
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 1 Part-(1.6-1.10)

Chapter 1.6 – Transaction

Kousuke's group rode the merchant Schmidt's carriage who was on his way to Ryuusen.

Fortunately, neither that horse nor the carriage sustains any damage and they would arrive in two hours if there is no second attack.

In the carriage, beside Kousuke's group of three and Schmidt, Gozen, the leader of the guards, is there too.

「Again, let me express my gratitude for your help. A little while ago, when I was asked to purchase something from you, I heard that there are certain circumstances but that won't be a problem. Will the other fine with that arrangement too?」

「Yes, I don't really need the money but….I have questions that I would like you to answer, is that alright? Frankly speaking, I want information.」

「Information….is it?」

Schmidt's eyes shined(of course, it might also be only Kousuke's imagination), Kousuke thought so.

「Yes, about the certain circumstances that you heard, the truth is, until a few days ago, we were at the tower of Gazenran.」

This is something that Eris taught Kousuke while he was living in the Garden of Eternal Spring.

Because he can't honestly tell anyone that he was transferred here from another world, it will be the best excuse he can say for his sudden appearance.

Kousuke did not bother himself thinking deeply about it.

By the way, he was not taught of what kind of place the tower of Gazenran is.

He was told to see it for himself with a smile.

Gozen who heard him reacted.

「…..teleportation trap?」

「Yes….probably. Before we know it, we are already here….and since monsters come out here, I assume that this is the central?」

Schmidt and Gozen nodded after hearing his question.

「As expected….then…..after wandering for several days, we found something like a highway and we say you being attacked.」

「So that's what happened….」

Schmidt nodded.

Looking at them, deep in his heart, he was relieved.

That is something that the three talked about before coming out on the highway. Because it is impossible for them to tell the truth, they have come up with this lie.

「Then, the information you want, is it the market price of materials?」

「The currency used too.」

「Alright, I understand.」

Then, Schmidt talked about the currency, about the market, and the price of materials.

Kousuke thought that he would pry a little about him in Gazenran but it seems like his past won't be questioned.

(Schmidt is a capable guy.)

Gozen also talked about the materials that can be taken from monsters in the vicinity.

After all, the most important topic is how to earn money.

It is good that it was answered immediately.

Since there is an official guild administered in Ryuusen, they plan on registering to undertake work.

They already proclaimed themselves to be teleported from the tower so they'll just say that their identity cards were lost during that time. As an official guild, its rules will be the same as the other guilds in other continents.

However, since Kousuke's group never registered to a guild before, they don't know how to utilize it.

In any case, they still need to go to a guild in order to get a badge since they need proof of identity.

「With Mitsuki's ability, you can earn money without problem.」

That was Gozen. Schmidt, who heard him, nodded greatly.

By the way, in this world, the guild is a big organization but it is not united. On the contrary, it is scattered.


In this world, the people who undertakes monster extermination are called adventurers.

A party of adventurer is usually composed of six individuals.

Of course, there are other parties with fewer than six members and there are also soloists.

When there is a number of them, they will now be a guild.

A small guild can take a contract from an official guild in a per-party basis and they can also sell materials directly to merchants or craftsmen.

When it comes to a big guild, when a contract directly hires them so, all of its members must comply.

Most adventurers belong to(or create) some kind of guild but most of them start off in an official guild.

In a sense, an official guild is also an institution that raises newbie adventurers.

It is natural to say that the fate of a city is determined by the number of adventurers it has to defend against monsters.

「Will you show me the material you offered?」

Schmidt returned to the original topic as we're even talking about foods in the central continent.

Although it can only be considered as a chat, to Kousuke, they are valuable raw information to this world. He got absorbed in it and forgot about their transaction.

Kouhi and Mitsuki's thought wander from time to time but the two of them didn't think much about it since they won't need it that much. For them, they'll only need to follow what Kousuke ask them to do.

Since Schmidt already told them things they asked for, Kouhi took out the material in order to give it to Schmidt.

Kouhi took something from somewhere and a fur appeared on her right hand.

Schmidt and Gozen were surprised with what they saw.

「What the!? Isn't that item box magic!?」

「And that fur, isn't that a fur of a black bear!?」

Actually, Kouhi used something of a much higher category than an item box but it is impossible for the two to determine such a thing.

To begin with, item box isn't a magic that is well known to others.

「….ehto. Is it that unusual?」

Schmidt and Gozen were puzzled and looked at Kousuke with delicate eyes.

