
Hinata 2.0 Can we keep him? Love at first sight?

I was just a clone but i truly pitied Gaara he looked so alone right about now, i know my mission, but mission can be changed plus this was something my original had put me on she can't complain since i am here and not her. Giving him a bit of hope should perfectly fit the job description too. And thus before giving to Gaara the newly made seal that would help him control Shukaku i became friend with him.

That was not hard the kid practically had an aura of loneliness around him that told you, i want to make fiends. I talked to him and shown him my ice release, played in the snow before finally giving him the seal and the scroll that explained the know how of the seal. At the end i departed in a cloud of snow but not before Gaara managed to ask me something.

-Wait, i didn't ask you for your name.

-Oh, i'm Hinata, but i can't really tell you my last name sorry we will surely meet again in the future till then stay safe Gaara kun.

The snow dispersed and i was nowhere to be found. A team of ninja appeared out of the blue and immediately took custody of young Gaara. I was looking over them from my hiding place i was hoping they didn't do anything rash after all i only gave them a seal that would help out their jinchuuriki no some sort of time bombs. I saw the Kazekage take away the scroll and read it before passing it to a ninja.

-How did an outsider even enter our village can you explain that to me?

-I have no idea lord Kazekage, maybe it was an insider job?

-No, impossible, i had checked all security point and no kid entered the gate today or the previous two week. If a kid with such a kekkei genkai had entered we would have been advised way before now by the surveillance team.

-Than it leave only the possibility that this kid is some sort of monster ninja capable of using space time ninjutsu…

-Put a bounty on the head of that child but i want her alive.

***** a few weeks later in one of the secret seal department of Suna****

-Lord Kazekage, that seal is the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life it encompass the spirit portion of the bijuu and divide it out of the remain of his body effectively sealing it off. As for the chakra part of it it further subdivide it into two the yin chakra and the yang chakra in a way that help the host keep control over it and only giving him a more natural flow that would increase its chakra pool.

-What do you mean? Go to the point.

-It mean that this seal is better then the old one or any seal i have ever seen for what matter, i don't see a reason to dispel it. Young lord Gaara has even been able to go to sleep without any worry since then.

-That doesn't mean it is not…

-You mean to sacrifice young lord Gaara just for your lack of trust in an unknown kid? Then please read this, thats was the last part of the text inside the scroll a warning to you that was hidden being a code.

-What!!! She is threatening me!!

-With respect please read it before jumping to conclusion.

-``Beware the snake that hide under the sand for it might bite you after it has gotten what it want.`` This… ...Orochimaru i have been having exchange with him but. Damn…

``Maybe that girl was not bad but how did she know about him? I can only hope she is not lying now. Little girl i will bet on you but if you disappoint me...``

-Have that girl remove from the bingo book for now this is not necessary anymore.

-My lord do that mean…

-Yes, Gaara new seal will stay in place but i am putting you in charge of watching over him at all time for anything that might be outside the usual, Yashamaru. If anything happen you will be taken responsible for it.

-Yes my lord.

The events here would also have huge impact on the future not only Gaara would be allowed to be neared his other family members but he would also have his uncle by his side taking care of him, plus he has made a friend although she had left him but he knew someday he would see her again and bow down to her to thank her for all she had done for him.

****** At the same time in Konoha*****

-Hey Hanabi wanna come with big sis to see how our cousin Neji is doing?

-Ga ga, gaaa.

-Ill take that as a yes. It's fine to take Hanabi out for a bit mom?

-Certainly Hinata, plus with you who would dare do anything to this cutie.

Hanabi was a bit more than a year old and would come after me whenever she would see me what a cute little sister, i need to take better care of her from now on i don't want any baddies to take advantage of her in the future if they do hehehe it is better for you not to know leaving evidence of a possible crime is bad. Maybe i had a bit of a sister complex but who would not from such a cute sister. If any of you dare to think me and Reika have similar personality … ...well you know the drill.

***Author note: She mean, that she will make you a living corpse.***

Neji was training in the yard with father. My dad had decided to take his training into hand after he their talk plus he was now unable to teach me anything and i was unwilling to train with him anymore.

-Hanabi chan have you come to see daddy? Daddy is so happy.

