
A Lot Of Money

Last time on Licensed To Kill

Madison, Charlotte, and I are enjoying a cup of tea in the kitchen. That is where I find out about Daniel cheating on Charlotte. That was the car that I saw before we went to the cabin. I try to invite Charlotte to spend the day with us, but she declines the offer. I go to my room to get dressed because my clothes are too small for me. In my room, the knowledge of what happened to me starts sinking in. We get into my car and drive to the shops where I buy myself a new phone and new clothes to wear. When we get back to my car, I make a mysterious call to someone named Charlie. I ask him to add Madison to my will while on the phone with him. Madison looks surprised at me after she has to answer questions over the phone. After the call, I take Madison on another surprise. I drive us to Venice Beach, where I hire a kanu for us. 

I walk over to Madison sitting on the hood of my car and ask her;

"So, are you ready?"