
chapter 3: Battling demons

Xander point of view

I kept tossing all over the bed like I was trying to find a place for rescue oer what I was about to do to this innocent soul,but I could not bring myself to as I yet again raped her without pity.

" No!" I jolt suddenly from my sleep as the events of the dream came flashing back into my head,making me wish it was just a dream and nothing more,making me wish earnestly that it stayed in my dreamworld and not be a reality, but alas I could not deny the fact that it actually happened. That I had single handedly raped an innocent girl.

I still remember that night like it was yesterday,her desperately begging for me to stop but could not bring myself to as I felt like I needed to release all the anger and frustration bottled up inside of me,not also helping that I had a lot to drink that night.

I was not one to drink and anytime I did I always ended up taking stupid decisions, but none of them where ever this extreme. It was always the stupid thing; like saying things I never had the courage to do and all of that,but that night was different,as I felt like the pain and frustration i was feeling within accustomed to my thoughtless behaviour.

Stopping my alarm clock which was now constantly ringing next to ears,I proceeded to the bathroom to get ready for the days work.

Taking off my shirt,I was left with a mark staring me right in the face, a constant reminder of what I had done some years back,and I had no conviction to try and get it covered cause I needed to be reminded of the beast that I was.

I so wanted redemption,I wanted to find the person that I had wronged all these years ago,but there is only much which you can do when you do not even remember her face right?

Shaking of the feeling, I hurry into the bathroom to get ready for the days work after which I proceeded out of the house to get to work.

Pulling up in front of my office, I walk directly into my office as I hear my phone beeping consistently in the pocket of my trousers.

" what's the problem simon" I say immediately I pick up the phone.

" I'm sorry for disturbing you sir,but we have a problem at hand" I hear him say as I was suddenly nervous to what the news could be.

" okay? And what is it exactly "

" Ashton is dead" I hear him say and it looked like I was dazed for a moment.

Asides being a CEO for Richard's group of companies I had other side piece job,one of which included me owning several restaurants,and Ashton just happened to be my head staff in one of the numerous restaurants I owned.

" And how did that happen? " I say still not believing it,especially as regards the fact that I had just spoken to him over the phone the day before and he sounded perfectly okay.

" He was involved in a ghastly motor accident while on his way to pick up his child from school " I hear him say and I could not lie about the fact that the revelation immediately struck a nerve.

" wow,this is a lot to process right now,anyways I want to meet me at his house,I would like to pay his family a visit to offer my condolences "

" yeah sure Mr Richards " I hear him reply from the other side of the phone after which I ended the call.

Picking up my wallet from the office table I proceeded out of the office and headed for Ashton's house.

I walk into a very sorrow environment with his wife crying endlessly and people trying so hard to comfort her,as I made to offer my sincere condolences and afterwhich I proceeded out of the house.

" what do we do MR Richards " I hear Simon say the moment we got out,he was one of our most important chefs.

" I know" I said while heaving heavily.

" I really don't know how to comfort this family, cause not amount of what I try to do will take away the pain" I say while suddenly feeling emotional at the moment.

" there is nothing we can do about it"

" yes there isn't "

" But we really need to find a new chef to fill up the space of Ashton, cause it would really be bad for business " I hear Simon suddenly say out of the blue and I rolled my eyes.

" wow Simon, at least show some respect to the dead. Let him be buried " I hear myself say totally feeling disgusted at the fact that he was insensitive.

" I'm sorry boss. I just thought to remind you"

" whatever its fine. I'll make some calls" I said as we proceeded out the place.

As I sat in my car,I rum my head about how I could possibly get a chef this urgently, as regards the fact that xander had been the one providing me with chefs every step of the way,but now that would be impossible since we no longer speak to each other.

I still could not believe the fact that I had gone ahead to jeopardise years of friendship for someone who was not even worth it,I could not believe that I had done my friend dirty for his ex Diane who did not even give two shits about me,a person who was nothing but a gold digging whore.

" arghh" I grunted internally not knowing who to call ,then suddenly an old time friend of mine suddenly came to my remembrance as I picked up my phone to put a call across to him.

