battle ground first and at first he was at a great disadvantage but in the long run and since Maki didn't have her sharingan awakened yet, he won because of his greater stamina. In true Naruto was not to happy getting tossed around by Maki but unlike Sasuke she didn't consider him her inferior. Maybe because she was not born of the main family of the clan but she had a more humble approach still she was strong for a 7 year old. If she had followed my training regime she might have actually beaten Naruto but Naruto physique was twice has strong as a normal genin as of now and his chakra was stronger then the Kage himself.

Sasuke match again Lee turned differently than what you could expect he actually lost by a slit margin probably because Lee was older and had trained just as much if not more than him for a longer period of time. I cheered Sasuke by telling him he just needed to focus on training in the basic after all he had not been beaten in a single attack unlike the time he fought again me. The kid put on a smug smile and joined Naruto to see my match again Neji.

I was now facing Neji on the arena, he looked rather calm as if he knew how this match would end. I feel sorry for him since it would never go the way he envisioned, i was too strong for that. He didn't know because the soke had made a point not to leak the fact i had this much capacity, although the elder of the family disliked the fact i had not molded myself at the image they wanted of me they at less recognized i was maybe the greatest genius the clan had seen since forever. I had already made some research on the level of genin and chunin in the village and although my level was barely on the genin side i could tell my repertory might be much better. The average genin was between level 20 to 35 and for chunin it was 30 to 45 as for the reason of the overlap, it mostly might be the difference in talent of the chunin and genin. I could not really check for higher rank, since most of the identity of the jounin, special jounin and anbu are classified, but i had yet to see one from the ones i knew under level 55.

Except Itachi who was level 43 but who i knew for a fact was much stronger than a simple chunin, my guess is the system average the stats someone has and put then in number without accounting for hidden ability and bloodline. This might be to my advantage in a way since my stats should be much stronger than my level, plus my ability aren't to mess out with. After all i still wanted to save the Uchiha clan from complete extermination and that was not only because of the reward the system had promised me.

Coming back to now i took the Hyuga clan taijutsu pause in front of Neji just has he did. The instructor in charge of the match was looking at the two of us then he gave us the starting signal. Neji was half a head taller than me so i took a lower stance and made sure to sweep each of his palm strikes toward my body to the side. After a few exchange, i started to take the offensive tough unlike him i didn't put any chakra in my palm strikes, it was not long before i got the upper hand in the fight and he started realizing i was better than him making him angrier than he normally was. Neji started to try using harder moves and enhancing his speed with chakra he now was trying to strike my vital using a pseudo 64 strike of the hakke.

I was surprised he had already started to master that technique at such a young age after all he was only one year older then me. Guess this is what it mean to be a genius, tough genius in front of me didn't amount to much. I flickered in front of him at three time the speed and knocked him off the ground in a kick to the chin, much like Lee would had done so to Sasuke in the manga before the chunin exam.This time Neji didn't get back up after all he only had the body of a 7 year old kid how could he withstand that much. Therefore our class achieved victory in the single match part, tomorrow we would take the team part after the rest of the day off and a goodnight of rest.

-You didn't go all out again me from the start although you could have ended the fight much earlier if you had done. What was the point of that did you want to show off how better the soke is compared to the bukke?

Yeah figured Neji would point that out to me one way or another. I actually just didn't want to make him despair over the difference in strength. Plus i don't really have the hearth to make kids dislike me, after all i had my memories of my past life as an adult. I seriously need to have a talk with him might as well take it out now.

-Do you see me as such an arrogant person? Frankly, i didn't go all out because i didn't want to hurt you too much over something that barely qualify as a test of strength. Let not forget that you also are my cousin that at less should mean something, even if you don't seem to see it like that.

-That… … where did you get that much determination to become this strong you didn't seem much 3 years ago. From what i remember you would barely stand before your father while learning the martial art of the Hyuga.

-3 years is a long time and people change over time whether because they want to or because they have to. When i was 3 i didn't have any strength and my uncle died paying the price for that weakness.

I looked at Neji with a bit of a sad look, Neji father death factored a bit in my reason to become strong, but it was only so much. I was actually proud to be able to act as if it was my main reason for becoming strong. I wanted to make Neji give up in his hatred much sooner than in the manga if possible if he could focus in his training for the good reason he might have a better starting point later when he become a chunin.

