
Liberating the Potterverse(New)

I'm posting it here as I had mistakenly posted it on novel section instead of Fan-fic. Ela Acharya now Ela Amberheart is born into Harry Potter world. watch how she uses her intelligence to explore the very limit of magic if there is any, while spreading love and affection to every pure soul. but is it really that everyone's favourite Harry Potter world with just a power hungry dark lord, manipulative light lord, Peter the betraying Rat and Ronald the jealous Weasley or there is something else, something beyond this reality something dark that is trying to wrestle control over this world. this is a fan fiction based on J.K. Rowling's famous work. I do not have any right or authority over any original character/plot except my SI characters.

Dreamer_1297 · Bücher und Literatur
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69 Chs


The joyful break ended and Ela and his wives returned to the school a day before the students.

Since she had already solved the Basilisk problem, there was nothing interesting going inside Hogwarts. Ela thought about it and decided to focus on the matters outside Hogwarts for the remaining school year.

\ Bree, tell some of our people to give mastery exams in various subjects and design a huge University complex encompassing all the facilities.

Also write precise and systematic books on Enchanting, Alchemy, Healing, Spell crafting, Dueling and Light magic./ Ela ordered getting an affirmation from Bree. She also decided to get the DOM under her control as well as many other departments of all the ministries around the world as well as the ICW.

Her agents were already in control of various muggle countries, large businesses, as well as many small Magical communities. She just ordered them to extend that control.

Using the support of Gray faction and Minister Ela proposed the building of an exclusive Auror academy where students could learn after they had completed their OWLs.

There was obvious opposition from dark faction as well as diehard Dumbledore loyalists but Ela was still able to win with just one extra vote from the Abbots.

" What do you want to actually achieve?" Luna asked. Ela, Luna, Fleur and Ginny were laying naked together after a steamy session of passion.

" I want to make a campus where all the orphaned Magical children would be housed and cared for, where there will be a pre-school to teach students Magical theory, muggle studies and subject from the age of 5-6. Where qualified and capable aurors, and ministerial department officials will be trained, where students will have the opportunity of persuing all the subjects taught around the world, where graduates will be able to persue higher studies from accomplished masters easily.

I also want all our businesses to operate inside the outer circle of that boundry. Our newspaper and Wizarding Radio TV, Bank, security firm and other businesses like warding, smithing, consultancy and Law firms, construction company, trading and manufacturing etc." Ela spoke.

" But Ela, if Magicals really become that powerful they will surely suppress non-magicals and other non-humans. " Ginny pointed out.

" They won't be allowed to. I want Harry, Hermione and others sit at the various top positions to supervise both the muggles and magicals. I'm already spreading my control over various Magical communities, schools, businesses and Ministries by placing my own agents there." Ela answered.

" So that is why you initiated this exchange programme? " Luna said in realisation.

" That's right. That is also why I want you guys to influence those girls. I want them to use their background and influence to support our agents in their region." Ela nodded.

" No problem. You can count on us to achieve this.. " Fleur said confidently as Luna and Ginny nodded.

" I know I can my darlings." Ela said as she came on top of Fleur, starting another round of raunchy sex.

And so started the construction of a huge campus as well as business street inside one boundary with the name AE, Amberheart Empire. It was an extremely huge project and nearly all the construction workers Bree had trained were working tirelessly on it according to Bree's design.

Since there were exchange students attending the school, some grand competitions were organised that included - Quidditch, Duelling, Quiz etc. Each of the event was grand and participated by many students, letting them understand their levels as well as truly feel like the whole year was festive.

Ela's wives also showed their masteries over their subjects by conducting some public lecture as well as live demonstration in front of the whole school.

Students were most excited to see the teachers duel using their specialities. Mcgonagall used only Transfiguration, Sprout only Herbology, Perenelle - Potions, Pandora- Charms and Bellatrix- Defense. At last Alice and Marlene did the demonstration making the students look on in awe.

"What are you thinking?" Ela asked Morgan.

" Let's kill Merlin.. I don't want that man to continue living.." Morgan said seriously turning to look at Ela.

Ela looked into her eyes and could see the fire burning in them. Now that she thought about it, there was not much hurdle in her path with the influence she had already spread.

" Alright. Let's go kill him.." Ela nodded and she stood up.

" Ela, Morgan, let take Marlin to the place where other ancient races are gathered. They too need to have their revenge.. " Perenelle suggested and Morgan agreed to that.

Ela informed all her wives and they all met up with elder dragon, Lamia queen, king Dwarf etc. They were all very happy after hearing Perenelle's plan and Ela then directly made Merlin appear before them, out of his binding.