「….that is right. It is not like no one has seen using it before but it is really rare.」

「Item box is a magic that every merchant wants badly. In addition, exterminating a black bear is a proof of being a top-notch adventurer here in the central continent.」

After hearing them, Kousuke thought that they have shown something they should not have but there is no point in crying over a spilled milk. It is rare but there are others that can use it too.

Also, since he is with Kouhi and Mitsuki, he is destined to attract other people's attention. He changed his way of thinking and thought that this is something tolerable.

「Is that so? Well, we have been using it and it is really a convenient magic. As for the black bear, we met it in the place we were teleported at and we were only able to secure its fur.」

「…..I see.」

Gozen, who was struck, move again. He then looks the black bear fur that Schmidt is currently appraising.

While waiting for appraisal, I anxiously asked Gozen.

「So, you're going to be rated as a first-rate adventurer by defeating a black bear?」

「Ah, in central, you won't be so. Black bear is not known for being strong but it only shows up in the inner part of the central continent. Just going there is already a challenge. 」

「So that's how it is. I know that furs are traded for a high price so that's the only thing we kept…. 」

Schmidt, who heard him, stopped his appraisal and made a slightly disappointed look.

「Everything other than the fur were disposed of?」


「Is that so? That's regrettable. The internal organs of black bears are also very useful material for making medicine.」

Gozen also has a not so good expression.

「Indeed. I see…..even though you said that, I don't think we could return to that place because we're not sure if we will be able to come back after getting the materials.」

「Maa, given the situation, you're right.」

「Right…..Aside from that, this fur is a perfect material. There's no doubt about it…..how about two pieces of big gold coins?」

Kousuke was surprised when he heard him.

One big gold coin is equal to one million cents(one cent is roughly equal to 1 yen) so he'll be earning 2 million cents for one fur.

Though he did not know the real value, Gozen's reaction shows everything.

「Oi oi, Schmidt-san, are you serious!?」

「Yes, I am serious….. Black bear's fur can be used as a material for adventurer's armor but it is also popular for noble ladies' coats. In the first place, the fur is bulky so adventurers who got one will surely cut it to several pieces. However, this fur's size is perfection. To say it clearly, an additional gold coin is nothing compared to the customers that will want this.」

「Hoh, I see.」

After hearing the two's conversation, Kousuke is at his wit's end.

It's because that black bear is not the only one that attacked them. There are ten of them divided into Kouhi and Mitsuki's item box.

If he sold all of them for the same price, it means that he'll receive a total of 20 million cents.

Originally, he has no intention of taking them all out especially that one has already earned him a lot.

He had no intention of being too greedy but sufficiency is something he must consider.

「…..oya? Kousuke-sama, is there something wrong?」

Did he see through him? The merchant Schmidt spoke with Kousuke with a full smile.

Kousuke decided to bring it up.

「Ehto, actually….the fur, it's not just that.」


The smiling Schmidt stiffened.

「Ah, Kouhi, show him all.」

「As you wish.」

As per Kousuke's instruction, Kouhi took out all the black bear fur from her item box. Of course, since she was not ordered to, Mitsuki did not do anything.

Schmidt, who was given with additional furs, checks them in a hurry.

Gozen, who saw what happened, looked at Kousuke's group with a face full of amazement.

「Ah, Kousuke-san…I, should I envy you? Or should I be frightened?」

He looks really emotional.

「….ehto….maa, allow me to say it but, I'm totally useless in combat….」

「If we only consider how you look, you are clearly not skillful.」


「Maa, if this goes out, you will definitely be flooded with recruitment from several guilds.」


Both Kousuke and Gozen looked at Kouhi and Mitsuki.

「I will not take instruction from anyone other than my lord.」

「Right. Our only master is Kousuke-sama.」

Gozen, who saw the two's reaction, pats Kousuke's shoulder.

「….maa, do your best.」


Kousuke could only laugh at those words of encouragement.





Chapter 1.7 – The First City

The five black bear furs the Kousuke handed to Schmidt were appraised with a price of 10 large gold coins.

Schmidt's estimate was higher but Kousuke refused to receive more than that.

The condition is that he won't tell anyone that those came from him.

Of course, Kousuke requested Gozen that too so Schmidt decided to pay him some hush money.

At first, Gozen said that he doesn't need it but he was forced to accept it.

Though Kousuke felt that those two will not tell anyone about it, he thought that it will be a bother if they trouble him in the future.

Schmidt is a peddler so he doesn't have enough gold in hand to pay up the 10 pieces of gold. He's going to pay them as at the city.

They decided to stay at the same inn as Schmidt so he'll pay them there.

