
Licking Dog No More!

Cheng Ying was your regular second-generation rich and handsome guy who had spent several years being a licking dog for his fiance Shuang Fei, who never responded kindly to his advances. One day, he received a 'vision' and saw the 'plot' lined out for him! Now knowing that there was no future with his fiance he decided to give up on her and change his destiny.

Undaunted_Aqua · Urban
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4 Chs

Never Meant to Be

" A-A decade mom... a decade. That's how long I loved her. Maybe I still do even now, and all I got in return is hate."

Cheng Ying began pouring his heart out to his mother. They were in her room now, he wasn't sure where his father was. It had started to rain at some point, the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops falling could be heard in the background.

Cheng Yuzhen gently stroked his hair as he talked.

"I don't resent her for not loving me, I don't think that would be right. But I wished that at the very least, that I wouldn't be betrayed and have my feelings toyed with."

Cheng Yuzhen thought Cheng Ying was referring to what happened today at the banquet. What Cheng Ying was really talking about was what he saw in his vision last night.

According to his visions, the conflict between him and Zhang Wei kept growing as time passed. He hated Zhang Wei who got between him and Shuang Fei again and again. At some point, the power he had amassed with his evil deeds was so great that Zhang Wei wouldn't be able to take him down without alerting the people he wanted to take revenge on.

So, they came up with a plan, the plan being to distract Cheg Ying with a honeypot trap and take him far enough that he wouldn't get the news of his allies being taken down in secret.

Shuang Fei was the one who had been chosen for this, in fact, she had been quite eager to take open the role of the honeypot. She claimed how easy it would be to fool me even now that the intensity of the conflict between the two was at an all-time high.

And easy it had been.

She came to him and talked of forgiveness and second chances. Requested to go out on a date with him to a secluded place where it was just the two of them and the beautiful scenery. Like a fool, he agreed, too excited with the possibility of being loved by the person he loved to take note of anything suspicious.

It was quite surreal to watch it from a third-person's perspective. The way she rolled her eyes in disdain when he said something cheesy or the disgusted look in her eyes that slipped when he wasn't facing her.

He wanted to shout at this version of himself who was slowly walking towards his death. Blissfully ignorant of what was to come next. What he had actually expected while he was watching his dream version was that he would simply be assassinated while he was with Shuang Fei.

What actually happened was that she went on a long date with him and shared several 'romantic' moments with him all the while hiding her disgust for him.

While they were having this date, Zhang Wei along with his allies was getting rid of all his allies and resources. Even his parents weren't spared. When he returned along with Shuang Fei from his date, Zhang Wei was waiting for him with a derisive smirk on his face as he slowly explained everything to Cheng Ying while mocking his foolishness.

When the Cheng Ying from his vision turned around to look at Shuang Fei in confusion, she stabbed him through his heart.

"Good Riddance"

She said as she walked away without a single glance at his dying form.


" It was my fault, I don't know what happened to me. I honestly have no idea how I turned out the way I did. I guess that too is an excuse, I am sorry for being such a bad egg mom. I know my behaviour troubled you a lot"

" It's alright Ying-er, your father and I are at fault too. The two of you were too young to be thrust into something like that for the sake of some stupid promise. You aren't a bad child either, you were just lost for a bit. Now, you are back."

Cheng Yuzhen didn't elaborate further on that, she continued to strike her son's head as she looked at him with a gentle smile on her face. Fatigue was now mildly visible in the corner of her eyes, it seemed like the silence between them would continue for a little longer but just then Yuzhen remembered something and started to giggle.

"Oh I still remember how came back to be after your first visit to Shuang Fei and boasted with a proud smile on your face. You said--"

Yuzhen started to imitate the voice of a younger Cheng Ying "Mom Mom I met Fei-er today! My bride will be even more pretty than you when she grows up! I don't need you to be my bride any more!"

Yuzhen stopped imitating her child and burst out laughing, Cheng Ying couldn't control himself and started laughing as well.

"Ahaha- Mom if there is anything I learned today, it is that I will never find a bride more beautiful than you!" Cheng Ying said while laughing.

"Look at that! My suave young baby is back! But you hurt me a lot when you said that all those years ago mister, flattery alone won't be enough." Yuzhen said with a fake pout.

The two laughed and joked around for some more time before Cheng Ying fell asleep. Yuzhen got up and went to the guest room where her husband was already asleep. It was 2 AM she knows she should wait until morning but...

*ring* *ring*

"Xiao-Yan? sorry for calling you so late"

Xiao Yan was Cheng Ying's secretary, someone Yuzhen had sent to make sure Cheng Ying doesn't end up doing something drastic.

"Yawn~ it's alright madam, what do you need me to do?"

"What kind of support has Cheng Ying been providing that Shuang girl?"

"Umm, just a few partnerships from his associates, at extremely discounted prices. Special treatment at some establishments and uhh I am not sure if I should tell you this but the young master opened a shadow company to provide extremely cheap raw materials for Shuang Fei's make-up products."

"I need you to make sure it's all gone by the end of the week. Don't intimidate anyone with our name, just let them know we no longer care if they support her or not. On that note, how did he get away with not being found out?"

"Young master may or may not have manipulated the negotiations from behind the scenes to make it appear to young lady Fei that she has really good negotiation skills."

"I am not sure if I should laugh at her stupidity or at how my son could manipulate a business deal he had no part in but couldn't woo such a stupid woman." Yuzhen lightly palmed her head and continued "Just try to withdraw support as fast as possible, we no longer have any relationship with them. Any money they make now is money that we could be making ourselves."

"Alright madam."

"Thanks, Xiao Yan, sorry again for calling so late. Bye."


Cheng Ying hadn't thought much about the consequences of cancelling the engagement with Shuang Fei. At most he thought she would just get together with Zhang Wei. That in turn would speed up his progress with meeting the other women and setting up a foothold in the city.

That is NOT what happened.

-A few hours earlier, after the end of the banquet-

"The money has been transferred, 300,000 yuan. As promised for being my fake boyfriend to help end the engagement. While it was faster than expected, a deal is a deal." Shuang Fei curtly informed Zhang Wei after transferring the money and walked away.

Zhang Wei lightly bowed and made his way to the hospital to pay for his sister's treatment.

The number of future heroines had now reduced to 3.

Another chapter done :)

Lower word count than what I wanted but it felt right to end this chapter there.

Undaunted_Aquacreators' thoughts