
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs

Volume 23 Chapter (1-6)

Chapter 1, Major Announcements

A week has passed since the recent festival commemorating the first anniversary.

The festival itself was organized by volunteers from the public, but the government was also busy granting permission for the use of public roads and other various permits.

Although their efforts were completely behind the scenes, the festival would not have been a success without the cooperation of the executive branch.

The executive branch, which had worked behind the scenes, could not just shift into normal business mode after the festival was over.

A major announcement was made from the upper management.


The content of the announcement was that the four towns with transition gates were to become fully affiliated with the administration.

Originally, it was announced that Kennelsen would become an affiliate.

As for Mixen, it was also readily accepted since it had almost followed Crown's lead.

However, as for the other two towns, there were rumors that they were at best withholding their attitude, if not feuding with each other.

However, contrary to the rumors, this announcement was made.

This announcement, however, didn't last long in the minds of the residents of both cities, as the conversation had been completely stopped by the upper echelons.

However, there was little opposition from either side.

The story soon made its way around the respective towns.

Of course, it was not limited to the towns, but quickly spread throughout the continent.


Although only four cities were announced this time, of course, there are towns that had already expressed their desire to join.

The towns located around the four cities became official members with this announcement.

Basically, aside from the towns around the coast of the Central continent and the towns with the four transfer gates, the other towns would be left critically behind if they were to fall out of the benefits of Crown's Grand Merchant Corps.

There would be no possibility of other towns to enter their route aside from towns on the continent located along the coast.

And not all the goods carried by the merchant corps could be transported to each town, east, west, south, north, and south, and of course, those goods would be handled at each town along the way.

However, there was a limit to the number of goods that could be carried by a large merchant corps.

The question was how much cargo to exchange in each town.

For small towns, this could sometimes be a matter of life and death.

Even with a large trading company, it was unlikely that a town would be destroyed by the actions of a single trading company.

But it would be a different story if that trading company was carrying a popular commodity that the town's residents wanted.

If the merchant corps did not drop such popular products in the town, people may go to other towns that sold those products.

As a result, the town may not collapse, but its size could decrease.

The smaller the town, the more sensitive it was to such things.

That was why they had to ensure the distribution of such products, even if it meant joining the company's umbrella.

This announcement could be said to be a long-awaited announcement for such towns.


A few days after the announcement of the four cities' joining the organization.

A regular meeting was held as usual on the Administration Floor.

The subject of today's meeting, of course, centered on the announcement that had just been made.

"Before I go any further, I'd like to conclude that it seems to have been generally received favorably on both sides."

"Generally, yes."

Kousuke butted in on Alec's wording.

Of course, Kousuke noticed that Alec was deliberately saying it that way.

"I don't think you'll ever get a perfect agreement on something like this."

When major changes occurred, there would obviously be people who would be affected by the changes.

If they were making a good profit, that would be even worse.

If they could change themselves to match the change, they would make even more money, but they would be too busy defending their current profits.

"…No, this is another opinion from our side."

Kousuke shook his head, returning to his detached thoughts.

"… So? Is the problem about to surface?"

"In the open, no. Well, if there are problems behind the scenes, they will be contained by the rulers of the respective towns."

Alec, or rather the executive branch, was reading the situation as being similar to Kennelsen's, since the rulers are completely on our side.

"How credible is that?"

"Well, I'd say about 70%."

"Another tricky number."

"You can't trust the rulers of this continent completely, It can go either way, depending on the situation."

If they held some kind of creed, like Kennelsen's six marquises, they could be trusted to a certain extent, but if they didn't, they couldn't be trusted completely.

If there were a country and or had a sense of belonging to something similar like a country., they would be able to trust it, but there was no such thing as an actual Country on the Central continent.

Most of the places in a similar situation had already decided to become part of Amamiya Tower.


"I feel like it's a little dangerous, but anyway, is everything okay over here?"

By 'over here,' he meant the 5th Floor city.

"Yeah, there's not much opposition over here, in fact, many people are wondering why we didn't announce it earlier."

Alec said with a wry smile.

"That sounds absurd, hearing it again."

In the first place, the decision to bring the four towns with transfer gates under the banner of the tower during the festival was actually decided just before the festival was to be carried out.

He suspected that they had brought it with them to take advantage of the festival's excitement, but he was not wrong.

If they could go right away at the transfer gate, even if they were not in the same town, they would be in a cheerful mood.

That was the time Alec brought up the subject.

"That's why there is no problem, especially on our side. The current commotion will eventually subside."

The officials in the executive branch nodded in agreement with Alec's words.


"So? How do you forecast the others emerging from this?"

"That reading is difficult to make at the moment. After all, distance is an issue."

As expected, the closer a city was to the transfer gate, the more likely it was to join, and the further away it was from the gate, the less likely it was to do so.

