
'Little' Upgrades

The ship reached the surface, finally!

Tenshi looked at the sun and sighed happily, it was great to be above the sea now.

The Fishmen looked up at the sun, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

So this is the sun!

How nice!

Alber let out a breath and looked at the sun, nodding to himself, feeling much better. He sat on the Terrasse and enjoyed a coffee. Shyarly sat with him, drinking a coffee silently.

Tenshi looked at this duo and his head tilted before he gasped.

Could this be… The Legendary Silent Romance?!

Kakashi looked at Alber and Shyarly, nodding "Mhm. This is the first step in the novels." Tenshi whispered, "What do you think the kid will look like?" Kakashi covered his mouth over his mask with his hand, whispering "I think a shark with wings." Tenshi and Kakashi whispered to each other while looking at Alber and Shyarly.

Alber glanced over and his eyes twitched, Shyarly furrowed her brows.

Tenshi and Kakashi looked away, seemingly discussing something very serious.

The ship continued sailing.

Tenshi was sitting on the deck one night and checked his Achievements List.

[Establish a Second Subordinate Cafe- Completed]

[Have 20 Employees- Completed]

[Serve 5 Different Races- Completed]

He smiled to himself and looked at the Achievements, he assumed that the 5th Race was Giants since Whitebeard must clearly be part Giant! Unless the System counted Mocha as a Pokemon Race… either that or an Otsutsuki managed to slip in.

Surely he wanted his beans!

They'll never get me Chakra beans~!

Tenshi collected the rewards quickly.


[Swim-Swim Fruit (No Sea Weakness)]

[Chain-Chain Fruit (No Sea Weakness)]

[Ice-Ice Fruit (No Sea Weakness)]

Tenshi's lips twitched, he called out Haku and Karin, tossing them the Ice and Chain fruits respectively before keeping the Swim fruit…

Only a hardboiled man can eat such a thing!

The next day, Tenshi gave it to Jinbe.

Jinbe was stunned and Tenshi said it was thanks for Jinbe teaching him FishMan Karate. He added that Jinbe could eat it without worry. Jinbe didn't understand what he was saying but ate the fruit.

He got a rough understanding of the fruit from Tenshi before Tenshi smashed a Water Dragon Bullet on him from the sea water, Jinbe was shocked and felt betrayed before magically swimming through the water dragon. He looked up at Tenshi, who chuckled softly, waving at Jinbe before walking back into the Cafe.

Jinbe was dumbfounded for real and quickly ran back to Fishman Island, leaving the bubble and swimming like normal! He sat in the water in a daze, unable to believe such a crazy thing that only happened in novels could happen to him!

He turned back to Fishman Island and swam through the street.

Then he went to a back alley and used his FishMan Karate with the island itself!

Jinbe was floored!

How he was extremely powerful!

Jinbe quickly started practicing with his new abilities as well as teaching Tenshi more Fish Man Karate.

Karin's chains were all Adamantine Sealing Chains and she was very happy. Now, she too, was a big time individual!

Although, Haku was just more ridiculous.

He made multiple Ice Clones and sent them all into the training area, his skill expanding like crazy. He yearned for power now! Seeing Tenshi working so hard, how could Haku fall behind?

It was him and Tenshi in the beginning, he considered Tenshi as one of his closest friends. Tenshi also considered him a very close friend. Along with Kakashi and Guy. Unfortunately, he never got any crazy techniques for them, but he handed them the skills as soon as he got them.

Guy was particularly fond of Life Return.

At any rate, everyone was thriving.

Tenshi practiced with Alber, who taught him better spear play than just swinging it like a baseball bat. He also went into great detail about Lunarian flame usage and Haki. However, Alber also learned the 6 Powers and Life Return from Tenshi, who handed him the booklets.

Tsunade was constantly fighting Alber in the arena during the day when Tenshi was serving customers. Contrary to popular belief, she was not all bazonkas and no brains! She learned Life Return, Haki, and 6 Powers extremely quickly.

Like a Natural!

Not only that, but she managed to come up with a Haki substitute with a few other people for the regular ninja. The reason why she could use Haki was because the Devil Fruit basically enhanced her body to a One Piece standard, she was so strong already that she just naturally unlocked it.

Unfortunately, no other Devil Fruits had been on sale in the Bazaar since then.

Tenshi was actually a bit shocked by Karin, she used the Chain fruit better than that guy Mad Treasure did! Though, he assumed it was because her Adamantine Chains cannibalized the fruit and transformed it completely.

Overall though, she was getting stronger slowly.

Many ships ran into Tenshi and docked for a while before leaving.

Originally, they came to pillage.

Then they saw Alber and changed from fierce to fawning and smiling happily, buying coffee and trading honestly.

Alber didn't pay attention to these small fry at all, recently he had a little tail following him around. Shyarly complained that he was going wherever she went and ignored his requests to leave him alone.

2 months after Tenshi left Fishman Island…

The ship ran into the man, the myth, the legend…

Buggy D. Clown!