
Let It Burn (Avianna's Story)

Vincent Cheng travels away from home to help support his family. After getting a job with a huge multibillion dollar company. Now working out in the middle of nowhere with a crew of 12 other people he learns just how big family can get whether it's by blood or heart. Working under the curious boss Avianna Alderman Vincent grows closer to her and falls for Avianna. Discovering her past secrets and heartache along the way can he be strong enough to stand with her as she goes back home to fight with all those who have done her wrong. Finally taking her place and everything that comes with it. Can she forgive those hurting her loved ones or will she finally just light the match setting their world on fire. Letting it all burn to the ground. Follow a journey with Vincent and Avianna as they learn to overcome loss, betrayal, love and family. Learning to finally live for yourself.

lilmama881106 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Friends Don't But I Do

After he woke up Vince and the guys were taking pictures as they found Lucas duct tape to forklift high in the air with penis's drawn on his face, and adulterer on his forehead. His hands were even taped down with viberators. Apparently they even waxed off his eyebrows. It was awesome. "Ok enough fun Jordi get him down." They heard Avianna said as she was smiling standing next to Jordan who was whispering to her making her laugh harder. "Alright you sorry asses you heard her. Get dip nut down. Don't let him catch you with his hands either. Over there looking like Edward Happy Hands." He mumbled loudly making them all laugh harder especially Avianna as she snorted a little.

"OK guys I need two volunteers to go with Jordan for the rest of the week. Just the four days. Any takers." Vincent hand went straight into the air. "I'll do it." The guys looked around with odd looks. "I'll do it." Damien said as he and Dylan raised his their hands. "Damien go with him. Work safe you guys." This was the answer he was looking for. Thank you Jesus. He grabbed his things and went straight to work. This whole week he avoided being alone with Avianna and kept his conversations short. The plus side he did it without anyone being able to ask questions. Even texting he just turned his phone off or would give a one word reply.

After the week they all decided to have their family dinner at a restaurant that ironically was having a bit of a feminist get together is what it felt like. The group was just trying to enjoy a nice dinner but the women kept trying to get Avianna involved in the conversation which irked everyone's nerves. "Is the reason you are so cold towards us because you think we need to go back to our place." "Well honestly every single person at this table has nothing but respect for woman and letting us make our choices that work best for us. Aint that right men." She rallied happy.

"Damn Straight." "That's right." Yes ma'am." They all raised their drinks happily to Avianna happy roar. "Now that you mention it though I would like it if you returned back to your place at home though. We are trying to enjoy our night as well and it's not polite to drag strangers into your political talk. Avianna told them with a look that made some nervous. "So you have a problem with us bringing about women's rights?" "Absolutely not. I fully believe and agree with half of what you are saying. I just don't believe in shoving my beliefs down everyone arounds me throat." She shrugged.

"What do you mean you only agree with half of what we are saying?" One stood up and said. "Well take abortion for example. Me personally I would never have one. However I do believe that is a choice that should be made up to the couple. No the woman. Let's say a woman is raped, or her baby body or mind is not forming or the birth defects affects the babies life too much that should be up to discussion as the resources for that baby not be available for the parent or parents to handle that should be left to them." Every one looked around and agreed with her on those points.

"I don't believe you should only support abortion because you using it like a form of birth control. I believe with so many advances in birth control it is both partners responsibility to be on it and having safe sex if you truly do not want a baby. Don't just get rid of a baby because you didn't want to be on any type of birth control. There's a ton. Spermicide. Condoms both male and female ones. The shot, the bill, IUD SO many ways to use to be safe." The women were nodding along with her at this point.

"I don't think when you are in a good relationship with your new baby daddy that it is only your choice to get rid of the baby. I think if your man truly wants that baby even though you don't you should give him the baby. You both made that beautiful little life you should both get a say. I think if one parent wants the child you should give it to them. It's their child too." They all got a little worked up at that statement.

