
Trying To Kill Me

As I am doing the background check on the employees, I came across one name that had a criminal record, and it was for theft too. So, I'm trying to share the info with Woodi, but he is on a call trying to get a warrant for the ATM and gas station footage. 

I'm sitting here and thinking to myself, all the employees are clean. We can chat to the one guy, but the theft was a few years back...and if we start asking questions, people might become suspicious and we could spook the crew behind these thefts.

Woodi finishes his call and says;

"We got a warrant to get the footage"

I look up at him and say;


"What is up with you? And what did you want to say?"

"Nothing man, I am getting nowhere with the names. Only one guy had a record and that was a few years back. Just send a beat cop to obtain the footage, we need to go through the file and make sure we did not miss any evidence"