
Let It Burn (Avianna's Story)

Vincent Cheng travels away from home to help support his family. After getting a job with a huge multibillion dollar company. Now working out in the middle of nowhere with a crew of 12 other people he learns just how big family can get whether it's by blood or heart. Working under the curious boss Avianna Alderman Vincent grows closer to her and falls for Avianna. Discovering her past secrets and heartache along the way can he be strong enough to stand with her as she goes back home to fight with all those who have done her wrong. Finally taking her place and everything that comes with it. Can she forgive those hurting her loved ones or will she finally just light the match setting their world on fire. Letting it all burn to the ground. Follow a journey with Vincent and Avianna as they learn to overcome loss, betrayal, love and family. Learning to finally live for yourself.

lilmama881106 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Let. It. All. Burn.

Everyone attention turned to the door as Ana smiled quickly went to her face. "Good evening everyone I see you all have met Vincent. Vincent these are the people who started these companies for the most part. This is Jonathon and Emmaline Stone. The run Stone company while being proud parents of Landen and Cici. These lovely people are Darren and Gracie Solomon Sienna's parents. This man is actually Jordans and Colton's Uncle. Dennis McAllen. He helps run the Solomon company." It took everything in her to hold back the anger that flowed through her when it came to Dennis.

Dennis was Jordans mother Scarlet Jamison's brother. He also felt the need to include himself in his nephews and Colton's life. Which is why most of the arrangement of the marriages were his idea. Only problem was Sienna didn't want Colton. Colton also rejects most of Dennis's help as he was never comfortable with the advice anyway. "It's very nice to meet you all." Vincent gave a little bow and nod to them after shaking their hands. "You guys did great." He said turning to their children and wrapping an arm around Ana tucking her into him as he was proud of her.

"They truly were weren't they." Emmaline said smiling proudly at them. "Our little Vee always had such an amazing talent shame she doesn't do more with it." She added with a sad pout. "Now how could I when Cici is the true voice of an angel. I wouldn't get very far." Ana told them as they all laughed and smile while Cici blushed being tucked away in Jordans side as he was loving it. "I do believe we should be going out now with so many waiting." Colton spoke up as they all agreed and made their way out.

"Where is everyone?" Ana asked him. "Not sure. Trust me they won't be hard to find though." Vincent told her with a light chuckle. Once they got out and mingled with other big heads of companies and some employees they made their way to the dance floor letting loose. It wasn't until Ana decided she needed a break and her crew reluctantly let her take one. "I'll get you a drink. Stay here." Vincent told her as he help sit her down sliding off her heels. Feeling the relief. "You never change you know." She heard a woman say with a slight giggle.

"Mama Emma how is your evening?" Ana smiled brightly to her. "I must say theme set aside." She gave her a pointed look. "It's been a blast. Dancing under the night sky like this. Makes me feel so young again. You did good kid." She said placing her hand over Avianna's. "My little Vee never disappoints though do you?" she said smiling deeper to her. "I've got to say though you did catch me by surprise bringing a date. A boyfriend no less. I am no the only one safe to say. It feels so sudden. A little warning would have been nice." She gave her a pointed look.

"I'm not trying to mess with you dear its just more shocking because it's you. You know. Never did I thought I see the day." "I understand. I get it. It wasn't so sudden though. We met a few months ago and have gotten really close. I'm really happy." "You look so different. Like your glowing. I like this side of you. I just feel like I'm slowly losing you. You know I always think of you as my daughter. I mean I feel like we were so close." Emma told her with her eyes glistening a little.

"We are very close mama Emma. I still call and check in the same don't I?" Ana told her trying to comfort here. It wasn't what Emma meant and deep down Avianna knew it but she tried her best to feign ignorance. "You do which makes all this an even more big shock." She playfully hit her. "You know before I settled down with Jon I dated a great fella too. I felt at the time I had my whole life ahead of me. It felt like the world was ours to conquer. It was a time in my life I'll be forever thankful for. I learned so much about life and myself. We had a flame that felt impossible to put out. Until one day he did. I want you to know you can come to me for anything I will always be here for you." Emma told her holding her hand tightly.