"Now see here's the part where a lot of you will disagree with me because I am a realistic feminist. I believe in TRUE GENDER EQUALITY! If a woman can use birth control to get rid of all her rights to that child. Then you should have a paper and law set up to allow a man the same exit plan. If he is against that child doesn't want it. He should be able to sign rights away without having to pay for that child. If women are using abortion as an easy out to avoid responsibility why can't a man have the same option. A lot of time men aint ready to have a baby either. I'm just saying look at both sides of a situation before major life choices get made."

"She calls herself a feminist taking in a mans perspective above our own." One yelled at loud. "You can't call yourself a real one if you don't do that. Don't you think. When it comes to sex in all cases except rape or assault it is EVERYONES responsibility unless you want to just be like one of these ladies who never accepts her part of the blame even when she is in the wrong as well." She called out back. "You can't just say you're a feminist whenever it is to your advantage that just makes you a bitch who doesn't see why she needs to be accountable for her actions." Avianna said as they whole restaurant roared in cheer agreeing with her. The group of women's face grew red hot.

"I bet she doesn't think we deserve equal pay either." One shouted back. "That's where you wrong when it comes to equal pay we need to treat that as we are all blind. It does not matter if you're male, female, Gay, Straight, religion, or skin color. If you are doing the same equal job you should be getting the same equal pay. Unless you have more years of experience you should be paid more as we all get increased pay over time." She said as everyone agreed to it.

"BUT! What most of you get wrong is you think just because you work for the same place you deserve equal pay as the rest of the staff and that is just the stupidest thing I ever heard of." "No it's not if we're doing the work for the same place than I should get same pay." One started. "No! You don't!" "Based on your job title should base your pay . Everyone in the same company does not do the same amount of work. Janitors are always needed in hospitals but you're not going to use one for surgery right? A secretary working under stress from her boss in an air conditioned office out of the sun. Is not going to be getting the same pay as one of my guys busting their backs in the heat they are not one in the same." Avianna spoke to the group of women who were completely red in the face now.

"I as a woman believe if I want that equal pay I better be doing the equal amount of work. Each job you get has qualifications you must meet to be hired right. In order to be doing that job means you will be doing them. Now lifting bags of concrete around that are any where from 50-100 pounds across the place is still going to weigh that much no matter what gender you are after awhile that shit gets heavy and wears down the body. You want that same pay as your husband you go on right out there with him in this heat and you start lifting their share than you can say honestly you deserve that equal pay." The whole restaurant went up in cheers again agreeing with her.

"Let's see you do it?" One snapped back. "Alright. Lets. "How about a deal. I'll get you ladies to do a basic eight hour shift doing the same work as my men do within limits and reason alright I don't expect you to drive big trucks, machines you don't know how to use or have a license for. You won't be welding you'll be doing basic stuff other men like your husbands come out and do for me. I'll pay you what your husband makes in a year if you complete the whole shift on time. Work completed and no complaints." She said walking closer to the group of women.

"You are allowed to leave at any point and be paid for the amount of work you did for the hour based on our company's salary. You will have medic unit on stand by should you get hurt you will be compensated as long as you are being careful and not stupid. You must meet every requirement and have no health issues. If any of you quit early you must go home apologize properly to your husbands and tell them how much you appreciate them and the work they go out and do everyday for your family. Also these little meetings of your needs to be in your homes from now on. Deal?" Avianna stuck out her hand.

"Deal." All of your group who is in and meet the requirements be at the sight at before four a.m. if you're late you're out. Job starts at four but you need to sign papers and get ready for what you will be doing." "Fine." After paying the men were whining about having to be in charge of a bunch of cranky women. Vince was just more impressed that she stood up for both genders. Maybe that was a true feminist. Maybe that's just a realist. Wish more people were like her. Shaking his head quickly these thoughts were not helping him.

