
Divine Hostage

I made it back to the alleyway I encountered the thief at. I walked down the alley and noticed a few gang members hanging around the alleyway. They looked at me and rose their eyebrows.

"Yo!" One of them called out to me.

I stopped walking and looked back. "Yo."

"You lost or something? This side of the city doesn't belong to you. You can't just waltz in here like you own this bitch!" The gang member said.

I chuckled and turned around. "And who's going to check me? Do you all not realize who I am?"

"It doesn't matter who you are, leave or else." He said and aimed his gun at me.

I taunted him and smirked. "No balls."

The gang member shot a bullet at me and it deflected off of me. I dusted off my shirt and closed my eyes. He looked surprised and took a step back.

"Oh no, your toy didn't work on me. Let me show you a real bullet." I said then pointed my finger at him then smirked evilly. "Bye bye..~"

I fired a laser beam from my fingertip through his chest. He fell to his knees, dead. I looked around and crossed my arms.

"You feebleminded peasants will know my name. I am Seraphim Crimson and I sensed powerful energy down this way. If you all wish to live, I suggest you tell me where your base is, foul creatures of the slum." I said and my eyes shined.

"You bitch!" Another yelled and ran toward me. She went for a punch, but I avoided.

I struck her gut with a powerful blow. She coughed blood then fell to her knees, holding her stomach. The other gang members ran toward me and began to try and land a hit on me.

"Come on, you all are so close to hitting me." I taunted as I dodged their easy to read attacks.

One managed to land a right hook on my cheek then smirked. Their expression changed when they noticed the attack didn't faze me in the slightest. I chuckled darkly then snapped my fingers and spikes of dark energy went through the gang members' bodies and they died upon getting impaled.

I turned around and continued my way to the base of the gang members.


After aimlessly wandering around, I finally found a warehouse and heard music playing and was hit with the smell of weed and alcohol.

"Yessir! We scored big today boys! Who knew we could just capture the daughter of Valera that easily?" One of the high ranking gang members said.

"To be fair, she was powerless. She doesn't have her powers unlocked. She is virtually useless and once we sell her, we can get big money and we would be unstoppable!" The other said and laughed.

I eavesdropped on the conversation then used my ocular powers to see through the walls of the warehouse. There was a woman with long red and blue hair chained up and left hanging 20 feet in the air. She was half naked and had scars along her body.

"I know you weren't thinking about going on a rescue mission alone." Snowflake said then smiled at me.

I looked at Snowflake then smiled. "I can totally handle this myself, but knock yourself out with the assistance. You're gonna need this."

I handed her a custom made gun. It was a white metallic gun made to transform into any gun imaginable based on tbe user's skill. She happily took the gun then changed it into a sniper and took aim. She used her Nigh-Omnipotent Senses to highlight each gang member for me.

"The yellow ones are the least dangerous one. The red ones are the most dangerous and only one of them is red. He's the leader of this gang organization. Whoever that woman is they have, she must be extremely important." Snowflake said.

"From how they talked about her, she IS the Supreme Deity. We have to save her because she is needed when it comes down to defeating Choshek." I said.

"The Supreme Deity..? How did they even manage that..?" Snowflake asked a bit surprised.

"Don't know...but I plan on having my final battle with her at full power. I'm not letting anyone stop me." I said then bit down on my thumbnail. The urge to kill was beginning to overpower me.

"Sera." Snowflake said as she watched the gang members from her scope. "Three are on the move. It seems like someone knew we were here."

"No more being secretive then!" I said then rushed toward the warehouse.

"Who's that?!" One of them bellowed.

Snowflake ran behind me and changed her sniper into a pistol then fired a bullet at one the members and the bullet went straight through his head. I dodged one of their attack then grabbed the woman's arm and used her as a body shield against the incoming bullets. She groaned as she was shot multiple times then I tossed her body aside.

My body turned into smoke and I quickly traversed through the wave of gang members then reappeared at the entrance to the warehouse.

Snowflake changed her pistol into a railgun then the barrel opened up, revealing a cannon. She pulled the trigger then a massive beam was shot from the gun, eviscerating the gang members.

I opened the doors to the warehouse and walked forward to see the woman tied up in chains. Their leader looked at me and smirked.

"Well well, Seraphim Crimson. What a nice surprise. Who knew you would come here and stop us? We would've guessed you would've rewarded us for capturing the literal Goddess of this Realm...I guess what your brother warned us about was true. You have grown soft." The leader said.

I looked at the man then glared. "Your name is Ezekiel Vargas. Age 23. Race: Elven Race. I know everything about you. I suggest you give up or else things will get messy around here."

The woman slowly opened her eyes and noticed me standing in front of Ezekiel then looked surprised. "An Overlord...has come to save me?"

"Ahh...The power of having an nigh-omnipotent mind. It's amazing isn't it..? However, your power doesn't belong to you. You were never supposed to become the Supreme Deity of Armagon, you stole that title away, but we all let it slide because you were the Destroyer of Realms. The Omniverse feared you and now no one takes you seriously." Ezekiel laughed.

I listened to his laugh then my ominous aura began to seep out of my body and fill the warehouse. "Don't get it twisted...yes I have become nicer to people...but that doesn't change who I truly am."

Ezekiel noticed the aura and looked back at me. He grunted as he noticed me transforming into my Overlord Form. He took a step back then noticed hands of cataclysmic energy had latched onto his body.

