
Leveling up by Claiming souls

This is the story of the weak and losser like hunter han ji woo who struggles to survive in a world were talent is everything and how he will beat everyone using his system

Abhin_j_Binu · Fantasie
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15 Chs



Race: Human

Name: Han Ji Woo

Level: 16


Strength: 12

Stamina: 12

Agility: 11

Intelligence: 12

Insight: 12

(16 stat points remaining)

[Soul Erosion - (+54) ]

Special Stat:

Mana: 280 (mana recharges per 12 minutes)

Divine Energy: ?


(Blink) Lvl. 3 (Active)

(Tenacity) Lvl. 2 (Passive)

(Soulvore) Lvl. 1 (Passive)

(Appraisal) Lvl. 2 (Passive)

(Mana Drain) Lvl .1 (Passive)

(Mana Sensitivity) Lvl .2 (Passive)

(Mana Search ) Lvl .1 (Active)

(Deception) Lvl. 1 (Active)

(Swordsman ship ) Lvl .3 (Passive)

(Dagger Art ) Lvl .3 (Passive)

(Stealth ) Lvl. 1 (Active)

(Blood lust) Lvl .2 (Passive)

(Fatigue - O%)


(Unknown) Lvl. Max

(Unknown) Lvl. Max

(Unknown) Lvl. Max (ONE TIME)




(Host can currently stack upto one title per time )

"Looks like I have leveled up quite well", ji woo looking at his stats .

"My stats are not bad !" ,

Still he pressed on the points distributer and set's the free points towards his stats .

"So 6 strength , 4 stamina and remaining just spread among themselfs"

Strength: 18

Stamina: 16

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 13

Insight: 14


' ji woo knew that the current him can easily toddle up a C rank hunter no problem .

"Ji woo looks at the title bar "

(Overachiever : When ever the host face's a boss class or someone stronger than him all stats increase by 25 %)

(Slaughterer : Whenever host face's more than one enemy all stats increase by 20%)

"Looking at how overpowered he is currently ji woo knew that he still can reach higher stages if he wants "

Suddenly ji woos stomach started to growl !'


He places his hands on his stomach , "I should probably eat something " , and walks out of the apartment while wearing a grey and white hoody , as he was ready to go outside ,unexpectedly ...

" ji woo?", the call was from Eun Mi.

Ji woo looks at her , "Eun Mi!" ,what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" , "didn't i text you about today's date !"

Ji woo looks at his phone he saw that due to earlier activities he forgot to check the message's , ji woo who was tumbling and his heart was beating like a rollercoaster .

" Ohhh!" , yes I know !", to be honest was actually going to pick you up on the way "

"Since we are here let's go together shall we" , panickly he says .

She nodds her head and goes along with him . " looks like ji woo was panicking earlier ,is he also nervous about today ",her face was blushing a little .

Since she never got a chance to proparly know about ji woo ,Eun mi was overly excited to go on a date with him. Both of them walked to the city since it's nearby .

"thumb!" .... "thumb !" Both of thier hearts were beating and were acting like a cute new couple .

Knowing that he should start the conversation ji woo looks at her.

"Eun Mi !" So what do you do normally?"

She was got caught off-guard as she never expected him to ask her question like that .

"I actually am also a hunter !", she says

"Is that ?", ji woo nervously replied .

Since he has never spent any time with a girl properly , ji woo did not know how to answer or ask a girl what she wants. Since he relies on his system for fighting still he failed to act like a proper date .

"So what do you normally do ji woo ?"

'As you know , I work as both a dungeon cleaner and hunter , but now I am rethinking of just being a hunter !"

" Is that so!" ,with a witted smile she looks at ji woo

"What guild do you work for Eun mi ?"

"Uh... I work for the Red Rose guild ".

"Ohhh....'The red castle isn't that like the top 5 guilds of Korea !'

" yes...I know they are so great!" , and you know .....


Ji Woo's gaze lingered on Eun Mi as she proudly shared tales of her adventures within the guild, her enthusiasm painting the air with vivid hues. Lost in her words, Ji Woo found himself inadvertently caught in the magic of her narrative.

"Umm... Ji Woo, are you listening?" Eun Mi's voice pierced through his wandering thoughts.

Panicking, Ji Woo tried to regain his composure. "Crap, I didn't hear anything properly. She'll think I'm a creep or something, staring at her face all the time."

Eun Mi, noticing his distraction, questioned, "Are you perhaps unwell?"

Stumbling over his words, Ji Woo mumbled, "Nothing. I was just thinking about how cute you look today."

The unexpected compliment painted a rosy hue across Eun Mi's cheeks. "You know you shouldn't say something like that whenever you want."

Ji Woo, feigning innocence, replied, "I only said that because it's you, Eun Mi."

Again, Ji Woo managed to trigger a blush, rendering Eun Mi momentarily speechless. She couldn't meet his gaze, opting instead to seize his hands and guide him towards the bustling mall.

The entrance of the mall became a stage for Ji Woo and Eun Mi, drawing glances from onlookers enchanted by the couple's presence.

