
Let's Destroy the Original Story!

Venice Randal Mel'v, the most successful youngest woman in the country died on her way for vacation after spending almost her childhood years managing their company, and found herself possessing the body of her most hated character on the novel she was reading when she died. However, when she found out that there are some truth that isn't indicated in the novel... Will she still follow the original line? Of course not, because her personality changed the moment she came to that body, so R.I.P to the successful Venice for becoming the cra- Oh shut up narrator! Reincarnation? Transmigration? Regression? Posession? To hell with that! This isn’t REAL! I, who only liked to read novels for pastime got stucked in the Fairytale-like Novel I last read. How can I get out? Of course I can’t, 'cause I died from a plane crash. How should I live from now on? Of course, I will live as a FREE, WEALTHY, STRONG person EVER! I’ve sacrificed enough all through my life, it’s time for me to live a life without restrain, free of responsibility! I’ll OVERTHROW those undeservable characters! “It’s time for CULLING… HAHAH--!” *dingg!* ----- ⟪WARNING!⟫ Experiencing excessive excitement! Warning! A rise in blood sugar! You’re more hyper than usual. Warning! You look evil than the Devil Kings! Warning! A rise in Dark Aura! When too much excitement are experienced, there is a possibility of losing control of one’s body, recklessness, and constipation. To cool down, think of something annoying. ----- ‘The heck...?’ -ziest character in the novel... or was it in the whole world?

Vince_Alendis · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 17: Prepare Your Death (1)

Third Person's Point of View

When Lady Tania got back home, the maids and her family were shocked to see her in such a state and was unconscious. When the knights explained what happened with everyone present, they were more shocked than the first one.

"What did you say?! Tania killed the vampire with her own hands?" The Marquess was surprised by that because he never would have thought in his entire life that his daughter, Tania, would kill with her own hands.

' She can't even pick a sharp weapon such as a knife because she's afraid of it, if not due to that incident, maybe he could bring himself to believe the knights and maids' statement about his eldest daughter.' - Marquess Trastius thought

But what he can't believe even more is that she saved a couple of knights, when she had the chance to run away. The servants were thinking the same. But the most affected were Lady Vega and Sir Keaton, who did not believe the knight… because they knew how cowardly their sister is when it comes to magical creatures. Killing a considered rare and powerful vampire by herself would naturally be difficult to believe.

"Why did you even come back late? Why did she end up like this?" Keaton this time asked Lora, Tania's personal maid.

"The lady went downtown to search for someone, but she couldn't bear to let the homeless starve and die, so she ordered us to buy her what she needs from the market. At first we didn't know what she meant by feeding those people, but when we came back, she decided to cook for them and it took her hours before finishing it. We just realized it's already late so we went home but were held up by the vampire." Lora told them as if reciting a story because of nervousness.

"Hah… S-she even cooks. I'm going insane!" Keaton faced palm while Vega on the other hand was secretly admiring her elder sister. She couldn't believe all of it but she knew her sister really did it.

"Haha… I told you she changed after she lost almost all of her memories." Vega stood up and left to see her unconscious sister, who was tended by the other servants.

Marquess fell down on the couch, disbelieving his ears, he was in deep thought.

'Did… Did all of her memories come back? There's a low chance that could be true but if it is… No. It can't be. She must not remember that day ever.'


News about the attack from last night circulated the Kingdom and the bravery of Lady Tania saving her knights and killing a vampire, shocked the social circle. Few did not believe it but most were amazed by her act of bravery.

"What bullshit is this?!" Fredrick stood up in surprise after hearing the news.

In his thoughts.

'Just yesterday she was just laughing, crying, and enjoyed teasing me… that was already a shock for me who was her former archenemy. But hearing this news made me throw all the evil image thoughts I have for her and was replaced by a brand new image of her having multiple personality disorder which was more difficult to believe.'

Just how unpredictable can Tania be? Was a question repeatedly playing on his mind.

"Should I visit her?… Nah, were not that close to begin with. Haa… What a troublesome Lady as always, I'll send her a get well soon gift as a future business partner."


At the same time, Armory.

"Haa… she really is extraordinary." Sir Valentine, who was reading the newspaper, said unconsciously.

For him, from the moment he laid his eyes on the Lady, he already knew just from seeing her eyes that she's not your usual noble lady. Her vibe was different and unexplainable, the way she talked, observed, and judged was blunt but accurate.

'I can't wait to see the lady again.'


At the palace.

The sulking Prince Megastar was staring at the newspaper. He couldn't believe the words written on it. His fiancée who was known dumb, annoying, persistent, war freak, and sicken lady had changed overnight and become indifferent, aloof, smart, dangerous and brave.

"The world must be ending soon." He threw the newspaper on the bed. "How can she change so much?"

