
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasie
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31 Chs

A Bad Omen

In the afternoon, Marquis Quentin returned to the mansion, after shunning his responsibilities as a father and hiding like a rat in the palace. His hatred towards his daughter Mabel was too evident in the past that he even sent for his son Seth to be taken to the palace to see him, leaving the girl alone in the mansion.

His unexpected return from him alerted the entire staff, who had to move quickly to accommodate all matters for his lord. Dinner was quickly prepared and the marquis asked for both children. Seth introduced himself but Mabel didn't. The answer he received when asking the reason for her absence was that the girl had dinner early and she had gone to sleep.

Quentin was stunned. The girl who would usually come running happily if he ever set foot in the mansion hadn't shown up and instead omits going to greet him and have dinner with them. Seth's facial expression was one that indicated that this was usual for his sister and the marquis ended up becoming more enraged.

Mabel didn't miss that detail after hearing the maids whispering and she planned to do things ahead of time. The man who would be the greatest threat to her escape showed up without more than one day to the next and ordered that whatever he said be done. She was already tired of all the hustle and bustle of the day, when suddenly an ominous feeling washed over her. Alerted by this, she climbed to the roof to hide all of her objects in a hole behind a loose brick in the fireplace. As she did so, a crow flew over her, perched on the fireplace and watched the hideout develop. The squawks were the announcement of a bad omen and that ended up terrifying her.


Today is not a good day. I had to get up at 5 am to have breakfast since it was almost certain that the idiot of the marquis would want me to go to breakfast with him. I was faster and that gave me a few hours advantage to not see the face of someone as undesirable as him. It was almost 8 am and the bastard asked me to go, at this point I suppose they already told him that he would not go but he insisted again.

The maids looked at me as if I needed to go to breakfast again and say hello to the marquis. One of them came over and took my hands, begging through tears to come to the dining room so as not to be rude. She reminded me that she was the noble and dear young lady of the marquisate, that she should respect my duties so that everyone respects me, that my health comes first, that the marquis and his son were worried and many other nonsensical things. I pulled my hands away as the scene itself seemed disgusting. Since when does everyone care so much, unless they're planning to do something to get rid of me faster ... motherfuckers!

My expression was clear; I would not move from here. If the bastard wants something from me, let him come personally and show his true intentions. I am not a doll that he can have from here to there and that is an object of play and ridicule for his dogs. I sat near the window and waited for what would happen next.

Two hours passed and the bastard of the marquis along with three other men entered the room without even knocking on the door. They looked at me like I was a show animal put there for their entertainment. The first impression that this man left me was that he was the rudest person he has ever met, he has not seen her daughter in several months, when he returns he does not greet her or bring her gifts, and he only brings with him hatred and arrogance. All the more reason just hearing about him disgusts me.

The large man accompanying him was dressed like a nobleman and had a faint herbal scent. He stood in front of me, took my hands, looked me in the eyes and after a few seconds he started to shake his head. The fat man looked at the men standing behind him who were rummaging through all the furniture as if looking for something and he only managed to say that he was very sorry.

The furious marquis ordered the maids in the room to take me to the farthest wing of the mansion and to put up more guards for my safekeeping. It was clear, that crazy shit somehow found out that I was the one who robbed him or in the worst case that I was going to escape. Now I'm just glad that I was very lucky to move my things around because if I found them it was almost certain that he would murder me.

The place where they managed to accommodate me was a smaller room than the one I had before. The place was very run down and the maids were hastily cleaning it up. They sat me in an armchair and stopped every so often to see if I had moved or if I needed anything. Even the guards at the entrance looked askance and sometimes made fun of the mess inside. They only put me here to be monitored and satirized by these puppets. I had to find the moment to flee from this dump, it had to be before they discovered everything or I would end up dead again.

The assembly and cleaning of the room lasted several hours, and when they finished, the marquis appeared only to tell me that whatever I needed, the maids will provide it, that I would wait quietly in the room while they solved the matter and that they would find the person in charge to do it pay dearly for their daring. He turned and left. The insolence with which he prepared himself was such that I wanted to throw the glass lamp at his head and let him bleed to death.

I want to get out of here as quickly as possible, this cockroach has already realized that it was stolen and is looking for the person responsible, if it were not the case, why would it lock me up? Don't tell me you want to catch me in the act and have an excuse to kill me? I know he doesn't like me but I didn't think he was so cursed to come and threaten me in the face. He makes me nauseous.

The marquis on the other hand, had a thought that was completely different from that of her daughter and wanted to have her watched for the same reason that he put Seth in the next room.