
Lies and Deceit

My name is Toby Myers, today is November 2, 2021. I am 24 years old. I work at a company near my house. When I have free time, I draw comics and I don't like socializing with people, in short, I'm an introvert that needs money.

Today, I went to work. Opening the front door of the shop, a girl greeted me

"Good Morning, Myers", 

It was Jenna Crawford, she looked older than me and to be honest, I don't like her in the slightest, why you ask? I feel like she's not showing her true self, or maybe it's just my imagination. Jenna walked up to me and asked 

"Why are you so distant towards me?", 

I can't just tell her that I don't like her guts, so I made an excuse and said 

"I don't like socializing" which was half the truth; "I see, can we meet together after work?"

I couldn't think of any excuses, and it was the first time after so many years that someone wanted to meet up with me, so I agreed. 

While working, I thought to myself that maybe I made a huge mistake about her personality and I'm just overthinking it. Hours passed, and I finished my shift and went to meet up with Jenna. Thinking badly of her, I was about to apologize, but the meet-up was canceled. She texted and told me that my mom was calling her. I was shocked because I didn't know she knew my mom. I texted her,

"When did you meet with my mom?" 

But she didn't reply. I was having a bad feeling so I rushed home to see if my mom was doing just fine. When I went home, I saw my mom covered with a blanket around her shoulders, sitting on the sofa watching TV, but something was off. As I got closer and closer to the sofa, my heart was pounding, and then there, I saw blood gushing out and staining the blanket, I shouted


Suddenly, I felt an extreme pain making me shriek, there I realized that I was stabbed in the back by no other than Jenna Crawford and the last thing I heard before collapsing was "Liar!"


"I see this is what it looks like when someone goes into the afterlife. It's kind of cold, to be honest" I thought to myself. 

"Hey, hey, hey, are you alright Toby?";

"Who said that and why does my voice seem funny?", accidentally voicing out my thoughts. "What are you talking about? Did you hit your head too hard?", hearing that made me regain consciousness, and the next thing I knew, I turned into a kid (teenager) again.

"Am I not dead? What happened? Why did I turn into my old self? I remember being stabbed by Jenna Crawford. Who is this kid? Why does she look so familiar?"

Many questions lingering in my head. I snapped back to reality when the kid asked in concern "Why does your face look like you have seen a ghost are you alright?"; I replied in a panicked voice,


I must not let her know that I have forgotten about her because it might upset her. 

"What happened?" I asked. The kid told me that I fell from the tree trying to catch a bug. 

"I see, so who are you again?" I asked

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, did you lose your memories from the fall?" 

Genuine concern was written on her face. "I am Luna Lana" the kid stated

"HAHA I got you", trying to ease the tension; "Don't scare me like that geez", playfully punching my arm. 

I managed to get her name and made an excuse somehow. When we went home, Luna escorted me on my way home. As it turns out Luna and I were neighbors. With a huge sigh, I said to myself 

"That was a relief, I managed to go back home"

I was exhausted so I let my body fall into the bed. The night passed by. I was woken up by a girly tone "Wake up, wake up, we have school today"

Realizing it was Luna, I asked how she went to my room. She told me that she jumped over to the balcony to the window and woke me up. "Oh yeah, our balcony was close to each other huh" I uttered. I didn't want to go to school, but the idea of investigating my killer and finding out who Jenna Crawford was in my life motivated me. After preparing, we went to school.

Walking to school brought back so many memories of my young teenage years. As I went inside the classroom, Luna, two boys, and one girl greeted me. Luckily, before going to school, I looked at last year's yearbook, so I recognized them immediately. The boys that greeted me were Charlie Wanton and Paul Watson. The girl, her name was Anna Polly. I greeted right back them saying "Morning guys!", with a huge smile. The professor went inside the classroom and started the class. The professor's name was Albert Lenard. After Professor Lenard was done with the lecture, I had the idea to ask him if there was a student named Jenna Crawford attending the school. After school, I did exactly that, and to no avail, Teacher Lenard said that there was no one with the name Jenna Crawford attending the school. I was greatly confused and terrified at the same time. I asked myself 

"If I'm not associated with Jenna Crawford, then who is she? Why did she kill me?"

Luna then barged into the faculty office and invited me to go out to eat at a restaurant with the crew, letting my thoughts aside, we went to the restaurant. After eating, we headed home.

At home, I began to question Luna, the way she acted was a bit suspicious because of how she barged into the faculty room, but maybe I was just overthinking it. After that, I went to bed and slept. The next day Luna didn't enter my bedroom and wake me up. I was concerned because she would always wake me up in the morning, so I went to her house but her mom said that she went to school already. After hearing what her mom said, I went to school and found out that she wasn't there. Teacher Lenard went to class and said that Luna was sick today, after hearing what teacher Lenard said, I began to get nervous. When I was walking on my way home, I saw Luna carrying a huge crate, taking it with her inside their house. I thought to myself;

"What's so important in that crate that she has to skip school?" 

I went to my room and tried to look at her window, the lights were open but I couldn't see what was inside, with no luck, I went to sleep. On the next day, Luna went to my house and woke me up for school, but before she even touched me, I ran and rushed to the corner of my room because my intuition told me to run from her. Luna looked confused about why I ran from her. Luna then asked a question with a creepy big smile painted on her face 

"Why did you run away from me?"

