
Legendary Game Makers

In a world where the idea of full-dive virtual reality games is nothing more than an imagined pipe dream, the sudden appearance of a strange game has not only the world in a total uproar but also the government itself who is trying to uncover the mysteries behind its creator. According to the rumours, when you install the game, you will find your consciousness leaving your body, finding itself placed into the game world. Whether or not you decide to believe in this ridiculous rumour is entirely up to you. Speculations rose. Maybe scientists have discovered a revolutionary technology? Is this some form of hypnosis? Or perhaps this game is the work of an actual god? In reality, sometimes the mysteries behind such miracles are much simpler than people come to believe. After all, this miraculous game was created by a simple young teenager and his younger brother sitting in their room.

ShatteredTranquil · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

The Rise Begins

Despite everything that's happened recently with those monsters, Keita was still enjoying Minecraft to the fullest. Recently, he had just gathered up a bunch of iron that he had mined down in a cave. Not an actual cave mind you, he just strip mined.

He had played for a few hours straight, thus he was feeling quite tired here at school, but he didn't care. His character in the game now had almost an entire set of iron armour, minus a helmet, and man did he feel accomplished when he wore it.

'The armour was a bit heavy, but I guess that's a given.' Keita thought to himself as he sat silently in the classroom while not even bothering to listen to the teacher. 'I wonder what the objective is though... Maybe there isn't one, it is a sandbox game after all.'

All he could think about was Minecraft, that was the only thing that has been on his mind from the time he installed the game yesterday to right now. He had honestly already become addicted, and he wanted to get done with school quickly so he could get home to play.

"Come on, it's almost time now..." Keita glanced up towards the clock and tapped his foot impatiently. The clock hands were ticking as it was almost time for school to be over. Soon enough, the bell started ringing. 'Yes, finally!'

"Alright, everyone! Please remember to do the work I've given you today and bring it in tomorrow morning!" The teacher spoke as a few of the students gave soft groans at the words, no one is ever really excited about homework. It's homework after all. "Stand up! Bow!"

After the teacher finished speaking, the students all quickly stood up from their chairs, grabbing their bags before leaving the classroom. A few students remained behind to talk to one another before eventually heading off as well, Keita was one of the first to stand up before packing away his things.

"Alright!" Keita shouted in a small whisper to himself as he swung his bag over his shoulder. He stopped for a second when his phone vibrated in his pocket, he took it out curiously while still packing his things. "Mono wants help again? I guess I can play on the way home."

Just as he was turning to walk out of the room, as well as about to click 'Accept', he came to an immediate stop when someone suddenly shouted right in his face. Due to how close this person was, Keita almost dropped his phone when screaming.


"Ahh!" Keita stared with obvious surprise in his eyes when he realised the person in front of him. Said person appearing to be a young beautiful girl his age with long blonde hair, along with a pair of green eyes. "T-Tendou, what are you doing here?!"

"Hm? Don't you remember?" The girl known as Tendou blinked upon hearing the question, a small frown forming on her face as one of her eyebrows rose up before continuing. "You said you'll join me at the club room today, remember?"

'Crap, I totally forgot!' Keita wanted to punch himself right now after hearing that. He had been so invested in Minecraft yesterday that he actually forgot about the events that occurred prior to all of that. "R-Right, let's get going then!"

"Hmm..." Tendou gave Keita a suspicious look for a second before shrugging. "Okay, let's go."

'I guess Minecraft will have to wait...'


Both Reiji and Yuta were currently on their computers typing away, well, Reiji was at least. Yuta could currently be seen unconscious in his chair as Minecraft was open on his screen. The screen was displaying everything that Yuta was seeing in the game.

While Yuta was quickly progressing and collecting all kinds of items in the game for his own world, Reiji was busy developing the next update for Minecraft. Over night, there had been quite a few more downloads, which also seemed to be picking up speed as the day went by.

When he last checked, the total number of sales was at eighty-two downloads. It wasn't much, but it was still a bit more than twenty times more compared to the original four that they saw playing near the beginning. With how the number of people starting to notice the game increased, the downloads would also obviously increase as well.

If Reiji were to make an assumption, the game was probably starting to gain traction mainly due to the reviews that the current players had made on the website. All of the reviews being very positive, which probably placed the game onto the new and trending tab of the website.

Perhaps the players were also spreading news about the game on other sites as well.

Anyway, Reiji was busy programming the multiplayer function for the game as well as the first official server. Making the ability to play with others wasn't too difficult, but just creating the server and its functions as well as terrain was just time consuming.

Reiji and Yuta agreed to make an official server belonging to them that would contains various different activities, such as minigames and perhaps other things like player housing as well. If you were to take an example, it would be a server similar to the likes of Mineplex and Hypixel.

"Okay, almost done with the main hub..." Reiji gave a small sigh as he leaned back into his chair. The mainly hub area was pretty massive, and while it looked pretty basic as of right now, he was going to add all kinds of aesthetic features to give it a bunch of flare later on. "Hm, a dragon looking down at them might be cool... anyway, let's check the analytics."

Taking a small break, Reiji minimized his application before moving onto towards the game analytics.


