
Legendary travelling ninja (DROPPED)

please review i am a new shameless writter

Gol_D_Polaris666 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Cultivation realm

Cultivation realm are divided like this .

Yellow-black-earth-heaven divided into 7 stage : initial, med,advanced,dawn,medium,final and completion .

after there is :

Fish-Dragon realm/ half saint and finally saint realm divided into 9 level from 1 to 9.

The technique and cultivation method are divided into 5 stage

Humain,spiritual,ghost,king and Mythical which are divided into 4 tier : Low,Mid,Late and peak.

Note for autor to remember : Heaven realm Qi become vital essence drop.

Initial - vital qi essence drop convertion

med - 100 vital qi essence drop

Advanced stage - 10000 vital qi essence drop which condense in a ball.

Dawn stage- Ball which condense in a pool of vital qi essence

Medium stage- vital qi essence become a lake

final stage- become a sea of vital qi essence

completion- vital qi essence begin to condense into saint qi by sanctifying the meridian which once done can let you enter the fish dragon realm.