"What happened to him the guy." Ana was curious watching at how Emma told her about the strange man like she was still in mourning of him. "Well every family has issues as you know. My parents didn't agree with our relationship. Jonathon even tried to warn me about him. About how he was just using me and would leave the first sign of trouble. My father ended up giving him a check to leave me. He took it. I guess what we had wasn't really worth the trouble. Jonathon was there to piece me back together. It took a year to open up to him but eventually in time we got there and my parents ended up being right. I hope in time you will listen to us the way I should have listened back then. I just want you to be happy. Promise you will try to find and keep your happiness." Emma told her holding her face in her hands. "I promise mama Emma." Ana told her smiling gratefully.

Vincent was getting the waters and about to make his way back to Ana as he saw Mrs. Stone sit down and start chatting with her. When two men blocked his way. "Are you having a good evening Mr. McAllen. Mr. Stone?" Vince was giving a polite smile. "We are thank you. How about yourself is it hard keeping up with our Vee?" Jonathon asked as they chuckled. "She definitely keeps you on your toes. Luckily though I can keep up just fine." He nodded back. "You know we care for Avianna a great deal. Known here since she was a little one. I'm sorry if we came of as rude earlier back there it's just we never expected… you." Mr. Stone told him being honest.

"I know her very well enough to know what you mean. I know she's never brought anyone home so to speak. I hope you are not offended for me being here the way we are. She didn't mean to offend anyone. We have been official for about a month now close enough to it. I'm sure she wanted to just tell you in person instead of over the phone. I mean I'm guessing so. Honestly the expressions on your face would tell me you wouldn't believe it unless you saw me in person." Vincent told them looking at them deeply to see if he was wrong.

"You are right about that one son. I'll give you that." Dennis told him raising his glass to him. "Tell me now Mr. Cheng what is it you do?" Dennis asked him looking at him deeply. "I work on Ana's crew. I'm the last one to join a few months ago. Almost six months ago. I do everything and anything Avianna needs me to." Vincent told them happily as a man lost in love would. "You work under her?" Jonathon and Dennis were shocked. "I'm sorry to seem so shocked I just thought you were apart of a different company or something of the other." Dennis told him flatly.

Vincent caught on quickly. "You mean you thought I was like Landen and Colton?" He corrected. "It's just rare. I mean no one has ever been able to get through to Vee in any type of way. Especially those she works with. She's never brought anyone home and then bam here you are. I'm sorry it's just shocking for me is all. If I had a million guess's on how tonight would go I would never had saw this." Jonathon told him in respectful as he could voice. "Neither would I." Dennis said tilting his glass.

"You were definitely a surprise." Mr. Solomon came in and added. "It's refreshing to see our Vee looking so… happy with a glow around her. I can only imagine how Jordan, Colton and Landen reacted to meeting you in this way." He added with a smile that didn't leave much for Vince to be uncomfortable with. "Well Jordan has worked with me for months and we get along well. Colton makes an effort to feel me out the same way you are doing. Landen. Well Landen just wants best for Ana I believe so he will come around. The last thing we would want is for something like not accepting her happiness to push him away after so many years of friendship." Vincent told them in a silent warning.

"This is true. They all go years back. Being so close. Going through so many hardships together. Being each others support system for so long. They will need each other time and time again over these years I hope they will always have each other." Jonathon said as he looked over the room at all of them. Vincent felt the warmth of the father looking upon them and was touched. "Let me give you some advice as a step in father and a real one. Treat her the way she deserves. Timing is always everything. There is always someone else who can step up to the plate. Waiting on deck." Mr. Stone warned him as all three adult men walked their own separate ways. Shaking it off he went to Ana as he over heard her making a promise as Mrs. Stone got up and left.

"Good talk." He asked her. "She was just making sure I promised to find my and fight for my happiness." She said taking the water from him. "That sounds like a good woman. I'm glad you have her. She seems like she truly loves you as her own." He told her. "Yeah she's good people. I just wish they were all more realistic. I wish they were a little different. I know they love us. They just don't love us enough to trust us with our own lives in most ways. I guess most parents don't though. Not when they were raised like this. In this line of work. Always keeping up face and all. Can never falter life style." Ana shrugged.