"Oh I was just surprised, that's all" I replied in nervousness, 

"I see, want to go to school together?", Luna offered. I accepted her offer to go to school together so that she wouldn't be suspicious of me.

During class, Luna whispered to me, "Hey, can you follow me to my house?", I agreed and entertained her request. After class, while walking inside her house, I noticed that the lights were off so I asked,

"Where is your mom?"

She said that her mom wasn't home and was at work, after hearing what she said, I was beginning to get nervous. Not wanting to cause any suspicion against me, I still went inside their house. After opening the lights, there, I saw the big crate in the center of the room, it was enough to fit a whole person inside. Seeing the crate, made me shiver up my spine, and I thought to myself

"I have a bad feeling about this"

She told me that she was going to the kitchen to get something, and so I waited. When she went back to the living room, she was holding a knife in her hand. 

"You know, don't you?"

After hearing that, I confirmed that Luna was the killer. I immediately ran away, and she was following me with the knife in her hand. We ran and ran until we reached the woods. In the woods, there was a huge cliff and suddenly, my vision became blurry, and I passed out. When I woke up, I was in a hospital. Confused about what happened, the doctor told me that I had fallen on the cliff, I was shocked. I asked where Luna was, the doctor told me she was dead. After that, I became dizzy and started to hear voices screaming for help in agony

"HELP, HELP, HELP" causing me severe headache. Then, I blacked out. 

When I woke up, I saw myself with bloody hands while strangling Jenna. I immediately stopped and headed to the corner. Shocked, "How are you alive?", I asked; "what are you talking about?", she angrily said while catching her breath. "I thought you were dead, Luna", instead, she said that she wasn't Luna. When I heard that, I was really confused, so I asked, 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not Luna, I'm Luna's mother," she replied.

Hearing that, I was in shock, "Why are you trying to kill me". I thought she would go back to her senses, instead, she shouted-

"BECAUSE YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!", she then explained the situation. In a crying voice, she exclaimed

"I was going back to work, and I saw you two heading to the woods, I followed you. I thought you were playing, until you suddenly changed your tone of voice. THEN YOU PUSHED HER OFF THE CLIFF!"

After hearing the explanation, my memories started to come in like it was yesterday. I realized that after I got dizzy because of stress, I pushed Luna off of the cliff. In a panic voice, I said 


With so much going on in my head, I was overcome by my other identity. In a psychotic voice, my other personality told Jenna

"So, you found me out HEHEHEHEHE" Laughing like a maniac, my alter continued

"Let's make this more interesting" with a smug look on the face. My alter then pulled out the knife in my shoulders and stabbed Jenna in her foot making her scream in pain. I felt delighted to hear her pain, it was like music to my ears, and then I proceeded to burn the house down while Jenna was inside. Jenna started screaming more loudly, begging me to save her. 


Snapping back to my original self, I was petrified to see what I had done. I immediately pulled her out of the fire and at that moment, something or someone came over me. I took the knife and gouged her eyes out. Her screams are like an orchestra that is recorded in a phonograph over and over again. 


I took out the pliers inside my jacket and cut off each of her fingers one by one slowly then forcibly put them inside her mouth as she cried and begs for me to stop. Of course, I heed no word to whatever she says. I stabbed her in the guts and sliced it open revealing the scarlet intestines that gushed out. I wrapped her intestines around her neck and strangled her until she passed out. Once she did, I slowly sliced her neck as blood sprayed all over the place, which I then completely cut off from the body. Then sounds of sirens came from afar

"Damn it she called the police on me? Ahh screw it I need to get out of here."

Not wanting to go to jail, I ran out of the area where I burned the house in panic and headed to the woods, not minding the trail of blood on the ground.

"BREAKING NEWS: There's a psychopathic serial killer on the loose. Killed two people. With one being severely tortured and limbs cut off. Police cannot identify the corpses as the bodies are burned mercilessly. The residence of the victims points to one person responsible. The police identified the serial killer as Toby Myers, 24 years old, an orphan. If you see this man in the picture, report immediately."


"What have I done?"

"What have I done?"

"What have I done?"


I snapped back to my senses and realized the grave actions I had taken. I screamed in anger and agony moreover, I kept on punching myself for the sins I did. How could I do this? It was not humane. I did something horrible, and as a result, two people died. That is not me. What is this? What is happening to me? A voice inside my head whispers.

"We are the same. I am the manifestation of your inner desires. I. AM. YOU"

"NO! You're a murderer! Get out of my head!"

"Ah but consider, if you wanted me out you could do so. But you can't. Because you created me. Your hidden thoughts of murder, blood, and death to others are the driving force to keep me inside your head. I AM WHAT WAS, WHAT IS, AND WHAT WILL BECOME."

"NO. NO. No. No. no no..."

This… is not me and yet, I am somehow not surprised. It's like a needed wake-up call. I think I now know where my obsession with being alone comes from. I was afraid. Afraid of myself, of what I would do, of the people that might get involved. I just pushed the voice down and entirely forgot about it. But why did it resurface now? Am I going crazy? Am I close to my breaking point? What am I?

Allow me to reintroduce myself to you, I am Toby Myers, and I have a Dissociative Identity Disorder. I avoid people to avoid causing this kind of tragedy AGAIN… 

Allow me to reintroduce myself to you, I am Toby Myers, and I will return to feel the thrill of your blood and screams as I dance with lies and deceit.