After they got out of the car she noticed how quickly Vince left the group. "Killian is Vinny ok?" He seems a little off all week." "Hmm a little. Maybe it's just stuff happening from home. It's coming pretty quick right?" "Yeah I guess it is maybe two weeks or so. Hmm. Go rest up I'm hoping my plan goes well tomorrow." "Plan?" Killian was confused. "Yup it's going to be awesome." She smiled and had a small hop in her step. Going through some papers in her office she decided to pick up the phone. "Hi. Um. I apologize for it being so late I was kind of hoping that maybe you could help me out with something." She worked well into the late night hours just so she would be ready to go by evening.

The women were in fact on time. They were confident and excited she was thankful for the good moral. Even the guys were encouraging for them. Of course after telling Jordi about this his crew had to come help to just so they could watch for themselves. The day was the hottest of the week once the sun started to rise over half of them had left. They were digging, making and placing and setting concrete. The were cutting and trimming the vegetation some parts had. They were cleaning up after they were sone. Making sure they lifted and carry pipes. They had to help with electricity wiring. They had to hone their math skills which some were poor in since square feet, inches and miles weren't coming to them correctly.

Not one was keeping up. The had already failed and knew it but by the end of the day not one of them made it to the eight hour shift. They were paid and cared for. "Was all that really necessary?" They all heard a male voice say as they all stood up in shock. "Well yeah. It was. You should be thanking me though good sir." "Why is that Vee?" "After all these years busting ass here. MY CREW is finally done." She said as everyone's face dropped looking around she was right they did another two weeks' worth of work in the last week and today with all the extra help.

"I see that. Dismiss your boys. Get in your office. Both of you." "Would you like some drinks sent to the trailer?" Jordan asked. "I didn't say the base office I said hers." The man said with a lot of attitude. "GOOD JOB GUYS! Go get cleaned up and meet me in the canteen in about an hour I got something good for you." "All of us?" Riley asked. "Yeah sure what the hell." They all cheered one more time as they went to take their time. "Who is that guy?" Vincent asked Dylan. "That's the CEO who is in charge of everything. That's Colton Jamison. His family and Avianna family is beyond close. They run all of this together. It's kind of like watching her react with Jordan sometimes it's just really intense. Kind of awkward to be around." Dylan added with a shiver.

"Yeah just do your best to stay out of what ever you can stay out of. It gets weird they fight like siblings and an old married couple at the same time all of the do. Some days you think they must be so close they care so much about each other. Their past goes that deep I guess. More than most you would think they were like natural born enemies bound to fight each other until their last breath." Dallas acted out as the rest of them laughed going into their bunk houses to get ready.

"You wanna tell me why you so odd lately? nǐ yǒumeiyǒushōudào guānyú níěr lì nǎinai de huàixiāoxī huò qítā shénme? (Did you get bad news about Grandma Neilly or something?) "No she's fine. I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately. You know just some soul searching I guess. Just started to really figure some feelings and things." "Look you are my brother form our homeland but that straight up sounded really gay man. I mean it's cool if you are. I doubt you are. But you know you do you." Vincent cut Damien off. "No man. I'm not gay. Definitely not gay. I just coming through some stuff but I swear I'll be fine soon."

"I'm glad to hear it. You know we've all been worried about you. Even Avianna was asking if you were good. You kinda been distant with everybody. Maybe just tell her you good man. She was really on us about you this week while you busy." Damien told him to watch Vincent hide the smirk on Vincent face withdrew carefully. "Hey guys For some reason the canteen locked down. Someone got to go boss and get her to open it. There's still like a few minutes left of whatever she told us." Everyone looked around. "NOT IT!" The whole bunk house said and touched the tip of their nose. Vincent looked at them weird before he caught on. "Crap. Alright I should go anyway. Seems like everyone else already had turn at this kind of thing." Vincent told them. Yup it's like right of passage." Ryder told him with a smile.

