
Legend of the Voidwalker

A former delinquent, Cloud Alistair found himself in a chain of unfortunate events.   First, he got kicked out of college due to a false accusation and then chased down by a group of thugs.   Just when he thought he was safe, he suddenly got sucked through a portal and stuck inside the void where there is nothing to see but land stretching as far as the eye can see and the endless ocean of stars up above.   Will he be able to escape and find his way back home? Or will he perish in this godforsaken land?      *Inspired by reading savage divinity so no OP MC. Also please forgive me if my English is not good. Not my native language. This is my first story and I welcome constructive criticism. The story will also be posted in Royal road.

CloudyDay · Fantasie
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66 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 58: Bihorn

After I stumbled and skinned my knees from trying to run as fast as I could, I was scolded by my sister who is hot on my tail and I was forced to walk. Thinking back, it is indeed not wise to run in a forest at dark. After 10 minutes or so, we finally came back to where we left Mr. Cloud behind.

"He's not here." I declared as the only thing that is left in the place where Mr. Cloud fought tooth and nail to protect us was the body of one of the bandits who threatened us. I felt my body tremble at the sight of his unmoving figure sprawled in the ground muddied up by his own blood.

I was startled by my sister placing her arms on my shoulder. "Come Lilya. Let's go home. He is nowhere to be found. He must've wandered away after I told him to stay away from us." My sister said. Her face full of concern.

Shaking my head I replied. "No. He must still be around here. I can feel it."

"You can feel it?" I hear my sister chuckled. Seeing me frown at her reaction, my sister coughed and pat me in the head. A gesture she does often when she tries to calm me down. "Ok. Don't be mad. Let's go and find that man. Don't frown anymore okay?"

"You may not like him for almost hitting me, but don't be mad at him big sis. You know I am the one who erred in that situation." I told my sister.

"Intentional or not, she almost hit you. I will be mad at anyone who even tries to hurt you." Miya says in a serious tone. This is the tone she uses whenever I or the other members of our family is concerned. She is so protective of our family that when the Krishnan Army drafted my brothers, she would've tried to stop them if my father and I didn't restrained her.

"That's just unfair! He protected us. Could you make an exemption?" I asked my sister.

"No Lil." She sighed before continuing. "Look. I agreed with your decision to come back here and invite the man to stay in our house. I will even help you convince father to let him use Daniel's room. That is because I love you and would like to see you happy my little Lilya." She smiled and pat my cheeks before changing her expression back to a serious one. "But don't think that I will instantly forgive or like the man after he almost hurt you. Don't argue with me on this or else I will forbid you from inviting him to go home with us."

"Okay." I relented. There is no arguing with her when she is like this.

We continued to walk around, trying to go further into the forest when I thought of something. "How about we go back where we found him first? You know, the river bed?" I told my sister.

"Hmmm… Yes, he might go back there." She puts a finger on her chin as she thinks. "But if he's not there, then we will go home. It is already late. Father must be worried by now."

I just nodded. Although I really want for Mr. Cloud to come home with us but I don't want to make father worry further. So we continued to walk toward the riverbed. I follow my sister as she leads the way. She have always been able to know where she is going. Even when blind folded, she still knows where the north, south, east, or west is. That is why whenever I want to go somewhere, Miya always tags along so that I won't get lost.

After 15 minutes of wandering, we finally made our way to the riverbed where we first found Mr. Cloud. I feel my heart beats fast at the thought of not finding him there, but when we came there, there he was, lost in his thoughts as he gaze at the river.

"Mr. Cloud!" I shout at him. Hearing my voice, Mr. Cloud turns his gaze towards me. I started running towards him. After reaching him, I say "Mr. Cloud. Thank the Gods we found you."

Slowly standing up, Mr. Cloud looks sad and turns his gaze to the ground. "I-I'm sorry Lilya. I am sorry if I frighten you. I didn't mean to almost hit you." He apologized. His voice like a whisper.

"No. No please don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong Mr. Cloud." I told him. "I---" I tried to continue but I was interrupted.

