
Hinata 2.0 Brotherhood?!

The man and the two young boy had stopped in a village a few miles away from Konoha so Jiraya could get some info. His contact in the place should be able to send him in the right direction. Unbeknown to the trio a few hour prior to their check in the inn, Itachi and Kisame had a scuff with shinobi of the leaf leaving Kakashi in a coma.

And today would mark the fateful encounter of the younger brother with his hated older sibling. Or not, Kisame and itachi were now on the wrong trail because Naruto had used his shadow clone to split them to every village that were near Konoha asking if anyone had seen the Senju princess with her photo in hand. The two men had only been able to follow his trail because of the chakra of the kyuubi but each clone contained a bit of it rendering the research more difficult then needed and Kisame was already reaching the limits of his patience.

Could a prankster play a prank on someone unconsciously? Well maybe, who know what the god of prankster could do to alleviate his boredom, and looking at two mortal running around in circle might entertain him for a few moment.

In the end the encounter would still happen just a few days later them the prevision by your truly. Two week after their departure the trio settled in another hostel this time they were much closer to their target Tsunade had been there only 2 week before. You could know it by the lost she had suffered and that was on any gambler lips.

-Kid if you're ninja that mean you're adult. Want to go a round. Say a guy that attracted Sasuke and Naruto attention.

The poor man ended up losing every single of his ryo to Naruto uncanny luck. Because yes Naruto had even more luck in his single finger then in all of Hiruki body. On the other Hand Sasuke had played poker game after poker game like a pro. The two gained a lot of attention until Jiraya finally came back to take them back. Looking at their gain the man definitely though those two had golden fingers. After going to the bank to deposit all the money they finally were back to their room, but just has they were going in a beautiful you woman gave some look to Jiraya. Before the two chunin could do anything the man had given them the room key and told them to stay put.

The two were dumbfounded, but they decided not to mind it. Entering the room they left their weapon to the wall where they could get them fast. Naruto had put a fuinjutsu on the walls to seal the sound of the place from the outside, although they could still hear what was happening everywhere around. Later a few knock on the door made the two attention rise.

-Old pervert did you forgot your key while you were too rushed to go after that girl, i guess she dumped you right away since you look bad.

This was coded talking Naruto and Sasuke had composed with Jiraya for case like those. Since the old man would always get to no good and drop them off like that. If he could not response correctly they would not let him in.

-Brat if you don't come out we can just break in.

-Well guess it is no Jiraya. Said Naruto as he got his ninjato and made it run with wind chakra.

Sasuke took his own blade while Naruto was approaching the door. the jinchuriki was already circulating his swift chakra inside his body to response to any movement from the other party. If they were lucky it was only someone that was after Jiraya to collect his drinking debt. That hardly happened but they could not drop the possibility.

When Naruto took hold of the door knob and moved it sideway he was greeted with a surprise. The face was very well know by him he had seen him so many time in the span of 6 month in his youth.

-Itachi? questioned Naruto with surprise.

-Naruto what did you say?! Asked Sasuke looking over the boy shoulder to also see the hated criminal that had almost killed their parent.

-Naruto and Sasuke it has been a long time.

Although he was using a monotone tone of voice Itachi was happy to see his younger sibling, his only displeasure was the thing he would need to do to him from now on. He could not play easy on the boy, after all he could not know he was not the hated criminal everyone thought of him, and also because of his partner who would report on him to the leader of Akatsuki who would in turn report to Madara.

This script was all too troublesome and if Hinata had been here she would probably kick the two ass up before dragging back Itachi home. But she was not and she would probably only know much later of this encounter. Sasuke was the first one to make his move, he threw some shuriken enhanced with raiton toward his brother knowing full well he would not become fratricide from only that but well determined to be by the end of the day.

