
Let's Date Mr Alex

Elena watches her boyfriend propose to another woman at a party right there and then he ends things with her. Elena is heartbroken and gets drunk. She was up in a hotel room realizing that she had a nightstand with a stranger and by her bedside, she saw a marriage certificate. Elena is shocked and doesn't know what to do. Just in one night she had a one-night stand and got her marriage registered. Elena is unable to resolve this issue because she immediately travels abroad to complete her studies. In just three years, Elena was able to build a name for herself and return home. Immediately Elena is offered a job at one of the best hotels in the country, Empire Hotel. Knowing fully well that it was her ex's family business. Elena accepted the job and she came in contact with her ex once again. Elena comes to meet the president of the Empire group only to realize that he was the man she had a one-night stand with and also got married to. Alexander Stanislav Wilson who is also her ex's uncle. Alex rejects her offer of a divorce and tells her that he wants her. he burns for her, she is his wife after all. To make things more complicated, her ex wants her back, he misses her and still loves her. He wants a second chance but his uncle wouldn't let him have her. What will Elena do ?

Slay_kwen1975 · Urban
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8 Chs

She is mine now

           I had to call Olivia to take me home because I feared that I would pass out if I walked alone. She took me to her apartment because I hadn't gotten my apartment yet. I will get it and check it out tomorrow. I told Olivia all that happened today and she...

    '' What....? he kissed you? Again? ''

    '' Yes '' I rolled my eyes

    ''Wow'' clapping her hands loudly '' You are incredible Miss Elena Rose, just incredible '' she compliments me while I reach for my can of beer and take a gap from it. I need to drink for me to relax

    ''What did he say after that? '' she moved closer to me, seeking more to the story

    '' he just told me to go home and rest, then think things through, We will talk tomorrow '' I explained with a frown '' The worst part is that I don't know what to think, what to do or what to say to him tomorrow ''

    ''Your life is going like a novel, you know that right? '' she mocked

    ''You are not helping wify '' I scold

    '' So what are you going to do? ''

    '' I don't know... Talk to him about getting a divorce maybe. I don't want to have anything to do with that family again, after Viktor'' I turn to her, thinking she would agree with me.

    '' I don't think he would agree to that '' she carried that look that she always carried whenever she was trying to put 2 & 2 together '' A man who wants to divorce you would not kiss you or get upset that you forgot about your sex night ''  I frowned that the word, sex night '' he would bring it up immediately '' she says

    '' then what do I do? '' I let out in frustration, throwing my hands in the air

    '' for the first time in a long time... I am out of ideas '' she reached for her beer as well and drank '' come to think of it '' she got into her thinking mood again and I paid attention, hoping she was coming up with an idea '' if you to got married and had sex.. that means it is no longer a one night stand. It was your marital night. ''

    '' Hey!!! '' I let out, frustrated. Is that what she was thinking about in this situation? '' Is it time to think about that? '' I scold

    '' I am sorry. I can't help it '' she shrugs

    '' help me ''

    '' ok '' she drank from her can again then thought for a while '' How about? '' she began and I gave her my attention once again '' You give him a divorce paper.. who knows, he may agree to it ''

    '' and if he doesn't? '' I asked the obvious

    ''Then wify '' she placed one hand on my right shoulder and said sadly '' You are a married woman now '' she said and got up '' It's late, I have to go to bed. I have a meeting with the editors tomorrow '' with that, she walked away, leaving me in the sitting room in sorrow. This is not fair


Alex POV

           Standing in front of the glass wall. I observed the city. What a beautiful view it was from up here. '' Mr Alex '' Edward interrupted '' She arrived home safely '' He says

    '' Tell them to keep a good watch on her. Make sure she is safe and if she requires anything. Tell me immediately '' I instructed

    '' Got it '' I turn around to face him.

    ''You are off for today '' I tell him and with a nod, he leaves the office. I grabbed my key from the table and left as well.

