
Legendary Game Makers

In a world where the idea of full-dive virtual reality games is nothing more than an imagined pipe dream, the sudden appearance of a strange game has not only the world in a total uproar but also the government itself who is trying to uncover the mysteries behind its creator. According to the rumours, when you install the game, you will find your consciousness leaving your body, finding itself placed into the game world. Whether or not you decide to believe in this ridiculous rumour is entirely up to you. Speculations rose. Maybe scientists have discovered a revolutionary technology? Is this some form of hypnosis? Or perhaps this game is the work of an actual god? In reality, sometimes the mysteries behind such miracles are much simpler than people come to believe. After all, this miraculous game was created by a simple young teenager and his younger brother sitting in their room.

ShatteredTranquil · Anime und Comics
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The Great Minecraft Boom

As of right now, after the whole situation with Tendou's club out of the way. Keita had quickly gone home and immediately hopped onto Minecraft, he had honestly never run so fast in his life. Once he got on, he quickly continued building his house again.

If he were to be so bold, the house he was making looked pretty decent, at least for his first time doing something like this. While it was certainly weird building using massive blocks like he was playing with lego, it felt strangely appealing and rather fun.


『A new update is available. Please restart the game』

"A new update?" Keita blinked in surprise before a feeling of curiousness and excitement flowed through his body. He hadn't even come close to fully exploring everything around him that was already in the game, yet there was already an update? "Hopefully it won't take too long."

Quickly opening up the menu, Keita quickly closed down the game, thus he found himself back in his room slouched into his chair. He still didn't know how it was possible to do something like this, but he didn't care, the game was fun as heck.

Shaking his head, Keita quickly went onto the game website and onto the Minecraft specified page. He scrolled down towards the section that was just above the reviews, which displayed the log for numerous updates that games would have. He was curious to see what this update added, so he gave it a quick look as the game began updating in the background,


〔Minecraft - Update Log〕

● Added new Biomes - (Pre-Existing worlds will be altered to include new biomes)

● Improved mob AI

● Added Live Streaming


"Woah, new biomes!" Keita exclaimed silently with a look of excitement upon reading the very first feature that was shown. So far, he had only visited the grassy plains that he was building his house on, a nearby forest and also a desert that he explored a bit of recently. "Live streaming?"

The second feature was definitely surprising as well, the mobs inside the game were already realistic when it came to their actions and such, so he was surprised that the developers could even improve on it anymore than it already was.

However, Keita went silent for a second when he saw the third feature.

Live Streaming.

He had experience with it in the past, but he never pursued any kind of career or anything in regards to it. Mainly because he never really got popular, he barely ever actually got any viewers. Whenever he did, he was never really entertaining enough to keep them watching.

It didn't really help either that some people had some times thrown insults towards him for not being good at the games he played. He had only ever really played games for the fun of it, even if he wasn't good at a game, he simply enjoyed playing it.

"I guess I can give it another shot..."


"Alright, let's go!"

Elsewhere, a certain young girl could be seen in the game fighting through numerous mobs as she seemed to be running through a large mineshaft that extended through an underground ravine. Her character had iron armour on as she quickly took down the mobs that attacked her.

This girl was none other than Yuna, and she had never felt as happy as she was right now. When she downloaded the game, her expectations really weren't that high at all. On top of the comments in those reviews, she didn't expect them to actually be true.

When she first read that they were literally transported to another world, she just assumed that they enjoyed the game enough that they felt as if they were character they were playing as. But, that didn't seem to be the case, she was literally in the game!

"Oh, crap!" Yuna stumbled a bit when an arrow was shot and flew right by her face, she quickly turned to see the skeleton who shot the arrow. Taking out her bow, Yuna fired a few shots before finally hitting it, causing it to fall down to the bottom of the ravine. "Gotta work on my aim, that was bad..."

Yuna wasn't entirely sure what the whole objective behind this game was, but she didn't care about that right now as she continued making her way through the mineshaft. Soon enough, she found herself at the bottom of the ravine.

"Woah, what's that?" Yuna narrowed her eyes upon seeing an unfamiliar ore off in the distance, and seeing it, she was obviously going to go for it. The issue was that a flowing stream of lava was in her way. "Doesn't look like iron. Alright, baby steps now..."

Slowly but surely, Yuna used the blocks she had in her inventory to building a path over the lava stream, wincing a bit when she could feel the intense heat coming off of the lava. She didn't even want to imagine how painful it would feel if she fell in right now.

"And... made it!" Yuna smiled as she made one final jump over the lava before landing on the other side. She was honestly lucky no skeleton ended up shooting her while she was getting across, it would have been a disaster. "Let's see here."