They weren't aiming for all cities to be affiliated, so it's not really a problem… The more towns that become affiliated with a city, the more extra attention will be required.

"Why don't we use the installation of the transfer gate as bait to encourage the cities surrounding the sea to join?"

Schmidt responded to Kousuke's teasing remark.

"I'd love to see that happen. From a business unit point of view."

If the number of transfer gates were doubled, the cost of arranging the merchant team would be drastically reduced.

But Alec chuckled and stopped before he could say anything.

"Wait a minute. As for the surrounding cities you were referring to, the reveal of the weapon seems to have shocked them. We don't need to draw any conclusions right now about them."

"So, does that mean there's going to be a move somewhere else?"

"It's not definite. It will still depend on how this case goes."

Alec believed that if he poked around too much, things that were going to work out might not work out so well.

"Hmmm. Well, as long as there's no damage to our town, I don't care what happens."

For Kousuke, it was as if everything but the 5th Floor city was an added bonus.

It was not as if he wanted them to be part of his organization anyway.

But Alec did know that the 5th Floor city would develop further if Kousuke became involved, so it was not as if he did not want Kousuke to become a part of it.

In the end, Kousuke was only thinking about the Tower and its residents.

However, Alec, on behalf of everyone, suggested something that Kousuke had never thought of before.





Chapter 2, Floria's Thoughts

"Why don't we make a country?"

Alec suddenly said such a thing, and Kousuke was taken aback.

It was obvious that he had not even thought of such a thing.

After fully understanding what Alec had said, he checked his surroundings.

Alec and the others from the city had an expectant look on their faces, as if they had anticipated that Alec would say that.

Wahid also had a similar expression on his face, so he must have been notified beforehand.

In contrast, the members of the administration, rather than looking surprised, looked as if it had finally happened.

In other words, the only one who had no idea at all was Kousuke.


"Uh… Could you say that again?"

"A country. Why don't we make a country centered on this Tower?"

At Alec's urging, Kousuke gave him an "It can't be helped" look.

He must have realized that Kousuke never thought about making a country until now.

"Well… Is this a joke?"

Kousuke asked Alec, hoping that it was a joke.

"How can I joke about something like this right now?"

"I guess…"

Hearing Alec's reply, Kousuke shrugged.

"… Frankly, I hadn't thought about it at all, but is there a reason you just now started talking about it?"

"No reason, nothing at all, I was just thinking that it was strange for someone to control all the towers in this continent without really thinking about using it to make something like a country. It just makes one wonder about it."

"In addition to that, if I may add, there is already talk that the announcement will finally lead to the creation of a country in the city on the 5th Floor."

Alec's words were followed up by Wahid.

This talk was not just a joke in a bar, but very common talk in general.

It was a common story in this world to build a country around a Tower.

Recently, there had been no stories of new Tower conquests, so it has been a long time since the birth of such a nation.

Of course, no one had ever conquered a Tower on the Central Continent before.

It was no exaggeration to say that Kousuke, more than anyone else, held the right to create a country that had never been created on the continent.


Kousuke could understand that it was already starting to look like a done deal.

"Uh… Honestly, this is all too abrupt for me to respond?"

"I suppose that's true. Well, at least now you have an understanding that we have such a discussion to think about."

"Thank you."

"I'd really like you to hurry up and decide, if you can."

At those words, which were added with a grin, Kousuke could only return a wry smile.

"I understand. I will come to a conclusion as soon as possible."

"Besides, even if you talk about making a country, the situation is almost the same as it is now, right?"


"In the first place, such work is already being done by the executive branch. Of course, we need to set up a national structure, but that can be covered by gathering personnel from other towns."

As for what Kousuke thought he would have to do as king, he was expecting to do more than what he was already doing, but Alec wasn't expecting anything of the sort.

Alec's current title was deputy of the town on the 5th Floor, but he was already in charge of several towns, including Kennelsen.

Although the number of towns involved was small, what he was doing was almost the same as that of a prime minister of a country.

Moreover, most of the decisions were made by Alec on his own initiative, without going through Kousuke.

Of course, he would ask Kousuke to make decisions on important matters, but most of the decisions were made by Alec alone.

Even if a country were to be established, what Kousuke would do would be virtually the same as now.

Moreover, even assuming that a country was created, there would be more problems if Kousuke were to become involved in the administrative affairs of the country.


"Isn't it problematic for a deity to rule directly over people?"

Sylvia, who had been listening silently up to that point, came to raise that question.

"I think it would be problematic."

In a country where Gods actually exist, for better or worse, if a God actually ruled a country, he would be left to his own devices, and nothing good would happen.

In fact, because of this, the goddesses did not have a country exclusively worshiping them in the present day, let alone in mythological times.

