
Hinata 2.0 Burning Fire of youth...

The first test was about our capacity to aim at moving target with 20 Kunai we should destroy at less 10 of the 20 target that would be trow in the air. I came out first threw one kunai making it ricochet on one target to another after 5 targets my second kunai came in with more speed then the previous one and bought back the first one to live making it break another 5 targets before falling again. The second kunai broke 3 and i threw two more recovering the two falling kunai and breaking all the remaining target making all the examiner and student open largely their mouths. Yeah i like to show off some time. Naruto and Sasuke were smirking thought, since they already knew my skill in throwing weaponry was godly.

Only 5 people dropped out at the first exam, the second one was to go in the forest and locate a secret scroll but they were a couple of decoy placed in that one 10 more student ended up dropping out. I still easily completed the task, superior anbu remember? I was used getting mission about locating missing information and wanted people.

The third examination was a test on our ninjutsu, substitution, transformation and clones were the 3 essential one to learn for that test. I really don't know how Lee would have passed it if not for my tutoring since he was the worst in ninjutsu. For me it was a breeze i could even combine all 3 at once making Iruka and Mizuki speechless. I received my headband and the instructions to wait for my team formation tomorrow in the last year class room.

Wonder if we are going to be assigned Kakashi san? Hiruzen confirmed my doubt, and i gave the silver haired jounin a scroll to open only if his next assigned team made it out of his test or to destroy it if it was not the case. That test is going to be fun i didn't get to train with wolf since he left the anbu.

****Hinata POV examination end****

The 3 of us waited for almost 2 hour before Kakashi shown up. I was going to be really satisfied when i would grill his sorry ass on his little examination of his.

-So that you who are going to be my team well let go to the roof to present our self up.

-Sensei, i believe Setsuna san would feel dejected to heard her husband is lacking in punctuality please next time do arrive on time.

-Girl you know my wife? He seemed surprised.

-Yeah, i also know other thing like a certain book she had forbidden you to take out with you.

-I… I'll arrive on time next time.

-I am sure you will sensei.

I could see him sweat maddly, never make a woman mad she will certainly find a way to make you pay back with interest. Since i had become one myself, i should abide by the rules and make any male cry tears of blood if they crossed me. I could be really imaginative in my punishments, Sasuke and Naruto could vouch about it.

-So let start by presenting our self what we like our goal for the future and what we dislike.

-I'll start, I am Naruto Uzumaki, what i like is Ramen and training with Hinata chan and stupid Sasuke. My goal for the future is to become Hokage, what i hate is the 3 minutes you have to wait before eating cup ramens.

-I guess i am next. Hinata Hyuga, i like many thing, my dream for the future is to become strong enough to create a certain jutsu and i hate peoples that don't think clearly before taking decision.

-Sasuke Uchiha, i don't have any particular like or dislike my goal for the future is to find and kill a certain man.

-Kakashi Hatake, i like reading and my beautiful, wife i don't particularly dislike anything, as for goal if i can keep my wife happy that would be great.

That was way off the Original path line of the story i though, but i guess he should have been single at this time if not for me having Setsuna come to live in Konoha. It seem the future can be change since thing like that already proved it.

-Tomorrow you will meet me on training ground 14 take you ninja gears with you, be there before 11.

-Hu, i tough we were supposed to do missions.

-You will, if you manage to pass this survival test tomorrow.

-What a test again but we just passed the ones from the academy should not we be ninja already.

-Nan, becoming ninja is not that simply hehehe, i can imagine your face when i tell you. Actually of the group of 27 that passed the examination only 18 will be able to become ninjas. You see only less than 66% actually become genin.

-Then why do we need to pass a test?

-That simply to make out the ones who truly have a chance to pass this test and become true genins. Like that we don't have to waste precious resource on the weakling. Tomorrow your survival test will be to fight me prepare well and i suggest not eating breakfast, you'll probably just puke it anyway.

-Then you should also not eat sensei, who know the one puking his gut out might end up being you. For some reason this phrase of mine made Kakashi have cold sweat drip down his back or at less that what i assumed.

Since it was too similar to his anbu partner Black Fox, but that would be impossible Black Fox would already have beaten him for talking like that to him. Must only be a coincidence he certainly tough, after all he just met him last night to receive a secret scroll, that must be why he still would think of my persona some lingering memories of him in the back of his mind.

Well if Kakashi had been a bit smarter he might really have wanted to look into it to prepare more, but he wanted to go back to his cute wife and buy the last release of his favorite book on the way home. Yeah even a smart guy like Hatake senpai could some time be idiotic. I was not going to complain i was capable of fighting evenly with him when we spared in the anbu hideous. And our skills were pretty complementary, i was capable to find any hidden things or persons miles away and he could track people for miles.

*author note: i am improvising this because since in the manga Kakashi never said out loud the place to go to…*

**** next day at 11 o'clock sharp in the morning****

-Hey kid!

-Your late!!!

-I said to be there before 11 not that i will show up before it.

-He has a point Naruto, did the two of you eat this morning.

