
Hinata 2.0 Childish and yanderish.

It has been a few years, time sure fly. I need to recount the many events that happened over the last years, but let start with me since you know me the best. I have been doing missions for the anbu corp since Setsuna came with Haku to live in Konoha. I leveled up a little from them, 5 level only, but i am most content with that achievement i don't want to past too much on my years as a kid. My mission record is 45 C rank, 30 B rank, 12 A rank and 1 S rank.

Of those missions only the A's and S's rank seem to give decent experience points for my current level. But frankly, i almost got myself kill in my last and only S rank mission. I then discovered that healing from bigger injury would be slow and i'd receive penalty for those ones, even the system store bought potions didn't work. My heal point pool was reduced to only a fifth for a month and the Hokage made me stop doing anything for the anbu for months. Guess my physical recovery is still human standard. As to why those potions still worked for wound that were maybe heavier on a Uchiha was anyone guess. Maybe it was just that unlike them i was bound to the system if that the case it was rather a harsh discovery.

As such i decided to study pharmacologies to create my own brand of potion, i also picked up herbologist since it was linked together. I received respectively the novice pharmacist and novice herbalist skill. It would seem profession are counted as skill in my gaming power and learning from regular book actually give me skill proficiency i leveled the two to the basic level. After asking the system it seem profession skill have 6 level of mastery novice, basic, intermediate, expert, master and grand master. I should have figured that out from my blacksmith skill before but i never got interested in the system functionality too much. Also in that case why did my cooking stop at master?

I trained with most of my classmate over the years making them stronger then they should have been if they didn't meet me. Sakura particularly got hook on taijutsu and medical ninjutsu her improvement in those field make me twitch some time. If i didn't have the gaming system, i don't think i would be her equal. I taught Kiba to feed Akamaru some decent dog food for him to improve his physical skill and he can now talk too, like the one Kakashi had in the series and god do he never stop ranting about Kiba antic… A female wolf would also be around him at all time mothering him up i don't know where she came from though.

Ino was bullying me a few year back but it all stopped suddenly, i think i made her question her sexual orientation because i gave her a peck on the cheek… ... kids these days. Shikamaru beat me most of the time at shogi, but i still manage to give him a fair game, Shikaku sometime say my moves are ruthless and unforgiving i don't know if he is complimenting or criticizing me… I gave Shino some book about how to raise bee for his birthday 2 year ago and he has been growing out colonies of them in his backyard he even modified one into ninja killer bee that are 100th of time bigger than the normal on it give me shiver only thinking of it and don't get me started on the beehive itself...

Choji has been eating like always but one day he saw one of my self made boxed lunch and he just had to learn how i did some of the dish and also my beverage. A carbonated soft drink i created with wind and ice affinity, well created is a big word since i just tried to apply my know how from my science days in my previous life to recreate the thing. Cola is still impossible since i don't know the recipe but grape and orange are easy, i also made variation of tea flavor. The Akimichi bought the right from me to recreate the recipe and i didn't bother saying no since it is actually a drag to do them myself. Urg Shikamaru influence i guess.

Haku integrated well in the school even taking over the top spot from Neji and Maki. By the way those three should graduate at the end of the week since they passed the graduation exam. I also received a notice that i was put under examination for an early graduation. Sasuke and Naruto also received it, even if they aren't on my level they are stronger than all our classmate united with 10 level over them. Sasuke is lvl 38 and Naruto lvl 37 the two also trained to use the perfect clone i created and so did some of the member of the anbu like Wolf senpai, Kitsune kun, Neko chan and Eagle san that severely upgraded the level of the anbu corp and Kakashi got released earlier from it since he could just use a perfect shadow to replace him there.

Talking about Kakashi, that dirty swindle, was actually really Wolf. He just married Setsuna san and became the father of Haku, who told him that if he ever make his mother unhappy he is going to be put on ice. Talking about Setsuna she passed her tests with flying color and became directly a chunin but she is now looked after to become a jounin, or she should have, since she proved she had the skills for it, but now she was pregnant with Kakashi child and was out for the next few months.

Talking about pregnancy, Sasuke mother, Mikoto Gave birth to and healthy young girl that is rather lively. She is just 4 and was born in early December. Her Name is Hikari, in fact Mikoto san pregnancy was discovered after the medic team i had put on the case of the Uchiha's mass long term genjutsu( what a mouthful. She has been diagnosed having only a mild case of genjutsu effect lingering in her brain waves. But the doctor also recommended her to pass further test because some brain waves were abnormal for an healthy person. Over a full checkup she was announced pregnant of 3 month. Guess Mikoto san is the kind to not get morning sickness before much later.