Walking close to Avianna office section of the outside wall he went closest to the office door and knocked but they were so loud they didn't even hear him. He took a chance to scan his badge wich to his surprise worked. No one else on this sight badge has ever worked for her personal office and bunk house. He walked in and stood at the side no one even noticed he was there. Standing on either side of the desk was Colton and Avianna both had hands on the desk leaning into it. Jordan was drinking a bottle of vodka in a spinning chair looking at it. Throwing out an opinion ever now and then. Being completely calm.

"I can't believe you let all these damn people as day workers. Those women probably never lifted a damn pipe in the life. You have them out here in blazing heat just trenching away." Colton was angry. "What does it matter if their a woman or not we are equal opportunist if I can go out and work in this anyone can." Avianna roared back. "She's right cousin. Don't be sexist now. She's just as manly as any of them." Jordan added not looking up at them peeling the label off the bottle.

"Thanks Jordi. Really." She said sarcastically but still enjoyed the back up. "I'm not being a damn sexist. I'm getting pissed of you let a group of damn woman in because they irritated you in a restaurant so you called them out to manual labor. What about the damn mafia men from Tristan you had out here? Were any of these people qualified or had the skills to even be on the property in the first fucking place? You can't just let any damn body on staff." Colton told her getting mad. "He's right Vee we need to stay on top of paper work." Jordan retaliated.

"Every single one signed a day worker contract and did well within the limits and means of their skillset. All paper work is right there. Feel free to check it and file it some where extra special when you're done." Avianna crossed her arms with a smile and a tilt of her head. "Look I just worry you guys get in over your heads and just want to make sure you guys are alright." "We know and it is appreciated. That all being said and out of the way. We are completely done four weeks in advanced. I want what was promised if I got us done early." Avianna told him firmly.

Looking at her deeply leaning in closer looking at her. "You only get two wishes. That's it." Colton said flatly as he stood back crossing his arms. "Ok well my magical genie I want my whole crew to get two full weeks off as soon as we can clean up, pack up and shove off. Like a full two weeks starting by Friday." Looking at her hard thinking things over. "Fine. I can do that." Vincent's heart jumped excited he could not only be there for the surgery he can be there for the festival and afterwards so he can help his grandma. Listening up to the second request she was going to ask for.

"I want the guys to get the bonus." Jordans mouth and eyes opened. "The whole thing? You want me to divide your whole bonus? You do this every time. Are they aware that the only one entitled to the bonus is the supervisor?" "What the know is my business and what I do with my money is also my business." She said looking away quickly. Vincent chest tightened hearing that. "Alright fine let me make a note of it real quick. Lets $250,000 divided 12 ways is about $20,833 each. I'm just rounding down to $20,830." He told her as he wrote it down. "Fine." Avianna smiled happily.

"Also I got new headquarters in China now so we are set for work. I'll expect everyone there at this address in a little over two weeks. I expect you to be there in the office before getting some things ready. This time you will be going to the galas and companies parties. You do not get to stick me with all of it this time. You have no excuse now. You did a few years out here. Now you need to step up to your part out in the other area you two stiffed me with." Colton pointed his finger.

Stepping up cupping her cheek he looked at her. "Are you ok after the train thing?" "Yup." She nodded to him making him smile he gave her a hug. "Call me next time. I've been waiting for you to hit me up. You know I would have seen it." He scolded her. "Yeah well I've been busy." She shoved him away with her finger. Making him take a step back. "I know Jordan already video called you and you already knew I was fine. Now I got to go. I got other things to do." She said turning to see Vincent standing there by the door all three of them stopped and stared at him wondering how he got in. Ana was just smiling to him waiting for him to speak.

Jordan and Colton stood up crossing their arms. "Ugh sorry to interrupt you all. It's just the canteen is locked up and the guys. Well were told Ana had the key." He was a little nervous not knowing how not to stutter or stretch out words. "Right." Jordan said stretching out hi swords. "How did." Colton was cut off when Avianna spoke up. "OK well let's get you guys in there and feed. I worked hard on this so I really hope you enjoy it." She said hooking her arm around Vince as she took him out of her place. This not being weird as she's done this with everyone on the crew.