-Actually i have bought her here to see Neji since it's rare for her to meet him.

I could see my father shock, and was thinking ``old man since when did you become so soft``. The two of them stopped training for Hanabi to see them, i gave Hanabi to Neji for him to look after here a bit before going to make some tea. I Received my clone memories right at that moment and had to be careful to not break the tea set. I heated up some water to the right temperature before taking a plate to prepare a traditional tea. I had picked up the skill on the flies, actually it was part of my cooking skill i think but the way to prepare it was all mine since my first couple of attempt were out of this world, as in the taste of hell.

***Author note: I was her taste tester. Please don't ever make me drink those tea, i don't think i could live it...***

Brewing tea helped me calm down my mind, the clone had not done anything bad. I could deal with the after match of it, now if the second one could report back it would be nice. My three family member approached me and Hanabi was trotting to the pot of tea before i stopped her.

-Careful Hana chan the tea is hot there let me give you a little of it in a mini cup. I then gave Hanabi a little tea cup that i had cooled down with my breath.

-Gaaa!!! Guess it is too bitter for a baby as i could see the eye that told me ``Nee san you deceived me.``

-Here wait a minute. I used my ice affinity to cooldown the tea before adding some sugar inside and passing it back to Hanabi who looked at me with worried eyes. That one should not be so bitter try it.

-Glou glou glou glou, nee nee good!!! Oh my god she is so cute!!! And those are her first world i'm so proud of her!!!

While i was taking Hanabi in my arm Neji and my father had poured themself some tea too. My father was shocked at Hanabi first world that were not for him, but also proud of her. Neji was content with his tea and his family happiness. What could he ask more?

***** somewhere in the land of water 3 days later****

-That damned system can't he give any more precise damned informations!!!??? That it when i'm back in Konoha i'm kicking the original butt. What the hell check up on the Mizukage and try to locate Haku? I can't find neither the village hidden in the mist nor Haku damned village for all the shit i have been through.

It been a week!!!, a complete week since a boat dropped me on the island that is the land of water we thought it would be easy either to locate Haku hometown or at less the village hidden in the mist, but goddammit when they say hidden they mean it!!! Haku village on the other hand was not as difficult as no one had ever heard of the place before. I have traveled half the Island map since the system didn't give away personal information or location of village to its user if he was part of the special force of an enemy country. Damn if i had know i would have bought info on all hidden village location…

-Girl, are you having a hard time getting somewhere?

-Jii-jii do you know any village by the name of Yukitate, i have an aunt living there but i can't locate the place on my map.

-Let me see your map. Well no wonder you bought that map at the port town didn't you Missy, they don't given inside village on that one only port town village.

My eyes almost popped from that. Do that mean i got scammed?

-Don't worry Missy this map is still very accurate it just town people don't need to know that kind of information since it could end in the hands of ninjas.

-Oh, i guess you're right jii-jii, but then do i need to find another village and buy a map from there to get one more accurate?

-Nah, i don't get why your relative didn't give you one better normally people have those kind of map in their home to teach their child a bit of the local geographic aspect of our land you never got taught that?

-Jii-jii you're smart i can't even read our village is too poor to have any material to teach kid, i was afraid to have to pay for another map since that once already was out of my travel money.

-Look kid let me show you that village place, Yukitate is over there near that forest and that mountain. I saw him point at some place i had still to go to.

-Thank Jii-jii, if i ever meet you again i'll try to repay the favor.

-He he he being helpful to a cute girl is already more than any reward i could hope.

It might have been a good idea to use a transformation to a 16 years old young moderately busty girl and not an average guy that no one would remember since i could get that kind of information. Plus i was hoping to get some bandits, although those would not give any experience to the original they could give some nice information about the village and if i was lucky i could meet a missing nin of the mist.

I took me another day at full speed, while changing disguise a few time after meeting some ninjas of the mist, to arrive at the village i was looking for. i modified my henge again to my normal form but with brown hair and eyes i took out a kimono for kid i had bought in a clothing store of one of the numerous town i had seen till there, it was cheap looked cheap and i only had to smear a little mud on the edges to make it look used like any normal kid clothing would be like.