-Come with me let get something to eat i know this place who has the best ramen in all of Konoha. You must be hungry too after our bout they also say you can talk better when you have a full stomach.

I took my way toward Ichiraku, with the hope of clairing Neji hatred toward the soke and also because i was starving seriously Hinata body had a really bad fuel consumption. It might be why i was weaker in the manga then in real life with my gaming cheat. I actually had to buy the Akimichi calories block and i needed to eat at less 10 a day to not feel like i was starving. No wonder Hinata could have eaten 50 bowls of ramen from Ichiraku at the age of 18 she could probably consume a lot without gaining any weight because of her bad fuel consumption. It feel weird thinking of the me in the manga in the third person.

-Hinata chan what would it be today?

-For now let start with one large bowl of pork noodle for me and whatever my cousin want i'll be paying on my account their should still be a couple of bowl left on it.

-200 hundred to be precise. So boy what will you take?

-Just give me the day recommendation of the chief.

-Good then one large pork bowl and a medium serving of fried chicken noodle.

It took a few minutes for the serving to arrive in the meantime me and Neji talked about a couple of thing, like how we had been in the last couple of year, how school was with each of us, what we tough of the Hyuga clan etc. Neji finally told me how he resented the soke for sending his father to be killed for the clan. What i told him was that he might want to talk to my father about the whole thing since i didn't know the detail about the even that lead to his father death.

-You think talking to the clan leader will appease me of what happened? Don't you think i'll be even more angry at him for sacrificing his brother to save his own live.

-Who know you might be surprised of what he could tell you, plus don't you think knowing the whole true would be better than the little you know now?

-Yeah you're right, i should definitely know the whole story of my father better.

He then smirked and looked at me but suddenly his gaze shifted to the side. I turned my head to look and was meet with the tens of bowl of noodle i had emptied and suddenly my face became dark. I was not trying to hide it that much, but at less to my own family i didn't want to look like a gluttonous girl. Before turning my head again i put the most beautiful smile i could, then i grabbed Neji shoulder and simply spoke to him.

-You know girl really don't like it when boy talk about their eating habit, in the future you should remember never to question a girl on how much she eat. Got it Neji?

-Ye... ...yes. Sorry, i was not questioning anything about you Hinata. You don't have to worry i also would never tell anyone anything about you … ...look i already forgot what we were talking about…

-Good since you understand it's alright.

-Neji as of today you got a great lesson about girl, when you see a girl doing something you fine improper you should never question it or else you will inevi … ...blurrfff.

I put Reika out of commission before she could aggravate the situation anymore than this. Neji didn't need this pervert to mess with his live. I saw Neji leaving with a the same look i could see on a scared animal when i was hunting them up maybe i actually did something bad just not

****** Third person POV******

Neji was going back toward the Hyuga quarters. His view of his two big and younger cousin had already crumble by a lot in the past he thought the sky of big sis Reika who had achieved jounin level by the time she was 15 and although he didn't like Hinata weak self he always thought she was a cute and amiable little girl. Now i knew for sure his mother was right when she warned him not to cross a girl no matter what she had done. Today he almost got scared silly by his baby cousin and saw the goofy side of his older cousin.

-Should i go see uncle Hiashi today? I guess Hinata is right knowing what he has to say is better than not knowing.

Thus Neji learned the true about his father sacrifice and stopped hating the sokke so much focusing all his energies toward his training from now on and having spar with his younger cousin from time to time. He progressed from then on by leap and bound much more than he would have in the manga all of this would make a hug butterfly effect on the future but it's not something for today.

*****Third person POV end****

The final match ended by the victory of the first year although we actually had a harder time than we should have, Maki Uchiha demonstrated her use not only of genjutsu but also of the sharigan that she actually had managed to awaken because of her fight with Naruto. I had to intervene so she would not defeat Sasuke. Naruto ended up managing to beat Lee not because he was stronger but by sheer difference in stamina, seriously the guy was unkillable when it came to that. I fought Neji and he managed to hit me with a cheap shot when i had my attention set on Maki. He is so going to regret that later when i give him a beating. Neji surrendered when he understood there was no hope of winning anymore again the three of us. + 20 000 exp and 5000 system point for me.