
Let's Imagine: Escape Party!

A young girl with short pink hair wearing a set of slim jet-black armor walks alongside two guards wearing heavy metal armor down a long stone hallway. The torches in both the guard's hands create vast shadows behind them as they continue down the corridor and take a right revealing a large row of cells.

They pass several chained gates and come across a cell where a single candle flickers on a wooden table. Two eyes with gleaming yellow pupils gaze up from the bed situated at the edge of the cell.

One of the guards takes a rack of keys from his side hilt and unlocks the cell. "She won't answer any of our questions regarding her master or where any of the rest of her mutant friends are. The only thing she decided to say was your name and that you're the only person she'll speak to."

Saori walks through the gate of the cell allowing the guard to close and lock it behind her. "You have ten minutes, try to reason with her, yeah? We don't want to get handsy."