As everyone began to sit down they saw the table full of food and plates ready even chopsticks. There was homemade combination pizza, some fried chicken, salad, fruit, General Tso chicken, Orange chicken, Sweet and Sour honey chicken. Fried rice, Beef stir fry, chicken stir fry, Beef and broccoli and finally BBQ pork chow Mein. Vince's mouth hung open. Everything he ever loved to eat was literally in front of him smelling like home and heaven. He kept looking around. Damien smirked and leaned over.

"She was worried about you last week or two so she went through your files called your grandma and got all your favorite recipes this is all handmade. She just wanted to perk you up man." He said as the ret of the crew smile and nodded to Vincent. They all knew. "Yeah man she is Vee is amazing. She does this for everyone when they are done. A couple times she made the best menudo, asada tortas, pozole, Roasted Chile Relleno, rice and beans. Home made tortillas. Just for me when I got depressed my girlfriend left me for another woman. After that meal I couldn't remember shit I was stuffed for days bro." Antonio said with a happy sigh the guys all laughing at him.

"She loves Chinese food too believe it or not these are all her favorite dishes as well man if you add cheese burger and fries all her fav's would be on the table. Plus you know how she uses chopsticks to eat everything with anyway loves it over the fork." Dylan added. "After the weeks she had its nice to see her happy. Its good to see you acting normal too man." Daxton said with a smile. "You know I never asked how long this group been together." Vince spoke up where everyone can hear.

"We've started five years ago. Aviana recruited Ryder, Elijah Daxton and myself. Than few months later we got Andrew and Dylan. Like two months later we got Jaxon, Tobias, Antonio and Damien. About two months after that we got Dallas. By two months after that we was started for a full year. Knox was always in and out around he just a special member. You the last piece man. We only add when necessary. I think though we'll be good for a few years." Killian told him as they all nodded even Colton nodded. "I'm good with just the ones I have now if more are needed we'll just set up a new crew." Avianna said flatly.

Colton looked up. "So if I hire someone on to your team you will push them away he asked raising an eyebrow. "You don't have the authority to pick my team and we both know that. Besides I think a team of 13 is plenty. Even Jordi is at 13 and I think he will agree with me that is enough managers to share our work on the sights. Now if you want to give us more workers than that's fine my guys are great at their job and know how to delegate well. If however you feel like we slacking than you need to build a new team. We all know how badly Stone and Solomon companies want a piece involved with us. Let's see Sienna come out here or Cici." Avianna said with a wink to Jordi who just blushed and looked away.

"Why the hell would I ask Sienna to come work out in Labor she's too fragile definitely an office type worker. Even though we all know she wants to try it out here. She wouldn't make it very long. Beside don't you think we should have Landen out her instead of poor sweet Cillian? I mean that is the ticket to get Sienna out here right?" He was quick to snap back. Glaring at him Avianna shook her head. "You keep him on the other side of me." She told him quickly. "Now that I agree with." Colton said as they stared at each other tensely for a moment until they looked sad and looked down.

Vincent was feeling angry, confused and even just hurt looking at Ana face. "Well that was amazing thank you for everything." Levi stood up. As the rest of the guys came along and stood up. "Before you all go I just wan you to know that you will finish up cleaning and shipping out everything here and by this coming Monday is your first day off of a three week vacation. Check your emails for the new address and locations as we are locating to China working out in the mountain fields for the next ten years. Adding a couple of side jobs in the city now and then. Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work." Colton said as he raised a glass to all the crew. Everyone cheered and started to head out.