He rubbed his face with his palm and slightly slapped it. "One moment she said she loves me, another she said she hates me, then now she's on the headline because of bravery. Wow. Just WOW. Tania you're making me crazy."

He couldn't understand the lady at all, he tried every way to gain her attention that day he visited the lady, but he was flatly ignored… Well, she does mocked him but it would be lame if he made a fuss over it and brought the law for her. Moreover, the engagement between them wasn't decided just because Tania loved him, he knew himself that the engagement had been long since arranged by the King and Marquess Cavelier when they were still young, it's just that Tania made it faster than scheduled because she fell in love with him.



Renascente House.

"What rubbish!" The Viscount threw the newspaper in rage.

After Tania assigned a maid for his second daughter Nathalie, he became enraged and secretly planned to arrange an accident for Lady Tania to kill her, if not, he would open a case for Lady Tania in the court to accuse her for planting a spy at his house which was Ricca. But now that Lady Tania was the center of attention, he couldn't do anything he planned, fighting with someone like her who was said to bravely save three knights and two servants and slaying a powerful vampire creature, was another great wall in the stand preventing his plans.

'…Enjoy your remaining time Lady Tania, as well as you, Nathalie. We'll definitely kill you both.'


Eclipsorian Territory.

"Woah… She killed Remi. A noble lady like her, graceful, self-centered, thin, and weak… managed to kill a vampire and a high ranker as such." A man with fancy clothes said in a snicker tone, he looked at the other man sitting on the highest chair. "Impressive, isn't she?"

The other followers were showing disrespectful and annoyed expressions. They don't like the tone of voice of this man who's talking to their Lord. If it wasn't for their Lord's presence, they would've attacked the man.

"So what are you implying?" A deep voice asked from above, the Lord's voice.

"I'm saying that your race has gone too weak, that even a weak noble lady can kill them easily." He said straight to the point, "Just think about it, she attack at night which was advantageous on her part, she fought with weak knights from an unpopular unknown family when she could just rip them into pieces so easily, and later she died in the hands of this noble lady who was trying to save her wounded knights. She only managed to kill a man, what more it was just a coachman. Hilarious, isn't it?" He laughed as hard as he could, looking down on the Vampire race.

The whole low rank vampires that were present simultaneously attacked the man in thought he was not on guard. The vampires who attacked were torn into pieces like paper in just a second after reaching the main area of the man's sight.

"You better strengthen your footmen, Lord Zelvin. Or else your race will be wiped out of this world." After saying that, he left like nothing happened.


Onigurius Demondom.


["Mistress, just like what you predicted last month, a high-ranking Vampire died just now according to our seed in Eclipsorian."]

Ugh… I don't have any idea what he's talking about. I have been here for almost more than a week, sitting, facing these workloads about who knows what. I gritted my teeth as I tried to absorb the information in front of me. I don't know what this corpse has been reporting, my main motive for staying here for days was to gain information.

I learned that I fell into a world of fantasy, I think? Where I'm at is a space where this corpse said I created, and also I was responsible for resurrecting the corpse even though I'm not a Lich but a Witch. Furthermore, among the witches, I am said to be the strongest and known witch as Witch of Agripex, the Mistress of Undead.

"Hey. How long have I been in seclusion? Is there anyone aside from us who lives here?" I asked the Undead.

["It's been 165 years since you last went outside of your territory. Aside from the Elves, Demons, Vampires, Mages, and other Witches, anyone who did not live past 100, couldn't remember you, though there are some who only know you from a book. And regarding the residents in our palace, it's up to the Mistress if she wants to resurrect the dead to increase the people, for now me and one maid are with you."]

So basically, I am the only one who is alive in this palace or whatever mansion? I'm frustrated… and bored. I want to go to a club, I miss my bestie!

"I want to see… the outside of this territory." I wonder what kind of world this is… how 'bout humans?

["I'm afraid not, Mistress. Not in your current state. You need to know first the fundamentals and trends, the policy and how to use your forgotten strength and power."]

"…Right. I need preparation. Ugh."

I admit, it really is a must to prepare before anything else, I only have myself in this world, there's no best friend to stand for me and protect me.


One month after the Vampire killing news.

From the far away village of Cartania Kingdom, Dabe Village. This village is close to the border between Cartania Kingdom and Terravia Kingdom.

Dabe Village, which was peaceful, has been the center of earthquakes these past few days, and again they suddenly felt a magnitude 8.6 earthquake for 5 minutes, longer than before. The villagers ran away and evacuated to the other villages far enough to avoid the earthquake's aftershocks. A teenage boy from the Dabe Village bravely stayed to overlook the center of the earthquake. When he reached the center, his mouth left hanging after he saw something.

A huge, slanted , old and ruined castle appeared exactly in front of their village, standing on the border between Cartania Kingdom and Florania Kingdom.

"Ahhhh!" He shrieked and ran away to tell the news from what he saw to the other villagers.