Naturally, Alec and the others were aware of this.


Alec interrupted Kousuke's attempt to say something with his hand and continued.

"That's why a deputy or prime minister like me is responsible for administration. After that, if Lord Kousuke happened to have a child, the throne could be passed to that child."

Alec's words changed the mood of the women who had been watching the situation.

It was not a good mood, but a bad one.

Both Kousuke and Alec noticed this.

"What's wrong?"

Kousuke asked, but did not get an immediate answer.

"The child… At least, we can't have children yet as it is now."

Shrein answered on behalf of everyone else, who were speechless.

"… What do you mean?"

Kousuke, who didn't seem to be joking from his mood, asked cautiously.

Sylvia, unable to avoid answering Kousuke's question, let out a sigh and replied.

"To have children with Kousuke-sama, who has become a god, we must each become a higher race."

"Higher race, you don't mean…"

Kousuke recalled a time when he had talked about this with the girls before.

The girls were in a strange mood then, too.

"It means we have to evolve."

"On the other hand, if you could evolve, you would definitely be able to have children, wouldn't you?"

Sylvia nodded, despite being confused by Kousuke's words.

"Well, that's good."

Kousuke said unintentionally.

He could have thought of the worst-case scenario and even considered not being able to have children.

At least there was a way.

And the girls could see that path.

Kousuke's own power had already given them the answer.

Kousuke noticed that the girls were doing many things to try to master divine power.

He knew there was something going on, but he did not expect it to lead to this.


"There seems to be a complicated situation, but it doesn't mean you can't have children, right?"

Alec, who had been silent so far, sensing the mood, interjected, knowing how the conversation was going.

"It is as you have heard. It's not good as it is now, but it doesn't mean there's no way, I guess."

"I see."

Alec replied shortly and became silent.

Any further discussion would be stepping into their private affairs.

Considering that they were considered successors to the country, it could be said to be a public matter, but it was not that specific yet.

Even with Floria, his daughter, in mind, he knew that this was not the right time to ask.

"Well, it's not a matter of what to do about the country right now. Take your time and think about it."

The atmosphere was somewhat delicate, but he decided to close this regular meeting by saying that the rest should be discussed by the participants themselves.

The other participants seemed to think the same way, and nothing more was discussed.

He knew that it would be a mistake for a third party to intervene in such a sensitive topic.

First, it was important to let the parties involved think things over slowly.

If there was to be any intervention, that would be after things have settled down enough.

All the participants hoped that this would not affect the future management of Tower.





Chapter 3, What can Kousuke do to Help

The story concerning children was one that they did not want Kousuke to know about until the very end, but this was as far as they could go.

This happened because the city on the 5th Floor, or rather the executive branch of the government, was functioning too well.

The story of the founding of a country was going so well that it was no longer a pipe dream.

That in itself would be something to rejoice about.

Even if there would be many troublesome things associated with it.

Kousuke didn't know if it was a good thing that the first problem was about children, but it surely brought this issue to the surface.

But surely, this issue surfacing had some impact on the members of the Administration Floor.

Would the impact be small or would it be massive? Either way, for the better or for the worst, that had yet to be determined.


"Kousuke-san, are you okay?"

"Eh? Uh, yes, I'm fine. I'm fine. I mean, I'm more worried about you guys."

"We've… We've known about it for a long time."

Sylvia smiled as she said this.

"I knew that you all had been doing something together for a while, but this is what you were referring to, isn't it?"

"Oh, no. It's not that we were trying to hide it until the end, but…"

"Yeah. I know that. It's fine. Everyone just didn't want to worry me, right?"

For Kousuke, he wouldn't mind if they straightforwardly told him.

However, he could empathize with how the girls felt. After all, they had chose not to say anything. Thus, he did not intend to force them to talk about it.


"Well, you don't have to look like that. I'm not going to force you all to speak about it, instead I just want everyone to be more positive about this."

At his words, Sylvia raised her head and looked at him.

He was wearing a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Sylvia was relieved, knowing that he at least was not thinking about this matter in a bad way.

Of course, Kousuke acted in such a manner because he knew that if he was gloomy about the topic, it would have a bad effect on the girls.

"Not really, I was just wondering if there is anything I can do to help…"

"This is our problem, okay? If we can become a higher species, it won't be a problem."

Collete, who was listening to Kousuke and Sylvia, interjected.

Incidentally, everyone present was listening to the conversation.

"I know, but… well, you know? I just happened to be appointed as a God of this world I am…"

"Kousuke-sama! That's… Don't say that! "

Kousuke tried to deny becoming a God, but Sylvia hurriedly interrupted him.

Sylvia knew better than Kousuke what would happen if Kousuke, a God, himself, denied his existence.

When it comes to Gods, Sylvia knew far more than Kousuke, who lived in a different world.

