
Chapter 1: The Meeting


I am able to do my routine for the whole day. I have so many paintings done for the week and Lord Isaac will be please to see my works. Well, he should be. Lord Isaac is one of the richest counts in Ashdale. We grew up together. He's a little older than me. 5 years to be specific. I'm 20 years old now and he's 25. I cannot lie, I have this feeling that I should be avoiding. Falling for a count is a hellish dream for a peasant like me. I am lucky enough to have Lord Samuel, Isaac's father to see my piece back in the day when I was ten. That's the time I have known Isaac, the Morgans. I have a really fuzzy childhood and I don't know why. First, I have these questions in mind but no one can answer me. I tried asking Lord Samuel about my past. He said that he only saw me in a dark alley holding an empty book with drawings of mine. He kept me and brought me home when he thought that I was alone and no one will take care of me. Lord Samuel is a very kind man. He is like a father to me. When he saw my potential in paintings, he said "Keep that up, Little one. I'll buy every piece you'll make so you won't have to thank me anymore" with a warm smile on his face. I was beyond blessed.

However, The mother, Lady Lora is a cunning one. She's not very like Lord Samuel at all. Complete opposite. When Lord Samuel is not around she would hurt me physically if I am not able to do her bidding. I can say that Lord Isaac got her father's attitude. Good riddance. I had a thought that Lord Isaac must have known that his mother is physically abusing me and I choose not to say a word and out of pity he told me to rent a small house. Which I agreed, I could not engage such suggestion since Lord Samuel gave me shelter. Who am I to ask for more?. Since that time I had these butterflies when Lord Isaac is near me.

I will be in so much trouble and Lady Lora will kill me in no time if these feelings of mine will surface. I already tucked in bed and ready to sleep when I heard a knock. I sit on my bed. Is it not too late for a visitor? It's already past midnight but I hear nothing from the knock. I decided to get up and went to the door. I peek at the whole. The confusion starts to raise when I saw a man standing in front of my door. He is not someone I know. His back is facing my door so I can't see his face. "Who is it?" I asked. He starts to look at the door and I swear I saw him smirked. "Let me in, woman" with so much authority something pushed me to open the damn door for a stranger.

I squealed in shock when I completely saw him. He is soaking wet and it's raining cats and dogs today. He must be freezing. All of my doubts for this stranger vanished at some point. "Good God! You must be freezing! Come inside quick!" I stated. However, I think this man whose name is unknown did not hear me. "Mister? Do you wish to die here on my porch or you coming in?" I said which brought him back to reality. "You are letting me in?" he said. "Yes! Come in now!" I answered, he set his foot inside with cautious as if he is going to burn or something. 'Weird' I thought. Somehow his facial expression change and looked at me as if I said that out loud or did I? "Well? A little faster, Mister or both of us will die freezing and you might catch a cold" I stated.

He went straight to the couch and sat down. "I can only offer you coffee and spare clothes since you are dripping wet." "That'll do" he answered. My goodness, his voice. It gives me chills down my spine. Not in a bad way but it kinda gave me butterflies. 'Hold your horses! That's a stranger!' I think my inner self has slapped me for my thoughts. "I'll make you a hot coffee and get clothes. Hold on for a while, Mis-" "Ciro. Call me Ciro" He stated after cutting me off. His voice really makes me shiver. "Well, Ciro. I'll go and fetch your needs". So I went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Here's the cup of coffee. Drink it, it'll make you feel better" I said. He holds the cup and drinks it. As I am observing this fine man in my house, he is still wet since I haven't got any clothes yet but he's not even shaking. Hmm, interesting. Is he a warrior used to cold or snowy weather? That might be it. I did not think that I was staring at him when he looked me in the eye. I almost jumped when he stood up and walk towards me. I did not know what to do so I made a mistake and took a step back which made him frown and one snap he is inches from my face. "Oh young lady, don't you know that staring is rude?" he said while his face is leveled to mine. He is a very tall man, I can say. When he stands I am just right in his chest. 'Tall handsome man'. My eyes widened when his lip formed a smirk. "I-um- I think you are too cl-" I was cut off when he touches my cheeks. His hands were so cold. In that matter, he was shocked when I hold out his hand "You're so cold! My goodness! Wait here, I'll get you some clothes. Stay here" I said and rushed upstairs. I don't know why I did that. Hold his hand. But I am sure that he is a warrior. I just felt it when I hold him. The way his hands weigh.