For the time being, Kousuke received two big gold coins which are the payment for the first piece of fur. By the way, even if they got into the city, there are few places where they can spend those big gold coins because its value is too high.

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While they were discussing various things, they approached the gate of the city of Ryuusen.

The three of them don't have an identification card and they need to pay up upon entering the city so Schmidt will deduct those expenses to the payment of the furs.

With that, the three of them were able to enter the city of Ryuusen without any problems. They were asked with several questions at the gate but were able to enter the city.

The carriage entered the city and went straight to the inn they'll stay in today.

Gozen's group will be also staying at that inn. Though they were already inside the city, the contract indicates that it will only end until they arrive at the inn.

After entering the city of Ryuusen, they encountered no problem so the carriage arrived at the inn immediately.

Apart from Schmidt, who has now paid the furs, they'll say goodbye to Gozen's group here.

Having said that, they are all staying at the same inn so they'll likely pass each other.

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The future plan is to go to the official guild so the present task is to take a room.

After the guild registration, we'll shop for household goods.

By the way, most of our cash, I entrusted them to Kouhi.

One piece of gold coin is a lot of silver and copper which is kind of bulky.

Because of that, I asked Kouhi to temporarily put them on her item box. How are we going to handle our money in the future? We'll have to discuss it tonight.

Given that Kouhi is the one keeping our money, I had her check in for us.

As soon as we enter the inn, there was something like a counter where there is a woman.

No, I'll say it clearly. An obasan is sitting there.


When she noticed us, she showed a surprised expression for an instant that immediately turned into a smile.

「Is there a room available?」

「How do you plan on assigning the rooms?」

「Do you have a room for three?」

After hearing Kouhi, Kousuke wanted to immediately stop her but when he looked at Mitsuki, who is standing next to him, it seems like she's expecting that as if it was the natural thing to do.

(…..eh? Areh? You don't find it strange? Am I the strange one?)

The talk between Kouhi and the landlady continues despite the confusion of Kousuke.

「There's no room with three beds but there is a room with a big bed.」

「We'll take that.」

「Okay. Wait a minute」

The room has been decided even before Kousuke managed to say anything.

And before he was able to take in what's happening, they were already taken to the room.

Although the size of the room is moderate, there is one big bed.

It is big enough for three or four people to sleep in.

Though that inn doesn't look like one that nobles will use, Kousuke was concerned of who'll demand such a room.

(After all, if they have something like this, it means that there's a demand for it.)

Kousuke is escaping reality by thinking about what purpose that room serves.

Before he noticed it, the landlady who has guided them there was gone.

「Ehto, why are we going to stay in one room? And there's only one bed….」

「Is there a problem?」

「It is the problem!」

Kousuke shouted unintentionally while Kouhi maintained her usual expression.

Mitsuki who watch the two's conversation smiled, laughed, and finally says.

「Kouhi, what Kousuke-sama wanted to say is that sleeping in the same bed is unwise.」

「? What's the problem?」

「Us, we're the problem.」

「….eh? That's not!」

Hearing Mitsuki's prompt answer, Kousuke shouted unintentionally again.

Though Mitsuki seems to know where he is coming, it seems like Kouhi still doesn't get his concern.

Because of that, Mitsuki continued explaining.

「In short, Kousuke-sama is still hesitant in having that kind of relationship with us.」

「….eh!? Is that true!?….Is there something wrong with us!?」

Kouhi's expression turned aghast as she was stunned from what she heard.

Seeing that scene, Mitsuki smirks and looks at Kousuke.

As expected, Kousuke can't find anything to say in return.

In the first place, it's not like he finds it unpleasant. On the other hand, he can't find any reason to refuse the beauties.

Since it is impossible for him to escape from this situation for a long time, he made up his mind. Incidentally, he stopped thinking of excuses.

Truthfully speaking, the two are fond of him so there shouldn't be any problem.

「Yah…..I'm sorry. There's no problem at all. I was just surprised a little….」

The two clearly heard him.

After hearing him, Kouhi was relieved while Mitsuki smiled.

「Maa, anyway, let's decide our schedule for today. 」

「Yes 」


「Let's go register to the official guild then stock up supplies. After that, do you have any suggestions?」

「Since we're going to be adventurers, I think it will be good for my lord to find better equipments.」

Mitsuki nodded to agree on Kouhi's suggestion.

「Right. Even if the two of us are guarding you, there might still be splinters that can wound you.」

「I see...then, let me ask…..After wearing an armor, do you think I can still walk straight?」

「You don't necessarily need to wear metal armor. Clothes imbued with magic is a good choice too.」

「I see. Then, let's look around for a protective equipment shop.」

「That would be great.」

「Anything else?」

Kouhi and Mitsuki think.