"… Sorry."

"It's alright. You can never deny that you are a God, Kousuke-sama. What you just said is also very disrepectful."

"Yes, you're right. Sorry."

Kousuke apologized again and lowered his head.

"No, it's fine as long as you understand."


"Anyway, this problem is on our side, so the best thing we can do for Kousuke-sama is to have you continue being yourself as per usual."

Kousuke looked at Sylvia, who said so, and Kousuke frowned.

"Wait, are you sure about that?"

For Kousuke, it was frustrating that he couldn't do anything about it.

But unfortunately, as far as the girls understand, there really wasn't much that Kousuke could do at the moment.

"At worst, Kousuke-sama would have to use his divine power to remake us. Well, if such a thing is possible."

"… Ugh."

Of course, he didn't want to do that.

If Kousuke tried to do something like that, it would not be them trying to change their destiny with their own power, but with Kousuke's power as a God.

Giving blessings could actually be considered something similar. However, the main difference was that everyone wished for it to be given to them.

Similarly, to remake a body, one which was incapable of bearing his children, was clearly beyond the scope of giving blessings.

Thus, it seemed that the only thing he could do was to give them blessings and then encourage them to evolve.

It was only after their own efforts and hardships, that it could be recognised as their own accomplishment.

At least according to Kousuke's interpretation, it would certainly be different from trying to remake their bodies.


Kousuke understood what the girls were trying to say, but he was still thinking about what he could do. When he suddenly thought of something, he spoke to Shrein, who was standing beside him.

"I'm going to the Sanctuary for a while."

"What? Why the sudden…! "

Shrein tried to stop him, but Kousuke was already in action.

He quickly went to the floor where the Transfer Circle was deployed and moved to the Sanctuary.


"So he went to the Sanctuary."

"Without even stopping for a moment."

On the Administration Floor, where Kousuke disappeared, the girls had all gathered.

"It can't be helped. Originally, we should have made him understand, but…"

Sylvia said with a slightly somber expression.

"It's no use saying that now. We'll just have to leave it to the Goddesses."

"More than that~. If we don't act normal when he returns, things will get strange again."

"I agree with you on that."

Peach said, and Floria agreed.

"I agree. Let's leave the rest to the Goddesses, shall we?"

Finally, Sylvia nodded in agreement.


"I'm sorry to respond in this manner, but there's really nothing you can do at this point, you know?"


Kousuke had a feeling of déjà vu, but Asura immediately spoke before he could even ask.

"No, but…"

Kousuke was about to continue, but Asura interrupted him with a sigh.

"You know, Kousuke, you're being too arrogant, not to mention presumptuous. To try to do something about this after everything they've done."


Kousuke was speechless at Asura's words.

"I knew you weren't aware of it. Well, it's not that there are no Gods like that… Or rather, most of them are, but do you want to become such a God?"

"No, that's… But…"

"Really, all you can do at this stage is to treat them as you have always treated them. If you want more than that, you are forcing them to twist their destiny with the power of a God."

If all he could do was give them blessings, it would still be fine because there would be room for their own efforts.

But what Asura was saying now, about twisting fate, was to use God's power to forcefully change the person's existence.

From a third party's point of view, it could be said that this would be the same thing as meddling with the power of God.

However, there was a big difference, at least for Kousuke, between a case in which his power was used to completely change their fate, or some of his power was used to influence and help them. The latter had room for them to improve themselves.

Asura looked at Kousuke, who was at a loss for words, and then continued.

"Of course, you, as a living god, could probably do so if you wished to. But… Do you really want to become such a being?"


"And do you think those girls would recognize their efforts if you intervened in such a manner?"


"Oh, I'm sorry to talk like this about those girls. I am certain that no matter what kind of god you become, they will continue to support you."

Each of Asura's words echoed within Kousuke.

"Of course, I have no intention of stopping you from becoming one. But once you do that… You won't be able to go back, you know?"

These were the very words from the Goddess Asura.

As soon as he accepted those words, Kousuke remembered what had happened at the Administration Floor.

[They did say the same thing to me at that time as well. And, I responded to them in such a manner. Was I not acting like what Asura had said? Was I not acting arrogant, like those Gods that I have always despised?] Such thoughts were running in Kousuke's mind.





Chapter 4, Kousuke on Reflection

On a bed, in a room inside of Asura's mansion, Kousuke was thinking about what Asura just told him.

He would like to help Sylvia and the others somehow. However, helping them meant using the power of a God to change the destiny of others. That was the last thing he wanted to do as a God himself.

In his previous world, there were countless stories of people's destinies being forcibly changed by God and their lives being ruined. In a sense, this was seen as an aspect of divinity, but Kousuke did not want to be as overbearing as that. Even if both parties' desires coincided with each other.

