

Travis is your average American trying to survive in a world were monsters and money are the main bosses with only a low rank Earth manipulation. Read this novel to see how Travis uses unconventional ways to defeat his enemies.

Obrempong · Urban
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43 Chs

Testing 1.

(A.N.) (So happy to be finally back, guys.)

After the broadcast was over, I opened the X app, and lo and behold, the number one trending topic was "Monsters and Aliens," and second was, of course, Bojana.

I scrolled through the tweets on X, and most of them were asking the most important question: "Can humanity win?" I was previously worried, but now I'm certain that humanity will not go extinct like some crazy conspiracy theorists have been blabbing on about.

Unsurprisingly, tweets about mana and abilities were also gaining serious momentum. Everyone, young or old, has once dreamed about having cool powers like Superman, Spider-Man, and the like.

I stopped looking at my phone and stood in front of the dressing mirror in my home. I quietly looked at my reflection, trying to figure out what had really changed in the past year of my life.

I could say I had become more handsome, gained more experience, and become shrewder. I could say I have come a long way, and I don't think anything will stop me from achieving my goals.

'But what could my power be?' I honestly asked myself, still looking at my reflection. 'Could I also throw fireballs, call down lightning, or even cause earthquakes? What's it going to be?'

'I know it's cool to throw fireballs from your hands without burning yourself, to call down lightning like Zeus, to use invincibility to stalk your crush, and to do other things, but will mine be that useful?'

Getting no answer, I stopped looking at my reflection and went to take a bath. I had stressed myself out a bit from asking myself those questions; I just needed to relax now. I was under no pressure, unlike the other inhabitants of Earth.

After the bath, with nothing better to do, I simply laid down on my bed and slept. I was exhausted from all the research and stock-taking I had been doing.

Managing millions of dollars' worth of stock is not easy. For now, the valuation might not reach that point, but within a month or two, everything will be back in place. And who knows? These invading monsters could actually offer some benefits if they follow the storyline of humans using their cores for productive activities.

Maybe I should start acquiring a significant number of shares in electricity production companies that can easily adapt their operations.

"Hahaha, thinking about making more money even in my sleep is the best way to fall asleep."

You could say that in the entire world, I might be the only person who was feeling relaxed because there was anarchy everywhere. But thanks to the Superhumans, all disturbances were curtailed.

However, in places where their services did not reach them, there was a total breakdown of orders. Testing centers were also being established for tomorrow's mass testing, quite similar to the COVID-19 testing centers set up during the pandemic.

Despite all these measures, every single human being knew that the week ahead would change the way of life for humans forever.

Sorry guys i will make it up to you promise.

Obrempongcreators' thoughts