"I am the STRONGEST Overlord to ever exist. I only limit myself because if I truly wanted, I could destroy your Realm with the snap of my fingers. I AM SERA MOTHER FUCKING PHIM! Now begone, Epilogue." I said then a massive explosion happened and a few of the citizens of the city noticed the explosion. There were dogs barking and sirens blaring.

The woman had her eyes closed tightly and noticed a barrier had protected her from the explosion. I shot a dark spear at the chains and set her free. I used my telekinesis to carry her over to me then set her down.

"Th-Thank you for saving me." The woman bowed.

I used my magic to make clothes appear on her body. I closed my eyes and pondered over the recent heroic acts I've been committing. "It's no problem. What is your name?"

"My name is Xna-"

"Let me stop you there. Your name is going to be extremely complicated so I will give you a nickname. I will call you...Cherry." I said.

'Damn that was low effort.' I thought to myself.

"Cherry...It sounds pretty cute. I can't believe I was kidnapped on my BIRTHDAY!" Cherry sighed and looked down.

"Well me saving you was my present to you from me. Now follow me. I have a few questions I need to ask of you." I said then walked off.


Scarlet and the others finally made it to Kazuchi City and parked their van in the parking lot then got out. Tohra stretched then noticed guards surrounding them.

"Man...what did we do..? We literally just got here." Tohra said.

"Eden Corporation! You all are placed under arrest for your cooperation with Overlord Seraphim!" The guard said.

"Wait what?!" Scarlet asked in shock.

"This is a Realm Law that no hero shall cooperate with an Overlord of any kind. Now come with us-"

Scarlet looked surprised when the guard was blown away by a shot of a cannon. She looked back and noticed Snowflake. "Khiarok!"

I walked ahead and flipped my hair. "Well well well...The Floragrance Army has decided to target us? How sad because I was starting to like this state. What am I saying, I will conquer this entire state."

The guards turned their attention toward me then grunted as they saw Cherry with me, holding my arm.

"The Goddess of the Realm, is with Seraphim..?! My apologies! I didn't realize the Overlord was an ally! I thought she was the one controlling the Corrupted." The guard said then lowered his weapon.

"Corrupted?" Cherry asked.

"I'll explain everything later." I said then let her go and walked forward to a guard then picked him up by his neck. "You're lucky I'll let you off with a warning, but come near any of my wives again like that and I won't hesitate to eliminate you."

I dropped the guard and they all went running away. I turned back to Scarlet and the others. I wanted them to follow me and they did. We walked into the hotel and sat in the lobby for a discussion.

"So you say Ataraxia, Mona, Kokoro, and Ishido are safe? Thank goodness.." Asuka said softly.

"You called us your wives earlier. What was that about?" Scarlet asked.

"I'm planning on marrying you all. Here's the deal, I help Eden Corporation expand their organization across the Realm in return the leaders, being you all, will take my hand in marriage." I said.

Scarlet blushed and scowled. "You think any of us is going to marry you?!"

"I mean." Snowflake started. "It isn't too bad..."

Scarlet quickly turned to Snowflake. "What?! You've married her already?!"

Snowflake nodded and her tail wrapped around my arm. "Yeah..~ Once you get to really know her...she's so perfect."

"I'm still trying to figure out when WE are supposed to go on our date. You talked such a big game at my diner." Felice said.

"She also offered me some one on one time with her." Asuka giggled.

"She didn't say anything to me about sex or marriage." Cherry said.

"That's because I'm only going for six, but I will take you in as my pupil. I will help you awaken your powers so we can stop Choshek together." I said.

"Pupil...Okay." Cherry smiled. "I would be honored to be taken in as your student."

Tohra watched me and crossed her arms. "Well the gang is all here. From this point it's useless to split up again. So what's the plan?"

"Nothing for right now. Nothing grand has popped up yet, so I've been taking this time to gather myself before I plan to make a move." I said.

"Sounds like a perfect idea. The Corrupted aren't too active around so it would be a good chance to get in some training." Scarlet said.

The others agreed and went to get their hotel rooms and we went to our rooms to rest up for the night.


I sat on the bed and Snowflake mounted on top of me then wrapped her arms around my nape. She kissed my lips and I kissed back then she pulled away.

"We got everyone here again...~ I can't wait to start this new life with you. You've given me so much more to fight for.." Snowflake said softly.

I smiled at her. "And I have you to blame for people calling me soft. I constantly have to remind people that showing a bit of kindness doesn't make me soft. People tend to forget that if I wanted, I could erase them from history itself. Their existence wouldn't be here anymore."

"You aren't soft to me. Your breasts are, but you're still the same Seraphim from when we first met. You just know when to control your tongue now." Snowflake smiled at me.

I chuckled softly then closed my eyes, burying my face into her cleavage. "I guess...but I still have the urge to destroy."

"Then destroy me." Snowflake said as she began to put her hair in a ponytail. "Right now on this bed."

I smirked and quickly laid her down on the bed then mounted on top of her. "Don't cry when it becomes too much for you."

Snowflake blushed even more and held my arms. "Give it all to me."


Ataraxia stared out the window and looked at her phone. She made a phone call and smiled. "Nagini, as you predicted...Seraphim has allied with us. Destroying the remains of Terminus should become easier from her."

"That's great news." Nagini said over the phone. "Just keep her close by. She is still an Overlord."

"I doubt she would turn on us. She offered to marry us so she's serious about keeping us close by. I just wanted to call to tell you what you predicted was true." Ataraxia said.

"Mmm. Well just keep in touch." Nagini said then hung up.

Ataraxia smiled and looked at Mona, who was fast asleep. "Seraphim...What an interesting woman.."