I diverge, i am now 11 and will soon have to go to the academy to pass my final test. At the moment i was in the forest looking over Sakura progress in her taijutsu. She had asked me to come observe the new move she had made from all her long hour of training. I'd say she had outdone herself in this time line since she was the only one who was lvl 30 in the class all the rest ranged from 24 to 27 which should have been the average of a genin not a student at the academy. She was redying her stance and than.


Her posture was perfect and her controle of chakra flawless too. But what gave me a bit of an inferiority complex was that she exactly reproduced Tsunade sama special power punch. The tree she had smash was slowly falling toward her and i had no more time to think about it. I disappeared using my fastest speed, and took hold of Sakura in a princess carry. The tree made a lot of noise and you could see leaf sparkling in the background while Sakura realized what happened and suddenly started to blush.

-Sakura chan are you alright? Your blood pressure didn't get too high because of the emotions?

-Hinata san, i am just a bit embarrassed being carried like that. Can you drop me down?

-Oh sure, sorry about that i didn't want you to be hurt, but if you want my opinion you should keep that move as your killer and try to use it only as needed. Now tell me how did you do it?

That was weird, i wonder if Sakura is sick or something? She explained to me how she coated her arm full in chakra with more at the hand, than pushed it out at the point of contact to create this explosive power punch. Well, i had not thought of that when i was researching that technique i also think she improved on it, since i'm pretty sure Tsunade hime only coated her fist in chakra and not her whole arm. She was just a kid so my guess must not be too wrong since the power being that move was practically on Tsunade scale of power.

**** Third person POV****

In the year that had passed Hinata had been interacting with her fellow classmate on a daily basis whether as a perfect shadow or as the real her. All the student actually liked her a lot, but the most amazing thing to talk about was all the fangirl she got. Stealing aways most of Sasuke ones, not that he would care about it anyway since all he really cared about was becoming strong.

One day Hinata had won a hot spring ticket for a group of 10 and took along all the girls plus Maki to whom she had become good friend. That had been a nice idea if she didn't forget she still had the mind of a guy and fainted with blood dripping from her nose. The only good thing was that they probably mistook it for her simply overheating herself. When she woke up she was a little confused and saw Maki who was facing her and flirted with her without thinking.

-Did i die and an angel came down to take me back? Yeah she was dazed and spouted that out sue her.

But she suddenly remembered where she was and what she was doing and blushed along side Maki. The two red faced girls had an awkward time for the rest of the stay and Hinata apologies to the Uchiha girl over and over again about her behavior. Maki simply told her it was fine and no arm was done. Since then though the two became closer to the point they would hang out after class as much as Sasuke and Naruto... ...maybe more.

Other than Maki, Sakura and Ino had fallen for Hinata long ago. Sakura from the gallant personality of Hinata that always cared for her friends as well has her streng that she admired her for. Ino at first took notice of Hinata because of Sasuke but after the kiss incident she started to notice her more and more and admiration took over jealousy. Then she started to have feeling for her and after a long time of self reflexion, told herself she would confess her love for Hinata once she became an independent shinobi that could stand by her side.

From then on she started to train and became much stronger then in the original time line learning medical ninjutsu along with Sakura from time to time. She also incorporated many poisons to her arsenal since she was not suited for taijutsu like Sakura, plus she had found a way to make her clan technique more precise making it possible to still hit the target that moved around with her mind controlling jutsu.

As long as she tagged someone with a bit of her chakra she could instantly possess him or her. So throwing kunai and shuriken with a bit of her chakra on had become her new habit, and she improved in bukijutsu more then any other field even having her father order a custom kodachi for her to wield. As for why a kodachi and not a full fledge katana, simply her style was more defensive and a bigger sword would mean less maneuverability.

That look all well and dandy but our little girl was really dense when it came to other people emotion though she had picked up fast on Naruto pet love for her and made it so he started to see her more as a sister then a possible love interest. After all, she understood it quite well herself she liked girls more than boys and had worked on creating ninjutsus that could help two girl to still have a baby together, since she wanted to have her own chibis later on. That is still a talk for the future as she is still to go though the main story line, and even puberty, before anything happen and also since she had still to confess her love to her precious one.

The rest of the fangirls didn't stand for much and the boys had no love interest for Hinata. At the only exception of Kiba who was smitten with her to Akamaru annoyance, since Kiba would talk to him about Hinata all the time, maybe someday he should get adopted by someone else… He had also adopted an elegant female wolf by the name of Yukihime. Well scratch that, as it should be the other way around since she would always drag him aways when he did stupid thing.

Shikamaru was still an unmotivated brat but he would be at less able to stand his ground in a fight and had now more variation in his shadow manipulation.

Shino could call on and army of giant ass bee since he had raised them as such and the queen of bee was also liking him the most.

