
Letters from an Echo

Living on the planet of Sanatos, Elysium(Ely) has felt a heart beat next to his own, he has spent his whole life wondering what is out in the cosmos, craving knowledge of the Artemis and the dawn of Creation. One day he receives a letter from a mysterious Echo that unlocks a new destniny. cover made by Wendelin Jacober, Naural Universe on Flickr

valentinogamberine · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Venomous Secrets

After the festival I managed to sneak into Sanan High, I had a tunnel that I had dug from the back of the school into the restroom, in an 'out of order' stall. The full moon festival ended at 3' o'clock, which meant I had at least one full hour of school left. My last class of the day being the only class I could ever, even slightly enjoy. The class relating to Star-crossed humans and Sanan. I think I enjoyed the class because our professor loves me, his name is Eros Emactula. The only teacher who would even mutter the name of the Athenian, let alone teach any History on where Sanan actually originated from. He was an Aviating Sanan, one similar to that of Echolias. He always draped a green cloak across his chair, the same color green as the cloak I now had. I knew deep within my would that Eros was one with the rebellion, though I would never broadcast this news as I am well aware that this could cost him his job.

I slyly sneaked tot he very back of the school building, looking around to make sure there was no one in sight. I opened the barrel that I had been using to disguise the tunnel, after covering my mouth with a piece of cloth, and wriggled my way inside of the tight grimy tunnel, I groveled my back through the tunnel, and finally my head bumped the metal cage that covered the tunnel in the bathroom. After writhing in pain for a few seconds, because it always hurt quite a bit, I used my arms to push up the metal cap and pushed into the the side, I used my arms to pull the length of my body out the tunnel and finally i was out of the slim and vulgar tunnel. I was just lucky I hadn't come face to face with a sludgy grimlet( a sludge covered sentient being derived directly from Sanan excrement, lovely, I know). I tried my best to shake the dirt off my clothes and hair, and looked underneath he stalls to confirm the bathroom to be empty, luckily for me the bathroom was usually empty at this time of day. I slid my body under the stall door which was as locked for the he inside and found my putrid self standing in front of a mirror. My blouse had looked ripped, scuffled and covered in what looked like grimy sludge. There was no way, Eros would attend to me in class like this. I took off my jacket and blouse and ran it under hot water and some soap in the sink, suddenly I heard foot steps coming my way. My intuition told me there was no real threat, I figured it might be a student, the vast majority of the Students at Sanan High, as well as some faculty were much to afraid of my royal Status to question my mannerisms or unbecoming behavior. So, continued trying to watch out her sludgy grimy substance on my shirt, with as much hand soap as I could manage.

It was only Attis whom had walked into the restroom, lucky, lucky me. Attis was the only other student in Ares classes, he was no royal, and I would normally not have known what kind of Sanan he really was, he seemed to always take a human form. We locked eyes, and i felt something, whether it was my intuition or maybe something about his disposition. It was as if i could see through his eyes into skin, into his skin, i feel the blood of a thousand Sanan Soul from all walks of life. His skull was that of a human but the bones that made up his body where not those of a human at all, they were the bones of one of my decent, a shape shifting Artemis Sanan. I could see that he had already been star-crossed, hence there was no reason to go to this school. My intuition told me, Attis had been following me.

"Why are you covered in mucky grime?", he held his nose and walked over to me, his eyes lingering for a little to long.

"Why is that any of your business, your not following me are you?", i cheekily grinned at him.

"You, make this too easy," he laughed and suddenly his eyes became predatory, he grinned a cheeky grin straight at me and within the blink of an eye, I could feel sharp fangs that sunk into my spine and with that darkness consumed me. The last thing I could remember was falling to the ground, and a sharp pain in the very back of my head.