In this case, it would be Kousuke's and the girls' desire to have a child.

[They most likely expect me to have my doubts as well. Asura has warned me that no matter what happens, once I start, I will not be able to stop myself. It was advice from another God. If I don't listen, and use my powers, I would definitely regret it. Her warning is purely out of good intention. She just doesn't want me to regret my actions.]


"Ah. I can't sleep."

He lounged around in bed for a long time, but he just couldn't fall asleep.

He thought that a night's sleep would give him some good ideas, but it didn't seem to work that way.

He woke up with a groggy groan and decided to take a walk outside as he had done before.


This time, instead of wandering around aimlessly like last time, he strolled to a certain place.

He did it to distract myself, but he also had another purpose.

"Oh, there it is!"

It was the rock he touched before when he had a chance encounter with the World Record.

This time, he was able to arrive without being lost or misled.

He went there with a particular expectation in mind.

To meet the World Record once again.

If he could meet the World Record, maybe it could provide a solution to this problem.

That was why he decided to go there.


As before, he leaned back against the rock.

The last time he met the World Record, he just passed out here, with his black leaning against the rock. However, he was not certain what happened next.

He did not know whether he had fallen asleep or fainted the last time.

Either way, he believe he couldn't meet the World Record unless his consciousness was in a hypnotic state. So, he tried to get back to sleep, but it didn't work out that way he wanted it to.

"…I guess it's no good to have negative thoughts or anything like that."

He muttered to himself, slightly depressed.

He came here, believing he might be able to see the World Record. However, it seems that it was not that easy to meet it.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped…"

He gave up on meeting the World Record, but decided to stay there for a while.

As he lay there, leaning against a rock, he was enjoying the caress of the wondrous breeze.

It was not enough to make him forget all the thoughts he had just had, but he still felt as if the irritation he had been feeling was somehow disappearing.


He did not know how long it had been, but he was fell asleep without realizing it.

It wasn't that he encountered the World Record… he just fell asleep.

Yet, when he woke up, he didn't feel the same as he did before he fell asleep.

"I didn't think that I was this stupidly optimistic."

He was smiling and looked refreshed.

He didn't know if it was good that he fell asleep, or if it was good that he came here.

The struggle that he had felt before he fell asleep were all gone.

He was hungry as well.

Unlike when he arrived, Kousuke returned back to Asura's mansion with a very refreshed look on his face.


"Oh my. You look refreshed. Have you moved on?"

As soon as he met Asura, she suddenly said that to him.

Kousuke couldn't help but stroke his cheek.

"… Did I really look that different?"

"That's right. I thought you were possessed by something, you know?"

Kusuke chuckled and Asura placed her hand to cover her mouth.

"That's so cruel of you."

Kousuke thought he was doing the same as usual, but to those around him, he looked completely different. In fact, the Kousuke of today looked no different from the Kousuke that Asura saw yesterday.

"So? Were you able to make a decision?"

It was obvious from Kousuke's appearance that he had come to terms with his decision, but Asura still wanted to know what that decision was.

"Well. In the end, I realized that no matter how hard I try, it would still end up the same."

Kousuke's reply seemed to satisfy Asura.

Asura smiled and gave a nod.

"If you understand that, then you've done well."

"….Was I approaching it the wrong way?"

"I don't know. But I'm not so sure if they'd want it any other way, you know?"

"Is that so?"

"Of course, as I said yesterday, it was up to you to choose. They would follow along with your decision regardless of what it is."

"I wonder about that."

"You should have already known it to be the case."

Asura laughed at Kousuke, who still looked a little uncertain.

"You should have a little more confidence in yourself. Don't go off the rails like you did this time."

Kousuke frowned at Asura's advice.

"What a terrible way of putting it… go off the rails."

"But I'm not wrong, right?"


Kousuke was somewhat aware of it.

"Then quickly return and reassure them."

"Yeah, I will …and Asura."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'd like you to come over to pamper me a little more if you can, though, won't you?"

Kousuke lowered his head, to which Asura replied in a mischievous manner.

"I'll pass on that."

"Oh, well. Too bad."

Both knew it was a joke, so after they were done, they looked at each other and laughed together.


"I apologize for worrying everyone."

Kousuke returned to the Administration Floor and lowered his head as soon as he met everyone. He was not so brazen as to take it easy here and treat everyone as usual.

Seeing Kousuke like this, the girls all looked relieved.

They noticed that his expression was completely different from yesterday.

At least, they knew that things were not as bad as they had thought.

Of course, Sylvia heard most of what was going on, so she was the most relieved.

However, what one heard from Goddesses, and one's impression when looking directly at the individual, were completely different.

The girl did not even ask what decision Kousuke had made.