〔Game Analytics - Minecraft〕

● Sales: 142

● Total Income: 284,000 Yen

● Genres: Sandbox, Survival

● Rating: E10+

● Developer: LGM

● Description: Explore a wonderous world of infinite possibility, a world full of both mysteries to uncover as well as dangers that lurk around every corner! Adventure around the world, survive the denizens of the night and create anything you wish. The only limit is your imagination!


"Damn, already that many... can't compare to the actual Minecraft, but that's still quite the number for only being out for a few hours." Reiji was pleasantly surprised by the information he saw, they had already made quite a bit of money. "If only we could make the game available in all countries..."

Due to the system, apparently the game was currently only available to those who live in Japan, the country they lived in. It wasn't impossible to get the game to hit the world-wide market, but that was only possible once they completed the mission they were assigned.

Speaking of mission, Reiji opened up another application on his desktop. The system had provided them a mission recently, which would give them rewards if they managed to complete it. For this particular mission, one of the rewards was making Minecraft available globally.


〔Current Mission〕

● Objective: Rack in the players and get Minecraft the attention that it deserves!

● Progress: 142/3,000 Sales


● 1,000,000 Yen

● Talent: Creative Drawing - [Rank: Intermediate]

● Minecraft Global Availability


The ability to make Minecraft a game available world-wide wasn't the only reason they wanted to complete this quest, though it was of course one of the main reason. After all, the number of sales would increase drastically if it were available in all countries instead of just one.

The other reason was because of that creative drawing talent they would be given, which would prove immensely useful for both Minecraft and future games they might make. Their ability to draw was only a bit above average, they were in no way artistic geniuses.

That was actually one of the reasons why they chose Minecraft as their first game, it had simple and endearing graphics, which they were able to replicate rather easily. With this new potential talent, they could design games with more realistic graphics.

"Three-thousand sales, huh? Still a long way to go, but I'm sure we'll get there eventually at the current rate everything's going." With a small smile, Reiji closed down the mission application before moving back to the programming application. "Alright, let's get some work done."

With that, Reiji continued to work on the server. He hadn't implemented the ability for players to create their own servers yet, but he'll definitely get to that some time today or tomorrow. For the next two hours though, he continued to work on building the terrain.

While Reiji was busy with that, Yuta was currently in his world sorting through all of his chests that he had set up in his base. Due to his advantage when it comes to Minecraft knowledge, he had already gotten himself a full set of enchanted diamond armour.

Yuta was the one that programmed and created the models for all of the enemies, so he knew that the Ender Dragon in their version of Minecraft was going to be much more dangerous, both in intelligence and overall power.

Before challenging it, he was going to need to set himself up with some netherite gear as well as find the portal room itself. Reiji was a bit ahead of Yuta when it came to this, but he had made some good progress.

For right now though, he was feeling quite a bit tired.

"Oh, you're out. Welcome back." Reiji spoke up upon seeing Yuta sit back up in his chair. The younger male rubbed his eyes tiredly before properly adjusting himself into his seat, cracking his neck while doing so. "Find any bugs?"

"Nope, everything looks good."

"That's good." Reiji sighed a bit in relief as he really didn't want to go back and correct anything, it was a damn hassle. "If you can, connect with my computer and help me out in forming the terrain for the server hub. I've finished the basic template, just need to do the aesthetics, NPCs and other stuff now."

"Sure, give me a second."


While the two brothers were busy working away, a certain young female could be seen in her apartment looking at her computer. The girl looked no older than fifteen and had long green hair along with a pair of pinkish-red eyes, her attire consisting only of a zipped up pale-blue hoodie along with short-shorts of the same colour.

This girl was named Yuna, and she was a young rich-girl. Not in the sense that she grew up in a wealthy family, she was just good at managing her stocks to the point that she now had over ten-billion yen stored into her account.

It was mainly due to this fact that she didn't bother to go to school, the other reason being that she honestly couldn't be bothered. She didn't really see the point in going if all the money she would ever need was already in her grasp, and she doubted she'd be looking for a job or anything anytime soon, or ever.

"Up goes my balance again, sweet." Yuna commented simply as she laid back in her chair. She then switched over to another tab, a look of boredom forming on her face as she looked through the web. "There's really nothing to do... Minecraft?"

Yuna cocked an eyebrow when she saw the game appear in the list of games she was scrolling through. While she wasn't a competitive gamer, she did entertain herself everyday doing things like playing games and drawing manga every now and then.

"Released fourteen hours ago, and it has a lot of good reviews. LGM? Haven't heard of them before..." Yuna shot a quick glance at a few of the reviews, along with giving a quick read of the game synopsis. "Literally transported into the game? Now that's an exaggeration... might as well give it shot."

It wasn't like she had anything else to do today, so she might as well see why all these people were giving this game such a high review. From what she saw, every single review that she saw were all five-star reviews with a lot of things to say. She hadn't read any of them thoroughly, so she honestly didn't know what she was in for here.

It could just end up being a dud.

"An account? Okay, let's see..."


〔Minecraft Login〕

● Username: Yuna

● Password: ⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