
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

History Lesson 7


"eh aniki, is that really wakizashi? from what i see, isn't that a katana sword?"

"ckck rikuo, to think that you jump the gun again without checking the fact right in front of your eyes!!! if you don't believe me, just try to hold that wakizashi"

"Alright then tsunemoto-sensei, please excuse me"


then rikuo hold the tang of the Kiku-ichimoji that being given by tsunemoto-san as he was surprised that he can hold it with one hand when usually always using two hands when trying to grab the katana of that length but he easily holds that katana. then he looks at me with disbelieving eyes as he begins to speak to me.

"an-an-aniki, why the hell this katana so light on my hand!!?? i always struggle to hold a katana when i not using 2 hands!!!"

"yeah!!! why the hell that katana is light as a feather when i hold it??!!!"

"uhmm tsunemoto-sensei, for me this is heavy but on the lighter side"

"well, that's true but.."

"Alright, no more your idiotic talking. after all, we have some business that we wanted to finish so lets me say this first. i don't know what happened with that katana but my guess is that the core of that katana has deteriorated that this katana must be cast again that make from another material that so light. after all, when okita was using that katana, that katana so light that it became wakizashi"

"uhmm, ryouma nii-san?"

"yeah, what is it, keikain-san?"

"isn't to describe the type of katana is their length as the condition to be called wakizashi as they are smaller?"

"well, it seems that you know about this but that is the common knowledge of most people. but for me, that is a different case as i empathized with the weight of the blade as if the wight is more screwed. then, the center point of the blade can be disturbed that you need to readjust your grip strength and the way you hold the sword. well there are other factors that you must account too but for me, it is the weight of the katana that i can assure that this katana is wakizashi"

"then onii-san, what do you think you believe that this katana is wakizashi? do you have the evidence to back it up to other than the weight?"

"wow, to think that you still persistent about this, huh?"

"of course, nii-san. after all, you can cast the same thing as the same with the same katana as this. we are living in the modern-day that can make a fake thing that has the same as the real thing"

"o-o-oi keikain-kun, you shouldn't take it too far"

"ye-yeah yura-chan, you should apologize to nii-san"

"no, after all, i'm guessing it right when ryouma nii-san didn't answer me. so-"

"fu, fu, fu, fuhahahahahah!!!"

"hmm? what is it that you find funny, ryouma nii-san?"

"iyaaa, i'm sorry about that. but keikain-kun, you made a fatal mistake about this"

"a fatal mistake?"

"i already explain about it, right? or did that ears of yours is just a decoration that cannot be used anymore?"


"then i'm going to tell, you again, keikain-kun. it's evidence, EVIDENCE. you can say whatever you want but if you didn't give me evidence that backup your claim then what you say is another fantasy"

"but, i kn-"

"because you have visited kyoto's sword museum that you know that your knowledge is true, right?"

"wh-!? how do you know about that!!??"

"your accent, keikain-kun. even though you are using Kanto accent most of the time but sometimes i heard kansai accent from you when you are speaking to me. also why i know that you are from kyoto rather than osaka is with your posture when you are doing right now that is the same as mine. osaka is too modern for that so i assume that you are from kyoto with your accent and your posture that you are from a traditional family that related to a shrine, right keikain-kun?"

"nii-san, i thought that you are never leaving this town?"

"well, for the kanto region, yes but sometimes my father brings me for business to osaka and kyoto but never let me go alone always with him. it is a boring thing to do if I say"

"oi, said that to my face, ungrateful son of mine"

"well i already said it on your face, oyaji"

"you cheeky brat!!!"

"well joking aside, do you think that with your shallow knowledge of katana that you can be sure that what i have is fake without evidence? fu fu fu... DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!!!"



in a fit of my rage, i smash my hand toward this slab of stones that sitting atop my thighs as i pulverized those stones to pieces as i still glare my way to keikain-ch- no keikain-kun as i begin to speak again.

"listen here keikain-kun, we are yakuza family is the truth that we always associated with blackmail and fraud but for our clan, we never act as like despicable thing to do as we always manage this town as the landlord and we have the samurai pride to boot!!! and to think that you accused me, ME to make a counterfeit of the legendary katana!!!! i have pride in my job and as a samurai lineage that i find that thing is to make me kill that bastard that doing for fame or money!!!! so you thi---"



when i want to speak my mind to this cheeky girl, suddenly my forehead was hit by my grandfather with a cane that he always uses so hard that i begin to roll backward until my father stop me with one hand as he begins to hit me too with his fist as he begins to speak to me.

"ryouma this time, you deserve it"

"eh? why?"

"look at rikuo's friend then think about it"

then with oyaji's suggestion to look at rikuo's friend, i begin to look around, and to my surprise what i saw is their shocked and afraid expressions.

well other than them, there are other people than have different reactions to my anger. they are after all know about me and my temper so never mind about them. but, what i find funny is that keikain-chan didn't flinch instead she give a glare at me. well, i kinda ignore it as she is a child to look bigger than herself. after all, she is shaking from top to bottom.

because of that with a fast move, i begin to dogeza to all of them as i begin to apologize to them.


"P-P-Please nii-san, don't bow down your head to us!!!"

"Y-Yeah aniki!!! it's not your fault. we understand about that so please don't bow down to us!!!"


"yeah, nii-san. so please don't bow down to us. we feel uncofromtable"

"well, if you say so"

after they told me to raise my head, i begin to stand up from my position as i begin to think to make amendments to them. then, i look at kazuma-san with a wry smile as he begins to understand what i going to do. with a sigh, he nods his head as i see it and grateful to him. then, i begin to speak to them.

"then as apologizes, i'm going to help you with your homework"


"yep, but i just give you some pointer, ok?"

"yeah, that's enough of that. thank you nii-san"

"excuse me, everyone"

then yanagi-san, the one that i ask to help me to bring my stuff that is going to be sent to the University of Tokyo bring them with a cardboard box as she put them near my father place as she bows down to my father and sent a smile to me.

then everyone look at that box as i begin to smile as i told them about the stuff that being sent to me.

"Alright everyone, this box is going to blow your mind as this is the item that are going to tell the truth about okita souji's gender"

i'm sorry about my release as i am dealing with a real-life world that need my attention

but this time i'm going to release regularry hopefully i'm goign to reach my hundred when this year is going to end so thank you for your pantience!!!

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts