
Let Me Shoulder this Blame!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Su Shi was once a platinum-level host with the highest survival rate. One day, his misdeeds of constantly shifting his blame onto others was found out and reported. Convicted of violating the rules, he was bound to an Automatic Blame Shouldering System and exiled to lower-level worlds. Now, not only does he have to take the blame from others and shoulder it himself, he must also carry that blame and rush to his death in order to earn enough points to quickly unbind from the system. Su Shi only wants to get rid of the system by shouldering the blame until death. However, he finds that trying to hold onto the blame is even harder then passing it on, and rushing to his death is even harder than running for his life. As Su Shi lies dying in the protagonist’s arms with red-rimmed eyes and a weak and helpless countenance, an uninvited third guest suddenly rushes out to explain the misunderstanding for him. Su Shi: “I beg you, just let me shoulder this blame, otherwise, it will all be a waste of effort…” NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN ! Support the original Translator - Vanilla Muse

Study_Bytes · Spiele
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81 Chs


Their photos from the hospital still ended up being circulated around. Netizens excitedly imagined plentiful associations between them. They even fearlessly and lively dragged out what they dubbed an "evil cult" matched pair*.

After just a few hours, their imagined story line was already boundlessly expanded. And the number of hits even broke through the millions already.

[Melon Eater: You see, I said it was because of love!!!]

[Have You Seen This Pot: It's the archetypal tyrant CEO story line. Confirmed! First, for the sake of Mu Jinchu, he suppressed his own blood-related younger brother and forced him to apologize. Then he forced Liang Qiu onto a dead end path. And he also slapped the reporters in their faces. Finally, it's that longing look! I ate this evil cult pair! Tasty!]

Translations are by vmnovels [dot] com, if you're reading this anywhere else, then it was stolen.

[Injuring on Pretext: Tyrant CEO Gong x Infatuated Shou! Mu Jinchu was also very abused ah QAQ If the chairman did not return just in time, he would definitely be buried* to death by others. That crisis from before was simply bad enough to cause one's soul to flee one's body in alarm…]

(*T/N: "be buried" as in other people digging pits for him, and forcing misunderstandings on him)

[Professional Flag Waver: Thought it was a knife, took a bite, and realized that it was sugar! Chewing on melon seeds. Begging chairman da da* to carefully pamper Jinchu!]

(*T/N: 大大 da da – literally "big big," kind of like putting someone on a pedestal or calling them lord, but in a cutesy way)

[Midpoint of Story: Begging chairman da da to carefully pamper Jinchu, plus one. Jinchu has been wronged so much by others… Those people should all apologize! Chairman da da almost returned too late (つД`)]

[Bento Monopoly: Wait, we're stamping it* just like this?? What if Chariman Lin is straight? Have you guys thought of the consequences?! Is it okay to open the door and accept the courier?!]

(*T/N: "stamping it" – deciding that something is the truth, as in, stamping a seal of approval on something)

[Weather into Sand: Whatever! Drunk life dreams dead cult*! In my mind, this is love ah! ヾ(≧▽≦≧▽≦)ノ]

(*T/N: To my understanding, this person is saying that they're drunk on this couple.)


Su Shi swiped at the screen, occasionally glancing at the experience points that were like toy building blocks, growing rapidly, but tottering on the verge of collapse. His lips twitched. His mood complicated.

"All right now, take a break before playing with your phone again. And drink the medicine first."

Support the translator. Read this on vmnovels (dot) com

Then, Lin Feng helped him retrieve a prepared set of clothes for lounging at home. Seeing Su Shi looking at the phone as if entranced, Lin Feng smiled lightly and tapped his fingers on the table. He put both the clothes and medicine on the chair.

"Okay—here it comes!"

Su Shi nodded quickly and guiltily tucked his phone under the pillow. He took the clothes and changed into them. Then he carefully looked at Lin Feng who had a calm expression on his face. "Brother, do you have someone that you like?"

To be called a "misunderstanding," it must be different from the facts. For the sake of his precarious experience points, he must maintain this "evil cult" pairing.

"Why are you suddenly asking about this?"

Lin Feng's breathing was slightly stagnant, as if he were suddenly pierced in a secret place that he did not dare to think about. His heart shuddered inexplicably.

Meeting the clear light in those eyes, he gathered all the complex emotions into the bottom of his heart, and put on a light smile. He gathered Su Shi towards his chest and rubbed the youth on the head.

"Brother also doesn't know. And right now, I don't have the extra energy to think about it. Maybe—some time in the future, perhaps I will have someone I like all of a sudden."

Su Shi was relieved. He lowered his head and sipped the medicine.

The youth sat quietly on the bed. He seemed to have gotten skinnier during his stay at the hospital. His bangs were slightly long. There hadn't been time to trim his hair. Right now, they lay scattered across his brows. With his head bowed, the longer hair at the back of his head drooped down on either side of his neck, revealing a glimpse of his delicate white neck.

Translations by Vanilla Muse.

The sight was so beautiful that it made the looker's heart warm up.

Lin Feng's heart clenched inexplicably. He subconsciously lifted a hand to his forehead.

He couldn't continue on like this.

His palm seemed to be scalded by a sudden rise in temperature. He instinctively retracted his hand and slowly curled it into a fist.

"Jinchu, how about Brother send you abroad to relax and have fun, and then come back after a period of time?"

Su Shi's hand trembled and clenched the cup subconsciously.

The plotline would return to its original path sooner or later. Even if he did not take the initiative to follow the plot, eventually he would be sent on the plane that was destined to crash.

Su Shi was silent, and Lin Feng's heart sank swiftly.

"It's not that I don't want you, Jinchu. Don't be afraid. Brother just–"

Suddenly he could not continue to speak, and he couldn't help raising his hands to embrace the body in front of him. The muscles in his arms unconsciously stretched taut.

"I'm just afraid that if I keep you by my side, I will do something wrong…"

An ominous premonition struck Su Shi's heart, and his entire body shivered. Grabbing on tight to his experience points, he resolutely raised his head. "Brother, I'll go!"