"Quit sulking." My sister chimed in. "If you have time to feel sorry for yourself, then how about you make up for it by escorting us home?"

"Sister… That's rude." Frowning at my sisters rough tone, I turned my attention back to Mr. Cloud. " Mr. Cloud I apolo-"

"I'll do it." He said. His eyes filled with determination.

I look at my sister who just nods in agreement.

"Come. It is already late. Let's not waste any more time or father will chew our heads off." My sister declared before turning around and started to walk back home.

"Uhmm… Mr. Cloud." I started. "Please forgive my sister's rudeness." I hope he doesn't think that we hate him or something. He risked his life to protect us even though he knew us for a short time. Being the one sent by the Goddess Luna, then we must try our best not to upset him.

"It's ok Lilya." He answered as he he walks beside me. "I understand how your sister feels. If someone threatens to hurt someone close to me, I will also get angry. Not only angry, I will surely do something so that they will not threaten my love ones ever again."

The way he talks about it… Did Mr. Cloud also lost someone close to him?

We continued to walk in the silent forest with my sister leading the way. The forest is silent. No sounds of forest critters or even insects could be heard. Mr. Cloud is keeping silent so to break the silence, I tried to start a conversation. "So… Mr. Cloud, can I ask a question?"

Seemingly startled by my sudden question, Mr. Cloud turns his head towards me and smiled. "Of course. Ask me anything." He said in a soft voice. Likely trying not to discourage me.

Hmmm… What is a good question to ask? How about… "Mr. Cloud, may I know how old you are?"

Raising an eyebrow, Mr. Cloud paused for a second which made me think that I asked a wrong question. But my fear was alleviated as his frown was quickly replaced by a small smile. "Hmmm… Let me think." He placed his finger on his chin as he thinks. "I think I am about 22 years old. Yeah. Definitely 22." He answered.

"Really?" My sister chimed in before I could reply. "22? You're only as old as I am? I don't believe you. You look so old."

"Miya!" I shout.

"Ooopsss! Sorry. I will keep my mouth shut now." My sister chuckles before focusing on leading our way within the dark forest.

"Hehehe. I get what you are saying. I do look old." Surprisingly, Mr. Cloud didn't took my sister's comment seriously when he looked upset when the bandits told him the same thing. "But I am telling the truth, I am only 22. It's just been a long time since I've been lost here in the forest that my hair and beard grew so long. Not like there is a barber here that I could go to for a grooming."

"Y-yeah! I bet you will look much younger if we shave your beard off Mr. Cloud. By the way." I franticly answered as I change the subject. "You were so strong back there Mr. Cloud. Where did you learn to fight like that? Those bandits didn't even stood a chance."

"I learned how to fight from my Master." He answered. So he is indeed a warrior. No wonder he was strong. His master must be a famous warrior or duelist. Before my thoughts could wander off, Mr. Cloud continued. "Although that is kind of a stretch. He taught me his moves but I couldn't fight like him." He looks at a distance, probably recollecting fond memories of his past. "He was like a feather dancing in the wind, while I on the other hand is like a bull in a china shop."

"What is a china shop?" I asked him.

"Oh. It is a place where they sell breakable items. Bull in a china shop is a term that means that someone is clumsy." Mr. Cloud franticly explains.

"I haven't heard of china shops." I answered.

"Me neither." My sister seconded.

"Is it probably from your homeland in the East?" I asked him once more.

"Y-yeah. That is a term, or should I say an idiom that is popular back where I came from." Mr. Cloud answered.

"Hmmm… Ok." Looks to me that he doesn't want to continue the subject about the idiom. Should I just keep quiet? If I continue asking questions, I might offend him. I paused to think about my dilemma.

"Anyway, do you have other questions?" I heard Mr. Cloud ask.

I smiled when I see that he seem eager to talk. We continued to talk through our journey home. I learned a lot about Mr. Cloud. He have a lot of stories about his family, although I couldn't understand some of the words he says, I am still glad to know more about my savior. 

"You have a wonderful family Mr. Cloud. I hope I could meet them someday. They sound lovely." I told him after hearing another story about his childhood.