-I didn't have a choice my mom would not let me go before i did.

-I ate because i was scared you would kick my ass if i didn't.

-Good, like that you will have all the energie to kick sensei butt.

Although i could not see Kakashi face while talking to the two i knew he was having one of those anime sweat on his temple from my words. I have been his partner many time over my years in the tactic forces of Konoha, i knew exactly how to rub him the wrong way. Mind game had a large part in a fight if you could take hold of the opponent way of thinking and make him have a mental breakdown you could beat him in a matter of minutes.

-Kids nowadays they don't respect their elder anymore. See those two bells, at noon if one of you had not gotten hold of it i'll tie him up on one of those post and eat right in front of him.

-That fair game.

-Wait!!!, is not there only two bells?

-That the point, one of you will have to go back to the academy no matter what.

-Oh seem interesting Sasuke, Naruto when it start your following me.

-Roger that. Said the two at once.

-I forgot, you're allowed to use all your ninja tools, shuriken, Kunai, all you want even ninjutsu and genjutsu if you can.

-Hu? You're sure about that? I won't say i am the best in that field but Hinata and Sasuke might kill you.

Kakashi vanished and appeared being Naruto while laughing.

-Don't worry about me kiddo i am much stronger than you think. I can easily fight the three of you and still have time to spare for reading a book.

Yeah, i am going to make him eat back those words in less time then he know it. No one question my strength like that and certainly not you wolf boy. I just need a good plan, if only some inspiration could fall off the sky maybe i could use my scorch release since no one ever seen me use it? Nan bad, idea if he is not able to dodge he will be vaporized and his wife will be on my back till the end of time. Setsuna can really hold a grudge, Kakashi was late on their first year marriage anniversary he sleep on the couch for a whole month afterward.

Oh that might be it i totally forgot but Kakashi don't know i can use Hyoton. If i play well maybe i could make him believe i am his wife coming after him because he forgot something again, give Sasuke and Naruto some ice release talisman to impersonate Haku and that will seal the deal the guy won't know what happened to him.

**** Third person POV****

Yeah Hinata is devious some time, it's because she get bored easily you see the anbu don't do that many missions since they are mostly there to protect Konoha or to perform high importance missions. So the lot of them have a rather weird sense of humor toward each other, on her first day in the hideous she got all her stuff taken and hidden aways in the nose of the shodaim. The next day everyone had to wash up since they all got pranked with the most horrible smelling bomb.

Hinata can really be mean too, once Kakashi (wolf) was reading his dirty book on a mission alongside her and she simply used it to start the fire next morning clearly telling him inappropriate books aren't to be read in front of her. Another time she sew an adorable little kitten on the back of his vest making everyone mock him, and his wife laughs at it when he came home.

Many other story like that could be heard from the anbu division if you listened a little. One was about how on a boring day someone had actually encourage Naruto to paint the Hokage faces. Must to his sensei sham, but Naruto pranks were always the funniest to look at.

****end of third person POV****

Well scratch that idea it's just plain stupid, Haku and Setsuna would kill me if i ever did that sort of prank. I guess i can just go the old fashion way and stole the bells. Muh, that so boring but i guess we will have to only half kill Kakashi san to get the bells from him anyway.

*Author Note: I am not to be taken responsible of any deaths resulting of Hinata battle again Kakashi.*

Kakashi gave the starting signal and i grabbed Naruto and Sasuke disappearing in a blurt of leaf. Yeah that technique only look amazing, but it is precisely why so many ninja learn it's cool. The 3 of us ended up 100 meter from the clearing, i started explaining to them that we needed to act out has a team even if only 2 of us could pass.

Kakashi was dumb founded after all didn't that girl say to follow her didn't she mean to attack him right off the bat… He regained his composure and took out his book, since it was the last entry in the series of Paradise of flirt and his wife has given him the okay to read it out at less till he finished it. He didn't know reading it now might actually cause his early death, but every ninja has his little O.C.D and he was a superior ninja a bunch of kids should not be much trouble after all they could not be jounin level already. Yeah two kids weren't jounin level, but the last brat was Black Fox the most fearsome anbu to date even the yondaime might look childish in front of him.

*Author note: I don't know if anyone noticed but i try to alway talk about Black Fox has a male to make him gender neutral. That is not me making any mistake in my writing merely i though it might be good not to tell everyone that the kid was a girl to at less give them trouble finding her/him in the future if they did try.*

In the past, an official had offended Black Fox and ended up becoming an eunuque the next morning without his consent obviously. The surgery was not hard, nor was anesthetizing the patient, the hard part was making his ball into a collar for him to remember never to offend a ninja again. To this day the man was still the talk of the daimyo court. His only fortune was to already have been the father of two sons and a daughter.

Yeah, i hate being underestimated sue me for it!!! No seriously everyone who see me think i am just a kid till they die without knowing what even hit them. Kakashi was reasonable since he didn't know my true identity as Hinata, i was not going to end him for it this time anyway. The plan i had come up with my two comrades was pretty descent i would catch our sensei attention and they would serve has diversion for me to grad the price nothing too complex in and of itself. The problem was that they clearly would not hold anything back even if it mean i would be injured too. I was not in anyway planning to be injured so all was fine.

