
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

<p>I wake up in a room filled with the night sky and its stars. The ceiling and walls were a print of the sky. My sheets were too. I sat there for a minute trying to remember what happened. Then I saw a bookcase that had some of my favorite books.<br/>Where the fuck am I? I thought to myself.<br/>The door opened to the room. A man stood there for a couple of seconds.<br/>"Young lady, do you know why you are here?" The man said As he walked close to me.<br/> I tried to scoot backwards but I hit the wall. I stared at him for a bit hoping that he would leave if I stayed quiet. But to no avail he stayed. "I'm getting kidnapped?" How was I supposed to respond? Like a dumb ass? No thanks.<br/>"Well if you look at it that way yes but no. It was for your safety." The strange man replied.<br/>"Oh so it's so important that I got kidnapped, ok still not a good reason but go on."<br/>"Well you have aura manipulation. You are the only person in the world that has it."<br/>"Ha you got the wrong person if you think that, I'm a cripple. I don't have powers."<br/>"Well then I guess we'll have to show. Hand me the needle."<br/> His assistant that appeared out of nowhere handed him what I assumed was a syringe. "You might want to stay still."<br/>" GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME CREEP." I said as I hurried to the other side of the bed. "If you think for one second that you're going to put whatever that is into my body, you're dead wrong."<br/>"Oh it's nothing bad." he assured me. I didn't believe him.<br/>"So you expect me to believe the guy i don't know, holding some weird ass substance in his hand, to put that thing into my body?"<br/>He sat there nodding like I would let him.<br/>"Nope Nope Nope. That is not happening. Not on my dead rotting body." I said in a panic.<br/>"Just calm down. Your powers fluctuate with your emotions." He tried to reason with me.<br/>As my anxiety rose the room started to shake violently. The strange man immediately set down the syringe trying to calm me down. The room shook less and less until it stopped all together.<br/>Then he said to his assistant, "hm this isn't what we were told. We need to run more tests."<br/>As she turned to dust he turned to me. <br/>"Why don't we take a walk?" I got up as he gestured toward the door. <br/>We walk in silence for a few minutes. Trying to wrap my head around this whole ordeal. Then I Asked,<br/>"Why am I really here?"<br/>He stopped walking as if he knew I was figuring things out that I wasn't supposed to know.<br/>"Like I said earlier for your safety."<br/>"Then where is mason."<br/>"He is in another building somewhere else."<br/>"I'm not going to ask again. Where is Mason?"<br/>"I can't tell you that."<br/>Something inside of me fueled me with anger. With the sudden urge to punch the man next to me. And so I did. When I pushed him he went flying across the hallway.<br/>"WHERE IS HE!"<br/>He pulled out his phone and called someone.<br/>"Sir she's out of control. Get me some guards ASAP."<br/>Then he hung up the phone and jumped up and started running.<br/>Oh no you don't. I ran after him knowing I would catch up to him. When I turned around the corner there was a guy with a gun. He aimed and fired. As I was still running when something hit my body and my legs buckled. I fell faster than I thought. The man walked up to me and kicked my stomach. I groaned in pain.<br/>"Take her to room 163. The boss will take care of her."<br/>"Yes sir."<br/>He tried to scooped up my limp body. He succeeded on the 3rd try and carried me away. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed an eternity. We finally arrived at the room. When we were inside the room the guard laid me on something cold. I assumed it was a table. I felt the guard put bands around my limbs and one on my waist. As the guard left I could start to move again. A different man walked in with the same assistant I saw earlier. I looked at the man.<br/>"Hm so your Jessie . I expected you to be shorter, maybe older too."<br/>"What the hell do you want?" I ignored his insult.<br/>"Nothing Important, just a blood sample."<br/>"Over my dead body."<br/>"Oh no, I need you alive."<br/>The man held his hand out to his assistant and she gave him two syringes. He was going towards my neck. Oh shit. As soon as he was close enough I bit his hand. He pulled his hand back so fast it looked like a blur. He scowled at me then snapped his fingers. 2 guards came towards me. One reached for my head and the other one just stood there waiting. I started to squirm trying to avoid the guards hands. But i failed. The guard held my head down on the table while the other guard started to strap my head to the table. And just before they left one of them slammed something into my arm. And just like that i couldn't move again. The strange man resumed what he was doing. I felt a prick on the side of my neck. After a minute went by he took the syringe out.<br/>"Why did you guys even tie me to a table?"<br/>"For this."<br/> Before i could react he stuck the other syringe in my neck. As he injected the purple liquid I started to scream in pain. It felt like electricity shot through my body. It slowly turned into a burning sensation. It felt as if every bone in my body was being broken and mended all over again. I tried to open my eyes. I managed to open them a little just to see a couple of men dropped in the room. The assistant was gone. I felt like I might pass out.<br/>Then she came back a few minutes later with clyde. I looked at Clyde in tears and he looked at me in horror.<br/>Clyde said. "You Said this wouldn't hurt her, not that I care." <br/>The woman said. "Good, I only got you for this LABRAT!" <br/>Clyde cowered in fear. He looked at me again but with a look that said I'm sorry. The next place I woke up in a nice room with silk pj on. <br/>I wondered what the hell was happening. So I got up as if I were at home and I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my black eye was gone. I was wondering what happened last night and where I am. Then I remember my arm. I look down at it to see nothing is wrong. I took a nice shower and got dressed.<br/>someone came in and said. "The limo is waiting."<br/>Again really. I went outside to the limo and I saw Mason waiting at the door playing with fire. <br/> "Are you bored?"<br/>"Yes. oh there is a lady in the limo I think she has something to say to you." <br/>"Why me, of all people, why is it me."<br/>He said, "I don't know."<br/> Just then I remembered one of the conversations I had a year ago with my mom. She told me if someone wanted to talk in private I should run and stay away from that person.it was as if my mother was speaking to me .<br/>I whispered to mason. "We don't want to be with this guy. I can tell that she is bad news."<br/>Mason agreed with me. So we ran, we ran down a big hill, I tripped half way down it mason grabbed my hand. Then Out of nowhere We were in a plane. <br/>"Excuse me, sir, where are we?" <br/>"He said. You are in Hawaii, are you guys ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."<br/>"No! We got kidnapped And i'm Guessing we were taken here. Can you take us to Casper Wyoming?"<br/>He thought for a moment Then said "Ok That is where we are going anyway. MY name is moul. Call me if you need anything."<br/>"Um, do you have somewhere where it's safe for us to talk?" Mason asked.<br/>"First class. no one is up there."<br/>"Thank you." <br/>"No problem."<br/>"Let's go." I said.<br/>Mason grabbed my hand and led me to the front. I passed some people who just stared at me. One of them had a bad feeling about them. We passed through a door and into the first class section. We sat down and waited.<br/>After a couple hours, Moul came up worried about something.<br/>"Are you ok?" I asked.<br/>"You need to head up to the cockpit. There's someone on the plane with a gun and I think he's looking for you guys."<br/>"Well shit. let's go." i said <br/>We walked toward the cockpit when we were almost there, something grabbed us. I was about to yell then the man said "I'm a friend of your dad.<br/><br/><br/> <br/></p>