I activated my byakugan to look around trying to locate Haku and his mother house. I suddenly caught a glimpse of something really bad, damn was i too late, it was Haku giving the killing blow to his father with a Hyoton jutsu. I didn't hesitate a second and used the void eyes to get there faster. Only to see Haku fainting from chakra exhaustion and Haku father death body slowly losing all its heat. I took Haku pulse he seemed stable no real problem there i moved to his mother and to my surprise there was still a faint heartbeat maybe her husband had not instantly killed her and she only fainted?

After an analyze with my byakugan i knew why she died the big artery of the heart was punctured by one of her ribs if left alone she would die. I use a chakra scalpel to open the area around her heart and removed the rib i then gave her a healing jutsu to stop the artery from bleeding any further and gave her some medication for blood lost and any injury she could have gotten.

Minutes later Haku mother woke up, she seemed confused and even mistook me for Haku before her gaze focus set and she asked me where was Haku.

-If it is the kid he has fainted outside, i bought him inside after i treated you. He is sleeping over there on the couch.

-May the gods bless you you definitely saved us.

-You, yes. Your kid, probably not he killed the man that i suppose attacked you?

-That… … did you see it?


-Why did you not kill us than aren't we monster to you shinobis?

-Shinobis of the mist are but i am of the leaf.

Her eyes seemed a bit surprised but then she understood something exactly like i wanted her to. Ok, that might seem a lot more manipulative than it is really but i assure you it is for their good.

-What mission do you have to come so far inside the lands? I can only guess one, finding the hidden mist village maybe even an assassination of the Mizukage.

-Actually that is only half the case. I took out my mask. I am a member of the anbu of Konoha here on a mission to infiltrate Kirigakure and get an update on the Mizukage state. He has recently been injured by and S rank treat missing nin of the leaf.

-If i help you, would you be willing to vouch for my son and i to get inside Konohagakure and live there?

-Sure, why not? I was trying to keep my calm but on the inside i was yelling.

-Kirigakure is situated 59 kilometer to the south west that way. Will you be able to come back the same day?

-Certainly, hum but you might want to move the body of your husband before anyone notice i can seal it into…

-I'll take care of it, in the past my father taught me well how to do those kind of thing if we aren't in this house when you come back their is a cave some time away to the east we will wait for you there.

-Fine, i promise you on my honor to come back as soon as i have finished my mission.

I vanished forgetting to ask Haku mother her name. Oh well this is not that bad i move the way she had told me Kirigakure would be and after a few space movements i reached my destination. The byakugan located my target in a building that should have been an hospital but looked more like and army barrack. I know Kiri is a militarized nation at war with itself but still.

I managed to avoid the patrol with the constant activation of my byakugan, but it would have been way harder to do without it maybe impossible. I was now on the rooftop of the building, looking in to pinpoint everyone, i started making up some mudras creating my new genjutsu phantom world. That technique give people the impression nothing changed when they are inside but they become incapable to notice anything they had not know of before like their memories become locked in the moment.

I jumped inside the Mizukage room to seem him up close and yes he really looked like a child. I took out a vial of potion and just as i was going to make him drink i jumped back his eye were now on me but he should be under the… … damn i forgot bijuu can dispel to for their Jinchuuriki.

-If you want to poison me in my sleep your better to try that when i'm already death.

-If you're death that potion would not have any effect. How about i leave it there and you get it analyzed to see for yourself if i'm lying?

-No excuse, just die.

I dropped the vial on the bed and fled with one of the space rift around not before getting caught in the chakra of the bijuu. Damn am i actually out of luck or something i seriously need to invest some in it, but i am a clone so i guess there is no need, let leave it to the original anyway the mission is more than complete by now. Let go fetch the Yuki duo and get back to Konoha as fast as possible. Thinking back on it, it was good i had put my anbu mask back on before going there.

In my inventory scroll there was a sword i also managed to salvage from one of the Kiri ninja force. Well i should say its handle with what little remain of it's blade. The executioner, if i could find out how it was made making sword and kunai that could regenerate from you enemies blood could prove useful for future missions and to the Konoha elite forces. I landed near Haku house that was now deserted using my dojutsu i located them exactly where she had told me.