Choji was still the fatty of the group but was a lot more buff in the physical department probably capable to take on his family second pill without much side effect.

Haku had become the most prodigious student in his class but he was also 3 year older than them. All his level of skill and his hyoton gave him the upper hand in any one on one fight and his teacher had high expectation from him passing the genin exam.

Neji had a more tame personality and cared more about the people around him although he still gave of a cold aura to other. His personal skill in the Hyuga clan technique were second only to Hinata and he had learn the Futon affinity transformation to back up his arsenal.

Lee had received some teaching from Hinata about using weight and focusing his chakra since he was pathetic in all ninjutsu and genjutsu related field. He was now capable of creating two realistic clones albeit intangible ones. His chakra control was far from Sakura but he could now use minor jutsu and enhance his own attack with chakra.

Tenten had gotten close to Hinata after she had made a partnership with her family weapon store. Hinata had created a new pouch for kunai and shuriken that used seal techniques to recover any missing weapon, you only needed to apply a bit of chakra to it to recover lost kunai and shuriken. But each one had to be created with a seal on them, and the pouch was not cheap either. Plus it was custom order made only since the shinobi that would use it needed to input his chakra inside the seal and all his kunai and shuriken so they would not end up in another ninja pouch. Tenten really respected Hinata for coming up with that and the money her family received from it was not little too. They also talked about other weapons improvement they could make time and time again becoming good friends.

Hanabi had started to train under her big sister training regime which consisted also in a diet of lot of medical herbs that improved her physic. At 6, when she was about to enter the academy she had more than twice the chakra any regular childs, even the ones from clans, could have. Her only flaw was her utter worshiping of her older sister and her yanderish nature toward anyone she deemed improper to be around her, tolerating Sasuke and Naruto was one thing and she didn't mind all the rest of her class since they didn't get that close to her but were only friend the only one she hated purely was Sasuke younger sister who had taken to calling Hinata, Nee san.

Hikari was a sweet 4 year old child to Hinata, but a devil to anyone else. Her personality rivaled Hanabi yanderish nature although she was more easy going around stranger, but she could easily beat down child's twice her age into submission. At the age of 3 she had awakened her sharingan upon Sasuke having eaten her pudding. Hunting this one down until the Hyuga compound were Hinata put an end to it by making her compromise for her brother to buy her a week worth of it. I always thought only big traumatic events could do that but… She would also regularly receive Hinata herbal diet making her stronger than all Uchiha her age.

Maki was the last of the important persons in Hinata live. The two were pretty close training together practically on a daily basis, more so since Maki had been put to the task of protecting Sasuke younger sister to temper her mind. After the hot spring incident she started developing feeling for Hinata and so did Hinata. The two cared a lot for each other but never told the other their feeling. She was now a really capable kunoichi in everything but name, a strong all rounder in all and an expert in genjutsu capable of making someone enter one from just pointing a finger at them.

**** end of third person POV****

After training with Sakura we parted way, i just had the time to get a shower before grabbing some calorie blocks for breakfast and go directly to the academy. The test would soon start, i could already see the lign in which Haku, Neji, Lee and the rest of the next grade were in add to that Sasuke and Naruto plus me and we had this year possible graduate.

Hiruzen has made a mission order specially for me to enter the same team as Naruto and Sasuke to safeguard them, adding a layer of protection to them and giving me an excuse to become a genin as an anbu. I also go a scroll i could give to Kakashi when i see him later this day as Black fox with all my personal information into it, the guy will probably have his eyes pop out when he read it. After all we have been on several mission together and he knew just how strong i could be. I was personally going to tell him to open it only after he actually tested us.

Yeah i know i am a bit devious but the guy would always make people wait a long time even now that he had married Setsuna. The reason, obviously his love for his most beautiful wife making him forget time of anything not mission related. Yeah the guy didn't change much personality wise, he even made Setsuna hooked on his favorite book series although he was now forbidden to take them out of the house or she would burn his whole collection.

After we all passed the genin exam we were teamed up like so Neji, Lee and Tenten like in the original story. Maki, Haku and hum i didn't recognise the last one he must not have been in the canon but hell he was talkative his name was Sarutobi Ryota telling everyone he was so glad to have made it and that he would show grand uncle Hiruzen his worth. ``What a messy guy`` was all i could think of him. The rest were mostly filler, with some failing the test too and had to go back for one more year before trying their luck again. Naruto, Sasuke and me were put on team 7 like in the series, weird because the numeration of the other teams had been all in the two digit. Maybe it was the way this universe copped with an intruder coming in and messing the plot? As if something like that could happen…

Author note:Unbeknown to Hinata a certain god had indeed messed up with the numbers of the teams, but that was for the good cause in his opinion, after all team 7 was legendary.