"I never fitted in to it. I guess I still struggle. There are so many people just waiting for me to fail. It will be such a hard long fall if I do. The beauty of it is I won't be falling alone so there's always that silver lining." She smiled to him. "I'm sorry if they are rude or offensive to you." He cut her off. "No they were lovely. They were everything I was honestly expecting tonight. What do you say we say goodnight to the guys and gals and get a nice walk in before I take you home." "Sounds great lets go." She happily said hopping up as he sat her down to put her heels back on her.

They made their rounds when Vincent went to the bathroom with Dyaln, Jaxon, Ethan and Damien. Waiting in a small area is when she heard him behind her. She felt him before she heard him. "Are you really going to make this the first year you don't share a dance with me? Colton and Jordi got one." He whispered sadly in her ear. Looking at him being so defeated hurt her. The song Enchanted came on as soon as she lifted her hand to him to take her to the floor. With a small smirk he took one hand on hers and the other around her waist as her hand went to his shoulder.

"This song is very much suited for us. I was enchanted to meet you the first time I saw you too." He told her with a wide smile. "Now is not the time to be cheesy." "I'm serious. I still remember it. Its forever engraved in my heart. Its on my top ten favorite memories." He told her a nostalgic tone. "Yeah, yeah. It was such an enchanting thing to behold. Everyone running on the track field looking like super damn models. I come in second hand clothes and shoes and land the most perfect jump just to trip over my own feet and land on my face making my nose bleed everywhere. The laughter is still engraved in my heart too. Good times." She said sarcastically.

Landen laughing slightly at her. "I got to take you to the nurse though. Since you managed to land right in front of my way making me trip and as soo as I stood you up to check on you. You threw up all over me." He said laughing deeply. "Are you done with memory lane yet?" She asked him squinting her eyes closed. "I remember looking down at this battered mess. With such worry in her eyes for someone else even though you couldn't walk straight. It was such a rare thing to see in a place full of selfish little pricks. Even overed in scratches and bloody battered face you were still one of the most prettiest things I have ever seen walk this Earth." He told her looking in her eyes with sincerity.

"You still go out of your way to make sure everyone around you is ok. Even if your still emotionally and mentally scratched up battered and bloody. I am still always going to be right here to pick you up." He told her sweetly. "I thank you for you that." She told him with a nod. When she saw Vince and the guys return her face lit up. Smiling to them as the did back patiently waiting on her. Landen watching the look from her eyes as the song lyrics ripped through his heart. 'Please don't be in love with someone else. Please Don't have somebody waiting for you.' "Have a safe night Landen I'll see you later." She turned to walk away as he grabbed her arm pulling her back gently. "Call me if you need anything." "Always. Well if Colton doesn't answer." She teased.

"This was a very interesting night. Got to say it was more fun than I thought I'd have." Vince told her as his arm was lazy around her waist as they kept walking. "It has it's moments that's for sure but this is the most fun I had at one of these things hands down the best one. It's all thanks to my handsome date." "Well I will choose to believe you. You probably been to dozens of these." He laughed out. "Yeah but they were never this much fun. Guess time with you makes everything better." "Aw look at you being all cheesy. I love it.' He pulled her closer to kiss her forehead as they kept walking.

"Did. Did anyone say anything to you to make you uncomfortable at any point?" Looking down to her. "Where did that come from?" He looked at her confused. "Did something happen?" "No, it's just I know it's a lot meeting people like… well them. Especially for the first time. They can be a bit much. They have certain unrealistic expectations of people. I just don't want anything they could have said to heart." "Ana. Calm down they were nothing but pleasant. Are you alright? You look I don't know conflicted." He turned her around at the door to her room.

"There's a lot about me you will find out eventually through time. I'm not ready to go through it yet. I just feel like you an catch on to all tension back there with them and I feel like I need to explain. You know it's just. It's like this." She was struggling to get it out. "Ana calm down if it's this much trouble than maybe I don't need to know right now. Maybe it would help if I tell you some things." She nodded to her head. "I know Landen is more than a friend Hell they all are. I'm not blind. I know you have such a deep history with all of them that cuts so much deeper than all of you show." He told her grabbing her hands.