I came slowly toward the cave not to scare off the two from my fast return. I had only been more than an hour since then going through those 59 kilometer in such time would definitely arise suspicion but i wanted to get aways the fastest possible way. My Void eyes could help only so much i could only teleport myself to portal my visual field could see and even with my enhanced vision it was at most 25 kilometer at once. I but my previous failed rip off Flying thunder god wannabe once improved a little could be used for that.

-Hey, I'm back sorry to make you two wait.

-It was not long. Did you already kill him?

-My mission is of no concert to you thank you. But a deal is a deal and i will take you back with me to Konoha. I then took out a scroll i used as a decoy to use my inventory getting a bigger one out.

I started creating my space time jutsu seal on the paper of the scroll adding a couple of stroke on the improved version to make it self destroy once used, i don't want unwanted guest to come to Konoha or get a hold of my fuinjutsu seal for the mater. Once i finished i placed it on a flat ground and signaled the two to come, the now conscious Haku was looking at me with bright eyes like i was some kind of hero for him. Damn i don't like deceiving kid but he is 3 whole years older so i'll bear with it.

-That is a seal that will transport us near Konoha please get a hold of my hands and by all mean don't let it go you could end up severely injured.

-I understand.

-Yes kitsune sama.

-Ah i forgot but what are you two called?

-I am Haku… ...Yuki.

-Setsuko Yuki.

-Your going to use your mother maiden name?

-Yes, my father lost the right to me once he tried to kill the both of us.

-Haku that, your father was a normal farmer he didn't know better than to feel hatred toward kekkei genkai clan users.

-That is not an excuse, we were family you have been good to him, supported him in hard time given him all your love…

Ah damn the kid was crying, i absolutely hate when kid cry because i never know what to do. In my past live i was always teased by my friend for being like that whenever i would see a kid cry my brain would stop functioning.

-You should not cry over this. Since you and your mother are going to come to live in Konoha let me give you some information about it the first thing you should know is the will of fire. It basically mean that no one must be left being that no one is lesser than the other that we are all a big family here to help each other out.

-What is a ninja?

-Ah ninja plaintly is an assassin but the term mercenary would be better since we don't kill every on that come our way. But that is just a plain definition of a ninja that don't encompass the nindo of said shinobi. Each ninja in his life has a goal something absolute, a rule that go over other rules that what is called nindo the path of the ninja. One can choose anything for his path in life, being the best medic that could be never losing a patient, being the best taijutsu user in the world and making yourself recognized by all, becoming the village leader becoming the Hokage and many more.

-I see if i can i want to be someone who can protect what is dear to him.

-That a nice nindo.

-Haku before even thinking of that we first need to go to Konoha and receive the approval of its leader the Hokage to live there.

-Yes mom i get it! Kitsune sama please.

I took their two hands in mine and bought then over the seal then using my feet i imbued chakra into the scroll. Next thing i knew we were right next to Konoha in the forest i would alway train into. Now i need to bring then to Hiruzen, that promise to be fun plus he might seriously get an heart attack when he learn i have gone to the enemy country to get all the information he had asked of the anbu corp merely two week ago. But first, i need to make the original come to replace me since being a clone would be bad in front of Sarutobi sama.

**** Hinata pov at the same time****

I just received the clone i send to the country of water report but seriously why? No, i should not be surprised. I had wanted to take Haku in to help him out, similarly to Gaara, but i had totally not planned to vouch for him and his mother to come live in Konoha. What a drag, but it's not like i don't care let go switch place with my no good clone before she meet the Kage.

I took over just as my clone entered the Hokage office getting back all her memories in the process. I could see the last week of events and her entrance in the village where she had to explain who were those two new faces. It was not all that much hard work anbu like her who worked directly for the Kage had more freedom than other who only deal on top secret mission and assassination.

Haku and Setsuna were now waiting in the waiting room were the secretary had given them some tea to quench their thirst. I had taken over my clone directly in Hiruzen office, appearing and letting the clone dissipate itself in front of him. To which he didn't seem too bothered and simply gave me a curious gaze. I took out the scrolls with the various map i had or should i said my clone had made of Kirigakure and the country of water with the location of the different village and port town displayed on it.