Taking out her pickaxe, Yuna began bashing away at the ores in front of her. She obviously made sure to keep an eye out just in case she got sneak attacked by a monster, and with the lava right next to her, she had to be extra careful.

After a few seconds, she broke the first of the few ore blocks.

『Yuna has made the advancement [DIAMONDS!]』

"Oh, so these are diamonds?" Yuna blinked in surprise as she spun the blue crystal in her hand around to look at it from multiple angles. The diamond was beautiful, it gave off a beautiful shine despite having just been dug up. "There are a few more too, I wonder what I can make with these..."


Both Reiji and Yuna smiled with looks of satisfaction on their faces as they leaned back on their chairs, they had just finished developing both the hub area of their server along with a few other things as well. While there wasn't much to it yet, they had already implemented minigames.

So far, they had added to the board five different minigames for the players to try. Those being Survival Games, Build Battle, Spleef, Skywars, and Block Hunt. The games were rather varied in terms of gameplay, so there was quite a bit of uniqueness amongst the five for the players to choose from.

The brothers obviously had many more things in their minds that they wanted to add, but that was going to be for another day. As of right now, they were quite satisfied with what they had developed up to this point in time.

"Has anyone used the live stream feature yet?" Reiji asked curiously as he closed down his program. The live stream feature was something they added a few hours ago in the update, and the main purpose behind it was to get their player's unintentional help in growing the game.

Since they were already started making the multiplayer server, they wanted as many people to experience it as possible. That obviously meant gaining more players for the game, and live streaming was one of the methods that came to them with this goal in mind.

Live streaming would allow their players to help spread word about the game, and also allow their viewers to see just what the game had in store for them. Words and videos on a website alone wouldn't be enough, solid live visual evidence of gameplay was what was required.

"It's that Yama guy! Looks like he's streaming under the name of Jiraiya." Yuta exclaimed when Reiji opened up the current active player's list. "Woah, that's a decent viewing he's got going for him."


'This is awesome!'

Keita inwardly gushed to himself as he happily fought back against a few monsters that were appearing, which he kind of expected to happen considering the moon was starting to rise. He wasn't entirely used to them yet, but he was getting better at dealing with them.

Anyway, the reason he was so ecstatic right now was because the number of viewers that he had watching him play right now. In the past, he had never gotten over even twenty viewers when playing, and even that was a very rare occurrence.

Now though...


〔Minecraft - Live Stream〕

● Streamer Name: Jiraiya

● Total Viewers: 1,520


Those were the simple statistics of his current stream, which was shown to him in the form of a holographic screen that was constantly seen next to his player character. The chat box where all the viewers were commenting were also present just beneath that information.

Never in his life had he ever even dreamed of having this many viewers, and while it wasn't much compared to the bigger names out there, it was a dream come true for him. From the looks of it, the number of viewers was still rising at a very noticeable pace.

He was about to break past the two thousand mark!

"Ahh~!" Keita screamed before holding his shield right in front of him when a creeper came up and exploded right next to him. He had encountered these things before, and boy were they damn terrifying. What were they even based off of? "Th-That was scary...!"

〔BrightLamina - What was that thing?!〕

〔HogWasher - What is this movie?〕

〔RayvenBlack - It's not a movie! It's a new game!〕

"It's as RayvenBlack says. This is a game, you guys!" Keita did make sure to keep watch on the chat to see what everyone had to say about the game. Though, it was kind of difficult with the numerous mobs he was fighting against to get back to his house. "You can buy it for 2,000 Yen!"

〔HogWasher - 2,000 Yen? That has to be fake〕

〔Krakenner - It's real, I just looked it up and it's really only 2,000 Yen!〕

〔AlemmorVein - It can't be as good as it looks on stream though, right?〕

Seeing this, Keita spoke up. "Buy the game first before making judgements, I'm sure you won't regret it!"


The idea to provide the players with the ability to live stream was more effective than the brothers initially thought, they knew it would help get more players, just not to this insane degree. The mission was to gain 3,000 players, and they sure as hell did that.

It was all thanks to this Yama, or Jiraiya, that was on stream.

With the thousands of viewers that his stream had attracted, the number of sales had also exploded. Seeing Yama play the game, the viewers obviously became immensely curious and wanted to try the game out for themselves to see just how all of this was possible.

Soon enough, both Reiji and Yuta's computers gave off a small dinging sound as they opened up their mission application to see what the reason for the sound was. When they did, they both glanced at each other before smiling.


〔Current Mission - Complete〕

● Objective: Rack in the players and get Minecraft the attention that it deserves!

● Progress: 3,000/3,000 Sales


● 1,000,000 Yen

● Talent: Creative Drawing - [Rank: Intermediate]

● Minecraft Global Availability