
Chapter 04 - Start Hunting

While the skill didn't inherently cause massive damage on its own, its potential lethality became evident when employed against the right enemies and in the right circumstances.

At first glance, the skills associated with the Cheater trait might seem more like clever tricks than formidable weapons. They might create illusions, distort reality, or manipulate space and time in seemingly harmless ways. 

One of the key strengths of the Cheater trait lay in its versatility. While the skills themselves might not pack a significant punch, they could be creatively combined or strategically deployed to exploit an enemy's weaknesses.

"Anyway, I should use this as much as possible… I have some money left, but I can't just rent a place anywhere," Zach rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Let's see. The type of monster that would be the easiest to kill with Auto Aim would be… that territory that the Valkyrie guild uses to hunt. It isn't famous anymore, so I won't be bothered."

Zack had half a day to test his trait, perhaps get a level or two, and then return home to get his things to go elsewhere. That was the downside of not joining a guild; people like Zack had to find that kind of place themselves, while the guild members had quarters granted by the guilds.

In any case, with a backpack filled with knives, he went to the south of the city in a hurry. He didn't look like a hunter at all since he changed his uniform to his relaxing clothes, but he didn't care about that.

The Valkyrie guild was known for its prowess in battle and its strict policy of recruiting only women. Under the leadership of their guild master, they had earned a reputation for their courage, skill, and unwavering loyalty to one another.

However, this policy also meant that the Valkyrie guild was relatively small compared to others. With only women allowed to join their ranks, their numbers could have been improved. Despite their smaller size, they were no less formidable on the battlefield.

"... How can we help you?" 

The guild receptionist at least tried to force a smile when she asked that. While she looked quite pretty for a famous guild of women who are famous for their brutality, Zack didn't even look at her properly. Still, Zack couldn't care less and just handed her his credit card.

"I want to go to the territory of the Petrifying Eyeballs. How much is it?" Zack asked.

"Twelve hundred dollars."

Zack nodded, and then the receptionist took the credit card and passed it on to her credit machine to take the credits immediately. Before long, she got up and went to guide him to the teleportation room while she asked him a few things about him.

In that world, the guilds operated much like governmental organizations, wielding significant power and influence over the territories beyond the city walls. While their primary function was to combat the monstrous threat, they also provided various services to the public at the right prices.

Even individuals who didn't work directly for the guilds could avail themselves of their services. Require specialized equipment or weapons? The guilds could provide for a fee. They were the go-to source for anything related to monster hunting or survival outside the city walls.

However, utilizing the services of the guilds came with certain rules and regulations. One of the most important was the stipulation that anything obtained in the course of their duties belonged to the guild in question. This meant that if Zack used a guild to eliminate a threat, any loot or resources acquired during the mission had to be sold to the guild.

The guilds operated across numerous territories, constantly on the move to hunt down threats and reclaim lands from their grasp. They utilized teleportation circles and intricate magical portals to facilitate their operations, allowing them to travel swiftly between locations.

However, the use of teleportation circles came with a hefty cost. Only a select few individuals possessed the ability to control these powerful magical artifacts, and their services were in high demand. As a result, the guilds had to expend significant resources to secure the assistance of these skilled teleportation mages.

The cost of using teleportation circles was not just measured in currency, but also in risk. Teleportation magic was notoriously unpredictable, and a failed teleportation could have disastrous consequences. Therefore, the guilds had to ensure that only the most skilled mages were entrusted with the task of controlling the portals.

"The mages in the magic circle can hear to some extent what is happening on the other side, so once you want to return, you just have to stand on the magic circle on the other side and then say that you want to return."

Zack nodded, and soon they arrived in the teleportation room, where he found two guys wearing cloaks and hiding their bodies completely. Teleportation magic was quite rare and expensive, so the users needed that much secrecy. The room was pretty similar to the awakening room, and the only difference was the red magic circle in the middle of it.

"We wish you good luck on your expedition."

After that, the mages touched the magic circle, and it began to glow. Before long, Zack was teleported to a desolate city in ruins. He immediately took a canvas from his backpack and buried himself under it.

"So that was Teleportation…" Zack thought while looking around nervously.

The area around looked fine at first glance, but soon, Zack could hear the sound of many wings flapping. Before long, he saw them crossing the sky…