-So this is what that was all about? But then why did you bring back those two?

-They helped my clone find Kirigakure and they have no place to return to.

-Care to explain.

-Yes Hokage sama, that is simple they are member of the Yuki clan and the Husband of Setsuna san has tried to kill her and her child.

-And you just passed by and saved them?

-No, i arrived after the deed and saved the live of the dying Setsuna, her husband having been deal with by her son Haku in a moment of rage i suppose

-Are you sure they won't be a treat to the village.

-I believe they would be a fine addition to the many clans of the leaf if given a chance, having seen the damage that hyoton user can do, and being one myself i know best how fearsome they can be.

-Is that so … ...wait did you just say you can use hyoton too?

-Oh? I never told you so? Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.

-Sigh. Anyway if you are vouching for them as Black fox i will have them installed in one of the confiscated house Danzo used for the root till they can settle themselves in.

-Did those house get investigate by member of the Hyuga clan before?

-I sent Reika to do it. I believe she is someone you can trust for those kind of thing.

-Certainly my only other demand would be for you to give them the salary for this mission, i don't need it but they will certainly see a use for the money.

-You want to just give them an A rank mission reward. Guess i forgot, you are the heiress of the Hyuga's, Hinata chan. Than it will be done like you want it to, i shall reward them for helping you in this mission. i will need to meet them to settle it all.


I exited the office to go get the two over while putting my mask back on and letting the two anbu, in post, entering back in Sarutobi office by giving them the signs. Haku and Setsuna followed me when i told them to entering the Hokage office once again now two members of the anbu inside were protecting their boss in silence. Sarutobi gave a gaze at the two newcomer before starting to speak.

-Black fox over there told me about you two but i know nothing of your goal for wanting to Konoha.

-Kitsune sama was good to us, saving my mother from death. I want to repay his kindness and become the strength of Konoha in the future. Therefore please could you allow me to enter your ninja academy?

The Hokage gave me a glimpse at that. Don't look at me so much, i did nothing much to deserve such praises.

-I wish to find a place were me and my son can leave in peace and not be hunter like monster for the rest of ours live. If possible, I'd like for my ability to be of use to the village too. I have been train as a youth on the way of the kunoichi before my clan disappeared from the face of the elementals lands.

-Black fox has already recommended me to allow you to live in Konoha after talking to you i don't see any reason to forbid you to do so. As for your demand i can agree for Haku kun to enter the ninja academy he will be put in the second year class with younger student for him to catch up with the rest. Setsuna san if you want to join the rank of Konoha ninja you will have a member of the anbu test you over the next months.

-I understand, i thank you very much for this opportunity. Setsuna put her knee to the ground and bowed in a respectable manner in front the the Hokage.

-Good you shall also receive half the reward of Black fox mission since you helped him out.

-Thank you very much Hokage dono and you too Kitsune sama. While raising herself back on her feet.

I gave her the thumb up to signify everything was ok. That when everything gone wrong, the door the the came open in an explosion of strength making everyone jump into a fighting pose. I was wondering why in hell there was smoke coming from that did it really explode? Anyway the person that came in was indistinguishable until he spoke.

*** Author Note: I was the one who put the smoke seem it seemed cooler that way .***

-Hokage sama!!! I have come to inform you about a suspicious anbu looking midget that was accompanying two civilian. His mask was of the blackest black with the reddest red. And oh that exactly the description he has already infiltrated this office i shall protect you Sarutobi dono!!!

-Maito kun!?... … haven't your hear that you must first contact my secretary before entering my office?

-My apology Hokage sama, i was preoccupied by the arrival of such suspicious individual that i forgot my manners.

-Maito san did you even bother confirming that the anbu looking midget might be an actual anbu?

-I have no recollection of such an anbu existing in the village lord Hokage.

-He probably forgot to read the last notice you send two week ago…

-Make sense.

-What you mean that kid is really an anbu???!!!

-Midget then kid ? Maito san do you, by chance, have a death wish.

Gai could now sense my killing intent. Seriously i am 6, so why do everyone need to rub it in my face that i am short. I will grow up but for the moment let see what next.

