
A fight against a talented Individual.

Armed personnel stood on guard outside of the Building, While James swiftly crossed around the containers and went beyond further closer towards their position.


"Did you hear that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard rattling sounds from there." As the masked man pointed towards the containers.

"Huh? Are you half asleep?"

"No I'm sure I heard--" Before he could finish, He saw his comrade got shot infront of him cleanly while blood poured out from his wound.

Soon after, Gunshots continued while the others fell on the ground and died, The remaining masked man instantly raised his gun, But before he could aim towards a certain direction. A bullet came and pierced through his eyes, Immediately killing him.

*Thump* As the man fell unto the ground, Lifeless.

James continued on moving stealthily and went inside the building.

Several armed masked men were resting in different rooms, While james sneakily went inside and eliminated them one by one until he reached the top floor.

After James entered the last room, He saw a masked man standing, Waiting for his arrival.

"I guess you were the one causing ruckus on the lower floors." The masked man said as he pulled out a long machete from his desk.

"I guess the soundproofing in this building isn't as reliable as it seems." James responded with an altered voice.

The masked man then held the machete and formed a stance, "Show me what you've got--" *Bang!* As the masked man got instantly shot on the head and died.

Did he really think I'd be wasting my time? James mumbled through his head and reloaded his gun.

Then he went near the windows and surveyed the area outside.

He saw more armed masked men patrolling the perimeter of the Warehouse that was supposedly containing their victims.

James immediately went down and left the building as he went pass through more large containers.

He then sneakily killed the armed masked men that were near his position. And placed some modified bomb inside their clothes, James then hurriedly ran and hid himself while more patrollers slowly went to his previous position.

"Huh?" As three armed masked men saw the corpses of their comrades lying on the ground.

"We have an intrude---" *Boom!* An Explosion occured to which James pressed the detonator of the bombs he placed earlier.

The patrollers were instantly blasted by the bombs and were torn into pieces.

Then an alarm occured while several more armed personnel came out from the Warehouse.

"We have an intruder!"

"Everyone search for the intruder!"

As the armed masked men surveyed their surroundings, Searching for james.

James quietly climbed above on one of the containers, And slowly did a prone position and shot the enemies.

Several armed masked men instantly died, While others noticed James, And immediately opened fire.

James instantly rolled over and fell unto the ground as he quickly ran towards another area to change his position.

A barrage of gunshots continued raining towards the Container while James ran around them, "There he is!" A masked man who noticed James, Pointed out his location.

Several armed masked men immediately rushed towards James' direction as they raised their guns to aim at him.

But before they could turn towards the Corner, James jumped sideways as he leaned and aimed his gun towards the rushing men.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

As three guys got shot while one of them managed to survive and shot back at James, But james who instantly fell unto the ground rolled over once again and ran towards the containers.

"Shit, He's too fast!"

"Everyone encircle the area! Make sure he doesn't get out alive!"



Meanwhile, A bulky masked man wearing a black sleeveless vest pulled out his phone and called someone.


"Boss, It's me." The bulky man said.

"Oh Jackson. Did you manage to transport the products as per my orders?"

"Yes Sir. The products have been safely transfered."

Meanwhile James miraculously eliminated all of the armed personnel and went inside the Warehouse.

"Good. It seems that the plan is going smoothly."

"Yes sir, But there was some nuisance who just interfered after I sent the products out."

"A nuisance you say?"

"Yes, He's wearing a skull mask which was in one of my subordinate's description."

"A skull mask!?"

"Yes sir."

*Beep* As their conversation instantly ended.

The bulky man known as Jackson, Wondered why the unknown individual he just talked to was enraged.



Somewhere in an unknown place, Completely surrounded by darkness.

A man sitting on a majestic chair grumbled as he flipped the table infront of him.

"How!? Why is that son of a bitch back!?"

"Does he have a grudge on us!? The Yakman Troupe!?" As the man uttered angrily.

The Yakman Troupe, A group which only revolves around 8 influential criminal syndicates who runs alot of shady businesses all over the globe.