" Heeyy Richards, and to what do I owe this unexpected call" I hear him say from the other side of the line and I just rolled my eyes.

" I need you help"

" whatever it is most be very important, anyways how can I be of help?"I hear him say from the other side of the line.

" yeah it is,I'm short of staff" I say hurriedly hoping he gets what I was talking about.

" chefs?" I hear him ask.

" yeah." Liam had been my friend over the years who was introduced to me through xander,he also owned an huge restaurant in goldencity city which was not quite far from westinburg.

" That would be quite difficult,cause I don't think I have any at the moment " I hear him say as I sensed the reluctance in his voice.

" just how urgent do you need one?"

" As soon as possible, I actually lost a staff and I need replacement instantly "

" okay,the only one I have available is a mobile chef. The problem however is that she does not just stay in a particular restaurant for a very long period, as she moves around often. However she is very good,that's if you don't mind " I hear him say from thr other side of the line.

" No I don't mind at all"

" That's good,just tell me when you are ready to meet up"

" I will fly over to goldencity today to make the final procedures" I say to him.

" it's fine. Would be expecting you" I hear him say as I ended the call,afterwhich I called my pilot to get my private jet ready and proceeded to goldencity.


" hey long time no see" I hear Liam's voice say as he pulled me into a tight hug.

" I know right" I say chuckling lightly as I proceeded to sit down right in front of him.

" so what has been going on in your life lately " I hear him say while trying to make small talks.

" Nothing much,just work." I say. The fact was my life was a very boring one at the moment, as I did not seem to be interested in anything other than work.

" I see. Why don't I call in the chef then" I hear him say as he picked up his intercom and spoke to a staff .

After about 20 minutes of waiting,we heard a known on the door and I was more happy, because truth to be told I was already quite bored from the conversation I was having with Liam.

"And here she is" he say to me the moment she walked in,but I did not bother to turn to look at her.

After telling her the reason he had summoned her,I turned to look at her and I would not lie about the fact that I was striken by the woman standing in front of me at the moment, with her ocean eyes shinning right back at me,she was indeed very beautiful.

I did not seem to catch whatever it was that Liam was telling her any longer cause I was striken by the woman in front of me

" right Mr lawson? " I hear Liam say trying to snap me back into reality as I saw his eyes dancing with amusement at the fact that he had caught me staring.

" yes,very urgently " I said clearing my throat at I regained composure,and with that she exited the room.

" you know you could have taken a picture right? " I hear the teasing voice of Liam say the moment she walked out of the office.

" what do you mean?" I hear him say while feigning ignorance like I did not know what it was he was talking about.

" You know exactly what I mean" I hear him say with his face dancing in amusement.

" whatever man"

" you know it's been long I have seen you look at any woman other than Diane " I hear him say and the mention of the name alone seemed to annoy me.

" I'm sorry,I didn't mean to" I hear him say trying to apologise.

" No its fine,I'm over it" I say but it sounded more like I was trying so hard to convince myself that I was.

" if you say so" I hear him say like he did not believe me but I just rolled my eyes.

" so,I'll get back to you on her reply " I hear him say and nodded my head in return afterwhich I proceeded to make my way out of the office, while silently wishing she accepted the job offer.

" But remember don't mix business with pleasure " I had him say before I could get out of the office which just made me roll my eyes at his stupid jokes.

" I never said i was going to okay" I say trying to deny the fact that I was not physically attracted to my soon to be chef,that is if she agreed to be my chef though.

" Erm I was wondering if we could catch up on old times' he said once again.

" I'm sorry I would love too,but I have a business meeting to meet up with. But maybe some other time yeah?"

" yeah sure,some other time" I hear him say and I smile to him return and made my way out the door.

Getting outside, I place a call across to my pilot to tell him I was ready to go back to westinburg, as I got into my car to get to the airport as soon as possible.

I pick up my phone to call simon to tell him of the latest updates.

" heyyy,I might have gotten a chef...it's not yet sure but I hope she agrees to work with us"

" Alright boss,that's good to hear"

" I'll fill you in if there is any developments"

"Sure." I hear him say from the other side of the phone and afterwhich I hung up.