But after Sylvia talked to Eris, as well as when she saw Kousuke personally like this, she could tell that he was vastly different from the way he was yesterday.

"No. It's fine. As long as you come back to us."

When Sylvia said so, everyone honestly agreed.

"I see. Thank you."

Kousuke looked relieved and lowered his head once more.

"Jeez. You don't have to bow so much."

"That's right. It annoys me when you do so."

Shrein joked back at Sylvia's words.

"Uwah. How awful of you girls."

The usual exchange finally brought smiles to everyone's faces.





Chapter 5, Kousuke Went Missing

A few days after Kousuke returned to the Administration Floor, an incident occurred.

Shrein, who woke up a little later than usual, went to the relaxation area and found a breathtaking sight.

Kouhi and Mitsuki were facing each other, in a state of confrontation.

Just looking at them, the air was intimidating, and Shrein managed to confirm the situation with Collete, who was standing right next to her.

"Hey, what happened? What happened to Kousuke?"

This had never happened before.

And Kousuke, who would have rushed to the scene immediately if something like this happened, was nowhere to be found.

"Kousuke disappeared…"

Collete said with a sad look on her face, and Shrein's face turned as if she had been struck dumb.

Confusion came shortly after as the meaning of those words permeated her mind.

"What? What do you mean?"

"When Mitsuki woke up in the morning and checked Kousuke's bed, he was already gone, and there was a letter on the bed. The letter said, 'I have some things on my mind, and I think it would be better if we spend some time apart, so I'm leaving the Administration Floor for a while. I know you want to be with me, but I think it is necessary, so please don't chase me. I will be back.'"

Shrein was stunned by Collete's explanation.

"…So, that was the situation?"

Regardless of the reason for Kousuke's disappearance, this current situation was understandable.

Kouhi was about to go after Kousuke, and Mitsuki was stopping her.

"Let me ask you something, aren't you going to stop them?"

"I'll ask you the same thing… How?"

Shrein and Collete were engaged in conversation, but their eyes were on both Kouhi or Mitsuki.

They were in a state of flirtation, so they could not take their eyes off the two.

Sylvia and the others were a short-distance away from where Shrein and Collete.

However, even though they were watching this situation, no one was reckless enough to try to stop them, of course.


"Why are you stopping me?"

"Because Kousuke-sama wouldn't have wanted you to go."

The two glared at each other, unconcerned about the attention they were receiving from other members.

"It doesn't matter. An escort is absolutely necessary."

"Not really. You know where he is, right?"

Kouhi fell silent at Mitsuki's inquiry.

"If we can sense him, it means that he has no intention of hiding. Let's just wait and see."


Kouhi shook her head briefly.

Seeing Kouhi like this, Mitsuki let out one sigh.

"It can't be helped. I didn't want to tell you if I could, but…"


"If we make a move now, they will intervene, won't they?"

"… What?"

Kouhi looked surprised, and Mitsuki let out another sigh.

"I knew it. You didn't realize it, did you? It's the only way he could have slipped out undetected in the first place, especially with all of us on our guard, right?"

"…No way."

"Well, it seems like they would certainly intervene if we made a move. Or would we even be able to make a move?"

"That is, is there really…"

"There is no other way, right? Especially at a time like this. She has a soft spot for Kousuke-sama after all."

Kouhi's face was sad, and Mitsuki approached and patted her head.

"I understand how you feel. But let's wait for now, okay?"

Kouhi did not move for a while after Mitsuki said so.

But eventually, she nodded slightly.


The pressure that had been emanating from the two of them quickly fizzled out.

Everyone who felt this relaxed their shoulders in relief.

Even if they knew that the pressure was not directed at them, it was still intense.

In the end, there was no battle, only a discussion, and no damage was done to the relaxation area.

At the same time, since Kouhi had given up chasing after Kousuke, they could no longer suggest looking for him.


He had no idea that such things were happening on the Administration Floor.

Kousuke was relaxing at the Yurino Shrine (Large) on the 8th Floor.

For Kousuke, this incident was no big deal, and he wrote the letter just so that everyone would not worry.

For now, he decided to step away for a little while.

And during that time, he was going to do one of the things he wanted to do when he came to this world.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Cecil asked Kousuke.

Incidentally, Kousuke looked as if he had taken something bitter for a moment, then dropped his gaze and began patting Nana's back next to him.

"It should be alright, you know?"

"Aren't you busy managing the Tower?"

Hearing Cecil's words, Kousuke muttered, "Oh, you mean that", and then replied.

"Well, it's no big deal even if I'm not around. There's no significant changes in the Towers at the moment. Generally, if something happens, either Kouhi or Mitsuki will immediately move."

Kousuke said with a laugh as he pictured them literally flying in.

In reality, it was far from that, but Kousuke was trying not to think about it.