Colton stayed behind for a second. "You don't have to do this. This is why I have extra staff here." "I am perfectly fine cleaning this up. It's not a big deal." Avianna told him as Vince already slipped into the kitchen with enough to start the first load. She had already cleaned in here it was only the table dishes to do and wipe down the tables. "Well if you going to be stubborn about it least let me help you get it all in there." Colton tried to pile up some plates. "Colt. You have a plane to get to in an hour. You need to just get to it. I am fine. Trust me I got this. If I need help I'll get it." "That's rich coming from your mouth. We both know that aint true. You wouldn't ask for shit from anyone about things like this." He said standing closer to her.

"Anything you want to tell me?" He asked her leaning against the table closer to her arms crossed. "Well that depends on if there is something you want to hear. What crazy stories and theories is your mind working up now Colt?" She said putting dishes in her three bucket cart and a trash can for the trash. "Are you seeing someone?" He asked her in an amused tone. Looking at him with a shocked look. "I see people every day." She said looking away from him. Smiling and stepping closer to her. "Well your sarcasm answers more for me than you think. SO apparently you are not with anyone officially but you do like someone or you are talking to someone? Who is it?" Colt asked with a smirk.

"That is none of your business now is it?" She said still moving around the table. "Guess the man doesn't know you like him than huh?" Pulling her by the arm to make her look at him and bring her closer. "Tell me it's not Landen." Shoving him off. "We both know it aint Stone. I love Cici but I can't do it. You and I both know I won't besides we both know Sienna." "Yeah. Hopefully this will be all out and fixed this spring. It would be nice for it to all be over by now." Colt said with a heavy sigh. "Would be nice wouldn't it." Vince felt so lost in the conversation.

"How did he do it Vee? How did he get in today?" Ana knee what he meant even Vince was starting to wonder if it was about him which everything told him it was. She walked straight up to Colton nose to nose. "Because he can. I think you got all your answers now right? Knox is waiting for you outside. Don't be rude to my Knox. It's time to leave Colton we will see you Saturday for your walk through." She told him firmly. Colton getting angry stormed off out the door slamming it shut behind him. Taking a deep breath pushing the cart the kitchen only to look up and smile to see Vincent putting things away.

"How much of that did you hear Vinny?" "Not much only the parts you guys get loud with. Is it always like that with you two?" "Since I can remember. It's alright." She waved off. "What's the deal with you two even Jordi?" He laughed making her smile. "It's a long story. Not the prettiest." Looking at him she felt compelled to tell him everything. She just couldn't bring her heart to do it. "Well the short story is we go way back. I meet his sister when we were in kindergarten. We're instantly best friends. I became an orphan a few years later. Her parents took me in. They died and Colton's dads brother. So his uncle Jordi's dad adopted the three of us. They took me when they didn't have too so we just all grew up together. His dad started this company and my dad was the main contractor. Jordans dad kept it going for Colton to rise up and take his place." Avainna said stopping the story there.

"It must be nice working with or for your best friend." Vincent said with a smile. "It would have been. I mean while Chloe works as the main receptionist who keeps everything flowing so good. Maddison though Colton sister she. She died when we were 19." "I'm sorry." Vince said as it got quiet for a moment. "Thank you for all the food tonight. It was just like Grandma Neilly's. I know you called her Ana. I appreciate it." Vince told her as they finally cleaned up. Walking out the door. They both put their hands in their pockets looking up and around for a minute. The stars were out.

"You got a minute or do you have to rush off?" She asked him with a small smile. "It's just you know been awhile since we just went to out spot and chilled for a minute. Doesn't look like we will get much opportunities before we leave soon." He looked at her gulping hard. She was right this was their last few minutes alone for awhile. Whether he wanted to accept it or not he was going to miss little moments like this with her. It's how they became close and good friends. How his feelings started to develop slowly as well. "Yeah I got time." Smiling to her. I'm done for. I like her. This is it. This is real for me. Holy fuck no other woman has every done half the shit she has for him just out of the goodness of her heart. How did I not noticed how I actually felt before. Lost in his own thoughts until they got to the hammocks and huge porch swing. Sitting down on the swing leaning back a little to their own side as they relaxed into stretching out a bit.