"The guys already told me about the arranged proposals that those parents want to happen. The awkward little tango you guys are beign forced to dance around. I also know how you all are not going about it. I mean Sienna could not be any more obvious of her deep love for Landen when they want her with Colton who will do anything to not marry her. Jordan and Cici couldn't be happier with each other but sad around you guys. Landen is in love with you." Vincent told her flatly holding her hands gently in his. "You are very observant. What about me than?" She asked him as they stared each other down.

"You are leaning on Colton because of all of that group he is the one you trust most. You two always reach for each other and he would rather cut off his left nut than give you to Landen because deep down you don't love him the way he wants. You hold back from that I think because you don' t want to hurt Sienna so I don't think you ever entertained the thought. Can I ask you a question though. A little nothing but true honesty moment." Looking deeper into her eyes. "I'm always nothing but true honesty with you Vinny." Nodding his head to her. "If Sienna felt the way for Colton as she does for Landen. Would you have given him a chance?" Taking a deep breath.

"I don't know. That's such a loaded question. I was dating a guy and I thought we were together. He made me feel we were. He shared so much with me he was an addict. He over came a lot of things. We studied together he was a year or so older than me in school but he was in the same grade because of his addiction he failed. He got his life on track and we were happy together for a few months. My best friend at the time was Maddie. Colton sister. She had gotten into some things she shouldn't have. No matter how many times I tried to help her. No matter how many times I pulled her out of the fire she would always run back in." Ana told hi looking down sad as she was lost in the memory.

"Colton and I tried everything to help her get her away from the path she was going down. Jordan did nothing but join it with her. It was very helpful. The guy I was with he never told me he relapsed. He would go out with Maddie and Jordan and so many others after helping me get them one night. He caved and got weak or so he says and the new life he busted his ass to make went up in flames right in front of us. I found out the hard way. I had to get him a few times he would cry and beg for forgiveness to me. Like it was mine to give him. One night at a party Colton dragged me there to get Jordi and Maddie before Jordi's mom figured out they were gone." Taking a deep exhale before she continued.

"I walked in with Colton on my tail as my best friend rode the guy I theoretically called my boyfriend like it was the last day they would be alive both so high calling each other wrong names. He really thought she was me. Of course I didn't believe him and walked away as Maddie desperately called out for me trying to dress herself and failing since she was so loaded. Colton beat the hell out of him. I went and got Jordi who was more sober than we thought he would be who was taking me home. Maddie ended up in the hospital that night to get her stomach pumped. Turns out they would get together physically every single time they were loaded at a party for the last couple of months. He died of an over dose later that week when I refused to even look at him let alone talk to him."

"As for Maddie I forgave her as I didn't have much of a choice really. That's a story for another time. I just can't be that girl who knows how much a guy means to her friend and takes him just because she can. Don't need the whole Joleen story. I know how lonely Maddie was. I knew how far down she had gotten and I know deep down she never wanted to hurt me the way she did. It didn't stop her from doing it though. I don't want to be that way. I know how Landen can feel sometimes. The reason me and Landen never happened isn't just because of Sienna it's so many other things. If it was ever going to happen Vinny it would have happened long ago way back when. In time, when we cross those bridges you'll know." She promised.

"I know. We got nothing but time. I know it's hard but I don't let things of the past get in the way of better things for the future. We learn and grow and we get shaped into better versions of ourselves from the things that had happen. Plus you have something now you didn't have then." Vince told her. "What's that?" She teased. "Me." Smashing hi slips to her sweetly. "I'm sorry that guy didn't value what he had in front of him. You are amazing Ana. I just want you to be happy, healthy safe. I'll do all I can to make that happen." Kissing her sweetly again. "I know. Me too Vinny." Looking down at her phone going off to see Colton text.

'Hope you're ready for tomorrow. Apparently we got some visitors coming and some special changes coming in with it. We have a board meeting scheduled in the morning. Delegate well and keep Knoxx with you. No telling what they are going to have up their sleeves now.' 'That's fine I'll see you in the pop up office trailer. My boys are good.' 'Yeah at least I never have to worry about your crew. Well all but one now.' 'Don't start and go to bed.' Putting the phone away Vincent seeing all of it. "He really doesn't like me much now does he?" Scratching the back of his neck. "He's just protective. Don't pay him too much mind. He'll get used to it in time."