「I can't think of anything else in particular.」

「Ah….we need to go to a place where we can collect information.」

「Of course, that's right. The us of today are still too ignorant.」

Kouhi looks doubtful of Mitsuki's words but Kousuke agrees with her.

The experience they got from the black bear fur made them learn things in a hard way.

Kousuke's knowledge all came from the "garden of eternal spring". Kouhi and Mitsuki were given knowledge about this world but it is on the level of knowledge that can be learned from books. There's no information about how is it to live there.

Seeing Kouhi's reaction, he decided to leave it to Mitsuki.

「For that particular matter, can I leave it to Mitsuki?」

「Leave it to me.」

A reliable oneesan.

Now, she was just created but it makes him think of her that way because of the atmosphere she gives off.

「Then, let's go to the official guild first.」


The three of them don't have any luggage to leave in the room so they just closed the door and leave.

They asked the receptionist of the inn about the location of the official guild. In order to register right away, they left for the guild at once.





Chapter 1.8 – Adventurers Guild

Public guild.

It is a guild operated by a public organization. There should always be one in cities of a certain size.

Members of the public guild are not limited to adventurers.

Adventurers, merchants, craftsmen….

It can even be said that joining the public guild is a road that everyone must take in order to find a job.

Of course, there are exceptions like the noble's eldest son or daughter who's going to succeed their family.

So to speak, it is an organization that serves as both a vocational training center and job placement agency.

Even if it is described as a vocational training center, what you'll learn here is practical experience.

Public guilds always have bulletin boards.

Various requests are attached to the bulletin board. Those requests are taken to the counter in order for someone to accept it.

There is no particular limit on the number of people who'll take a request. If it is taken by two parties, their remuneration will be divided.

The maximum number of party members is six. When more people or parties form a group to take a quest, they can be called a multi-party or a private guild unit.

From the public guild's viewpoint, there's no difference if a quest is taken by a multi-party or a private guild.

There's only a difference if the request requires a large number of people. The public guild will decide if either a multi-party or a private guild should take it.

The public guild does not limit the number of request/mission takers however, the number of people who'll receive the quest will be decided by the recipient themselves.

Requests have ranks and only parties with the corresponding rank to that can take them.

The rank is not based on an individual but on a whole party itself. Even if you register as an individual, you'll be registered as a one-man party. It is structured that way so that they can moderate the requests taken by each party.

There are seven ranks and they are S, A, B, C, D, E, and F.

F-rank parties can only accept F-rank requests and E-rank parties can accept both E and F rank requests.

A high-rank party can receive requests below their rank but it is not considered to be fair to receive requests two ranks below their rank (for example, a B-rank party accepting D-rank request or below). If the public guild allowed that to happen, low-rank parties won't grow.

By the way, the establishment of a private guild doesn't have a rule or proper procedure to follow. All you have to do is declare that your private guild has been established.

Because of that, there is no institution that knows all the guilds. In all the places in the world, it is said that it is normal for a new guild to be suddenly established and another one to suddenly disappear.

Therefore, if your private guild has become known in the world, you'll become an object of respect and admiration, or jealousy and envy.

Becoming a member of a famous guild or establishing a guild is a kind of status symbol.

That's why young promising people are being scouted by famous guilds.

In some cases, even officials of the guild scout them themselves.

The above summary is the story from the beautiful public guild staff of Ryuusen City that Kousuke's party of three heard during their registration.

During their registration, they asked for the detailed story of the guild. They were asked to sit as they were explained of it in detail.

Apparently, for Ryuusen's public guild, new registrants are very valuable.

While they were being explained to, their member's IDs were completed.

It seems like the member's ID will be fully activated by putting magic power or divine power in it.

Since magic power and divine power differs from an individual like fingerprints, it can be said that it is the best form of ID since it is unique to an individual.

The member's ID that Kousuke received has the following details:

Name: Kousuke

Age: 20 years old

Party Name: Eternal Journey

Guild Name: None

It is very simple.

As is often the case, there is nothing written with regards to personal skills.

Rather than that, he has not heard yet whether the existence of skills is recognized in this world.

He could see them because of the power of his left eye but the possibility of it being widely known is low.

As for the party name, it was decided by the three of them. It stinks of chuuni but it is troublesome to think more about it so it has been decided immediately.

According to the beautiful staff, it is possible to change it later so he did not think about it that much.