Ji Woo couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes, particularly directed at Eun Mi. "I can't blame them. I mean, she's very beautiful and mature-looking. It's almost as if fate brought me to such a bold girl."

As Eun Mi held his hand, Ji Woo's thoughts veered into a realm of possibility. "She's holding my hand as if we were a... no, no, no. What am I doing? This is just shopping, nothing more."

Suddenly, Han's voice disrupted Ji Woo's internal musings. "Ji Woo, is there something?"

Shaking off his illusion, Ji Woo refocused. "Shouldn't you be getting clothes for yourself? Why don't I wait for you?"

Eun Mi, however, insisted on taking him along as they ventured into the various stores, their laughter echoing through the mall's corridors.

"Ha ha, we did a lot of shopping," Ji Woo remarked, juggling numerous clothing bags.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into all this. As a thanks, let me give you a proper makeover," Eun Mi proposed.

"No, it was going to be a lonely day for me anyway. But you've already made it fun; that's enough," Ji Woo replied.

Suddenly, Eun Mi closed in on Ji Woo's face, catching him off guard. "No, you must come with me."

Blushing at the proximity, Ji Woo held back, "Aren't you a little too close?"

Eun Mi, realizing her boldness, moved back. "I'm sorry for startling you."

Observing the scene, an onlooker casually remarked, "Old couple."

Leading Ji Woo to a men's clothing store, Eun Mi insisted,

"This is not good." Ji Woo thought otherwise, "This is good."

"It's not my style," Ji Woo protested as Eun Mi picked out clothes, piling them in his arms.

"Perfect, I picked them all," she declared.

At the cashier, Eun Mi offered to pay, but her card declined. Camily as she was looking for her other cards , Ji Woo discreetly handed his card over, saving the day.

"Thank you for your purchase," the receptionist chimed in.

Outside the store, Ji Woo noticed a hint of dimness in Eun Mi's expression. Sensing her guilt, he playfully flicked her head. "Next time, you pay."

(Soul erosion :( +74) )

Her face brightened, casting shadows of a newfound connection .

Suddenly occured catching ,Ji Woo and Eun Mi, caught off guard, exchanged concerned glances.


"What is this?" they questioned simultaneously.

Without a moment's hesitation, Han seized Eun Mi's hand, a silent agreement in the face of uncertainty. As the pair sought refuge, another ominous sound echoed through the mall.


The ground beneath them fractured, and Ji Woo instinctively propelled Eun Mi away, sacrificing himself to the descending chaos. Clothes scattered as he plummeted.

"Woo!" Eun Mi's scream echoed through the chaos as she swiftly leaped after Ji Woo.

Ji woo about to activate his ability


"Heavenly wings," she murmured, and radiant wings materialized behind her. With divine grace, she accelerated towards Ji Woo, catching him mid-fall.

"Is this our ability?" Ji Woo questioned, bewildered.

"We can talk another time," Eun Mi replied, gently lowering Ji Woo a bit away from the chaos that unfolded.

"I'm sorry, ji Woo. I have to help the people," Eun Mi declared with determination.

"Hey, hey, this girl," Ji Woo muttered to himself, urgency evident in his voice.

Quickly, he placed the bags he carried in a nearby alley, determination etched on his face. With a swift movement, he entered the mall, ready to face whatever awaited him.


While She darted back to the mall. On the rooftop, a group of individuals dressed in black caught her attention. They seemed to be the perpetrators behind the mall's explosion .

As Eun Mi boldly approached the enemies, she swiftly activated a device nestled in her ears, reaching out to her friend.

"Hey, Hae-Won, I can see a group of five in black dresses on the roof. Surely, they are the ones," Eun Mi relayed.

"On it," Hae-Won responded with determination.

In the next scene, Eun Mi's voice echoed through a communication device. "Hey, members of the Red Castle, near the Seoul Central Mall, capture the men in black attire and help the civilians."

Back at the mall, a hush fell as Eun Mi invoked a mysterious incantation.

"Heaven Ascend," she muttered.

Suddenly, Eun Mi was enveloped in an ethereal, angelic dress. Wings emerged gracefully from her back, resembling those of an otherworldly being. Her body seamlessly melded with the pristine white attire. In her hand, she wielded a sword, its blade reminiscent of a short sword, adorned with an unknown, tree-like insignia.

"Shoot, she saw us," one of the men in black muttered as he noticed Eun Mi's approach

Amidst the chaos, a conversation unfolded among the unknown assailants as they underestimated the lone figure approaching them.

"What's the big deal? She's just alone," one man remarked dismissively.

"You better not look down on her. She may be alone, but she can easily take us down," another man with a deep voice countered confidently.

Curiosity piqued, the first man questioned, "What's so special about her?"

"You are really a laid-back bastard. That woman is none other than one of the few S-rank hunters in the entire country and the sub-guild master of the Red Castle guild, 'Heavenly Goddess Eun Mi,'" the deep-voiced man revealed.

"Isn't the name a bit dramatic?" another guy chimed in.

As Eun Mi charged at them, one of the men took command. "Get ready now, and two of you go back. Get information on Eun Mi's presence to the leader as fast as possible."