I came out in the open Naruto had encircle the clearing with his clones Sasuke was hidden in a tree near the river. I took my newly made dagger in hand cutting my thumb on the handle a bit to give it some blood. From the original 30 centimeter it became twice as long making it in a nice defensive blade. Well my twin Kodachi weren't the best weapon in a bout whom i wanted to win without killing.

I called it Kyuketsuki since it would drink my or my opponent blood to get longer it's creation was from me reverse engineering the Executioner i had taken custody of, prop to the blacksmith that made it, it was hard to get it done. If i had not been a master myself i doubt i could have recreated the effects of if i had no knowhow in fuinjutsu.

Reading myself i jumped forward to Kakashi, he only took out a kunai to parry while still reading his book but soon i started to (dance) slash at him faster than he could keep with. Maintaining his reading was out and he put it back in his belt bag.

-Well princess Hinata i admire you are making me have a hard time. Not letting me read my book peacefully at all but hey that also what a ninja is supposed to do. But i wonder what happened with those friends of your did you put them out yourself to take all the credit?

-I wonder where they could be maybe being you who know? I was giving him a wicked smile to which he felt a cold chill.

Our future sensei just had the time to dodge with substitution jutsu the barrages of weapons Sasuke had thrown his way, I didn't. I simply side stepped out of the way and stuck the one who could still hurt me with my blade. Kakashi had always been fast and instinctively could react to this kind of bloodthirst.

But what he didn't expect was for the army of Naruto hidden everywhere around the battlefield. More than 10 of them managed to jump on him and one even took his back has Naruto gave him a punch in the face, or would have if he didn't substitute himself a second time.

-Naruto out of the way! Scorch release Heavenly fire breath!!!

Fire as white as snow was now directed to the forest Kakashi had hidden into, well it was not hard locating him after all i had the Byakugan on my side. I could see him running for his dear life with the face of someone that almost saw the death reaper. That was hilarious in my view.

-Little princess maybe you should keep that technique to a ninja from an enemy's country next time?

-Oh but didn't you say everything go? I just followed the rules now if you don't want to play i can take those bell from you how about that?

While the jutsu had lasted i was certain Kakashi was blinded only my two companions had seen me change position and form a shadow clone. I removed any intent from my body making me practically invisible even for the most adept of practitioner. Sasuke activates his sharingan taking the lead to attack Kakashi again to make for a diversion, i took out a smoke bomb of my making signaling the boy to put a mask on from my position in the back of the jounin. My clone had taken the Hyuga style stance to confuse Kakashi into believing it was not a good idea to come closer and i threw the smoke bomb right under his legs.

I was not the conventional ones, this one has a nasty smell into it making anyone with normal sense of smell want to puke and let not talk about Kakashi who's moral was really low after this attack of mine. Not only his sight was blocked but also his sense of smell, using some doton chakra i dug my way in the ground. Sasuke came for a short range shot with kunai in hands and Naruto was backing us up with his clone army, plus my clone still threatening to charge him up.

Sasuke had made contact with the silver haired man and that was all it took for me to take the chance. Faster than lighting i took hold of the two bell with the utmost of silence. Setsuna san Husband got frozen from noticing me appearing beside my clone and looked at his belt to see the two bells now gone. He was clearly asking himself when i had done that but the hole in the ground gave him the response. A perfectly timed sneak attack coupled with my teammates helping me out. A smile could be seen on his face but he than asked.

-Now who is going back to the academy?

-Naruto, Sasuke, i think we should go back all three of us, that sensei is really weak at worst it just one more year.

-You little!!! Fine you pass but how did you know the test was not about the bells?

-Obviously because a team of ninja always consists of four. Maybe your previous pupils could have been foul but i am not that stupid.

-Hehehehehe. I see yeah i like your little missy.

-It's Hinata for you sensei Kakashi.

-Wait that mean we all pass?

-Sure we do dobe.

-Yes one more step in the way of Hokage!!!!

While our sensei vanished the 3 of use got back to the village to one of Akimichi restaurant after convincing Naruto that ramens were not celebratory food. We ordered mainly meat and since i had a 50% discount from selling my recipes of soda to the Akimichi we could buy a tones of it. I still didn't ate to the point of making them go bankrupt i was not that famish.

Kakashi also received his lifetime of surprise opening the scroll Black Fox had given him after finally remembering it hours after his report. Black fox had received the mission to watch over the scion of the Uchiha and the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox. Damn Hinata Hyuga, that cute little girl, was that deathly fellow Black Fox what world did he live in. If someone else could see the scroll they would notice the photo of Hinata with another of Black Fox just beside it under it would be the long list of mission she had accomplished as her anbu persona. Finally further down was her last mission Infiltrating the genin team of Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki for their own protection.

trying to make shorter chapters to release a bit more

MrKagcreators' thoughts