"Will he? There isn't anything more there I need to worry about?" Vincent asked her a little scared to find out. Smiling up at him. Taking his face in both her hands leaning him down to rest her forehead to his. "Colton and I are complicated. Just not romantically complicated. There's just to much to our life story that we use each other for. Honestly there are days I could walk away from all this for the rest of my life. I will always come back though that's our problem even with Jordi it'd be like this. Vinny. I need them in my life. For reason most are even beyond my knowledge but I need them. Just not in any way you need to worry about. I promise." Kissing him sweetly. He nodded and made sure she went in and locked the door.

After walking back he got cleaned up and got in bed. Damien was fresh out of the shower. "You seem like you had a good night?" Damien told him as he settled in his bed. "Yeha man it was nice." "You and the boss seem to be taking things pretty quickly already meeting the head honchos and all. That couldn't have been easy." Damien scoffed out a laugh as he turned out the lights. "Yeah the men around her had no problem laying out their inner thoughts non verbally of course. It's alright though it don't bother me."

"You sure about that man? I mean you don't really know this business that well from that perspective and side. They can be…They can set you up for a war you never see coming man. They can be ruthless, shameless especially merciless at times. You need to just always be ready man." Damien told him as he was a little worried for his bestie. "As long as Ana wants to be with me. As long as she is alright and what we got is what she wants. I'm ok going to war for her. Think about it mine. All lovers are fighters. Because what kind of love do you really have if you not willing to fight for it. What's it really worth to you then? Don't overthink things. But thanks for looking out man." "Always here for whatever you need bro." They fist bumped while laying on their backs and drifted off to sleep.

Coming hand in hand with Vincent and the rest of the crew as they were all talking and coming up to the office trailer to see all the company heads, their off spring and secretaries. There was quiet a lot of people waiting to enter the double wide office trailer. "Alright I'll be joining you guys later." Looking back up to the group of people and back to her men. "Maybe. Maybe not. You all know when to quit and what to do. Call if anything pops up. Try Knoxx first this may be a bit." She silently rolled her eyes as they all hid their smiles. "You're on your own for dinner. Even you." She told them as Vincent nodded his head.

Turning around she smiled. "Good morning all. Let's head in shall we." Nodding to Colton who unlocked the door. As they all took seats Jordi sat to her left with Cici on his left and Colton to her right as Landen was straight across from her. "We have been doing a lot of thinking and talking the last few weeks as we have all agreed to collaborate on this project. It's a huge win for all of us. We all want to make the best with this and see you guys really give it your all." Jonathon spoke proudly and encouragingly. As the rest of them nodded. "Is there a problem with the plans?" Colton asked him wondering if something new happened.

"No. Colton you and Avianna's work is flawless. It really is. It even amazes me. I just feel like your not getting all you personally can out of it. I remember back when we all took over for our fathers who we had to be on sites doing everything with our bare hands as well on the big assignments just like Jordan and Avianna does. It got me thinking I wouldn't be this successful or nearly have the knowledge I obtained. Even life skills that I have today if I had never had done that. I am forever grateful to our parents for making those choices for us. I want my own children to be able to have that. So that is why it is decided that Sienna, Landen and Colton will also be working out here for the duration of the project." Jonathon spoke firmly.

"Wait what?" Sienna asked getting angry. "What do you mean they are working out here?" Colton was angry and did very little to show it. "No offense Mr. Stone and I say this with all due respect but I really don't have time to help them supervise a team or even them on most the day to day activities we need to get done. I already have a full crew and so does Jordi. This seems like a great idea theoretically to you all. But for those of us who have to actually do this type of thing all the time. It just sounds like it's going to be more extra unnecessary work on my end. I honestly don't have the time to be fixing or correcting any type of mistakes. Besides I think the way we are doing things now is working very well." Ana spoke as Sienna, Cici, Jordan and Colton agreed with her.

"It's going well for Jamison's side because you three are used to getting your hands dirty. This is a group project and each group needs to have their hands in it." Mr. Solomon spoke up. "Don't get me wrong you three do a great job and we could not be more proud and yes they will only be spending just a good amount in personal office still getting their daily task done. Leaving only for important business meetings and events. Rest assured this is happening. It is even written as an amendment in the contract." He said firmly. Before Colton or Sienna could protest Ana stood up.