The guild is none because they don't belong to any guild.

As for the age he reported, Asura told him that he will look like 20 years old by the time he's teleported so he wrote 20 years old.

Kouhi and Mitsuki received their cards the same time as Kousuke.

Of course, the party name and guild name are the same as Kousuke's. Age is….a secret.

The three, who just received their guild card after registering, did not immediately go out but checked the job requests on the bulletin board first.

They want to find out what kind of quests can be found there.

Looking at it, there are really a variety of them.

However, to Kousuke, something like this is familiar because he has seen similar scenes on games before.

For adventurers, there are monster subjugation and material gathering. For merchants, something related to logistics. For craftsmen, making items, and so on.

While checking the requests on the bulletin board, they gathered a lot of attention. To be precise, Kouhi and Mitsuki.

The place where the bulletin board is located is at the cafeteria and tavern of the guild so members are relaxing there as well as gathering information.

They are attracting the attention of the adventurers regardless of gender.

Their appearance is worth noting even for people of the same gender.

However, the two of them completely ignore such gazes.

Since Kousuke's party had just registered, the only requests they can take are those of F-rank but they're looking at everything there.

They have already decided not to take a quest that day though.

「What do you think?」

「There is no problem in particular.」

「That's right. It seems like the lower the rank, the more permanent quests there are. I think it is better to take what we can take.」

「….Right. Are you done checking?」

Kouhi and Mitsuki nodded to Kousuke's question.

「Then, let's go shopping」

When Kousuke said so, the three of them left the public guild.

Those inside had seen them off.

Normally, there are people who drink alcohol even in daytime so there's always someone who makes fun of newbies but it did not happen this time.

Without thinking that anything special happened, everyone returned to what they have been doing. However, topics about the two newbies can be heard. Whether it can be said as natural or regrettable, none of them talked about Kousuke.

The group of three, who came out of the public guild, went to buy daily necessities as planned.

Whether daily necessities or things that are needed for a long journey, they buy it all.

Since they don't want to waste time, Mitsuki left halfway in order to do something else.

It seems like she wants to gather information by chatting and she's good at that incidentally.

Kousuke and Kouhi rounded up their shopping a little early and returned to the inn.

It is because there is an appointment with Schmidt.

When they returned to the inn, Schmidt was already waiting by the counter.

「My apologies. Have we kept you waiting?」

「No, I just got here and it's not even the appointed time yet.」

After a brief greeting, the three of them move to a secluded place.

As expected, the amount of money is so large that it cannot be delivered in a place that can attract attention.

「This should be all. Please check.」

「…..good, we'll take it. Thank you.」

「No no, I'm the one who made a good deal here.」

Schmidt says that with a big smile. Of course, it might only be his business smile but it is also true that he made a lot of money.

「Speaking of which, I just want to know, is the market price of something can change easily?」

「Yes but….it depends on what kind of item it is…..Are you thinking of a business?」

「No no. I'm not thinking that far. I only wanted to ask because it would be troublesome if the market price collapsed because of the materials I collected.」

「I see, so that's your concern…..you're right but…. For example, if Kousuke-sama brought out a hundred pieces of this, the value will certainly collapse because it can only be bought by women. On the other hand, if it is materials used as consumables, like medical herbs, it will not affect the price no matter how much you bring out since they are always in demand.」

「….I see. Thank you. That was helpful.」

Bringing materials directly to merchants is a good way to earn money but if you do it too much, you'll stand out in a flash.

If you want to be stable, it would be good to take care of requests from the guild.

「No no, if it's just like that, you can ask me anytime.」

Schmidt laughed lightly and left the room.

When Kousuke and Kouhi have finished eating dinner and sorting out what they purchased, Mitsuki returns to their room.

Her cheeks are slightly red. She might be drunk.

Since she already said earlier that she'll eat dinner somewhere else, there's no problem.

「Welcome back.」

「I'm back. I'm tired so please give me a reward.」


Kouhi got angry when she saw Mitsuki hugging Kousuke while pouting her lips.

Though she was drunk, when he saw her eyes, he immediately realized that she's playing around.

「For the time being, let's finish organizing our luggage.」

「Eh, it's just a kiss….Anyway, we'll do something more amazing after this.」

「Th-that's right….」

Seeing Kouhi, who turned red and looked down, Kousuke involuntarily deflected his gaze.

An outrageous destructive power.

Mitsuki, who saw it, laughed as if her mischief was successful.

The three of them will be sleeping in the same bed for the first time in this world so they were not able to fall asleep until late at night.





