
Lies in the Moonlight

In the shadowy realms of a historical kingdom, "Lies in the moonlight" unravels a tale of dark romance, suspense, and unforeseen twists. Duke Adrian, a man of authority and cold demeanor, finds himself entangled in a web of political conspiracy and forbidden passion. Adrian's marriage to Seraphina, a timid and shy woman, conceals a haunting secret—their union marred by an intimate betrayal. As the Duke navigates the treacherous waters of state affairs, a sinister revelation unfolds—the trade of young girls, orchestrated by none other than the kingdom's own monarch. Amidst the political turmoil, Seraphina, burdened by a painful past, becomes the unwitting pawn in a game of power and deceit. The narrative weaves through her struggles, exposing the fragility of her spirit and the scars left by a forced intimacy. As the Duke's rebellion gains momentum, dark revelations emerge, revealing the true extent of the kingdom's depravity. The story explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption, drawing readers into a world where shadows conceal both hidden desires and bitter truths. "Lies in the Moonlight" is a gripping historical romance, blending suspenseful intrigue with the complexities of forbidden passion, leaving readers on the edge of their seats as they traverse a kingdom veiled in secrets.

Blue_Snowflake · Geschichte
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Seraphina climbed into the carriage, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and uncertainty. The Duke, now joined by Borel, acknowledged her presence with a nod.

The wheels creaked as the carriage began to move, carrying Seraphina away from the only life she had ever known, towards a destiny entwined with the whims of the aristocracy and the shadows that clung to the darkened city.

The carriage rolled through the cobblestone streets, the rhythmic clatter of hooves blending with the distant echoes of the city.

Seraphina's gaze drifted between the passing gas lamps and the murky silhouettes of buildings. The city's heartbeat pulsed with an enigmatic energy, and the air crackled with tension.

Inside the carriage, the Duke's stern visage remained impassive. Borel, his assistant, sat across from Seraphina, his eyes fixed on the outside world. The guard, an imposing figure in uniform, maintained a vigilant watch as they traversed the winding paths of the darkened city.

The Duke finally broke the silence, his voice cutting through the confined space. "Seraphina, you are now under my care. You will address me as Your Grace and follow my instructions without question. Do you understand?"

Seraphina, her hands tightly clasped in her lap, nodded silently. Her eyes, however, betrayed a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. She stole a glance at Borel, whose expression remained stoic, revealing nothing of his thoughts.

The Duke's gaze lingered on Seraphina for a moment before turning to Borel. "Make sure she is educated in the ways of the aristocracy. She is to be a companion of sorts."

Borel nodded, acknowledging the order without uttering a word. The carriage continued its journey through the city's labyrinthine streets, the gas lamps flickering like distant stars.

As they approached the Duke's mansion, a sprawling estate shrouded in ivy and mystery, the atmosphere grew more oppressive. The guard signaled the coachman to stop, and the carriage came to a halt. The Duke, followed by Borel, stepped out, their shadows elongated by the dim light.

Seraphina emerged into the night air, her eyes adjusting to the grandeur of her new surroundings. The mansion loomed before her, a symbol of privilege and power. The Duke motioned for her to follow, and the trio ascended the grand staircase, their footsteps echoing in the marble halls. 

Inside, the mansion was a maze of opulence. Seraphina, in her modest dress, felt like an intruder in this world of extravagance. 

When she entred the mansion after the duke and found many maids in a row bowing their heads to greet the grand duke " Good Evening master." Adrian didnt reply and called the head maid " Carol, she is to be my bride Serphina, so make sure she lacks nothing and prepare a room for her to stay until the wedding day" Carol responded with a bow " Yes master, you can count on me." Adrian left them behind and went ahead.

Seraphina softly greeted the head maid " Hello".

Carol smiled softly and introducced herself and told the other maids to prepere her room and told some others to make dinner.

Carol then called for another maid named Beatrice to take Seraphina to her name chamber

Beatrice then nodded and led Seraphina through the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion, passing grand rooms adorned with chandeliers and sumptuous tapestries.

The opulence was overwhelming, and Seraphina couldn't help but feel a sense of displacement in her simple attire amidst such grandeur.

They reached a door adorned with intricate carvings, and Beatrice opened it to reveal a lavishly decorated chamber. The room was filled with an assortment of luxurious furniture, and the canopy bed dominated the space, draped in rich fabrics.

"Your room," Beatrice announced with a warm smile, gesturing for Seraphina to enter. The maids scurried about, making final adjustments to ensure everything was perfect.

"Thank you," Seraphina murmured, her voice barely audible. The door closed behind her, leaving her alone in the room.

She explored the chamber, her fingers lightly tracing the patterns of the exquisite furnishings. The enormity of her new reality sank in — from the orphanage to a mansion, and from the uncertainty of the streets to the impending union with the Duke.

The thought of being his bride stirred a mix of emotions within her—fear, curiosity, and an undeniable sense of duty.

As the maids continued their preparations outside, Seraphina found a moment of solitude to collect her thoughts. The lamps outside cast a soft glow through the window, and she gazed at the darkened city beyond.

The shadows seemed to dance, mirroring the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls.

Soon, dinner was served in the grand dining hall. Seraphina, now dressed in a gown provided by the maids, joined the Duke at the long table.

The air was heavy with the fragrance of delicacies, and the Duke acknowledged her presence with a nod.

The meal passed in silence, interrupted only by the occasional clinking of cutlery. Seraphina stole glances at the Duke, trying to decipher the enigma that was Adrian Ravenscroft. His features remained impassive, revealing nothing of the man behind the title.

After dinner, Beatrice escorted Seraphina back to her room. "Rest well, my dear. Tomorrow is a new day," she said with a reassuring smile before leaving Seraphina alone.

As Seraphina lay on the canopy bed, surrounded by the trappings of luxury, the gas lamps outside painted intricate patterns on the walls.

The city beyond held secrets, and within the mansion's walls, a tale of two worlds colliding was just beginning. The echoes of the orphanage seemed distant now, replaced by the grandeur and mysteries of the Duke's mansion.

The Duke's piercing gaze fixed on Seraphina as he spoke in a voice that sent shivers down her spine. "Seraphina, you will soon become part of my world. A world that demands adherence to its rules and expectations. Your role as my bride is not merely a title; it comes with responsibilities."

Seraphina's fingers tightened around the delicate stem of her wineglass as she nodded, her eyes downcast. The grand dining hall seemed to close in on her, the weight of the Duke's words settling heavily on her shoulders.

"You will be expected to conduct yourself with grace and poise. You are a reflection of me, and any indiscretion on your part will not be tolerated," the Duke continued, his gaze unyielding. "You will attend social functions, entertain guests, and, most importantly, bear the heir to the Ravenscroft name."

Seraphina's heart raced as the implications of his words sank in. The life she once knew felt like a distant dream, and the reality of her new role threatened to suffocate her. She mustered the courage to speak, her voice barely above a whisper, "I will do my best, Your Grace."

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