           Elena. The one and only woman who is able to capture my heart and hold it tight in her grip. It has been years but I still can't get her off my heart. I used to think I lost her, I used to think that she was forever far away from my reach but now, she was close, close enough for me to hold her and never let go and I would never let go. But she forgot, once again, she forgot who I am and forgot about our night together. A night that I would never forget but she forgot about it. The thought of it caused my heart to ache. But that wouldn't stop her from being mine. She was mine now.

           I was on my way to the house when I got a call from my father's secretary, saying that my father wanted us present at the family house.

    '' I heard that there was a situation at the hotel '' My father. Dark hair, dark blue eyes, a fine and attractive figure and a gaze that sends a chill down anyone's spine. But not me, I was used to that cold gaze and his harsh words. He was a man who only cared about his business and hated mistakes. So hearing that there was an issue at the hotel was enough to call for a family meeting

    '' Yes Father'' I responded '' But it has been resolved ''

    '' what happened? '' He asked requesting details and my eyes fell on Viktor who sat across from me. With his mother seated beside him '' why is there no response? '' He asked, irritatedly '' Or don't I deserve to know? ''

    '' Father '' Viktor faked a smile '' It is nothing serious.... There was a guest who assaulted his mistress but thank goodness, we arrived on time to stop him or things would have turned out bad and.... ''

    ''We'' I cut him off in a low tone but everyone heard, and the room went silent. The word we made me smirk. Because of him, a lady almost lost her life and Elena was almost assaulted a well and he said we?

    '' Alex? Is there a problem ''

    '' No.. Father... like Viktor says '' I looked away from Viktor to my father '' We arrived on time to stop him before things got out of hand '' my father nodded in relief

    '' Good,'' He says. '' Viktor? '' he called

    ''Yes, grandfather ''

" I was told that you left work early '' I noticed the shock in Viktor's eyes. '' The chief concierge had to pick the lock to the door '' I wasn't surprised my father was aware of it. Secretary James must have given him the details

    '' Grandfather.. I am... Summer and I had a date night so I.... ''

    '' Mr Stanislav '' Viktor's mother, Morgan interrupted '' You know, Viktor is engaged and as much as he pays attention to the family business, he also has to pay attention to his fiance... you know how young girls these days can be ''

    ''This would have been a different story if someone was murdered in my Hotel '' he barked and the both of them flinched in shock

    '' grandfather... You know how Summer is attached to her father. Mr Westley is one of our most important partners and he wouldn't be pleased to know that I am the reason for his daughter's unhappiness. I studied my father's expression. Watching as he calmed down to Viktor's words. And it made me sick. I felt sick seeing that Viktor's strength came from his fiance which also happens to be my father's weakness. My father was a businessman and valued his business partners and clients

    '' I... I am going to let this slide because of Mr Westley... Alex? '' he called again

    '' Father? ''

    '' any feedback from the farm '' he asked

    '' I am still on it Father. Also, we are holding a meeting in three days. And your presence is vital '' he smiled

    '' Ok '' he looks at Viktor '' And you.. what are you still waiting for? '' he scolded. '' It has been 4 years since you got engaged. Fix a marriage date and stop wasting time ''

    '' I would make sure to do that soon grandfather.. ''

    '' that is what you have been saying for the past three years ''

    '' Mr. Stanislav '' Morgan called his attention '' You know Viktor is doing a lot for the family business and has no time for himself. I am sure he is too busy to think about settling down right now '' She smiled '' just give him a little more time, I will make sure... ''

    ''Time is what we don't have Morgan '' he says coldly '' How about you two stop giving me excuses and pressure him to make a decision. He is not just some child, he is the child of this family '' silence lived in the room after my father's words. I noticed the discomfort in Morgan's movement as she stared at her son, irritatedly. Viktor had a strange relationship with his mother. '' And Alex ''

    '' Yes Father''

    ''You are also of age. '' he smiled '' Find a woman from a suitable family and settle down.. you would be in charge of the company soon and you need to produce an heir as well ''

    '' I am working on it Father''

    '' I know you would make me proud as always ''

           Family meetings. I hated family meetings. We never had meetings on normal occasions except when it had to do with the family business. Then we are all asked to return home... Home? Is that what I should call it? It wasn't a home any more. It was a house. The family house.