There were a few words inscribed on a certain side of the stone platform. These words were written with the hieroglyphs of the soul oracles, and they induced an uncanny feeling when viewed from afar.
Grasp the Quintessence and seize the Seal of Souls!
Zhang Xuan was able to decipher the meaning of the hieroglyphs on the stone platform.
Through the soul oracle manuals that he had acquired from Mo Hunsheng, he was able to achieve a decent level of proficiency in the language.
The seal floating on top must be the Seal of Souls. I can't really tell what tier it is, but it seems to be a rather powerful artifact, Zhang Xuan thought.
He could not tell exactly what tier the Seal of Souls was, but just from the fact that it could halt him in his footsteps and prevent him from approaching it, it was likely to be at least at the level of Ancient Sage Zi Yu's inkstone.
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