Chapter 1.9 – The Tower's Story

It has been 14 days since they reached Ryuusen.

During those days, Kousuke's party received as many requests as possible in order to raise their rank in the public guild.

As a result, "eternal journey" ranked up to D rank today.

For Kousuke, it is because of the cheats Kouhi and Mitsuki.

An E-rank monster is nothing for either of the two so they usually split up into two groups.

The first group will be a one-woman party request handling of either Kouhi or Mitsuki and the second group will be Kousuke's training team whose members are Kousuke and either Kouhi or Mitsuki.

Kousuke himself requested this arrangement because there's a saying that if one doesn't become stronger himself, he'll never know what the future brings.

Kouhi and Mitsuki both did not oppose his idea and train him.

Below is the result.

Name: Kousuke

Race Name: Human?

Inherent Skill: Dagger Lv3, Evasion Lv3, Hide Lv5, Detection Lv5, Magic Circle Lv5 (Summoning Lv5),

Blessing Skill: God's left eye, Familiar Trainer (Familiar Growth Up + Familiar Creation + Familiar Control)

Title: Goddess' ?? (can't be viewed yet), Celestial Maiden Eris' ?? (can't be viewed yet)

Kouhi and Mitsuki are always with Kousuke.

Therefore, as a result of their training, Kousuke won't be instantly killed in a single blow.

Since coming to Ryuusen, Kousuke often checks the status of various people.

As a result, he found out that only a few people have Lv5 skills.

The reason why hide and detection are high is that he frantically hides from either Kouhi or Mistsuki whenever they are training him.

As for the magic circle skill, it was a result of convenience since he's always trying to summon Kou.

He's also thinking if he's biased but both Kouhi and Mitsuki are satisfied with how he treats them so he did not pay much attention to it.

By the way, his leveling up by leaps and bounds for only two weeks, Kousuke thinks that it is thanks to his two teachers.

Therefore, when it comes to surviving, he should be at the level of "no problem".

Their guild rank will also be D-rank. For Kousuke, it is an important step for the future. They'll be able to get important information on how things work in this world.

Night of the next day when they became D-rank.

They held a small celebration.

The proposer was Gozen.

When they happened to meet Gozen at the inn yesterday, they told him they became D-rank so he invited them to celebrate.

Gozen himself is a solo party and he's been an adventurer in Ryuusen for many years. He seems to be an influential person and even members of other parties call out to him.

The three of them attended. On Gozen's side, in addition to him, there are two men and one woman.

They were introduced as Creek, Gin, and Aine.

It seems like all three of them are party leaders of their respective parties. Not only that, it seems like Aine is planning on founding a guild soon.

As the conversation progressed, it became clear to Kousuke why the party was held.

The first thing they did was to solicit them to their camp and when they found that it's not possible, they at least wanted to get acquainted.

"Eternal Journey", which ranks up to D-rank in just two weeks had become famous among the adventurers. That's in addition to Kouhi and Mitsuki's beauty.

They immediately tempted Kouhi and Mitsuki but the two refused them all.

That's probably why this "celebration" was held.

However, as time went by, the three of them shifted from solicitation to being acquainted. They finally understood that Kouhi and Mitsuki would never leave Kousuke.

Moreover, Kousuke clearly stated that he has no intention of dissolving "Eternal Journey".

Rather than forcibly soliciting them, they might have judged that it would be better to build an amicable relationship with them.

It has become lively and useful information can be obtained from time to time as the celebration goes on.

Meanwhile, Gozen's words entered Kousuke's ears.

「You guys might eventually own a tower.」

At the last stage of the celebration, when everyone has already drunk a certain amount of alcohol, Gozen said that. He probably meant it as a joke.

In fact, the other three are laughing at Creek-san's joke.

Upon hearing that, Kousuke became curious.

「Own? Can towers be privately owned?」

「What? You don't know?」

「Tower. There's an old rule saying that the first person who can reach the highest floor can own it.」

「Maa, unfortunately, no one has been able to capture the central tower.」

Hearing the information he hasn't heard until now, Kousuke has become interested.

「I thought towers are owned by the state.」

「Ah, it's the opposite.」


「Only a powerful man or a brave can capture a tower and in return, he'll become a king of a nation. The profits from obtaining the tower are huge.」

「I see. So that's what you mean.」

「Maa, that's the reason why the central tower has become a natural target.」

「Because no one has captured it yet.」

「Anyway, just reaching that tower is already a challenge. Upon reaching it, you have to capture it next….」

In a certain way, the central tower might have been the dream of every adventurer.

Some people from other continents even came all the way to this continent to try and capture the central tower.

