
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs


in the near front gate, before otome said insult to kyuso. rikuo saw the tense scene that going to be more violent. behind him small crow, karasu saw him and approached him

"young master rikuo, what are you doing??"

"eeeeiiiiiiiii....., oh it's just you karasu oji-san. what am I doing you ask?? my mother said that I should go to help my father but you know right I can't handle this situation. the atmosphere too heavy. and at any moment, they are going to fight but I'm scared of a fight. also, father and otome-san became scary just because of that kyuso. na karasu oji-san, what should I do??"

karasu thought about rikuo's mother, wakana nura. in the past, she was a tomboy girl that didn't meet the criterion of elder as a lady of the house but rihan no, the second supreme commander of the nura take a liking to her personality.

but problem spurt out, otome at that time was pregnant and when she heard that, rihan became battered just from otome frenzy attack of jealousy. but with smooth talk of rihan, she accepted with condition that her son became head of the group and rihan accepted that. so, otome accept wakana as a mistress.

when he remise of past. he suddenly remembered the situation at hand. so, he spoke to rikuo.

"young master rikuo, please just stand back and watch the fight. this is an adult's fight and your mother must mean that you should watch this fight because that you are going to become your big brother right-hand man."

"but I don't like this family business."

"even so rikuo-bocahama, this is important. when danger approaches your family, what should you do when the situation becomes that when you don't know how to fight??"

rikuo found the situation similarly with his aniki and he nod because he knew what's the more important thing to do. karasu became happy because of rikuo's choice.

"good, now we should stand back and watch the situation unfold, understand rikuo-bochama??"

"yes that's right, karasu oji-san"

so those two watched as the fight started in front of them.


the fight started with kyuso's group fire their gun without missing a beat.

in front of this gun, a group of monsters wanted to laugh at his group because their body had some barrier that protected them from physical attack. but their thought cut off after some of those bullets broken their barrier and injured them.





then kyuso laugh like a crazy man.

"HAHAHAHAAHAH!!! that's right. this bullet has been imbued by onmyoji symbol to destroy our kind!!!! you lot attack them while they are weak"


before kyuso's group approach rihan's group. kyuso'group stop on their track when they feel fear that being brought by rihan for an unknown reason and then rihan approached the injured to check their wound.

"lets me see them their wound"

"yes, rihan-oyabun!!"

rihan see their wound and touch the wound with his hand and some light shined in his palm and the wound in some injured people became close and their expression became happy all of sudden.

"thank you rihan-oyabun"

"it's no problem. take injured people to the infirmary and strengthen your barrier with tokii so that bullet can't pierce your barrier. also kill them all WITHOUT MERCY!!!!"


war cry resounds in the entire street. with that loud noise, someone must be awakened because the time is 12:20 AM. but strange enough people didn't realize or ignore the voice altogether.

the fight started again with rihan's group momentum. because of fear being inflicted by rihan without knowing how kyuso's group became late by one step and his group receive casualties.

then some fireball and ice with needle shapes like a needle shoot out from behind rihan's group and injure some kyuso's group. some unfortunate ones die from that attack. the one that caused such a scene is otome.

otome with noh face was calming predict the movement of kyuso's men and using what seems like a magic form big fireball and she shouted.

"watch out for big ones everyone!!!"

and rihan's men step aside as otome shoot a big fireball at the center of kyuso's men and-.


with that fireball impacted to the center of kyuso's men make that scene came out of hell. some of those people became ash in the instant. but some unfortunate ones have become charcoal but still alive and still make a sound that came from sinner from hell.




"I don't want to die!!!!"

and sure enough, after that scene that was shown by them. they became afraid of otome and wanted to run away but kyuso's voice heard by those group.




the situation was chaotic. when the fire was burned out, rihan's men resume the assault and battle became close-combat that made the gun became ineffective because of friendly fire. some kyuso's men throw the gun and their body became change from normal human to hideous monster rat with brown fur and engage the combat with their bodies.

rihan saw that batter and thought 'it's a chance!!!'. he rushed to kyuso with his katana and swing his katana overhead to slash kyuso in half. but, kyuso saw that and parry with his gun to protect his head.

they faced each other with advantage of rihan because not only his weapon suited to close-combat, also his presence made kyuso wanted to faint because of fear that rihan exuded just from his presence.

rihan saw that end is near. he has forgotten about the proverb of 'when rat cornered, a rat can bite the cat'.

kyuso saw something in corner of his eyes. it was a small child and a small crow. he knew about karasu and he knew that his power is declined not like his heyday. also, that child beside him is rihan's child. so he saw that he thought 'chance!!!!'.

when rihan saw where kyuso's eyes direction. he saw rikuo and karasu. he became distracted because he knew what kyuso's mind through and with that one-second pause. just one second and his fear-like presence just vanished.

kyuso knew that using that distraction to shake rihan to the side and transform from his playboy-like look to monstrous rat form with white fur and rush to rikou with unbelievable speed and rihan knew that and chase after kyuso.

because of situation is in chaos. rihan cant chased kyuso fast enough because of kyuso monstrous form. kyuso using this form ran fast enough using battle in front of him to navigate the path that he going to advance.

in no time kyuso arrived at the front gate of rihan's house. but in front of him stood kuroumaru and tosakamaru.

"you aren't advance any further, rat!!!!"


kyuso using his form, bulldoze his path through with sheer strength. but, those two can stop him on the track.



"NOW DIE!!!"

tosakamaru was using his weapon, a monk staff to hit kyuso's back but kyuso noticed that and step aside to the left and using a knife that was hidden at pants pocket. he threw the knife, not at kuromaru or tosakamaru but he threw that at rikuo. that made their movement became dull but karasu already predicted that using his body to block the knife and he never thought that the knife in front of him is an illusion and the real knife is beside him and still fly toward rikuo.




rikuo having seen the knife couldn't move because of fear but he knew that he should move but he can't. he closed his eyes and thought that 'it's just a pain'. he shivered and waited until the knife reached him. but it never happened and he opened his eyes and saw someone that shouldn't be here shield him from the knife.

"Are you alright, rikuo??"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Handako_Gummercreators' thoughts