Amidst the bewildered crew members of the "Blue Whale," a sense of disbelief hung like an unresolved enigma. All eyes were fixed on Comrade Zhou, who stood before them; his seemingly ordinary demeanour now transformed into something extraordinary. It was as though he had undergone a sudden metamorphosis, akin to the legendary character Popeye gaining supernatural strength after devouring spinach.
For a moment, the deck fell into a stunned silence. Then, like a dam bursting open, a torrent of applause and jubilant shouts erupted, transforming the once calm atmosphere into an electric buzz of excitement.
With a flourish, Old Zhou gently set down the massive grey-black metal he had effortlessly lifted. His voice boomed across the deck, commanding attention, "My comrades of Zhonghua Tobacco, let it be known that debts must be honoured!"