
Grafitti On The Walls

I turn and look at Madison and ask;

"If you were a killer and you would put on underwear on your victim, would you be able to guess the correct size of the bra needed for the victim?"

She looks at me, just standing there, and nods yes. I stand up and say to the Captain;

"I think the killer is a male and tried to make it look as if she's a prostitute. He tried to hide the fact that she wasn't. An autopsy will tell us if she had intercourse recently or not. I'm not completely sure and I have to look at the first victim's case file. That's all I can think of at the moment.

I look at them with surprise on my face and ask;

"Did I say something wrong?"

The Captain is then the first one to speak;

"Well, that's good thinking. Out of the box, now let's investigate and get evidence to support those claims. But, nice job so far Detective Marks"


I just stare at him in amazement. He got all that just by looking at the body for a few seconds. That could explain why we didn't have enough evidence with the first victim. Let's see if they can catch the killer and built a strong case for conviction. He turns and walks to the car and I ask him;

"Hey Detective, where are you going now?"

"I'm going to the car to get the drone, I need a few shots of the scene that I want to use"


I open the car door, take the drone on the back seat, and put it down on the hood of the car. I start the drone and fly straight up and turn it towards the scene. The video is recording everything. I take it up higher to get a good aerial view of the scene.

I follow the jogging path, as the jogger came from the left side and they saw the scene. Maybe there will be something on the right side. I notice that there is a lot of bushes around, maybe we should check there for clues. I call Detective Woodward over to come and have a look. I point to the screen and say;

"Hey, what do you think is this? Vehicle tracks on a jogging path, that makes no sense. We also have to ask the joggers a few questions"

Detective Woodward agrees and asks the Crime Scene Investigators to check out the track that we saw on the path. We walk up to the joggers. I introduce myself and Detective Woodward. Then I begin asking them questions;

"Can you please tell me what happened just before you saw the body?

"We were jogging on the path. We came around the corner and took a rest on the bench. It was still early, not a lot of people around. So, after we rested, we started jogging again, and then we saw a body laying on the ground."

"Can you maybe be a bit more precise about how many people you saw this morning?"

"One guy was jogging, he came towards us. But I don't think he saw anything as he didn't stop."

"Okay, at what time was that?"

"It was just about 5 or 10 min before we placed the call to 911. I am not sure about the exact time."

"Would you be able to describe the jogger to a sketch artist?"

"Yeah, I got a good look at him. Is he the killer?"

"It's too early to tell, but we would like to eliminate anyone that was close to the crime scene. Did you perhaps see someone in a car, or maybe a pick-up truck?"

"There were a few cars around, but there wasn't something that stood out".

"Thank you so much for this"

I write down my number and hand it to them. Detective Woodward gives his business card to them as well. We walk a few feet away and start talking.

"So, that means that either the killer blended into his surroundings so that no one could recognize him..."

I interrupt Detective Woodward;

"Yes like driving an SUV, minibus, or maybe even a pick-up truck. There are a few businesses around. So, first things first, we get the corners report for the time of death, and start getting warrants to get the CCTV from the companies around the scene?"

Detective Woodward continues his sentence;

"...or that he dumped her earlier and left the scene?"

"That's true. I want to follow those tracks and see what their routes are and where they stop. Maybe we can get somewhere with that? I also want to look at the bushes, just scan around for anything out of place. We still need the murder weapon. If these killings aren't related, he could've dropped or dumped the murder weapon"

Detective Woodward looks at me surprised and say;

"Wait, you think that the two killings aren't related? You do know that both were female in their early twenties. Stabbed to death and dumped in an alleyway"

"You know Detective Woodward, just because that they look like the same killer, it might not be...Okay, but I don't want to have a one-track mind. I want the evidence to lead me to the killer"


I'm amazed by how he just seems so natural in this. Very little sleep, and with everything that has happened. He can just find calm and think clearly about everything. He's walking this way, wonder what he needs.

He walks over to the Captain and me and asks;

"Madison, could we get a blanket warrant for all the businesses around? We need CCTV footage once the coroner report comes in with the time of death of the victim".

I smile at him and say;

"Yes, I can, Detective Marks. You can consider it done. What did the joggers say, anything we can use?"

"Nope, nothing we didn't already knew. But we saw some vehicle tracks at the jogging path a bit down the road. I think we can atleast check where they lead. The same with the bush area. I want to canvas the bush area, maybe someone could have dropped something or intentionally try to hide something to miss lead us."

"I am impressed with both of you, Detectives. You are doing a good job. Keep me posted on everything"

"I will do so"


Me and Detective Woodward walk to where we can see the tracks. We walk on foot and follow them into the bush area. Detective Woodward looks at me and says;

"Let's see what we can find, shall we?"

I just smile and continue to look around. We get to a small stream. The vehicle track starts to turn and move parallel with the stream and continue further on. Then we see a small bridge further down and decide to walk towards the bridge. As we look around the area, we see graffiti on the walls.

One section in between all the graffiti catches my eye. I move closer to have a look. Detective Woodward stops and looks at me and then asks;

"What do you see?"