-I… ...I am so sorry. said will going on his knee face to the ground.

Seriously there's still people that do that kind of thing, of yeah i forgot we are in the world of Naruto, make sense. After a while he got back up on his feet looking very sorry to have offended me i could not really stay mad at him for that. but that the moment he chose to notice Setsuna san.

-Maybe i be blunt and ask what was going on?

-Sigh, Gai kun we were discussing the arrival and insertion social of Setsuna chan and Haku kun into Konoha and the possibility for Setsuna to integrate our ninja force.

-Such, such such yoooouuutttthhh, i am touched i simply need to help you out an settle into your new live!!!

-In fact i was going to…

-Hokage sama if you permit me i'd like to talk to Maito kun a minute.

-...hu? Go for it then wolf?

-Gai kun come with me we need to discuss something man to man.

-Oh, fine then i will be back to help out in a moment. Hey oh wait wolf aren't you too forceful just now you you jabbed me in the stom… huuummmppfff.

I could see the now foaming Gai maito leaving the premise with the one known as wolf. I wonder if it is Kakashi? Nan, could no be him the guy should still be a cold blooded anbu by now if i'm not wrong. plus it seemed like the guy had a thing for Setsuna san, Kakashi was well known for being a lone wolf. Ah what a bad pun…

-Tenzo go get eagle, she should be a good one to help out familiarize Setsuna chan to the village.

-Setsuna san i hope you will enjoy staying in Konoha from now on and see you later.

-Once again thank you very much Kitsune sama.

-It was really nothing you the one who saved me by giving me direction.

-I understand, than i will do my best so all your kindness is not wasted on me.

****Third person POV****

Later that day on training ground 7 we could hear the apology of a certain ninja that was having a sparring match with a certain silver haired wolf boy. It was no until the bushy eyebrows maniac had run away that his suffering cry had stopped. Wonder why Kakashi would be so harsh on Gai maybe he actually… … well, no way after all he is a lone wolf.

The next few days Gai had to be mysteriously hospitalized

****end of POV****

Oh yeah, before i forget i should invest into luck since i have some attribute point to spare and let also put some into other stats to make it even. But not too much or i will be really overpowered compared to my fellow classmate.

****Don't read if you don't like long statue thank you****


Name: Hinata Hyuga

Rank: Anbu of Konoha 15 ap each lvl + 15 each 5 lvl

lvl -46 1 367 171 exp to lvl 47

Hp 12500/12500+ 100 per end point

Ckr 22000/22000+100 ckr for each attribute point added.200+20





Attribute point:392

System point:355 780

Chakra affinity:

Futon 100%

Suiton 100%

Hyoton 100%

Raiton 36%

Katon 100%

Bloodline: end of chapter

Skill: end of chapter


pack Killer,

beast hunter,

Konoha beast killer,

chakra otaku

skill otaku

master of the hyuga technique,

skill creator

master of fuinjutsu

youngest genius of the Hyuga




perfect accuracy

master of weaponry

good citizen of Konoha

Accomplished medic + 10% to all medic skill.


Konoha exalted max

Uchiha clan exalted max


soft shoe + 4 agl, soft pant + 5 end

soft undershirt+3 end

soft mantle+2 end

bonus set+ 10 chakra point

Lucky pendant + 15 luck

black scarf of the wind +5 agl - 10% chk to all wind jutsu

Twin blade Yuki no Yume + 15 agility each + 20 strength + 10 chakra +5 end each -10% on all ice jutsu

Black fox mask + 10 end modification of the user voice indestructible by normal mean

piercing of the snow goddess - 25% chakra to all ice jutsus

Black mantle

Five elemental arm guard - 20% chakra use for the five main element

Clear mind ring upon, activation 30 minute immunity to all control skill 2 hour cooldown

**** Bloodline and skills****


Hyuga clan :user naturally possess Byakugan and can learn any skill related just by being taught.

Void Eyes those eyes possess the ability of space itself and completely remove any blind-spot from the Byakugan upon awakening User can learn more easily space time jutsu and see space rift that can be linked together via the use of chakra.

Yuki clan bloodline technique can be learn at a low cost from there on or user can create new one.