On the contrary, nations of this continent assembled their armies several times in the past to capture it but no one has succeeded.

The human race, including humans, has designated the capture of the central tower as their major goal.

After that, the celebration was held without incident and the three returned to their rented room.

「What's wrong? Does Kousuke-sama wants to seriously take on the tower?」

Those are Mitsuki's words as soon as the door was closed. Though Kouhi didn't say anything, it looks like she wants to ask about that too.

After all, Kousuke can't hide it from them.

「….I don't know. I still haven't fully decided yet. Not being captured means you don't know what's there. In the first place, I don't think we can do it with only the war potential of two people.」

「If we can, do you want to capture it?」



「No matter what countermeasures we take, we will surely attract attention in the future. I don't want to spend our life doing things secretly. I thought maybe we could use it as a base.」

The place where the tower is located is less troublesome and it is not under the jurisdiction of any power.

If they'll stand out no matter what, he thought that it is better for them to have a place of their own where their safety is guaranteed. Given that, owning a tower might be a good idea.

He can't judge if they can use it as a base though since he's not even sure what a tower looks like.

「Then, let's assume that we can capture the tower.」

Kohi proposed that to help him out of worry.

「First of all, there will be no problem in going to the tower.」

「Right. There is Kou's group. We can easily go there unlike other people.」

「Nest, regarding the tower, it is a place that no one fully knows unless you finally capture it.」

「...that's right. It seems that it has hardly been reached let alone capture. There's too little information.」

When it comes to information about the tower, currently, no one has it.

If you want to own the tower, you have no choice but to step into an unknown place where you won't know what will happen.

(It is not limited to the tower. Exploring an untrodden place is already dangerous.)

「…..maa, for the time being, let's stop concluding anything. We're currently under the influence of alcohol after all. Let's think properly tomorrow.」



The next day.

They decided to go and capture the tower with all they got however, if they judged that they are in mortal danger, they'll withdraw.

At that time, no one in the world has thought that their decision would have a big impact on the world later as a result.





Chapter 1.10 – Tower Capture

From the day they decided to capture the tower, several days of preparation for the expedition has passed.

In the field on the way to the tower, food can be locally procured by hunting so they only have to prepare tents and cooking utensils.

They'll travel to the tower by riding Kou's group. After that, they'll survey the area first then plan on how to capture the tower.

There was little information about the central tower.

From the information gathered, there are a total of seven towers on the continent. All of them are concentrated in the central part of the continent.

It is the one in the centermost part of the continent. The other six towers are surrounding it. As for the information on what's inside the tower, there's nothing.

Because it is special, they decided to target the central tower.

In the end, they arrived at the tower in question after 10 days of traveling. They didn't worry about food along the way.


That's the first word that comes out from Kousuke's mouth when they arrive at the foot of the tower.

It really looks like a "tower" from a distance.

The only thing that's worrying is that they weren't able to see the top of the tower because it is cloudy near the top.

After this, they won't be able to ride Kou's group anymore so should he leave them there? Kousuke thought.

Just standing and looking at the wall before him already makes him stunned.

The height is already impressive but the diameter was also outrageous.

Although he has never seen the great wall of ***** in a certain country on earth, he thought that it might be similar to this, something that he can't see the end.

He can't be stunned forever so they decided to go inside.

The entrance does not have a door and it looks like a big open mouth.

From there, the party entered.


「....is this really a tower?」

「....it's a tower, right?….」

They should have entered the tower but when they look up, they can see the blue sky.

It seems like Kou's group can fly there without any problem so they decided to ride them to investigate.

Result. It was found that the first floor of the central tower is a grassland with blue sky.

How did they find out that it is the first floor of the tower?


During the investigation, they found a teleportation gate labeled "Second Floor Entrance".

By the way, the reason why it was discovered to be a teleportation gate is because Kouhi investigated it first.

When they went through the teleportation gate, a scenery similar to the first floor spread out.

Same as they did on the previous floor, they investigated the place by riding at Kou's group again.

On the ground(?) there seem to be monsters but since they are riding flying dragons, they won't be able to do anything to them.

Mitsuki checked it once and found out that the monsters around the tower are stronger.

In the same way, they found the entrance to the third floor. They passed through the teleportation gate with care since they might encounter a "Hi there" from monsters on the other side.

Again, they found themselves in a grassland(same as above)…..

—Scene Change—

It became more evident while capturing the tower.

He has already known before but Kouhi and Mitsuki are really cheats.

Most of the monsters that appear in the tower were not their opponents.