Itachi moved sideway a little, but he had remarked the weird shape of the kunai and that alerted his sense creating a clone and moving away while he was out of his brother line of sigh. He had never been so happy of his prediction has his brother flashed to the marked kunai before piercing the water clone in the back. As he was going after the real Itachi Kisame finally made his move trying to cut the boy up but was stopped by the blade in Naruto hand.

If you ask how the Uchiha boy had know the FTG it was because obviously Kakashi had taught him. And the only reason he had not used it again Gaara was it limited range for now he could only do it for a perimeter of no more than 5 meter away, more and he would not be able to control it correctly and would lost a large chunk of chakra each time. Once he has the time he should really practice it to get more range the minimum should be 50 meter.

While the boy shock had passed he immediately attacked too, everything had only lasted second and now the blond could see his friend running after Itachi. Using his free hand behind his back he created a rasengan in the hope of taking the swordsman by surprise, he then realised the opponent sword was draining his chakra and moved back. Right after that he immediately used a swift step to move behind Kisame whose reaction time was a bit delayed but the sudden movement, he just had the time to place Samehada before the jutsu. The chakra was mostly ingested by the sword but the impact made him fly back several meter away from the boy.

That when the whole housing started to change to the inside of a frog. Sasuke in his anger didn't notice the change an focused on his brother his two sharingan blasting a full capacity seeing his brother movement more clearly then he had ever been able to. He made the seal for his plasma release and the greenish fire apparead on his hand with an unprecedented density, as he was about to throw it his awareness sembled to fade it was Tsukuyomi intruding his brain he just had time to throw the jutsu before taking the attack head on but he was prepared and using all his might broke the technique apart from sheer determination.

-Yo you two did you think your little stun would go unnoticed? I am not such a pervert that i would go after someone that had been put under a genjutsu you know.

-Kisame we have to run

-Got it.

The two comparse finally made a run for it and if Sasuke had not had his brain in mush he would have gone after them. Naruto just had the time to go to his side before he fall to the ground exhausted from breaking Tsukuyomi.

-The two of you really underestimate me if you think you can run from here. What the…

Naruto and Jiraya moved to see the toad interior wall had taken fire. An ominous black fire the Hinata would recognize has Amaterasu. in the end with not other choice Jiraya sealed the flame while Naruto observed and told him how his seal was badly written. Getting himself a side look with some popped out veins from the sannin.

Sasuke woke up just fine the next day, after all his fight had indeed took a toll on him but unlike in the original story he had not received the full attack helping him recover by the next day. From now on he would be more on guard for the next time he meet Itachi would probably be the last.

Tens of miles away around a fire camp, Itachi and Kisame were bandaging their injuries, in particular itachi had received a nasty burn from Sasuke Attack.

``Younger brother you have become quite strong while i was away. have you found something to fight for, something to protect? Training to the point of creating a new affinity, how much blood and sweat have you put out for that. I was hoping for Hinata to have helped you and healed your heart but it seem i was wrong. The less i can do now is gift you those eyes of mine for you to have a better future than me.``

****Hinata POV****

For some reason i just had a cold shiver run through my back, i wonder if someone is taking bad of me. If it is the case it must be Orochimaru that bastard. That slimy snake was the cause of most of my trouble at the moment, first me having to take Maki and Sana out on a mission to Suna to assure their protection, not that i was opposed to protecting the two particularly Maki who was my dearest lover.

No the most hateful thing was that he had leaked my secret to Akatsuki and for that i was going to make a chamber pot of his skull. Not that i would use it anyway that was only symbolic, so he would know he is full of shit at all time.

Am i someone who seek revenge, hell yeah i do, just not at anyone who offense me but the guy had reach my bottom line time and time again. Menacing Maki and two of my best buddy in Sasuke and Sana if i do nothing people will think it is easy to bully me and will start to try to kill me all the time. Better kill a big bug then have to kill hundred of small bugs, after all a reputation could very well protect you from danger. If your enemies thought they had no chance then they would not dare to try.

