
Life's Circuit:new The Legend of Korra

Cars raced swiftly on the mountainous road, chasing a luxurious vehicle. Inside, a woman sat in the back seat, instructing her driver to increase speed. "Faster, they're catching up." "Alright, miss." The woman hurriedly tried to contact someone on her phone. *Tut tut tut.* "Come on, answer!" *Tut tut -* "Come on, uncle, pick up!" *Klick.* "Connected!" *Relief.* "Uncle-" "You're still alive." *Thud.* She felt as if her heart stopped upon hearing her uncle's words, whom she considered a father. "W-what do you me-" "Ah, let's stop there." "Ugh... Listen, dear, die so I can take over all the assets of your deceased parents. Honestly, I'm tired of playing the role of a good uncle." "Goodbye, Lena." *Clunk tut tut tut.* "Miss, I'm sorry." With empty eyes, the girl stared at her phone, unaware of her driver's strange words. Taking something from his coat, the driver slowed down the car and turned to face her, pointing a gun at her. *Door.* Blood started flowing from her forehead. The girl's vision began to blur, tears streaming down her face, leaving her body growing colder.

Rachel_2019768 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

prologue: water part 2

In the courtyard of the hut, you can see children playing happily, until their attention is diverted because water bubbles are flying above them.

When they looked at where the bubbles came from, they immediately became happy and ran to the hut.

"Kids, slow down, don't run around or you'll fall," said one of the voices of the adults watching.

"Yes...!" The children answered simultaneously.

Children, they started to enter the hut and sat on the floor neatly.

Right in front of them, Katara was standing with a little girl.

"Morning kids!" Said Katara

"Morning too gran-gran" |children|

"Did you guys have fun?"

"Yes...." The children answered cheerfully.

"Gran-gran... Gran-gran....!!" Call a child excitedly.

"Yes, Kairo!?" Katara looked at the child with natural tan skin, sharp eyes and messy black hair. If people saw him, he would give the impression of a careless, naughty child.

"I just won a snowball fight from the Nerida team," pointing to the girl in the back row.

"Hah!!, you're just mud lucky!"

"I'm not mud!!, you witch!"

"W-witch!!, how dare you call me that?"

"You started..., wekkkk" Kairo replied, sticking out his tongue.

Meanwhile, the other children just watched them, as if they were already used to the two of them's behavior.

(What are they doing! It's so childish)

|Korra aged 2 years+ 25 years|

"That's enough, children, don't fight, kairo...Nerida...."

"Don't make fun of your friends! Understand!?"


"Understood, Granny"

"*nods* okay kids today we have a new friend" While directing the kids attention to Korra.

"Her name is Korra, she will study together with us! Korra welcomes your friends, no need to be embarrassed!!"

"Hello everyone my name is Korra, nice to meet you all!" Bowing respectfully

"Hello Korra" The kids answered

'Korra, sit next to that kid over there! ' Katara whispered, pointing to an empty place next to the child named Nerida.

"Yes gran-gran"

Korra started to sit next to Nerida, while Katara started swinging her arms to use her water bending and right behind them(the children), bowls of water in an upside down position started to be lifted by the water beneath them.

The water floated and stopped right in front of each child.

*tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak*

The bowl was turned over again, so that the water that Katara had released control of did not spill onto the floor and remained in the bowl.

"Okay, because we have new friends, Gran-Gran will repeat our lesson about waterbending a little, can anyone help Gran-Gran explain?"

"Oh oh oh I'm gran-gran!" Said the children while fighting to raise their hands.


"Well..., ahem!, Waterbending is an art that manipulates the water around us. You have to feel the energy of the water and direct it according to your will. The movements are smooth and the flow of energy follows your emotions and thoughts."

"That's right! Thank you Kai. Give me a round of applause."

*prak prak prak prak prak*

"As explained by Kai!, waterbending is the art of manipulating water but not only manipulating it but also relating to emotions and thoughts."

Katara poured the water onto the floor, and let the water flow in whatever direction it went.

"Your mind must be free like water. Water can flow around obstacles, adapting to the situation. Likewise waterbending, flexible and responsive to change"


The flowing water returns to Katara's bowl after she uses water bending on her water.

"We'll start with simple things, pushing and pulling! Korra, you can start by following your friends' movements!"

"Okay Granny"

"Okay everyone, please try!!"

It all starts with subtle movements, children begin to move their hands back and forth. Create small waves in the water in each bowl.

Korra also did the same movement but the water in her bowl didn't move at all, she wasn't disappointed after all she didn't expect it to work.

Meanwhile, it turns out that many children are also like him.

(It turns out not everyone can actually do it)

Korra glanced beside her, seeing a girl with a sweet, white face and two pigtails.

(He's great!, he may only be around 3 or 4, but his understanding of waterbending is probably the best among the others)

While looking at the other kids, who seemed to be putting quite a bit of effort into it. Meanwhile the girl beside him was very relaxed in doing so.

(What was her name? Nedane.. Nerida yes nerida)

"Nerida's older sister is really great huh..."

"Eh!!" Surprised by her new friend's words, Nerida stopped for a moment then continued her movements again.

"Hehehe thanks, you're pretty great too"

"How?? "

"Well... Even though there is no movement in the water, you did the movements well."

"Thank You"

"Nerida, nerida kallik, just call me Rida"


"Oh! Well... Don't call me older sister! We're the same age after all."


"2 years old, that's my age, even though tomorrow I will be 3 years old, today I will still be 2 years old" Smiling proudly while raising his head.

(Two years?, he is taller than me. how is that possible?!, or am I the short one?)

