
Hinata 2.0 I forgive you Hinata

In the end the next month after i arrived back in Konoha had been rather quiet a bit too much for my taste too but i was not complaining. Like that i could prepare for some of the thing in the future to come, Akatsuki was mostly building up their found at the moment and lightly hunting the jinchuriki.I would like to warn all the other village if possible as i had already warned the Kazekage but found it to be way less rewarding and more stressing.

In this month i had made various experimentation, for exemple i had finally summoned Madara Uchiha. Albeit in a very much younger version of himself that didn't possess that sharingan in anyway. The man had to be convinced through the most torturous methods i could have thought of to accept listening without trying to burn me to crisp. Seriously it was hard with the fact his body would not feel pain so it had to be mental torture. I just needed to summon jii jii Lucky and have him talk about his long life of experience while i was away. I had tied the boy up onto a tree with sealing ropes that would be hard to break even for a bijuu.

When i came back the man was way more cooperative saying that even Hashirama was better than that old fox. Well i did thing he might broke from it if not i had divers other form of torture i could have tried after that. It was too bad the first try worked out just fine. The reason for invoking Madara? I needed someone who could truly train Sasuke while i would be away, someone who knew more about the sharingan then me. I had thought of asking Shisui, but as amazing as he was he was never much of a powerhouse just a better shinobi from the jonin rank. I would need all the help i could get if we wanted to end Kaguya return.

We reached and accord when i would need him next he would help, i had also told him the true about how Black Zetsu was manipulating him but he simply brushed it up. In the end i could not convince him to give up his plan for the infinite Tsukuyomi, even if he should have realised that i was talking the true since i knew of his plan anyway. Maybe he was faking it and planning something again the guy in the back of his mind.

Who know what is in the head of those villain better not mess the story anymore then it's already has been.

****Third person POV***

The trio composed of Sasuke Naruto and the sannin Jiraya finally found Tsunade she was gambling in a casino from a high populated village from the country of fire. And like you could guess she was losing all her money, it was like throwing it out of the window, just that it would actually be more rewarding to throw it out the window since it could help some peoples.

In the end the groupe had found them after having gone to witness the devastation that happened from the confrontation between Orochimaru and Tsunade. They were now all in a grill store to eat lunch and Jiraya was trying to convince his old teammate to take the seat of Hokage. Naruto was asking why her, and Jiraya was trying to explain that the woman was the best choice to become the next Kage since she had what it take to do it.

-I'm still unconvinced. From what i know, Hinata is probably better as a medic then her she saved big brown career as a ninja what did that woman do in the recents years to deserve the title of Hokage?

-Hinata is special i don't think anyone could work like she do. Tsunade knowledge is more extensive over the course of her full life and is probably more flexible about how she use it. Told the sannin.

-You know if you are just going to look down on me i don't know why i would do anything for you.

-At less Hinata is not a grumpy old woman that will not help other in need like you.

-You want to pick a fight with me ok come out boy, i'm going to mess you up big time.

All ended up in a mini duel, Naruto got flicked on the forehead and flew away a feet meter. Getting up he was going to perform the normal rasengan since the futon version would be overkill for that fight but Tsunade busted the ground he was standing on before he could complete it. In the end the shock of the jutsu knocked him out for a few second before he was back up.

-Jiraya you old fool trying to teach an A rank jutsu to a little kid did you think he was your disciple.

-Tsunade i assure you i didn't teach him that.

-Tsk, lied other then you and the fourth only Kakashi could use it and he would not teach it to a kid this young.

-Actually it was a girl by the name of Hinata that taught him the rasengan. She actually came across the same idea as the fourth for that jutsu she even improved it to it's complete form. Oh and the kid actually can perform it, you just didn't give him the time to.

-If that brat can perform that jutsu i will gladly become the Hokage of the leaf, so don't go bragging like that you old fart.

-Naruto you know what to do?

-I still don't like her.

-You brat! Just do the jutsu so we can go back to Konoha and tell the old man.


And thus it was a stunned Tsunade with two eyes poped out that ended up following the trio along with her student Shizune. At less she followed with her part of the deal, you can give her that. As for Orochimaru he waited to no avail before Kabuto reported to him Tsunade had left the village. In the end the casino of that city ended up suffering the wrath of the sannin for not having restrained his old comrade in place long enough, even if it was not his fault.

One week later the group ended up passing through the gate of Konoha welcomed by a black haired girl. She was looking at the group with a smile before asking them how they had been.

-That was an interesting month, oh by the way we met Itachi while on our way to fine Tsunade obasan.

-Hum, is that so that interesting i wonder if he is still around.

-I doubt it i injured him pretty badly. Said Sasuke smugly.

-Is that so pretty face, you done well since i last saw you i might have to find someone to train you better then me now.

-You talk as if you are going somewhere?

-Yeah, i am going to leave Konoha for a while. I have been preparing for it, you would not imagine the paperwork just to take a leave of absence of the village. Hiruzen will certainly be happy to have Tsunade back so she can take his place. i know that Jiraya is going to take you with him for you protection Naruto, but i want to help out Sasuke and all the other in Konoha so they grow stronger while i am away from the village.

-What are you thinking? asked the Uchiha.

-I will call upon someone from the grave to teach you about the Uchiha clan secret technique and forbidden jutsu. Also he should be able to improve your training tremendously.

-Hum i don't see who could fit that description.

-Well he is famous, or maybe i should say infamous for having been the greatest foe the first had ever had.

-Madara !!! Have you gone crazy even if you control him who know if he could not manipulate you?

-Relax, that why i used some special rune and sealing technique to modify the jutsu to send him back to the grave if ever he try something. Plus, i wont get him in his prime form, he will be a teenager barely older than you and also i am having Shisui keep and eye down on him too. If possible i would like the three Uchiha from our generation to profit of his experience so you will have to share with Sana and Maki.