He wasn't too worried because he had the cooperation of the powers of the three great deities under Asura's direction as he made his way out.

If anything went wrong, a communication would be sent from one of the four pillars.

That's why he moved away from that place with such a sense of security, but his purpose was to ask Arisa and Cecil.

"Are you sure you want to work with us as adventurers for a while?

Arisa said anxiously.


"Hmmm. In fact, my time as an adventurer has been very short. In that sense, I might become a liability…"

"No, no! I didn't mean it that way! "

Arisa hurriedly waved at Kousuke, who was slightly depressed.

In fact, the two had heard several times that Kousuke had not been involved in any monster subjugation during the Tower attack.

However, they both know that this was no reason to underestimate him.

No matter how many of the strongest guards they had, they had survived in an area overrun by dragons and other monsters of the highest rank.

That alone was worthy of respect as an adventurer.

After all, the first thing you were taught as an adventurer was to survive.

Therefore, as an adventurer, they were not worried about Kousuke.

Instead, they were more worried about the management of the Tower.

"As for Tower, it's really fine. Everyone else has done most of the work. In fact, there's very little for me to do, and all I've been doing was checking the developments."

"…I see. Then I won't say anymore."

Arisa stopped asking Kousuke, who once again spoke about the current state of the Tower.

"Then, let me confirm that we are Kousuke-sama's slaves, is that correct?"

Kousuke denied that he was, in fact, nominally so.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but that won't be the case."

"No, but we are in a similar position, aren't we?"

Both Cecil and Arisa were slaves.

Wahid was nominally their master, but in reality, Wahid had given up his rights to Kousuke.

Therefore, Kousuke became the master for both of them.

Kousuke had no intention to say anything about that.

But in this case, that could be a problem.

"If they find out that I'm the master of the two of you, my position will be exposed like a sack of potatoes. At least outwardly, I'm asking you to be a friend or something like that."

"Okay, I understand. So, how about we accept the Crown's request and become Kou-sama's comrades while at the same time undertaking an escort mission?"

They couldn't help but wonder what kind of noble son would take such a dangerous risk as an adventurer, but then again, maybe it was just the kind of thing that a materialistic aristocrat would do.

"Hmm. There seems to be many holes in it, but… I guess it can't be helped?"

Kousuke decided to work as an adventurer after making a more proper set-up, if he could.





Chapter 6, God's Blessing

The battle between Kouhi and Mitsuki was avoided on the Administration Floor, but the members, except for two, were still unsure of the situation.

They knew that Kousuke had left the Administration Floor, leaving the letter behind.

However, they did not understand anything about why he did so.

Nevertheless, there was no way for them to know just from a letter he left behind.

They thought of going after the person in question, but judging from Kouhi and Mitsuki's behavior, that would be unacceptable.

It seems that Kousuke wanted to stay away from the members on the Administration Floor at this time.

Of course, they were reluctant to accept it.

There was no way they could leave it at that and try to pursue Kousuke on their own.

In the end, they had to rely on Sylvia's divine guidance.


Sylvia realized that this was the first time she had ever done an Oracle without Kousuke by her side, but she was able to do the Oracle itself normally.

If she could not do the Oracle, she would have no way of knowing Kousuke's condition, so she was nervous inside.

As soon as she connected the Oracle with Elisa Meir, she asked me about Kousuke's case.

[Are you thinking that it was heartless of Kousuke-sama to leave only a single letter after disappearing?]

[Well, that's…]

Of course, there was a part of her that felt that way.

If they were going to spend time apart, at least she wanted him to discuss it with everyone properly.

[Then let me ask you what would have happened if he discussed this with you guys? Wouldn't you have definitely stopped it?]

[It depends…. I guess it depends on why…?]

[Is that so? But don't you have a strong desire for him to remain?]

Elisa Meir, a Goddess, saying so was definitely on point.

Sylvia mentioned that it depends on the reason, but they would have stopped him first before thinking so.


[If that had happened, it would have been Kousuke-sama, who would have been so lenient with you guys. Wouldn't he have decided to stay instead?]

There was a very real possibility he would have done that.

She also understood that Kousuke had thought about such things and acted accordingly.

[Oh, um… I understand that. Then, I would like to know why he disappeared in the first place?]

[Well, I have some ideas. I think he thinks it would be better for both sides to keep their distance for a time. I also support that.]

That was written in the letter left by Kousuke.

But she wanted to know the reason why.

[He is distancing himself for our sake…? What does that mean?]

[Let me ask instead, what is your main goal right now?]

[It's about… having a child. A way to have children.]

It was not only Sylvia's wish.

It was also the wish of all the members.

[It is good that you received Kousuke-sama's blessing to have a child, but you understand that it is meaningless if it cannot be manifested properly, don't you?]


