

At the waxing moon, during the twenty five years of the witches rule. They decide to Channel the powers of their ancestors and bind the other supernatural creatures from the citadel. The witches had been the protector of the human race and had saved them from the hands of the lycans. The witches had placed a curse on the werewolves, preventing them from reaching their full peak except on the full moon. The vampires had also been a problem, they go about the city at night dominating any creatures they found lagging. The mother of witches of the citadel, Elaine casted a spell in the city thus restraining the movement of the vampires. Now it is time for the witches to celebrate twenty five years of peace among the four fractions. The witches want to strengthen their holds on the city, because they knew it is only a matter of time before the supernatural joins forces and conquer the city. It would be disastrous for the witches.So the witches then cast a spell to unite their old and powerful witches and seek their wisdoms.

George_Collins · Urban
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15 Chs


Austin gave an ugly scoff- he knew Hansel would challenge him the moment he gets his powers back.

Austin was fully ready for Hansel irrespective of him getting his powers back. "Since you already settle things with the wolves- what do you have for the vamps?" Austin asked, We gonna stay off your neck-" Austin smiled and look at Michael who was obviously smiling also "stay off my neck or the vamps neck?"

He asked in disgust, but wasn't ready for a reply. "You guys are no match of us- and now that Kol is back... That is a doom!" Austin added, but Leah wasn't scared.

"With Kol or without Kol... The witches are leaving the city in your care"

Leah said. "The city as always being in our care for centuries now" Austin said,"-but we have always been a pain in your neck and had try to usurp power-"

Leah said but Austin cut her off instantly ."Yes! You have always been a pain but every single plan you guys orchestrated as been a failure so far... So you guys are not a thing to worry about"

Leah couldn't believe it..... Austin had called them a thing! Anger began to erupt in Leah- she try every possible way to control herself. Austin looked at her carefully- he could hear her heartbeat racing.

He knew his choice of words must have annoyed her but he didn't care- he was ready to test her endurance. "Guess my offers ain't good enough for you"

Leah said beaming a shallow smile. Austin nodded but Hansel interference annoyed him. Austin really enjoyed the game he was playing with Leah. He saw that she was puzzled and doesn't know what to do again- he was so successful in cornering her."Austin- what the hell is wrong with you"

Hansel growled,Hansel! Let down your guard" . Leah screamed Hansel was so ready to spare Austin.It seems like something personal-looking at Michael also had brought the memory of his lover.

The lady Michael had tore apart.Hansel was ready to get his revenge on them- but he was too weak.

His strength ain't enough conquer Michael not to talk of Austin.... But he knew a day is coming- a day of reckoning!. "Well, explain what you meant by resolution"

Austin said Leah explained it all to them starting from the fact that each fractions will choose five teens among them and they will be sent to the human school. They will interact with each other- and in that process, get to know each other.... This might be a temporary way of ending any future war.

Austin just kept smiling- he couldn't figure what Leah as to gain from the whole thing.

He knew she had her own external motives but he just didn't figure what it would be... But with time, he was certain everything would be clear.

"A vampire in a highschool is highly ridiculous- you didn't even think they might be of threat to the humans"

Austin said in disgust"I already thought of it but know your vamps are well trained- you don't feed them humans blood" Leah said. "True ! But human blood could be tempting",Austin retorted."I seriously don't think Kol would agree to this. I spent many years trying to unite the supernatural but you guys made the vampires your sole enemy". "Please Austin- I just lost a sister and I know you two share something special. Am tired of all this bloodshed"

Leah said putting up a charade. Austin looked at her in disgust.

He knew a charade when he sees one Leah heartbeat was stable... He couldn't feel any traces of fear.

Leah was ready to become a fool for them all- she was ready to put up any charade just to get her revenge.

A Truce was her first plan- and more plan is to come.