Uchiha clan, Sharingan 1 tomoe can unlock more when proficiency reach max lvl of each step

Skill set:

soft palm tai lvl 10 max + 15% atk

substitution nin lvl 10 max

clone gen lvl 10 max

body flicker tai lvl 10

transformation gen lvl 10 max

Chakra master passive neu lvl 10 max -50% chakra usage

shadow clone nin lvl 10 max

mass shadow clone lvl 9 12%

perfect shadow lvl 10 max (create clone that can generate their own chakra without burdening the original can live forever if not killed or negated, fun fact perfect shadow have functional digestive systems.)

tree climbing lvl 10 max

Byakugan blood lvl 10

Void Eyes blood lvl 6 16%

strong fist tai lvl 10 max + 10% atk

analyze none lvl 10 max

hell vision lvl 10 max range 30 m

hand seal level 10 max

High grade item box 300 space

water walking lvl 10 max

rasengan lvl 10 max

futon rasenshuriken lvl 4 8%

futon chakra blade lvl 10 max

talisman creation lvl 10 max

assembling lvl 10 max

master blacksmith lvl 9 77%

futon cannonball lvl 9 52%

futon hand blade lvl 10 max

space time travel fuinjutsu seal lvl 10

sneak 10 max

healing palm lvl 10 max 100 hp recovery per 10 seconds close superficial wound

total detox palm lvl 8 32%

chakra scalpel lvl 10 max

Life regeneration lvl 10 max recover 180% hp and close any wound on the body

divine turn lvl 8 73%

soft fist 64 strike lvl 10 max render opponent chakra useless for half an hour at less

soft fist dragon bite lvl 10 unique

Invocation lvl 6 13%

master cook lvl 10 max

weapon master lvl 10 max

throwing master lvl 10 max

Ten gate lvl 6 32% can open up to the sixth gate

pain resistance lvl 10 max

poison resistance lvl 8 86%

Rebirth regeneration lvl 6 0% can bring back from the death a person that had been afflicted with a deadly wound and can regenerate lost limbs( chakra cost 85% of total user chakra can only be used twice a day no chakra reduction is possible with this skill)

water clone lvl 7 62%

water shot lvl 6 48%

water wall lvl 8 36% + 350% to defense

water weapon lvl 6 11% + 125% dmg can create a weapon out of water( the hardness of the weapon is totally dependent on the user control)

Piercing punch lvl 5 11%

Ice Killer Needle lvl 6 22%

Blizzard breath lvl 7 25%

Ice wall lvl 4 43% +425% def

Ice weapon lvl 6 75% + 275% dmg the hardness is dependent on the chakra used

Dream of snow hell lvl 6 65% special technique each drop of snow are copied over a hundred time with a genjutsu and each real snowdrop can immediately freeze any part of one body it land on but the worst part is the technique still is in effect even when it drop to the ground produce 600 real snowdrop of extremely condensed Hyoton chakra

shock palm lvl 10 max :99% chance to restart the heart of a person that has not lost their heart beat for more than 5 minutes.

Sharingan 1 tomoe lvl 1 7%

Yin Yang seal of the spiritless beast no lvl the chakra of the one sealed is divided in two part of Yin and Yang chakra and seal the mind of the one sealed is sealed further under a five layered seal of all the main element of chakra Wind, Fire, Water, Earth and Lightning making for the third strongest seal in the world but this one is more stable than any of them as the mind of the sealed individual can't infer with his chakra and give and over all better control to one who has received the sealed individual in his/her body.

Tailed chakra control technique lvl 5 42% :create tail of chakra, technique uniquely to be used with the Ten gate release will create tail of chakra numbered to the number of gate opened the tail can be used as limbs and the chakra inside each of them can be changed and shaped although it require a great control over his chakra to do it. The number of tail is dependently of the number of gates opened but also of the lvl of the technique.

I am going to have Sasuke have a little sister from next chapter but i haven't yet decided her name.

I am hesitating between two name in fact Hikari who should mean Light or Komio who should mean Hope I am using a sounding name.

I am open for other suggestion but the name need to have a nice meaning being it

By the way, your lucky since i actually published this chapter in advance because of this.

MrKagcreators' thoughts