
A Suggestion

Pain shot up in the place his arm used to be, waking Arthur from his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes, the soul realignment made his body convulse as his back arched backward. Arthur gritted his teeth and endured the pain until it passed.

When it was over, Arthur pushed himself up using his right arm. He looked at his left, but it was still a giant void. He looked at his recovery percentage and found it to be only 40% even after a full day. 

The herb helped his recovery as much as it helped Dia. It became a lot slower after the herb was gone, making it a struggle to have any hopes in the light of the current situation.

Rae was gone and so was his arm. He thought about going after Larza, but he would be a fool. Duke Zenos must have already taken steps to ensure to trap him if he showed himself to her.