"We agree." She spoke loudly. "Yeah Vee I had another answer all ready to go." Colton told her in a low angry voice. "No it's ok. The yare right it is amended into the contract and we agree to have Colton, Sienna and Landen out here helping getting things along. Colton normally does half the projects with us anyway. Going back to the contract I need to remind you if for any reason productivity goes down or lacks based on these efforts though you will need to find a way to compensate as we will have to cover slack and should it continue at an off putting level they will be asked to leave on site working areas and be advised to only come in for walk throughs and meeting check in. You will also have to pay a fine and additional fees if workers comp, or more laborers will be brought in to pick up and fix their slack. Also please be noted should they not hold up their share of the work out here it will be used as a foresight in all other future projects baseline if collaboration will be doable. This is also to be noted they are only subjected to help participate in less than or up twenty percent of on site work the least or most . That could be up to two full work months. Unless they become a certain part of a the project that makes them invaluable." Avianna spoke up with a tilted smug smile to Dennis.

Knowing it was all their handy work. "She goes gets a boyfriend now we all have to suffer." Sienna mumbled low enough for all her friends to hear it. Landen, Jordan and Colton glared at her. As Ana gave her a try me look. "That is correct. Have no worries they will be sure to do their part." Mr. Solomon told them as he smirked round the room. "Hopefully this will bring you kids closer together to work well better in the future. It's very important to have a good business bonds with people who are willing to grow with you and make success together after we all just really want to make the world a better place and we all know we can't do it alone." Mr. Stone said. Ana really admired his thinking for that part because no matter how they thought about it that was true.

They went over how they will be gathering their things together and be stationed in the hotel on the opposite side of her crew and her. Colton made it to where Sienna would only be doing the office work material as they were always drowning in it and it was her strongest suit. She felt so much pressure get lifted off her. No way was she built for any type of manual labor. Her mother had also pleaded with them to just let her stay in charge of the paper work.

Order materials She just needed to make sure it was all gathered together nothing could be done without Colton's signature or even Aviana's. They were they only ones in charge of the project in general but since it is a collaboration they needed to get input from the others as long as they had the final say. Any breach to that means an automatic dismissal from the project as they would be fined for breaking the contract and out of any and all future profits or shares. None of them wanted anyone to suffer any more than they needed to. Besides with Sienna not in the field they wouldn't have to worry about cleaning up unnecessary messes. They all knew what to do for the most part.

Avianna and the others were fuming except Landen. The work they are needing to be done has made it to where they need to be spending more time together except that meant she needed to be with Landen more since he was more related to her side of things. It was bad enough working with Jordan's crew now Landen will be apart of it not only that he'll be the main boss over it. Plus some other workers. Jordan is ranked just under Landen on the company food chain. However his men are still loyal. Landen ranks the same as Avianna and Colton though. Avianna has a special title no one of them except the elders and the kids know. Not to mention any other company CEO who has ever done business world wide like them was aware of it also.

Colton was responsible for all over sight with Avianna but he needed to make sure over half the week that all paper work and files. Materials, payroll, and everything else they needed to complete the job and living arrangements were handled. That meant he would have to spend time with Sienna. Luckily Landen agreed to help out with all of it. Sienna would get time with both men the most. Which made each of her parents happy. Her father wanted her to marry Colton still for he was the better in business. He was the smarter one. Her mother wanted her daughter happiness and to be with Landen the more merciless one. Landen was more of the bad boy he could handle anyone and anything he was just as smart as Colton but Colton's vision always out sourced him.

Dennis was getting agitated. He had the Solomons in back pocket most of the time as he owned over 25% of shares in their company and five in Jamisons. His sister left him all the shares she had which wasn't much. He had help make the arrangements of the marriages. He figured if he could get his nephew to get in with the Stones. As well as get Colton in with Sienna and even bag up Landen as well he could be running all three major company. When Maddie died his plan he thought would fail until he saw how Landen was wrapped around Avianna. How he despised her he finally found a good use for her. Now things were going in another direction as Darren and Gracie were now fighting with each other over Sienna being with Colton he needed to step up play plans and the other fathers agreed.