I was now having a nice chat with Gaara along with Maki. I explained to him how ninken were to be taken care of and what food to give them so they can become stronger or more intelligent and start to talk. The one we had taken to Suna were merely pups 4 to 5 months old. The boy was petting one on his lap while Maki was enjoying the tea that Temari has specially brewed for us, that girl was really thoughtful and i thanked her before she departed from the room.

The reason i was not all alone with Gaara was mainly because Maki was opposed to me being alone with him. Was she jealous of Gaara? Maybe, but i don't see why she know well i love girl if it was Temari now i could understand.

-So those pups will grow rapidly to become has big has a man?

-Yes but they will be faster than the average chunin and have the capacity to use chakra to enhance it further and also their bite. The sense of smell of a ninken is so developed they could track for hundred of miles someone days later.

-That good the search squad of Suna always wanted to try having some dog, but asking to buy the Inuzuka family ninken was a bit too much for our village until now.

-Well politic is a pain in the ass for anyone that has to go by it, but it is an essential tool in time of peace.

-I can only say you are right Hinata.

We ended up having some more small talk and this time Maki joined us a bit, but the most of it ported on how to help raise ninken and what to do if they get injured what medicine work best on them etc.At one point we ended the conversation and while my girlfriend and i were going back to our housing she stopped me.

-Hinata, are you alright?

-Why do you ask?

-Two S rank missing nin had just said their boss want you i think that could put stress on anyone.

-I am truly not scared of that Maki believe me i am much more scared for other than for me.

-That my other point, Hinata you aren't invincible so please take care of yourself. I don't want to lose you now that the two of us have become a couple. In the future i want to pass my older day alongside you and kiss you while snuggling like to crazy lovers.

-Maki, i… ...I know what you mean, but i always felt it was my responsibility to help this world, like i was the one responsible for everything going wrong. You are right though i should take care of myself after all if no one his there to cross the path with this fate who know what tragic end we could all have?

-Thank you Hinata that is all i wanted from you.

Finally the two of us came back to our housing. the two of us passed the rest of the day on a canopy snuggling to each other. When we arrived a few day ago i send a missive to the third so he knew about Akatsuki being onto me. I received orders to come back as soon has everything was finished on our part. Tomorrow should be when we depart i had already given all the book i had sealed in my scrolls for the ninja of the special research quad to care about the ninken. I also taught the veterinarian of the village how to care the most common injury ninken usually encounter mainly noses, paws and legs also their ears a bit but it was not my main speciality, i told them to send missives to the Inuzuka if ever they needed it they would certainly help with it.

We finally departed on the last day after we came away for a bit i took out a scroll and enlarger it to the right proportion before telling the team to get on. This was the same way i had taken Haku and Setsuna form Mizu no kuni back in the day, well i should say my clone had, this method would prevent ambush on the way and i was not to keen on getting another one of those. next think we knew we were in the forest surrounding Konoha.

-This is really efficient senpai. Pointed Yamato.

-Could not we have used that to go? Said shikamaru lazily.

-Don't say that Shikamaru at less that made you see some of the scenery and i can only use this jutsu to go some place i had already marked I never marked any place in Suna. If you add the fact this jutsu require a lot of chakra to operate for long distance like that this is not really user friendly.

-If so Hinata why use it this time. questioned Sakura

-Because being ambush by those two again would have been bad. responded i my place Sana.

-Ok let stop all this and go meet the Hokage.

From there on we didn't take much time to get to the mission desk to report the success of the mission receiving an A grade pay for it, before passing in front of Hiruzen. I didn't like to make report that was a long and tedious work and i could really have passed that time seeing Hanabi or snuggling with my dear Maki.

So like i changed the encounter since Sasuke and Naruto aren't exactly like they should be in the manga i think it is not bad technically they surprised the two and almost won plus Sasuke broke though Tsukuyomi because of his training and mental fortitude.

I wonder if i could have done a better job but when i was not using first person point of view it was also much easier to depict. i chose wisely this time i guess.

MrKagcreators' thoughts