-You are sure it is a good idea? Maki would be fine, but you know how power hungry is Sana.

-That also why i am having her do it with the two of you so you can be a good influence plus i feel that Orochimaru is still lurking around after the sharingan. With those two i doubt the sannin will get to you plus you will be staying in Konoha.

-Fine do what you want, but i will keep my eyes on him and if he ever make a move…

-Hey hey hey, that unfair why am i the only one who get to go with the old Hermite.

-Naruto that because you should train with him on you control of the chakra of Kurama, and you could go to mount Myoboku to train in sage mode.

-Sage mode what is that.

-That a state where you blend your chakra with natural energies also called senjutsu. it make one immensely much stronger. The system should help you a lot to master it as for our friend Kurama try to rub him the right way so he lend you a hand.

-Fine then what are you going to be doing?

-I am going to the fox valley to train the fox senjutsu.

-Wait that look way cooler them what you want me to do can i not come with you.

-Well, you already signed the toad contract and to sign the fox contract you would need to please the fox boss by doing something for them.

-Hinata what did you do to please then.

-I cook them meal every time i need their help, a shit load of meal. i made the mistake to cook for them the first time i encountered them and i ended up having to limit the meal they get from me to only when i need their help or i would be a permanent chef of the fox tribe.

-It's that serious?


****End of third person POV****

A few week later after the return of Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto ended up departing from the village with the perverted old crook that is Jiraya. I made the old man promise to truly teach something to the boy and not just go around have fun or i would show him what fun is in my own words.

The three Uchiha had started receiving instruction from Madara who was reluctant to teach only at first. After a while he was taking it pretty seriously teaching them all the trick to improve their jutsu and their sharingan perception. Guess he never knew he had the talent to teach that good to know. Shisui was there too observing silently and some time participating to demonstrate some jutsu.

I also spoke to Maki about a few think that i though she should know about me i didn't want to feel the guilt of it in front of her. After all i had lied to everyone in the village about it even that Kage didn't know that true.

**Flashback **

I was playing shogi with Shikamaru and was winning like alway, well we only had a few games so far so it was not that important and i had the advantage of knowing the game fully before him. But while my body was there my mind was drifting a bit.

-I wonder if there's a way to make an enemy surrender without a fight and become friend right away?

-You mean in real life i suppose? You could put them under a genjutsu and make them believe it was their choice.

-That would not work it is too simple, the opponent would probably end up knowing of it after a few month and plan an attack to take the head of their enemy. But i think you are into something, what if you used the genjutsu has a distraction and make them believe someone had put them under it.

-You would need a pretty good scapegoat for it to work and also make them believe it was their own choice to ally with your group.

-Then make them believe the genjutsu actually made them attack us out of turn, but have no effect, a placebo of sort then they would think they were dishonorably tricked.

-Could work, but that is a lot of work, plus to place such a genjutsu you would have to take a long time making everyone come under it.

-Maybe a version that work on a large scale but over time?

-That be such a drag.

-Hehe, i guess you are right, by the way checkmate.

-What when did you?

-You get focused to easily on other thing and stop thinking about what you do, you should learn to be more multi-task Shika kun. Well i need to be home in not too long goodbye.

Shikamaru always helped me come up with the best of ideas even if he didn't know of it. I Could work with those idea maybe improve on them further. over the course of month i created a form of jutsu that was not really a jutsu, even the system didn't give me a skill out of it. i was simply placing chakra into the brain of everyone around me without doing anything with it. i modified my chakra signature so it would not resemble the one form a member of the Hyuga clan.

Over time i could see with the byakugan the progress on this trick of mine and it really looked like someone had applied a genjutsu on everyone of the Uchiha clan. I was waiting for Itachi and Obito to attack to use the excuse of their attack to see the third Hokage, i would then reveal to him in the urgency the true about Danzo, or should i say the fabricated true. The man had done many bad thing over the year giving him the credite of something he had not done would not lower his crime in the less.

Like that i could get rid of that potential menace that was Danzo and save the Uchiha clan by making then believe that i actually acted on order from the Kage to protect them for the man. That would be good on all ground, my only worry was if someone found out the true someday an confronted me about it but it was a risk i was willing to take to save the family of my good friend Sasuke. I would become a monster so other don't have to dirty their hands, manipulate everyone and push the blame on someone that had never truly been convicted of crimes i knew he had committed.

**Flashback end**

Maki was looking at me with a grave look, i didn't know what she was thinking of me. I had after all manipulated every member of her clan, albeit to save their life, but still.

-So you manipulated everyone, lied to the Hokage and convicted Danzo of a crime he had not committed?

-Please don't say it too loud the wall have ears.

-Sigh, what am i gonna do with you? You shouldered all of that for how many year alone, how much did you have to suffer with that guilt inside you? Hinata, i talk in the name of my clan when i say it. I forgive you for that and thank you for saving us of such a terrible fate.

Tear ran down my face, i don't know when they came out,but i was feeling so relieved. I had not lost my most beloved girlfriend, i hugged her with all the passion i could showing her how much it mean for me to have her forgiveness

-Hinata, you know you did not do anything bad. You protected the Uchiha better then any Uchiha could have done so even if you used deception. You should not feel guilt but instead be proud of having done so. You rendered a great service to our clan you gave us a second chance to exist and blend with everyone, a chance to forgive the error of the past and to take a step ahead. You truly did nothing wrong Hinata.

And so we stay the last night i would have in Konoha embracing each other, while Maki was comforting me and pampering me. We ended up Naked, i don't know when but i felt right when i embarrassed Maki in my birthday suit for the first time kissing her tenderly. we had a passionate last night than the day came and i had to pack my thing and say goodbye and until next time.