Two of them sprinted away, leaving Eun Mi to confront the remaining foes. Undeterred, she closed the distance rapidly.

"You can't run!" Eun Mi declared as she approached the two fleeing men. With a swift motion, she swung her sword, aiming to stop their escape. The man with the deep voice skillfully blocked her attack.

"Clash!" Their weapons collided, resonating through the air.

"Pardon me, but I can't let you kill them," he asserted,

Eun Mi's eyes blazed with a mixture of disgust and anger as she faced the remaining foes.

"Move away?"

With a swift motion, she swung her sword, sending the man flying. His body crashed to the ground, a testament to her formidable strength.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, bitch!"

The remaining two attackers retaliated, charging at her. But before they could even reach her, their bodies shattered into fragments, like crystalline dust caught in the wind.

"Big sis, was I late?"

A voice cut through the aftermath. It was a young boy, just out of high school, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"It's you, Min-Jun. But why are you in your high school uniform?"

Eun Mi questioned, a hint of concern in her eyes.

"What do you mean?

I was just attending my class, and suddenly a call came saying to come here. I left the class, saying I have a stomach ache, and went to the infirmary. Please finish this as fast as possible," Min-Jun explained hastily.

As they conversed, the man who had been sent sprawling by Eun Mi began to rise.

"Really, they're looking down on me too much."

The man, his eyes aflame with resentment, rose defiantly from the ground. Eun Mi, the Heavenly Goddess, met his gaze with unwavering determination, her posture reflecting the calm before a storm.

In the blink of an eye, the clash commenced. The man's strikes sliced through the air, seeking to prove his worth against the formidable Eun Mi. It was a dance of blades, a deadly choreography etched in the language of combat.

As the man lunged forward, Eun Mi gracefully sidestepped his advances, her movements a testament to the fluidity of her skill. A sweeping kick from the adversary was elegantly avoided, and in response, Eun Mi countered with a powerful spin, her sword tracing an ethereal arc.

The man, undeterred, retaliated with a flurry of punches and kicks, his desperation palpable.

"You think you can stand against us?" he sneered.

Eun Mi's response was a silent dance—a dodged punch, a parried kick. With supernatural finesse, she disarmed him, sending his weapon clattering to the ground. The man, now weaponless, unleashed a desperate barrage of strikes, each met with calculated precision.

"You're out of your league," Eun Mi

remarked, seizing his arm mid-attack, a masterful display of control.

Undeterred by the pain, the man struggled to break free.

"I won't yield to the likes of you!"

In a burst of energy, Eun Mi unleashed a devastating kick, propelling the man into the air. As he fought to regain composure mid-flight, Eun Mi closed the distance with blinding speed, her sword aglow with an otherworldly light.

With unmatched strength, she slammed him to the ground, the impact resonating through the battlefield. The dust settled, revealing the defeated man beneath the Heavenly Goddess's indomitable resolve.

"You thought you could challenge me?" Eun Mi's voice carried an authoritative calmness

As the man struggled to rise, Eun Mi and the boy approached him with an air of caution. The boy, prepared to encase the adversary in an ice cage, was halted by unexpected words from the defeated man.

"Self-explosion, huh?

" Eun Mi's sharp gaze fixated on the man.

Before anyone could react, the man's body erupted into an explosive burst. In a swift response, the boy summoned an ice shield, guarding both Eun Mi and himself from the abrupt detonation.

"Sis, let's go back," the boy urged, concern etched on his face.

"Yeah, and call a meeting. We should discuss them properly," Eun Mi affirmed, her eyes still wary of potential threats.

As they turned to leave,


a sudden resonance echoed in Eun Mi's heart. Without a second thought, she swung her sword towards the building a few steps behind them, completely obliterating it.

The boy, surprised, questioned,

"Why did you do that?"

"I felt there was someone there,

"and you destroyed the entire building,i am so down with you guys" , says min - jun

Eun Mi explained, her instincts tingling with suspicion, and they walked away

'fu, fu!!'....., panting due to tiredness .

"I was just lucky !"

Blood flowing down his left arm ,it was ji woo.

Eun mi

Physical Appearance:

Hair: Eun Mi sports striking red hair that adds a vibrant and bold touch to her overall appearance.

Eyes: A distinctive feature is her black eye, which not only contrasts with her fiery hair but also hints at a mysterious or challenging past.

Body: Eun Mi possesses a curly body, suggesting a unique and free-spirited personality. Her physical demeanor is not just about appearance but reflects a certain energy and dynamism.

3 Sizes : 34-26-36

Bust: Eun Mi boasts a generous bust that complements her curvaceous silhouette, enhancing her allure and adding a touch of allure to her overall appearance.

Waist: Despite her curvy figure, Eun Mi maintains a well-defined waist, accentuating her hourglass shape. It speaks to a balance of strength and grace in her demeanor.

Hips: Her hips sway with a captivating rhythm, completing the trio of measurements that define her silhouette. They contribute to her confident and assertive presence, leaving a lasting impression.

(she is also a hunter )

Abhin_j_Binucreators' thoughts