Jonathon will do anything for his kids happiness and although he wished better for Cici than Jordan had changed and came a long way ot be worthy of her and he made peace with that. Landen, however, would do anything for Avianna and that was always the case. Avianna was beautiful and smart. Hard working, fearless, honest and the only one who could keep his son in check. Not to mention how deeply powerful she was. Everything about her was perfect for his son and the business. He was willing to do any and everything to make it happen.

As they all made their way out of the trailer Ana was walking by behind a trailer in a secluded spot when she got tugged by the arm. Vicent, Dylan, Damien, Jaxon and Andrew were all with Colton for him to sign papers and who saw it but too far away to hear what they should. Vincent grew instantly angry as the others but Colton stopped them all without ever removing his eyes. "You stay here or you're all fired." He warned as they stopped. "She will be fine. We'll make sure just in case." He eased their worry as they nodded.

Dennis was furious and she knew it. "Surly you can't be so surprised that this is happening." He told her. "You better make sure you hold up to your end of this deal today." He warned her. "Oh you mean the deal where you place us all together like children so we can pretend to all get along so you can marry us all off like the pawns in that game in your head of yours. Sure I'll play along but when you end up getting shoved out of the deal because not holding up to that contract you better stay on your side of the fence." She said taking her arm back stepping up to his face.

"Why the hell are you Dennis aren't you getting tired of always being the asshole. I swear to God your spirit plant is cactus because you sure are nothing but a prick." She snapped back to him. "Did you really think we would let what happened last night go? You think you can just change years of plans and arrangements we all have made. The sacrifices we have done for all of you to just stop all because you bring some little boy in the mix. You want to have your flings like the slutty little thing you are by all means go ahead and push it out of your system. In the end you will be doing the right thing. All of our hard work will not be in vain because of your selfishness. You ungrateful fucking brat." He was growling lowly.

"What sacrifices have you fucking made. Name one." He growled even louder. "Can't can you because they weren't ever yours to begin with right. That's the beauty of being you though isn't Uncle Denny. You play with other peoples resources, shares, hard work, and money and you sit back and reap all the benefits. You wouldn't know true work or sacrifice if jumped and bitch slapped you across the face. You want to be king of the empires without having to do anything but the dirty planning. Since there is always someone else doing your dirty work. You are the worth less snake whispering into everyone's ear because your too much of a coward to do it yourself." She snapped back lowly to him.

"He doesn't know does he? About all your special little beauty marks you try to hide so well. Tell me do the nightmares still get to you at night or does he not know that as well. You were so proud to bring him to us. Maybe I should have a special talk with the boy to make sure he knows just how to care for our little Vee. Hmm? Make sure he is up to the level you deserve. After all you are truly valuable in our world. Can't have just anyone think they are worthy of you." That last part was true for Dennis to say and she knew it. She was worth too much in this industry and only the important ones knew that. That's why she loved her crew so much they treated her like a normal person instead of being fake. Not knowing who was real in this part of her life made her struggle and they both knew it.

Dennis wasn't always a prick about things he did make certain people know to stay away from her. He did keep certain things away from her that could cause her harm. He's known her since she was little. It's hard to safe if he looked out for her because a small part actually cared for her. Or just because she was his little tool for later. "Let me make this perfectly clear with you uncle Dennis. So there is no misunderstanding. You ever approach Vicent Cheng or his family without my consent. You ever breath in their direction or I find out anything happens to them in any type of way. Especially because of you. Or them." She pointed to the other elders on the other side of the wall.

"If I even think you lot did something to that family I will take everything you have ever worked for and I will turn it to ash. I will come through with a force from Hell so strong the Devil himself will vomit. I will take the world you all know and I will burn it to the damn ground and I will make it to where the only thing we all can do is just sit back and watch it burn!" She told him as Dennis gulped hard. He was actually scared of the threat because of anyone walking this Earth she was the only one possible to actually make that happen. He was stuck on this and he knew it. His hand couldn't be raised any higher than play she just made. "We'll just have to wait and see than won't we?" He challenged looking in her eyes before she walked away putting the fear in him one last time. "I. Will. Let. It. All. Burn!"