I looked for some old clothes I got from Lord Samuel. I went down and gave it to him. "Here. Change your clothes." I said. Which he did immediately and made me turn around "Could you at least give me some warning?!" I squealed. I heard a chuckle from him. I wonder what he looks like. 'Hey! Take a grip of yourself' reminding myself. "Why? Haven't seen a naked man before?" he stated which made me blush. "What kind of question is that? Maybe if there's someone who dares to strip at someone else's house? No! I haven't, you potato!" "I'm done, you can look now." Trusting his word, I did turn and faced him and in shocked that he still did not put some shirt on. I'm about to cover my eyes when he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him. "What are you-" "You are indeed beautiful, My Lady" I can feel his breath on my face since he is so close to me. Our faces are inches apart. Hearing that, I know my face looked like a tomato. I tried pulling away but he just grabs my waist and pulled me even more. "Please, let me go. What are you doing, Ciro?" I said while stuttering. "My name," he said. While his loosening his grip on me. "What about it? Your name?" I asked "It feels like it's destined for you to say it" he answered while looking at my lips. My reflexes immediately switched on and my hand covered my mouth. As I did that, he smirked and chuckled which made me weak. Making my knees shudder but not in fear. "Covering your mouth won't help if I will eagerly want to kiss you. Do not worry, Young Lady. I am and still controlling myself" he said. "And what makes you think that I want you to kiss me?" "Oh, you're not saying a word. But your face, it tells me a different story" "Shut up. Can you at least be thankful that I gave you shelter for the night?" I said while raising my brows. "I owe you one, Love." he said while smirking "STOP! Don't make me kick you out while wiping the smirk off of your face, young man!" "Alright alright, but let me ask you. What makes you decide to give shelter to a man you don't even know, Love?" "I have a name and it's Kharis not Love" I said which made him smirked again. Did this man just wants to know my name by annoyingly calling me 'Love'? Does he not know how to ask?.

I have plans for tomorrow and I need to rest and get some sleep. "I only have one bed and it's still raining outside. Where do you live? Is it too far from here?" "It is quite far from here" he answered, "Do you have a business to do here?" "You can say that". He did not talk after that and I felt like he doesn't want me to know so I did not bother asking. "I need to sleep now. If you'll stay here for the night, I have brought blankets with the clothes I gave you. You may sleep on the couch. I only have one bed" I stated "You are going to sleep with a stranger in your house? You sure you wanna live long?" "Well, I don't have anything to lose. Killing me won't do you any better so go ahead." I confidently said. He looked at me straight into my eyes to see if I am lying. This time I hold my gaze. He lays down on the couch and closed his eyes "Go and sleep. I'll guard you for the night" he stated, "Thank you. Have a good night, Ciro". After saying good night I went upstairs and lay in my bed and sleep.


This young lady peacefully sleeping in her bed. Am I dreaming? Or she resembles her so much?. I place my heart on my chest feeling my heart while staring at the woman who gave me shelter. She should have become a meal for me but when she opened the door, her rosy cheeks, pink lips, and blue eyes made me stop my intent to feed on her. She really resembles Venette. Is she a reincarnation? Is my Venette came back to me? I have so many questions. My heart died with her thousand of years ago. Kharis. She is different. She's not Venette. Even if she's a reincarnation, she must have something that connects to Venette. I must feel something similar. But it's different. Venette's eyes are not blue. I must be losing my mind. After all these years that had passed. It's still her. My Venette.

Why did you leave me? My heart aches for you.