

"Can I come, please please please please!!" cried Euphemias as she latched onto Cornelia.

"No you can't, we are going there in a military capacity, the aim is to target the terrorists and you will not be safe there." Spoke Cornelia

"But brother Clovis is there, I'll stay with him in the Viceroy Palace, there would be no need to worry about safety."

"No, means no Euphie, we are not allowed to transfer all our personnel to japan but have to use their soldiers. That causes a lot of issues with safety, don't worry we will be back in a few months when everything is stabilized."

"Leylin, please at least you be on my side," Euphemia said as she gazed at the person standing beside Cornelia.

"Sorry Euphie, but it was my suggestion to have you stay here for now, well I might as well tell you. The main reason we are going is not just the terrorist threat but also to investigate some other things. Area 11 is the biggest exporter of Sakuradite and the terrorists are still at large, even with all the resources sent by the empire to protect it. I know for a fact that Area 11 has the highest budget of all the current areas. This has caused many to suspect corruption and foul play to be present. Hence our deployment"

"But brother Clovis is in charge there, he wouldn't allow anything like that to happen on his watch."

"He may not be aware of this, and we don't want him to know. It might be that someone close to him is in on it and would know as soon as the news reaches Prince Clovis."

Euphemia pouted and said "Fine but you have to promise me that you will let me come as soon as the corruption problem is dealt with"

"I can make no promises princess that up to your sister, but yes there would be no reason for you not to come after that."

"Once we sort this out we will be coming back anyways so you coming would make no sense," Cornelia spoke having taken a seat once Euphemia had let her go to talk to Leylin."

"But I want to meet brother Clovis, we haven't met him in a long time"

"We can spend a few months in Area 11 princess, from my information the European front should not be started again for at least a year."

"Very well, now we will be leaving next week so might as well enjoy ourselves here for now," Cornelia said as she and Euphie left the room to go to the garden with Leylin following.


"Well what have you found out," Cornelia said as she and Leylin sat in the plane going to Area 11. Euphemia had run her ragged over the past week and so she could not get briefed till now.

"Well, there is quite a lot but this one might hit hard."

"Straight to the point with you lay it on me"

"It is about Clovis and a pet project of his."

"Pot meet kettle, what's the problem in that. I heard he was not interested in joining Schneizel and was making his own faction after he became Viceroy of Area 11."

"See the problem is he has listed the project in the description as a chemical weapon."

"WHAT!! Is he a fool, even if he is working on one, which in itself is a terrible idea, why would he put the description itself as a chemical weapon. They are easily one of the few things no Britannian scientist is allowed to mess with, even the emperor has spoken on it."

"I looked into it, and it is not a chemical weapon, the chemical weapon part is just a front."

"Why in the emperor's name would he be using a chemical weapon as a front for anything. What in the world is he working on!!"

"I thought the same princess, however, the results are not stored in legally accessible servers, to do so would require a warrant as the servers are disconnected from the Brittanian military connection"

Leylin left the fact that they were still connected to another network he had access to due to the fact that his method was not exactly legal.

"What do we know of it even so? And if you don't have access to the private servers how do you know it's not chemical weapons."

"See I looked into the supplies being sent to the suspected location along with the scientists working there. All of them are top of the like doctors, who are now into research. The supplies are also all related to the same, medical equipment and such. Though some power equipment was also sent in the early phases but was later not needed and hence returned. All signs lead to some sort of human experimentation. With the crime rate of Area 11, it would not be difficult to get access to subjects who no one would miss."

"And here I thought it could not get any worse. Are you sure Clovis knows of this? I'd much rather not accuse him of something this staff might be doing."

"All the papers are signed by him and he also has a bi-weekly meeting with the head researcher. However, we can't accuse him of anything yet, as soon as we accuse him he will have the project scrapped and the doctors silenced. We would be able to prove him guilty of something, but as a prince, he would be able to escape everything as long as he destroyed what he was researching. No, I would suggest we independently dig into this. Up till the end, we will handle this like a normal case with no link to royalty or military, that way until the end we would not need to involve him or the local military. The investigation would just be another one that is happening with all the inspections on corruption."

"Very well, however as soon as we have enough evidence we will take this to the emperor, and I hope to god that Clovis is not involved. Did you know of this before we left?"

"Yes, that is why I did not want Euphie to come. I doubt you'd allow her to be with Clovis if you suspected him of human experimentation."