Suddenly, I felt the atmosphere become heavy. I slowly stole a glance at Mr. Cloud and see his face full of melancholy.

"Mr. Cloud, I-" I tried to apologize.

"Huh? O-oh! Don't worry about it. I am not mad at you. I just miss them, that's all." He put on a smile as he answered. "Tell you what. If we have a chance to go to my home, I will let you meet them."

"Really?! I-I mean, if it all right with you. We don't meet with a lot of people. I am afraid that I might embarrass myself." It's true, since our farm is located far from the city we don't have a lot of occasion to meet people aside from the once a month travel to the city to sell our produce. We also have the Krishnan Army, the Rebels, and the bandits who only come to harass us and demand for our crops. Last was the trader Mr. Clyde who comes every once a week in his cart, where we trade food for spices and other commodities that we need.

"Don't worry, they will be glad to meet you, I am sure." His gentle smile never falters as he speak, like he really means it. "After all, you ladies are my savior."

"No, you saved us." I argued.

He just chuckled before he answered. "How about we say that we saved each other?"

"If that will make you shut up then call it whatever you like." My sister suddenly chimed in.

"Someone's cranky." I hear Mr. Cloud tease my sister.

She stops in her track and turns and look at him with unamused expression. "Shush."

I walk towards my sister and held her hand. "What is it sister? Is something troubling you?" I asked her.

Looking around with a wary look in her eyes like she is trying to spot something that we can't see, she whispers to my ears. "It has been eerily quiet for an hour now. I fear that something is wrong."

Straining my ears to try and hear something, but only the dead silence of the forest greets me. "True, it's so quiet."

She then grabs my hand and started to walk faster. I don't know what's gotten to her to be walking in the dark at this speed. I turned around to see Mr. Cloud also following closely behind us. After a few minutes of walking quickly, we stopped when I almost tripped on a root. Sister Miya and Mr. Cloud rushed to help me stand up but pain shot up to my spine when I put my weight on my foot.

"What happened?" My sister asked, her face is full of concern.

I touched my ankle and flinched as I felt a sharp pain from it. "Ouch… I think I sprained my ankle."

Noticeably worried, my sister tried to carry me in her arms. "We can't stay here. I will just have to carry you. We are already close to the farm."

"What are you so worried about sister? Is it because the forest is silent? Is it bad?" I asked her as I lean on her shoulder instead.

Kneeling on one foot, Mr. Cloud is pondering about something. Then suddenly, he spoke. "Quiet forest… Yes… How did I see it sooner?" He then stood and walk towards us. Then suddenly, he started to carry me in his arms. "We need to go. A forest is silent when there is a predator walking about. Since we started our journey back to your farm the forest have been silent. That means…"

"It is following us." My sister added. "Cloud, I will let you carry my sister this one time, but promise me that you won't take advantage of her or you will feel my wrath." My sister threatens him.

"Of course. There is no need to worry." Mr. Cloud answered in a heartbeat.

"I will take your word on that. Now. Follow me. We will run the rest of the way. Mind your footing and don't let my sister fall." Sister reminded him once more.

"You can count on me." Mr. Cloud replied while smiling.

Then all of the sudden, both of them started to run. My sister running at full speed in the dark while Mr. Cloud is right on her tail even with me burdening him. I heard a rustling sound in one of the bushes as we zip through the forest. When I looked back, there it was. Two shining horns piercing the darkness of the forest.

"Bihorn Leopard!" I yelled in shock. 

It is a 100 kg cat, with a height of 1.5. Meter while standing. A being made for murder, with claws that could rend a person into pieces and fangs that could crush bones as easy as breaking a twig in two. But most dangerous of all are his horns. An Adult Bihorn have horns of about 10 cm on his head that protrudes forward, a tool to gore both prey and enemies alike. But its horns have another ability. 

It's horns can emit extreme heat that burns everything that it touches. 