[He thought that his presence would interfere with the manifestation of the power of the blessing.]

Sylvia fell silent at the unexpected reason.

Next, she was about to say that this was impossible, but was interrupted by Eris's next words.

[Isn't there someone named Lirica to whom Kousuke-sama gave his blessing?]


[She seems to be the most successful in activating the power of the blessing among the human species so far.]

[Oh, really?]

Sylvia knew that he had given Lirica blessings, but she did not expect her to be using the power of the blessings properly.

Not only Sylvia, but the other members would be the same.

[Yes, Kousuke-sama must have wondered about why that happened and thought it was because she was so far away from him. And it certainly was not wrong in a sense.]

[…What do you mean?]

[It's simple. In the first place, blessings are given to those who are separated from God for the purpose of protecting them.]

[…Is that why we, who are always nearby, could not manifest the power of the blessing?]

[…Yes, but that's not the only reason, but that's part of it, of course.]

Sylvia was silenced by Eris's words.

[I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but it doesn't mean that it will never manifest itself just because you are close to him. But it will take more time for it to manifest itself. But you wanted results as soon as possible, right?]

At first, when they were checking the case with only the female members, that was not the case.

If not for Alec's words, they might have been thinking about it a little more slowly.

However, it was certain that they had become a little impatient since that time.

Kousuke may have sensed that.

"He is usually not very perceptive, so why is it only at times like this…?"

She didn't mean to imply the words out loud, but she said so unintentionally.

It was just a mumble, but it seemed that Eris, the one connected to the Oracle, heard it clearly.

A giggle could be heard from the Oracle.

She involuntarily covered her mouth, but it was already too late.

[For better or worse, that's typical of Kousuke-sama, right?]


Sylvia was given this advice (?) and had no choice but to agree with it.


The content of the Oracle with Elisa Meir was immediately passed on to the other members.

Overall, it was decided that they would wait until he could return.

That was the conclusion they reached, and between them, and the fact that every member of the group who heard the story had a similar impression to Sylvia's.


Kousuke decided to work as an adventurer, but of course, he skipped the Crown Card registration.

He had already prepared one in the name of Kou at the Administration Floor.

The card was a forgery in a sense that it was not made at the counter, but if asked whether it was a fake or the real one, it would be the real one.

After all, it was Kousuke himself who made the original Crown Card.

Naturally, it worked correctly when it was read by the authentication machine at the headquarters counter.


"Yes. Now, Kou-sama's party authentication is finished."

At the Crown headquarters counter, Kousuke was in the process of adding Cecil and Arisa, who had already registered as a party, to his party.

The two were already well known among Crown adventurers, and naturally all eyes were on Kousuke by their side.

Kousuke had felt similar stares before, but this was something he would never get used to.

He felt that it would be a bad thing if he got used to it, but he would like to be able to get used to it.

Anyway, Cecil and Arisa had never been in a party other than with Familiars.

It was only natural that these two would pay attention to Kousuke, who had decided to form a party with them this time.


Kousuke wanted to get away from the gaze, but he had come here intending to accept the request, so he could not just apply for the party and be done with it.

After receiving the card, Kousuke went to the bulletin board with them.

Although there were a few annoyed eyes on them, they did not get tangled up with other adventurers, probably because they were in Crown's headquarters.

The request was also tailored to Kousuke's low adventurer rank.

Cecil and Arisa had been nominated for many of the requests, so it was unusual for them to receive a regular request like this.

They carefully chose which request they would accept and brought it to the receptionist.

The receptionist looked at the request and confirmed it while alternately looking at Kousuke's face and theirs.

"He can certainly accept this request if the two of you are of the correct rank, but are you certain?"

It was a slightly more difficult request for Kousuke, who had a lower rank, to accept.

As a receptionist who did not know the actual situation, it could be said that he responded correctly.

In fact, Kousuke, who could call four kinds of fairies with ease, could not possibly be weaker than the two of them.

Knowing this, Cecil answered on behalf of the others.

"Yes. It's okay."

"Alright. Well, please be careful."

The receptionist, who had finished processing the request, handed out the request form with a business smile.

Kousuke took it, and the three of them left the adventurers' space at the headquarters.


"Ha, geez. Can't we do something about those gazes?"

Kousuke said after stretching out.

"I'm sorry. It's our fault."

"No, no. It's nothing for you two to apologize for."

Who could say that it was the adventurers who were giving him those unkind glances were to blame, but he didn't want to go out of his way to cause a commotion.

In the end, they just left it alone.

"Well, never mind. Let's just go back to the inn and have dinner. That's it for today."


He accepted the request, but it did not mean that it had to be completed by the end of the day.

Rather, it was a request that was supposed to take several days.

Therefore, after returning to the inn for the night, they decided to start working the next day to accomplish the request.