"And also, you know I'm very good at riding a sled! I used to go really fast-"

Nerida talked about herself very enthusiastically, as if Korra had been her friend for a long time who had been separated and was starting to get excited about it.

(Somehow I seem to see his nose lengthening..., maybe it's just my imagination!)

I don't know how many minutes have passed, with Nerida still telling the story and Korra just listening.

Glancing at the Nerida bowl, Korra noticed the water in the Nerida bowl was spilling little by little.

"E... Rida, your water!! " While pointing at Nerida's bowl.

Hearing Korra, Nerida looked at her bowl which she had neglected for a long time.

"Eh!!, e..... H. How is this"

Nerida sadly saw that most of the spilled water had soaked into the floor, leaving a little water remaining. When she was about to cry.

"There's still water in the back."

"Ah, right..." Nerida took her bowl and went to the back to get water.

"Oh!! Yes Korra, your movements are good but maybe you can use {Open Water Step} to complete your movements!"

"Open steps??" Putting on a confused face.

"You know!, opening your legs to the side in a wide stance. That's a basic water bending stance, rather than just standing normally. That used to help me!"

Leaving Korra, Nerida went back to get water.

(Easy horses!!)

Korra began to follow Nerida's instructions. Open your legs to the side in a wide position. while swinging his hands gently back and forth like water waves.

[{Your understanding of waterbending has increased}]

[ waterbending {locked}]

(What the hell! Useless bastard...)

Seeing the status panel pop up with a notification, Korra grumbled inwardly while still doing basic bending movements. Even though he knows this is useless for him.


-Senna's POV-

'Thank God!! Korra managed to make a friend' muttered Senna looking at Korra from the edge of the room.

'What did I say...they will get along quickly' whispered the person beside him who was Nerida's mother.

Senna looked at her friend with gratitude, to be honest Senna wasn't sure if Korra would be comfortable around strangers.

The reason is that Korra never interacts with other people directly without the intermediary Senna or Tonraq.

If someone had to be blamed, it might be him, because he was too protective of Korra. It's not without reason that he did it, it all started at the beginning of Korra's birth.


"Come on Senna, push..." |katara|


"Once again, huuuuu, inhale and then push...!"


In a difficult birth, Senna lost blood and strength. However, he continued to hold on in the hope that he would see his child's tiny face and embrace him with great affection.

However, after the long birthing process, the baby did not cry as expected.


"Sorry, senna"

In heart-wrenching silence, Katara, who helped deliver the baby, wearily informed him that the baby was not born safely.

"*trembling* Ha hu ha hu.... "

"W-what did you say elder..." voice trembled.

In Senna's disbelief-.

"E-elder... Hey... elder! Say something–, GRAN-GRAN!! " Senna shouted.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!" Panic overtook him.

In that moment, Senna's world collapsed. Deep pain and loss penetrated every fiber of his heart. He felt as if everything had been taken away from him by force.



In indescribable emptiness and sadness.

"Senna... Calm down.. Senna. Child..."

"What's wrong!!"

"Tonraq! calm Senna..."

Tonraq looked at Katara and the baby in her arms, he immediately understood the situation without delay he approached Senna and put her in his arms.

"Senna... Senna... Darling, everything is fine, everything will be fine. I'm here" *hugs tightly*

In Tonraq's arms, who was trying to calm her down, without hearing what Tonraq said, Senna fainted in his arms.




*opens eyes*

"Tonraq... Tonraq!" In a hoarse voice, Senna called out to her husband,

Looking around for her husband.

"Ah Senna–"

"Where's our baby?"

Tonraq's voice muffled.

"You've seen him, right? Where is he? I want to see him too."

Don't know what to do..., Tonraq subconsciously answered–.

"Yes... I'll bring him here!" Walked out of the room.

When the Tonraq was outside, Senna heard sounds like someone arguing with him.





When Tonraq returned from outside, he was carrying a baby wrapped in cloth in his arms.

Handing the baby to Senna, Senna scooped him gently into her lap.

"*smile* Look at Tonraq, he's so beautiful–"

Looking towards her husband, Senna smiled happily, meanwhile Tonraq. Even though on the surface he seems to be smiling, his smile carries deep sorrow.

"Yes Senna... what name should we name him?"

His voice was shaking but he was the only one who was conscious. But there was something unexpected he witnessed, his daughter opened his eyes.

Her child who she believed was dead opened her eyes.

"I don't know, something beautiful but also strong. Have you thought of something..."

Sad, surprised, amazed, happy, excited, mixed feelings.

But his lips continued to move to say what he had to say, a name he had prepared when his child was born.

"Yeah.. I got one; what about {korra}"



"Nice name, from now on your name will be Korra..."

"Thank you, Senna." As he kissed Senna's forehead, tears flowed from his eyes.

kisses of affection and expression of gratitude for this miracle.

Meanwhile, Katara, who had just entered, just looked at them in surprise. Until he felt something–, without realizing it he looked up at the ceiling.

He remembered that it was the night of the full moon.

'Yue–, *smiles*after all that–, for a long time..., thank you, thank you very much..'


- return to the present -

After that incident..., many things changed. At first I never remembered this ever happening to my child.

Even without realizing it, I became a very protective person towards Korra, I protected her from many things that might hurt her.

Until my behavior unknowingly interfered with my own child's development, maybe if Tonraq hadn't advised me and started telling me about my child who had died.

Maybe I will still be trapped by my bad nature.

"Ha ha ha ha... "

"It really happened–, hahaha.."

Seeing his daughter laughing and having fun made him happy about his decision to relax his protection.


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