I remember the time where a group of 20 adventurers passed by our farm transporting three Bihorn corpses. It was years ago. They said they came by request of the owner of a farm 25 kilometers north of us. The request was to take care of a group of Bihorn prowling around his farm, preying on his livestock, and even killing his son. From their stories, the fight was brutal and most of them almost died in multiple occasions. But in the end, they were able to lure the Bihorns in the open for them to encircle. Without the cover of the forest, their hunt of the large but nimble animal came down to simple baiting the animal to attack and the ones who are not being attacked to deliver an attack.

They mumbled that the pay was not enough but the materials they can get from a Bihorn corpses is worth the risk. Not only are the leather made from Bihorns flame resistant and sturdy, their horns can be made to a rechargeable flame weapon. Although it takes long for the horn to absorb enough energy to its full capacity, a strong weapon that can be used in emergency is invaluable to their profession.

Meeting an animal who needed at least 6-7 adventurers working together to defeat, what rotten luck!

"We're almost there! 10 more meters and we will be out of the forest! Bihorns don't dare leave the forest! Only a few seconds and we will be safe!" My sister shouts as she runs faster.

It is not enough time. The Bihorn will surely catch up to us before we reach the clearing.

"Miya!" Mr. Cloud shouts as he speeds up till he caught up with my sister. "Take her and run!" He said as he passed me to my sister.

"Urgh!" My sister almost stumbled when she caught me but didn't stop on her tracks. She then continued to sprint.

My eyes didn't leave the figure of Mr. Cloud who started to run the opposite direction to meet the deadly predator. "Mr. Cloud!" I shout. Time seem to slow down as I watch the Bihorn leap, aiming to kill his prey in a single attack.

A few more seconds, we were finally in the clearing. My sister gently placed me on the ground, trying to catch her breath.

"We need to call for help! Mr. Cloud can't face the Bihorn alone!" I frantically say out loud to my sister.

Holding my shoulders with tight grip she looks me in the eyes. "We need to run away Lil. Bihorns might be wary of going to the open field, but it might still run after us. We need to get to safety first." With grim look on her face, my sister Miya stared at the direction where we came from before. Her face turns into that of grief. Turning her gaze back to me. "Cloud used himself to lure the beast away from us. We must not waste his sacrifice. He would've wanted us to be safe."

"No! Mr. Cloud!" I shouts at the direction where we last seen him.

A deafening roar could be heard, causing the birds and forest critters to flee from the ensuing life and death struggle between Mr. Cloud and the beast.

"Come on Lilya! We need to go!" My sister tries to pull me up but I resist.

"No! I will stay here and wait for Mr. Cloud to come back to us. I know he could do it. The Goddess Luna sent him to us. He will not fall to a mere Bihorn." Even I don't believe the words that is coming out of my mouth. But… If I don't believe… If he falls… What will happen to us?

Sighing deeply, my sister stops trying to pull me. She then started to walk towards the forest. "You stubborn child… All right. I will try to help Cloud." My heart sunk after hearing her statement. Although I want to help Mr. Cloud, I know that both Miya and I wouldn't be of any assistance. None of us knows any magic, nor have above average physical strength. We indeed have enough strength to carry heavy things, which is the result of hard labor in the fields. But to face a 100 Kg bulk of muscle?

"No sister. Don't go. Eeeeep!" I tried to get up but the pain in my ankle caused me to stumble.

Hearing me shriek, my sister quickly turned around to help me. "You're so clumsy Lil. I thought you want to help Cloud?"

"I do… But… But I don't want to lose you also." I feel my tears well up as I felt hopeless. Our last hope…

"Let's go!" A shout could be heard from the forest.

I turned to see where it came from and there he is. Mr. Cloud. Running towards us in full speed.

"Mr. Cloud!" My sister supported me as I try to stand. "You're safe!"

Without answering, he swooped me off my feet and continued to run while carrying me in his arms.

"What happened to the Bihorn?" My sister asked while running beside us.

Raggedly breathing, Mr. Cloud answered. "Ha… No time… Ha… to answer… Just run! Ha… ha…" He continued to run.

I don't know what happen. He could tell it to me later. But right now. My heart is full of joy. Mr. Cloud is safe.

That is what's important.