As they have expected, there are no more opponents that they can exterminate in a single blow as they went up the tower but there's no opponent that the two can't beat as long as they cooperated with each other. They are doing that while protecting Kousuke.

Even the dragons that came out when they reached the 90th floor were knocked down easily. The two of them have done it a lot of times until the point where it became too natural.

There were also instant death magic traps along the way too but they avoided them all.

As a digression, Kousuke's Evasion and detection skills have risen because of those high-floor traps.

They have been in the tower for a long time so their sense of date became dimmer but they have captured the tower after a reasonable number of days.

Below is the summary of their adventure just before they captured the tower.

First to 10th floor.

Grassland. There are forests in some places.

Standard fantasy low-ranked monsters like slimes and goblins appear.

No trap (riding flying dragons possible).

11th to 20th floor.

Forest. There are some occasional open areas (like the place where the teleportation gate is).

Fang (wolf type), minecat (cat type), and plant type monsters appear.

No trap (riding flying dragons possible).

21st to 30th floor.

Mountain area. There are also active volcanoes depending on the floor.

Golems appear.

No trap (riding flying dragons possible).

31st to 40th floor.

Desert area. Hot.

Insect-type monsters appear.

No trap (riding flying dragons possible).

41st to 50th floor.

Grassland + Forest ?

High-rank monsters appear.

No trap (riding flying dragons possible).

51st to 60th floor.

Dungeon. There's a ceiling and not the previous open sky.

Undead monsters like zombies appear.

There are traps (riding flying dragons impossible).

61st to 70th floor.

Dungeon break. Floors that emphasize on traps compared to the previous floors.

Undead monsters like zombies appear.

There are traps (riding flying dragons impossible).

71st to 80th floor.

Grassland + Forest. There are also traps in the air.

Monsters that can fly appear.

There are traps (riding flying dragons possible).

81st to 90th floor.

Forest + Castle. Flying dragons can't fly inside the castle.

High-rank undead appear.

There are traps (riding flying dragons are both possible and impossible).

91st to 100th floor.

Forest + Mountain.

Dragons + high ranking monsters appear.

There are traps (riding flying dragons possible).

—Scene Change—

After passing through the teleportation gate on the 100th floor, there was a small room. In that small room is a door for another room where three floating crystals can be found.

Kousuke immediately checked the surroundings using his left eye.

Name: Magic Power Crystal

Remarks: A crystal that can store magical power. It is connected to each floor of the tower and with the divine power crystal.

Name: Holy Power Crystal

Remarks: A crystal that can store holy power. It is connected to each floor of the tower and with the divine power crystal.

Name: Divine Power Crystal

Remarks: A crystal that can store divine power. It is connected to each floor of the tower and with the magic power crystal and the holy power crystal.

Name: Tower Management Control Panel

Remarks: the one that controls and operates the tower. Each command can be issued here.

The three of them (the flying dragons are sent back to the ground) are checking each crystal while approaching the control panel.

There was a change in the room when they came close enough to the control panel.

Light illuminates the dimly lit room. That makes Kouhi and Mitsuki vigilant.

「Tower capture confirmed. If you want to control the tower, put your hand here. If you don't want to control the tower, the teleportation gate is in the back.」

A voice that came from the control panel was heard.

Kousuke signaled that still vigilant Kouhi and Mitsuki that it's okay.


「It's alright….probably.」

The voice they heard earlier was Asura's voice. Unfortunately, it seems to be a recording so it is impossible to converse.

「By the way, are you really fine with it?」

He confirms it with the two.

No matter how one looks at it, Kousuke doesn't think that he helped in capturing the tower.

「Of course-desu.」

「Who else would it be other than Kousuke-sama? Kouhi and I only agreed because it is Kousuke-sama.」

Kousuke was pushed by Mitsuki. He approached the control panel.

Before touching the control panel, he looked back at the two and saw them nodding.

He put his right hand on the control panel.

「Contact with the control panel confirmed. Starting registration of the ruler of the tower….starting communication with each tower….completed. Please register the ruler's name.」

After hesitating a little, Kousuke decided to use a different name.

It was because he felt that it would be easier to move.


「…..A,ma,mi,ya registration complete. Congratulations. This completes the registration process as the ruler of the tower.」

Thus, the first-ever ruler of the central tower was born.

This news will be spread by the rulers of the captured tower rulers of each continent.

Kousuke's group only learned later that other towers would be notified when a tower was captured or if another ruler took over.

But presently, there's no way for Kousuke's party to know of this.

On this day, the history of Asgard began to move forward.