Meanwhile James, Who completely killed the armed masked men, Went inside the warehouse to witness an empty warehouse.

"Huh? Where are they being held?" He mumbled.

James flinched after seeing an opened cage infront of him.

Deeply thinking if his daughter was alright, Or safe.

But before James could immerse himself in his thoughts, A footstep was heard behind him and james immediately turned around to check.

Then he saw masked man with slender body and was dressed in an auburn colored vest, Aiming his gun towards James.

*Bang!* James immediately dodged it and hid himself, He then raised his gun and peeked at the corner to shoot towards the masked man.

After shooting against each other, Not a single one of their bullets managed to graze them both.

"He's good. Where did the Yakman troupe found this individual?" He mumbled quietly as he continued firing towards the masked man.

The masked man immediately ran and opened fire while he got closer towards James' position.

And in a brief moment when both of them were close against each other, They instantly raised their guns and aimed at one another.


But their guns were out of ammos, And the masked man instantly kicked James' gun upward and followed a roundhouse kick towards James where he managed to block it and got blown away.

*Wham* As james landed unto the ground.

Before he could regain his balance, The masked man was rushing towards him already, Holding a karambit knife in his left hand.

James immediately rolled and dodged his opponent and managed to stand up to regain his composure.

The masked man halted as he stared at james while performing a stance.

James raised his hands and performed a systema stance, As he opened his palms, Ready to defend and counter attack.

Several seconds passed and both of them did a stare off, Then all of the sudden the masked man came rushing towards James.

As he continuously swung his karambit knife towards James, James was able to deflect every attack he did and tightly held both of his wrists and jump kicked him away to increase their distance.

The masked man rolled unto the ground after he received James' kick and stood up immediately, While james grabbed his gun and reloaded it, And Immediately aimed towards the Masked man.

*Bang!* As he continued firing towards the Masked man who easily dodged every bullet he shot and managed to hide himself in one of the objects surrounding their area.

James noticed that their battle was taking too long and immediately rushed towards where the masked man was hiding, But after getting close towards the masked man's position. A flashbang was on the ground and immediately exploded, Causing his vision to get damaged. His heat detector malfunctioned and got turned off, After the effect passed. The masked man was nowhere to be seen, And While he surveyed around he noticed that the man escaped the warehouse.

James immediately ran outside only to find a black car fleeing from the harbor.

James continuously shot the Black car that was trying to escape the scene, But after several seconds, It eventually escaped successfully.

James quietly stood for several minutes as he heard more cars approaching.

The cars that approached were from the Tenguro Clan. Yakamoto and his men instantly came out of the cars after it stopped infront of James.

"James-san, Did you locate the Kidnapped victims?" Yakamoto asked.

"No, When I reached the place, They already finished transporting the kidnapped victims." James replied with an altered voice.

Yakamoto gritted his teeth, "Fuck." He said.

James wandered in thought as he stood infront of Yakamoto, "James-san? Is everything alright?" Yakamoto asked.

"Is there any small port that's closer from Misaki?" James asked.

"Yes, Up ahead several kilometers further." Yakamoto replied.

James immediately went towards one of the cars, "I'll leave the cleaning here to you. I need to go somewhere." He said as he entered the car.

"James-san! Wait---" *Vroom!* As James immediately drove away, Planning to catch up towards the mysterious masked man who had just escaped.

Ryosuke came running towards Yakamoto with a shocked expression on his face, "What is it?" Yakamoto asked.

"Countless of masked individuals are lying on the ground lifeless." Ryosuke said as his voice trembled slightly.

"I guess, He still hasn't gone rusty." Yakamoto said in an impressed tone.

"Did that guy really killed them all?" As Ryosuke doubted.

"Enough with blabbering, Clean them up and report them to Chief Inuzuki." Yakamoto said in a demanding tone.

Ryosuke nodded and immediately ordered their men to clean up the corpses of the foreign kidnappers.

Meanwhile James, Was stepping the gas to it's limit as he drove unto the highway, Hoping to catch up against the Masked individual who ran away from him.

Chapter End.