"I was worried about you last few days. I just wanted to try to do something to make you smile." She told him with a soft hearted smile. "Yeah we was worried about you too." Vincent said giving her a look. "Yeah I know I'm sorry I already apologized to the guys now I just needed to apologize to you. You've been busy though. So this was the best I could do." She told him stretching her arms together. "I'm sorry. It's true I have been busy but that's over." He told her truthfully now that he was aware of his emotion and feelings it was more of a task now what to do with them. "You been busy or just avoiding me?" She asked him looking down than at him.

"I was not avoiding you. Why would I do that? I just was struggling with some things on my mind but I do have everything for the most part settled. I'm sorry if you felt like I was dodging you." "It's alright I know you have a lot going on the home front and all. I just thought it was my fault. You know I can very transparent." She chuckled out running a hand to her mouth to quickly put it back down. "Transparent? Girl trying to read you is like a person picking a book in brail for the first time. There something I should know?" Vincent said making both laugh a little.

Looking at him softly for a minute. "You know what I'm already down the rabbit hole might as well keep falling right? Vinny over the last flourish months with you. I got to say. I really enjoyed getting to know you. You are different. Like refreshingly different its like I can breath easier with you. Out of all the group you are easily my favorite." She told him as it all came out pretty fast. "Well now you got me feeling all flattered and a bit cocky now. You going to make my head grow a bit bigger now with such compliments like that. What could honestly set me aside from them. I mean you got five years with them. What really sets me apart from those great men?" He asked confused.

"I don't like them romantically the way I like you. I don't look forward to talking to them at the end of the day like I do you. I don't get excited when my phone goes off hoping wondering if its from you. I don't want to hold them or other things the way I want to with you. Friends don't want to be with each other the way I want to be with you. Friends don't feel like this but I do. Vinny you're an amazing person. You're just beautiful inside and out. I really like you. I should have told you sooner. I just didn't want you to feel any pressure or uncomfortable about it. I didn't want you to feel embarrassed working with me. I mean that's why I thought you was avoiding me I thought you figured it out." She told him looking confused. Looking at her for a moment he was having a flash back to his dream reaching down still having eye contact with her he pinched a leg for her to screech out loudly rubbing her shin.

"Shit sorry my bad. I didn't mean that. Ugh. Why? Why would I feel embarrassed or uncomfortable around you?" "Most people would if they found out someone liked them in the work place." "Really?" "You really are just used to working with dudes aren't you?" She looked at him laughing a bit. "Well yeah this type thing don't normally come up when you working with a lot of guys. It normally gets weird in that type of thing. I don't feel weird with you Ana. I'm not going to go out of my way to avoid you because you got feelings." He said with his hand on top of hers. Making her smile.

"Thanks." "It's weird you say it now though the week I had has been a trip I." He was cut off by off by her phone. Looking down the number she must have memorized since her face grew bright red and anger flowed through her eyes. "I'm sorry. I really need to take this. Have a good night Vinny." She said as she got up quickly and left. Speaking through the phone. "Yeah, ok. G'night." With a heavy sigh he got up and walked back to his bunk house not able to stop smiling the whole way there.

Laying down giving in to sleep all he could hear was her words echoing on repeat in his head. She likes me. She likes me. This amazing woman who has made my life better in every damn way likes me. HOW THE HELL DID THAT WORK. She's so far out of my league I wouldn't even be able to be in the same stadium as her. Our worlds are so damn far apart she came adopted from a rich family and I'm old world poor. What the hell do I have to even offer her. Killian is going to kill me. He tried barking up that tree for two years before he gave up and just does his best from afar with her. He's dated but never worked out. I didn't even get to talk to her properly. Who knows when I'll get another chance. What can I do now?"