
Leveling with Automata

[ I apologize, but I am unable to continue publishing the story due to time constraints caused by my primary work as a Software Engineer. Therefore, I have made the decision to discontinue the story. ]

BongoHead · Fantasie
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39 Chs

The Aftermath of the Dungeon

Kim Dokja and the other official exchanged a final glance, satisfied with the information they had gathered. They closed their notepads and looked toward Hee-Joon, who seemed eager to ask a question.

Kim Dokja leaned forward slightly and spoke, "Is there anything else you would like to ask, Hee-Joon?"

"Yes, actually. I wanted to know what happened after I lost consciousness in the dungeon. How did I end up here in this hospital room?" Hee-Joon took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

"Well, after I passed out in the dungeon, I remember hearing the commotion of footsteps approaching. It was as if help had arrived. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital room" Hee-Joon added.

Official Kim Dokja nodded solemnly in response to Hee-Joon's question. Taking a deep breath, he began to recount the events that had unfolded in Hee-Joon's absence. His voice carried a weight of both sorrow and awe.

"Hyun-Soo, despite his injuries, mustered every ounce of strength he had left. With tears streaming down his face in desperation, he made his way back to the gate to seek reinforcement." The official continued how Hyun-Soo was desperate in that situation because of his lack of power.

"It was a heartbreaking sight to witness his determination amidst his own weakness. Hyun-Soo knew he couldn't contribute much in that dire situation, but he still tried."

As the words left Kim Dokja's lips, the room grew heavy with the weight of the sacrifice Hyun-Soo had made. He continued, his voice steady yet filled with emotion.

"After crossing the gate dimension, Hyun-Soo stumbled upon the instructor, Choi Eun-Ji. He pleaded for her help, explaining the dire circumstances they faced inside the dungeon. Without hesitation, Choi Eun-Ji gathered the remaining mining team and others who had arrived later at the gate."

Kim Dokja paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "They rushed to the scene only to witness a scene of both triumph and tragedy. You, Hee-Joon, were lying on the ground, covered in blood, holding two blades in your hands. The lifeless body of Mr. Eleven lay beneath you, defeated and killed by your hand lay in several pieces."

Hee-Joon listened intently, his heart pounding as the pieces of the puzzle started to come together. He could imagine the chaotic scene unfolding before his eyes.

"On the other side," Kim Dokja continued, "lay your leader, Kang Min-Seo. He was unconscious, his body bearing the marks of a fierce battle. His left leg clung to the leg of Mr. Eleven, evidence of the struggle they had engaged in. The healer, too exhausted from continuous healing, lay unconscious beside you."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of the losses and the magnitude of the battle settled upon them. Hee-Joon's mind raced with the images conjured by Kim Dokja's words – the sacrifice, the determination, and the overwhelming odds they had faced.

Kim Dokja concluded softly, "It was a harrowing scene, filled with both triumph and tragedy. Many of your teammates and several monsters lay lifeless in the vicinity, a testament to the fierce battle that had unfolded."

As Kim Dokja finished recounting the events, a hint of perplexity flickered in his eyes. He leaned forward, his voice laced with curiosity.

"However, there is one lingering mystery. Despite the intensity of the battle and the aftermath, we couldn't retrieve Mr. Eleven's weapon from the scene. It was as if nothing remained of it."

The words hung in the air, creating a sense of intrigue and uncertainty. Hee-Joon furrowed his brows, contemplating the implications of the missing weapon. Could it hold some crucial information? Was there more to the story than meets the eye?

Before they could delve deeper into the mystery, Kim Dokja rose from his seat, a sense of finality in his movements. With a nod, he addressed Hee-Joon.

"That's it for today. We have gathered valuable information from your account, and if we require further details during our investigation, we will reach out to you."

Hee-Joon watched as the officials turned to leave the hospital room, their presence fading away.

Seeing both officials leave the room, Hee-Joon's attention was drawn to the notifications displayed on the system. They awaited his perusal, each message holding potential surprises and rewards. He began reading them one by one, his anticipation growing with each line.

["Self-Healing has been completed."]

["You have leveled up."]

["You have leveled up."]

["You have leveled up."]

["You have leveled up."]

["You have leveled up."]

["You have leveled up."]

"Whoa, I leveled up six times?" Exclaimed Hee-Joon as he glanced at the messages.

["You have received 5000 Golds for completing the quest "Kill Park Min-Seo(imposter)."]

[ Additional 5000 Golds granted for high difficulty ]

["You have received a new skill: Moon Shadow."]

A surge of excitement coursed through Hee-Joon as he discovered a new skill bestowed upon him.

["You have received Lightning attribute."]

A surge of energy pulsed within him as he gained a new elemental attribute. The power of lightning now coursed through his veins, enhancing his offensive capabilities.

["Your mastery over Porter has reached 100 points."]

["Additional 5000 Golds for completing mastery over Porter."]

["You have unlocked the Inventory feature."]

A crucial enhancement awaited him as the system unveiled the Inventory feature. Hee-Joon's belongings and equipment would now have a dedicated space, providing convenience and organization.

Hee-Joon's curiosity was piqued as he read the notification regarding his new skill, Moon Shadow. Eager to learn more about its capabilities, he requested the system to display its description.


Skill: Moon Shadow

Description: Maneuvers behind an enemy after they deflect your attack, then slashes them with an extra hit.

Cooldown: 10 minutes

MP Cost: 15


He made a mental note of the skill's cooldown time and mana expenditure. It was crucial to utilize Moon Shadow strategically, timing its usage for maximum effectiveness in battle.

Curiosity still burning within him, Hee-Joon turned his attention to his newfound lightning attribute. He requested the system to provide detailed information about its effects and how it could enhance his combat abilities.


Attribute: Lightning

Description: Enhances agility and infuses dual blades with electrifying power for swift and shocking strikes.


Then finally Hee-Joon glanced over his status window to check how far he had progressed:



Name: Hee-Joon

Title: None

Level: 13

HP: 1300

- Strength: 45

- Agility: 43

- Stamina: 40

- Intelligence: 26

- Mana Power (MP): 45

Attribute: Lightning

Skill: 1. Dual Blades 2. Blade Fury 3. Flash 4. Critical Hit and Critical Damage 5.Moon Shadow (New)

Weapon: Dual Blades(unequipped)

Store Credit: 15050
